Friendship & Family

Amber POV

I have such a bad luck today. My clean forehead just got a scar thanks to someone who decided to kick a can towards my direction. Stupid giant.



"So, what's your name, weird boy?" A nurse helped me to clean the mess on my forehead.

"My name is Choi Jang Hyun. What's yours, little tomboy?" Unfortunately, he sat beside me so, I smacked his head.

"OW! Why did you smacked my head?" He patted his own head.

"For calling me tomboy and my name is Amber. Amber Josephine Liu."

"Don't blame me if I called you tomboy. You does looked like a tomboy though. Your appearances told me so." I pinched his thigh.

"OW!! It stings." He rubbed his thigh.

"Serves you right." The nurse put an ointment on my forehead and I winced in pain.

"How come I haven't seen you before?"

"I'm new. I'm from California."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. My parents decided to make me enrolled in this school. So, here I am."

"Let me guess. You are trouble type and your parents couldn't stand it so, they make you entered this school." I know those type of people. I'm one of them. I brought trouble and I was sent here. Guess what, I have to work. Stupid rules. Why did Mom makes me work?

"I bet you're the same like me." I smiled in return when the nurse put a band aid on my forehead, covering the scar.

I looked at him. "You know what, you are interesting." I said.

"I know. Every girls say that to me." He smirked at me.

"Don't be cocky, it will eat you soon." I jumped off from the bed and walked out from the infirmary room. "Goodbye Stupid Giant."

End of Flashback


"Amber!" Hyuna shouted from afar.

"Yeah, coming." I entered the staff's room. "Do you need anything?" I asked.

"Can you bring this to Mrs. Lim? I've got another thing to do." She gave me the tray full of cups.

"No problem, Hyuna."


I was struggling to bring it and my fingers kept shaking. I entered the office with such difficulty.

Suddenly, a guy whom I believed was one of Mrs. Lim's exclusive customers since he was in her office, took the tray away from me.

"S-sir, what are you doing?" I cursed myself for stuttering.

"Don't feel bad about it. I'm just helping you." His voice was kind of soft. Even his voice, a guy was softer than mine. I frowned. Thankfully, I looked down so, he didn't fully see my face. But then, I didn't see his face too.

I stood there, unmoving. Afraid if Mrs. Lim just saw that. But to my suprise, she didn't say anything. Instead, I heard she laughed? Maybe.

"Amber, you could go now. I will call you if there is anything." Mrs. Lim said to me, though my mind went somewhere else, I still could hear what she said.

"Ah, yes Ma'am." I bowed and quickly ran. I almost knocked my head on the door if not for someone calling me.

"Hey, watch out!" I stopped right when my face was an inch in distance from the door. Phew, I'm lucky to not bump my head.

"T-Thank you s-sir." I bowed once again and quickly got out from the office.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. What am I doing back there? Ah, I just humiliated myself in front of them. I'm so embarrassed. I closed my face with both my palms.

"Woah, what's wrong with you Am?" Hyuna asked me as she washed her hands.

I groaned in response. "I just humiliated myself in front of Mrs. Lim's exclusive customer."

"You mean the Park's?" Haerin asked as soon as she entered the washroom.

I looked at her. "The Park's?"

"You didn't saw them?" Hyuna's voice went high pitched. I nodded.

"Well, the peoples inside Mrs. Lim's office was the Park's." Haerin fixes her messy hair.

"So, our school's new students were in there as well?" They nodded.

", , ." I began pacing back and forth, biting on my fingernail.

"Calm down Am." Haerin chuckled.

"I was hoping to be friends with them and I just ruined my chance. I probably looked stupid back there."

Hyuna laughed and patted my arm. "Well, they might find you cute." She winked.

I blushed. "I'm not hoping for that kind of relationship."

"Yeah, whatever you say." Haerin rolled her eyes.

Hyuna cleared his throat. "Come on, let's get to work. We'll chat later." We laughed together.


Woobin POV

I didn't know that Janghyun would go to the same school as mine.

I saw someone's back who looked familiar to me. After debating whether I should call him or not, I came to my decision which is, just call him and if I'm mistaken, I will just take the embarrassing moment and embrace it tightly.

"Janghyun!" I shouted.

He stopped and turned to look back. It's him? Oh! It's really him.

I walked to him excitedly. Well, my bestfriend forever was here. It sounded funny when it came out from my mouth but I don't give a damn about it.

"Yo buddy, when did you came back here? You didn't tell me." I punched his chest playfully.

"My parents. They assigned me here. So, I'm going to school here."

"What did you do that they make such decision?"

