Friendship & Family

Seungyoon POV

I thought I was the only one who saw the mysterious guy, but it turned out Taehyun also saw it. The guy was unmistakably a mysteriously guy. Even from his outfit, he looks like a murder. Not kidding, I'm just stating what I'm thinking. I figured it out that the guy was spying over someone from Mino's class. If he wanted to spy, he should have been careful considering this is a school not a public place that no one give a when someone weird staring at others. The thought amused me so much. I scoffed, causing Taehyun to stare at me,

"Did you just scoffed at me?" He asked, his tone was quiet dangerously. I gulped. I don't want to get in trouble with him.

"No, no. I'm scoffing over something else. Don't worry. No harm done." I put both my hands on the air, suddenly found myself surrender to him.

"You better not." He rolled his eyes. "Put your hands down back. People would think you're a criminal." I did what he said. "By the way, where are the others?" He looked over his watch. He frowned. "They're late."

Watching his reaction, I took a sip from my drink. "Well, maybe they're stuck somewhere."

"My mouth's itching to tell them what I saw at the school earlier."

"You know what, I saw that guy too." I took out my phone and browsed over the pictures that I took earlier. Aha! Found it. I smirked and showed it to him.

"It's him, right?" His jaw dropped. He grabbed the phone.

"How did you managed to take a photo?" He asked me as he kept his eyes on the phone.

I shrugged. "I thought it would be good if there is a proof if we want to tell them. Even though only the side of his face was shown in it, regardless we could picture his face right?" I scooted closer to him and pointed the important part of the picture. "Look. We got a glimpse of his face. It wouldn't be hard to find him if we needs too." He nodded in agreement. My mind drifted to the picture of Junhoe's priceless face. Gotta show it to him. I snatched my phone away.

"Hey! I wasn't done analyzing his face." I smiled devilishly as the photo was shown. I showed him the photo.

"Wha-Wait!" He snatched my phone. "Is this Junhoe?" His eyes went wide. I nodded. "Where did you get this? It's completely amazing." He began laughing like a hyena. "His face was HAHAHAHA." He couldn't stop laughing.

"I know right?" I smirked. "I could stare at it all day long and kept laughing over and over again." I joined laughing. People are staring at us weirdly. Like I care.

Minutes passed and our laughter slowly faded. Taehyun wiped the tears away. "Did he know about this picture?" I shook my head.

"He's totally going to throw a fit if he know this picture of him exist." I laughed inwardly as I imagined Junhoe's face when he ever find out about this.

"He definitely going to around." Moments later, Mino arrived. He sat in front of us and took a sip from my drink.

"Hyung, did you saw someone looking over your class outside from the window?" Taehyun asked him, making he choked on the drink. Cola drink on top of that. How ironic. I will just order a new one. I'm not willing to drink it after Mino choked on it.

Soon, Seunghoon hyung and Jinwoo hyung also arrived. That makes us complete as five.

"Woah! What makes you choked like that, Mino?" Seunghoon patted his back, helping him recover from the coughing.

"It's something that Taehyun said." I nodded to Taehyun.

"When I was in my way to Mr. Choi's office, I saw a guy watching over someone from Mino hyung's class. Too bad, Mr. Choi came out from his office when I was about to call the guy. He's wearing a long coat and his height was almost Seungyoon's height. I think. Nevertheless, when I looked back, the guy was gone." He managed saying all of that without taking a single breath. I applauded him in my mind for achieving a new record in talking.

Mino stopped coughing. "Finally, it stopped." He takes a deep breath. "How did that guy even entered our school? Isn't the guards are everywhere?"

"That's the question was. How did he managed to sneak into our school without getting caught?" I tapped my chin, hearing Taehyun said.

"The only possibility is whether the guards aren't doing their job or he's good with hiding." I said, resolving the mystery.

"By the way, Jiwon told me that they've met the new students that all people were talking about." Seunghoon hyung talked with snacks in his mouth. So gross.

"Hyung, could you close your mouth or at least, gulped those. It's gross." Taehyun beat me. He said it first, didn't care if he sounded mean.

Seunghoon hyung quickly do as what he was told to do. "I was thinking that maybe we should meet them too. They sound interesting from what Jiwon had told me."

