Friendship & Family


I could feel someone's eyes staring at us. He/She is practically digging a hole on our heads. I got a chill on my spines. That stare... I tried glancing everywhere to find who it is, but I couldn't see him/her. Does we have some enemy? Shaking those thoughts off, I continued walking to my class.

Even when I'm in the class, I still got a feeling that someone was watching me or maybe I'm too paranoid. I glanced to my right and left side, everybody are too focused on the lesson. Dissappointed, I looked outside the window. To my horror, someone was really watching me. We stared at each other. Quiet tallwearing a long coat, and is it a girl or boy? The moment I blinked, that person was gone. I stood up abruptly, earning a few looks from the others including the teacher.

"Yes, Tao. Do you need something?"

"Uh... no, teacher." I sat down quietly, feeling embarassed. I looked back at the window. Where did that person go? Is it a ghost?


"Why did you suddenly stood up in the middle of lesson earlier?" Mino pulled his seat near me, ready to hear my reply.

"Oh, nothing. I-I suddenly wanted to go to the bathroom but when I stood up, I forgot about it." I flashed my grin to him, He leaned closer.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." I don't want to get laugh by him if I say I saw a ghost just now. He backed away.

"Well, you looked like someone who just saw a ghost." I laughed awkwardly. "So, have you met with the so called hot new students?"

"Not really, but we have been face to face. Kris hyung was the only one who had the chance to talk with them. In fact, he even asked them to eat with us after this."

"Can I go with you?" He pleaded, showing his puppy face.

"Sorry, but why don't you ask Junhoe or Donghyuk? They're in the class with them."

"But but but, I want to know them like, right now."

"Wait for your group's turn, Mino." Kyungsoo interrupted what I was about to say. "Kris hyung already have a plan to do today."

"Fine. I will just ask Donghyuk then." He sulked. So childish... Well, I'm childish too.

"Sorry to say, but maybe tomorrow you'll get the chance to meet them." Kris hyung said. I looked up. "Well, you two kid. Let's go."

"Already?" Kyungsoo asked him.

"Then, tomorrow?" Kris hyung said sarcastically. "It's recess time already."


"Everyone here?" All nodded at Kris hyung. "Where is their class? I forgot the way." He scratches his head.

"Hyung, why don't all of you go first? I'll go get them." Baekhyun offered.

"Hmm, good idea. Tao, you go with him." I pointed to myself. "Yes, you. Now go." He pushed me with Baekhyun. "We'll wait at the usual place."

"Okay, hyung." Baekhyun said.


Jaeyun POV

I don't really like that Kris guy. If not for Yunjae, I'll probably ignore them. When I stood in front of them, I got a feeling someone was watching over all of us. I think the panda looking guy also noticed it since he keeps glancing everywhere.

"So, are they your group members, Kris hyung?" Ignoring it, I asked Kris with a smirk plastered on my face. Actually, I don't want to call him 'hyung' but well, Mom taught me on how to be polite. I don't want to make Mom's effort on teaching us all those good stuff got wasted away.

"Yes, and now that you've seen their faces, during recess both of you are going to sit with us." His group members looked shocked. Maybe he didn't tell them. "You guys can get to know each other later." He looked down at his phone. "Class are starting in 20 minutes. Guys, let's go. And both of you, we'll pick you on your class."

Yunjae and I stood there, froze on our spot, watching they walked away from us.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked. Did that guy just leave us hanging here? Who does he think he is?

Yunjae shrugged. "Come on, let's go to our class."


When Kris said they'll pick us, I thought it was a joke. Seriously, who pick others? Are we still elementary schoolers? But, when two of his group members showed up, I got suprised of course. I was totally not expecting it at all.

"So..." The shorter guy said, trying to hold a conversation with two of us as the situation was a bit awkward. "Kris hyung asked us to get both of you. And here we are." He rubbed his hands.

Pitying him, Yunjae smiled slightly. "We'll go with you. Come on Jaeyun." Honestly, I wouldn't give in too early but I'll see what are they going to do to get our trust.

"Thank you for coming with us." He beamed happily. "I thought you guys will ignore us." He muttered. Think I can't hear that, huh? You're wrong.

"What is your name?" He asked Yunjae. Chatty type? Urgh...  I grunted in silent.

Yunjae nudged me, which resulted a groan came out from my mouth. "My name is Yunjae." He pulled me closer. "This kid is Jaeyun. Don't mind him. He's always like that." Yunjae glared at me when those two looked away.

"Are you sick?" I asked the taller guy. I'm not being kind, I asked him because he looked sick. WIth those eye bags...

He pointed to himself. I nodded. "No. Why?"

"Just asking." We're back to the awkward situation, each one keeping silent during the walking.

"Oh, there they are." The one who tried to talk with us exclaimed. "Let's go, Yunjae." He grabbed Yunjae's hand and walked over to them. Skinship already? Wow, fast enough...

I'm left with the other one. Glancing at him, I took the steps first. I walked over while he followed behind me. Is he usually shy? Whatever, not my problem.

Sitting next to Yunjae, I looked at each one of them excluding Kris. Another tall guy, with smiling face stared at Yunjae. I knew he is pretty but no need to stare at him like a creepy person. The one beside him, a little short.. (I will leave it here), wide eyed looking at me. Feeling intimidated by him, I turned away only to face another pretty looking guy leaning closer to my face. Probably only a an inch away. I backed away immediately. What the hell? I nearly got a heart attack.

"Same face but different hair style. Both looked different but same." He said as he sat next to me. "So, my name is Luhan." He offered his hand. I took it hesitantly.



Yunjae POV

"Same face but different hair style. Both looked different but same." The guy said as he sat next to Jaeyun. "So, my name is Luhan." He offered his hand. Jaeyun hesitated a bit before took his hand.


"Can we please get to know each other's names like now?" The guy with a bronze skin said, putting his chopsticks down.

"Relax. After school, we still have time to do that." Kris hyung said with a totally cool face.

"What?" I asked him.

"I said, after school, we still have time to do that. We'll hang out together." Did he just decide what we're going to do?

"Excuse me, why would we hang out together? I don't even know you guys." Jaeyun said, keeping his anger away. Angry Jaeyun aren't good, but then again, Angry Yunjae also aren't that good. It's even worse than him.

I took a deep breath before saying anything. Relaxing before bursting anytime. "Kris hyung, why did you decide it before telling us? We've got another thing to do after this. Why should we do as you say?" Talking nice is the good way to keep the anger from growing big.

"Actually I have talk about this to Junhoe yesterday, and sorry if I offended both of you. After school, we've got a whole time to talk and get to know each other better. During recess, we only have around 30 minutes only. Look, just by waiting and talking only, 15 minutes passed. Another 15 minutes to eat. What do you expect? Time is running fast, even when we eat, we took 20 minutes, imagine eating and talking at the same time. That 30 minutes surely will pass without us knowing, and we ended up getting a detention because they thought we skipped class." He got a point there. "Rules in this school are different from your previous school. They're more bolder than it. Trust me, you don't want to get detention. It's worse than what you expected." How worse it it? Could it be we'll run the whole school without anything on? I shivered inwardly, thinking the possible detention.

"Kris, we only have another 10 minutes. Why don't we start eating and run to our class? I don't want to get the detention." The guy who introduced himself as Luhan began digging his own food. The others also doing the same including Kris. Apparently, Jaeyun and I only looking at them sice we got here a bit late. The two guy who went to get us earlier were eating the others food. They practically ate the others food without asking their permission and they don't seem to mind it. Only those who are close enough will do that...

Jaeyun and I could only gulped seeing them eating like they haven't eat anything for a month. People would think they starved for a year already. Such a good looking face but... the way they eat are a bit...

"Why aren't both of you eating?" The guy with a very pale skin asked us. "Here. Eat our food. We still have 7 minutes."

"No need to do that. We're full." I kindly declined his offer. He shrugged and went back eating his food. I'm losing my appetite just by seeing them eating.

I looked at Jaeyun. His expression was unreadable. I couldn't guess on what was he thinking.