"Sure they're interesting. They are complete package. Smart, tall, pretty boy, rich. All girls ideal type." Jinwoo humbly said. "Look at me. I'm short, poor." He looked down where his feets was.

"Hyung, you are handsome ad pretty smart." Mino tried to make him get confidence back. Jinwoo hyung laughed quietly. "Plus, you are really kind and so pure."

"Sure you say." Jinwoo hyung said.

"I've asked Jiwon to introduce them to us, maybe tomorrow." Seunghoon hyung still doesn't give up. He still talked about them. "Better prepare yourselves. They're the sons of Park Joo Hyun. The most powerful woman in this country. I don't want to make my first impression bad."

"Who want that though? Everyone want to look nice." I muttered.

"Anyways, can we order food and eat in peace? I'm hungry." A grumbled sound could be heard. We all laughed at Jinwoo hyung's cuteness.

"Okay hyung." We all said at the same time.

The question about the mysterious guy remained unsolved, at least for me. It doesn't make sense he could break away without getting caught. He must have some trick to do that. I will try to find out about that later. Right now, I should focus to eat because I'm too damn so hungry right now.


Yongguk POV

I was in my way to Youngjae's house when I saw something unbelievably. I couldn't believe my eyes. I just saw those twin got off from Kris's limousine. Are my eyes deceiving me? I rubbed my eyes. I looked back at them. I could see they're saying something to Kris as the limousine window's was already rolled down. So, it's not. I stood there helplessly, trying to process the whole thing. Have they become friends? Already? This fast? They looked really friendly though.

The limousine soon goes away, leaving the twin there. What's their names? I couldn't remember it. Whatever. They soon walked towards my way, engrossed in their conversation as they didn't realized I'm standing here, frozen at my spot. I couldn't stop staring at them for some reason. Their faces resembled someone but I don't remember who. I'm pretty sure I looked like a creep.

After what it seems like forever, one of them collided shoulder with me causing us to fall down together.

"Hey, watch where you're going! Look, my twin fell down." The one with shorter hair said as he helped his twin stand up. The other just smiled, reassuring he is alright.

"Jaeyun, I just fell okay? It's not hurt at all." He gave a hand which I gladly took it. I stood up, quietly brushing the dust off from my shirt. He stared at my face.

"I think I've seen you before." He frowned. "Are you from our high school?" He asked. I nodded. "Are you there when someone weird came up to me and did something crazy." I nodded again. How did he saw me? Among hundreds of students? Should I be glad when he remembered my face?

"Are you mute? Can't you talk?" The one whose name is Jaeyun scoffed. Woah, he's rude as hell. Guess all rich kids are spoiled. I mentally rolled my eyes.

His twin nudged his rib, earning a moan from him. "Hey!" He glared at him. He then looked at me and smiled.

"Sorry, he's usually like this around strangers." He offered his hand. "My name is Yunjae. Park Yunjae. What's yours?" I took his hand timidly, lightly shaking it.

"Bang Yongguk." I gave him my gummy smile.

"I believe you could guess what my name is." Yunjae pinched his arm. "Ow! It feels like a bite from an ant." He rubbed the spot.

"Serves you right." Yunjae muttered. "Don't mind him. His name is Park Jaeyun." He smiled sweetly. Jaeyun rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." He tried to go away, but his bag was grabbed by Yunjae before he could. He stumbled a little.

"At least, we should bow to him before we go." Yunjae whispered to him which I could hear it nonetheless. He turned to face me.

"Well, nice to meet you Yongguk. We'll get going first." Yunjae bowed to me while Jaeyun looked unsure. Yunjae then pushed his head down, making he bowed as well.

"It was nice to meet both of you too." I bowed to them inwardly. Yeah, nice. Only Yunjae.

"Until me meet again." Yunjae shouted from afar as I watched them walked away.

Pleasant and unpleasant meeting with the twin. I dare to say, their personality are really different. Yunjae was kind while Jaeyun was more cold and rude. Jaeyun reminded me of Kris when I first met him. He's totally exactly like him. Cold and rude. Nevertheless, I shook off all of my thoughts and continued my way to Youngjae's house.

Tomorrow, I will meet them again at school right? I want to get close to Yunjae only. Jaeyun are way too unapproachable. His attitude irked me so much. I began whistling throughout the journey. Obviously in good mood because Yunjae's being kind to me. I just hope he's originally really kind. Not an act.


Joohyun POV

I'm home late today. Today's meeting and appointment ended quiet late. Glancing at my house's window over my car, the light's were off. It was dark. I frowned. My boys aren't home yet? I got off from my car.

As I entered the house, I the lights. I waited until my eyes adjusted to the brightness. Placing my things on the table, I walked into their room. Turning on the light, I found nothing. They aren't back yet? At this hour? A click sound could be heard meaning they're back. I rushed to the front door and began bombarded them with questions.

"Where are both of you from? Why are both of you home so late? Are you guys hungry? Have both of you eaten yet? Do you want me to cook something?" Jaeyun cupped my face.

"Mom. Take a deep dreath." I do as what he say. He let go. "To answer your question, Mom, we're from a friend's house. We''re late because apparently that friend introduced us to his other friends. That's why we're late and nope, we aren't hungry. We're a bit full actually. So, Mom. You don't have to cook for us."

Yunjae continued after Jaeyun. "Besides, I believe you just got home. Right, Mom?" I nodded. "Now, you have to clean yourself and rest." He rubbed his chin. "Oh! Are you hungry, Mom?" I shook my head. "Good. You'll just have to clean yourself and rest. In other words, sleep." With that, I found myself being picked up by Jaeyun. He brought me to my room and sat me on my bed. Yunjae then entered the room, bringing the things that I placed on the table and put it on my desk.

"Have a nice and good rest Mom." They both said as they closed the door. I shook my head lightly, chuckling to myself. I must have commited some great things in my past life to deserve such two great sons.


Jaeyun POV

I noticed that the window in our room was positioned a bit awkward. Did Mom opened and then closed it in a hurry? Shrugging, I fixed it's position. Weird.


Right after I finished took a bath, I get on the bed as usual. Ah, finally. I could rest. I'm really tired and my brain also needs rest. Slowly, my eyes started to close and I drifted to the great dreamland.


Yunjae POV

I found Jaeyun already asleep. He must be really tired. I get on the bed quietly, careful not to wake him up. Today's event flashed one by one in my mind. From the Kris's friends to meeting Yongguk. I forgot to ask his age. Is he older than me by the way? 

I could understand a little about how our school works by now. Students are classed by their ages. If they failed to create something benefit, they can say goodbye to the graduation. However, they can keep trying until they succeed. And, I think EXO members also are all trying to graduate which the task aren't that easy. And, from what I heard, once you graduated, you kind of dissappeared. But I don't know if that was right or just a rumor. I'm not going to believe it anyways.

I think the whole school's system are really shouldn't be looked down. I don't and never going to end up like those students who seems like they're stuck in that school forever. I have something better than that to do. I should focus on what and how I should create or make something. The question is just what is good for me to create?


A/N: Yeah, finally Chapter 18 is up. School is coming soon and I also have another fanfic to update. But, I will find time to always update the stories. Hope the new year is better than last year. Thank you for reading. ^-^

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Finally, I updated. I will consider it as my big achievement for this year. -self patting while sobbing ugly- Unfortunately, I might take on a hiatus again.


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Yerinator #1
Please update soon authornim (:
Chapter 19: Is that somebody bad? I got a feeling that whoever that someone will bring trouble in the future..
Syirrea #3
Chapter 17: Does that mean a new character would be added? If yes, I can't wait for it. Oh, you did mention about the love line, right? Maybe this is it. -wink wink- This story is getting interesting. Keep it up, Authornim. ~^O^~
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
Syirrea #5
Chapter 16: WINNER are here?! YEAY! Are they going to appear more? Or they just a cameo? O_o
Syirrea #6
Chapter 17: I will wait for you. Fighting.
Syirrea #7
Chapter 15: lolol Yunjae sassiness strikes again
Chapter 15: uh oh.. who is that somebody?? I smell something suspicious
Thank you for making this kind of story. It's hard to find male OC as lead character. Keep it up. ^O^
Chapter 13: Action..
Wow, that's interesting..