"Ah, 4 minutes left. I'll run to my class first." The Luhan guy said. I don't know if I'm suppose to call him hyung or not. Another guy who looked like a kid running after him while Kris.. walked with his style, actually like a model. He looked like he didn't care if he get the detention. Oh wait, he is running now. He is making me amused. The others also started running upon seeing them running. Jaeyun and I was left there, looking at each other before picking our pace and running to our class.

It's good enough our class aren't that far from the canteen. We make it in time. I looked at the clock. A minute left. I'm pretty impressed by myself. Thanks to our physical stamina, we run faster than others and we're more smarter than others. Unfair enough? Well, sorry for being a little better than you guys. Not like I care anyways. I looked at Junhoe. He is staring outside and speaking of him, we didn't talk a word today. I sit on my seat, turning to face him.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him. He jumped a little, startled.

"Nothing. Just looking at the scenery, birds chirping and flying around. Aren't it beautiful?" I stared outside, looking at the birds and also the beautiful sky.

"Yeah, it's beautiful. We're so busy in our lives that we didn't have time to appreciate the scenery." I looked away.

"It's not we didn't have time, we doesn't make a time to relax and enjoy the view." I nodded slightly. The sound of heels clicked, and we both looked at the front. There goes another class.


Somebody POV

I knew Jaeyun knew someone was watching over him but he ignored it. But Tao kept glancing around, trying to find me. Kris and the others walked away after saying a few things to the twin. I don't know what they're  talking about but for sure, it left them dumbfounded. I watched them go away, before I sneaked into the school. Making sure no one see me, I jumped over the gate.

I looked into Tao's class. A few familiar faces and also him. Why is he here? Aren't he suppose to be in America? Did he send him here? Our eyes met for a brief seconds and he smirked. Terrified, I looked away and that's when Tao caught me looking. I have been waiting forever for this moment. I can't let it got wasted just because someone caught me looking at him. On top of that, it's one of EXO members. Damn, he is really quick in sense. We stared at each other. The moment he blinked, I hid behind the wall. I could hear the teacher asking him a few things. My identity almost got blown away. My breathing was erratic. I can't let my past me in. I won't let anyone get in my way. No matter what, I need to save Dad if it means killing the twin.


Taehyun POV

I was about to enter the principal's office when I caught something outside, no but someone, was peeking over Mino hyung's class. I couldn't see his face, but I think it's a guy since his height was almost Seungyoon hyung's height. Just when I'm about to say something, Mr. Choi comes out from his office.

"Oh, Taehyun. Why are you here?" Damn, what a wrong timing!

"Ah, I'm here to ask about something."

"Come on, let's talk inside." I looked back outside, but he's gone. Confused, I entered Mr. Choi's office. That's weird, since when did strangers could get into our school that easy. From his back, he looked like a mysterious person.

Should I talk about this to them?


A/N: There it is. Another chapter is up. It took longer than I thought. My shoulder were cramped. T_T.... But it's worth since I got to update. YAY! Thank you for reading. ^-^

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Finally, I updated. I will consider it as my big achievement for this year. -self patting while sobbing ugly- Unfortunately, I might take on a hiatus again.


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Yerinator #1
Please update soon authornim (:
Chapter 19: Is that somebody bad? I got a feeling that whoever that someone will bring trouble in the future..
Syirrea #3
Chapter 17: Does that mean a new character would be added? If yes, I can't wait for it. Oh, you did mention about the love line, right? Maybe this is it. -wink wink- This story is getting interesting. Keep it up, Authornim. ~^O^~
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
Syirrea #5
Chapter 16: WINNER are here?! YEAY! Are they going to appear more? Or they just a cameo? O_o
Syirrea #6
Chapter 17: I will wait for you. Fighting.
Syirrea #7
Chapter 15: lolol Yunjae sassiness strikes again
Chapter 15: uh oh.. who is that somebody?? I smell something suspicious
Thank you for making this kind of story. It's hard to find male OC as lead character. Keep it up. ^O^
Chapter 13: Action..
Wow, that's interesting..