"Well, I just robbed their banks." I choked on my own saliva.

"You said 'just'?! Are you crazy?"

"They're my parents, okay? I wouldn't use the word 'robbed', I would rather use 'broke' than 'robbed'." That's it. He's definitely crazy.

"It's the same thing."

"They threatened to not give me money. Hey, I need money and also girls." Typical Janghyun.

"No wonder they do that." He glared."By the way, now that you're here, I'm sure you have knew everything that you needed to know."

"Oh, you mean what that old man was talking about? I don't understand any of it." I widen my eyes.

"You are really stupid." I said casually to him, like it was just a simple word. He wouldn't dare to get angry at me.

He scoffed. "Well, excuse me if I'm dumb. But what that old man explained earlier, I don't ing understand about it. And what the hell was he blabbering about?" I sighed. The bell soon rang. "Come on, school's over. You've got a lot of things to know dude."


Jaeyun POV

Ever since Yunjae came out from the elevator, he still didn't spoke a word. I noticed how his face kept frowning over and over again. Wrinkles are going to form on his youthful face if this continues. Okay, enough. That was just a joke. I poked his arm. No reaction. I poked again. Still no reaction. I pinched his thigh. He yelped in pain. That did the magic. I smirked.

He looked at me and pinched my thigh as a revenge.

"OW!" I rubbed the painful spot to ease the pain. "Why did you have to pinch my thigh?"

He glared. "Why did you have to pinch my thigh?"

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry." I surrended easily. "I'm trying to distract you from whatever you're deeply thinking." I scooted closer to him. "So." I kept my gaze at him. "Tell me what you're thinking about."

His pupils shaking furiously, as if he's nervous. "N-Nothing. I'm not thinking."

I leaned in closer. "Are you sure?" He nodded. I leaned back on my seat. "Well, if you don't want to tell me, it's okay since I'll make you somehow." He gulped.



Mom then entered the car after doing her business. Oh, I forgot to tell you that we're currently at the rest stop since Mom couldn't hold on any longer. "I'm so relieved." She grinned.

"I could say that." Yunjae muttered.

"It's all written on your face, Mom." I laughed.


It's bothering me when Yunjae kept frowning. Even when he's about to sleep, he's thinking about something. But what irritates me the most is, he wouldn't tell me what is it. Suddenly, I remembered that Yunjae was with Hongseok hyung earlier. Should I ask Hongseok hyung about it? Nah, I still haven't spoken a thing to him. Wait, tomorrow is Friday. AHA! I got the chance. Better ask him when we're alone.


Hongseok POV

For some reason, I couldn't sleep at all. I was relieved because I've finally told Yunjae what has been bothering me. But on the other hand, I didn't tell him everything. I kept moving my position on the bed. Facing to my right side, facing to my left side but it didn't worked at all. I got up and groaned.

Just when will I get to tell both of them everything? I walked to my wardrobe and pulled out my camping bag. I put all of the necessary items that I'll probably need it tomorrow. Then it clicked on my mind. I can tell them tomorrow. We're all going to camp together along with the others. I'm sure I'll get the chance to tell them somehow. I needed to get it out of my mind no matter what.


Jungkook POV

I was feeling excited of the thought about tomorrow. Even when I'm putting my clothes into the bag, I was humming a song. I'm really happy. It's not that I've never been to a camping before. But it the first time going together with the others. GOT7, iKON, BTS plus Jaeyun and Yunjae. It's going to be cool. Imagine if we all play something fun, doing the heartfelt confession and many things. All the things I've always wanted to do was written in a list. That's how excited I am.

I hope tomorrow's event will turn out okay. I don't want anything to turn bad. It will be unpleasant of course. Getting onto my bouncy bed, I turned off the light. Tomorrow are going to be really great. I hope so.


Junhoe POV

Yeah, finally Friday comes. Tomorrow is the day when all of us are going to camp together. I was dancing excitedly in my room. Shuffling around, while I folded my clothes. It's fun. Dancing is fun. And I really like Michael Jackson.

Whenever someone isn't looking at me, I would secretly dancing. Hahaha, funny when I danced secretly. I know it's not a bad thing to dance, even BTS members all dance. But it's me, Goo Junhoe. Anyone would have doubt if they find out that I dance. It's like my top secret. But I planned on getting out of from my shell.

I have burning desire to show off my dancing to everybody. And I'm going to do it. Tomorrow is the perfect time. I would challenge myself to do it. Let's see if I can do it. I shook my head. Yes, you can do it. Goo Junhoe can do it.I cheered for myself.


Yunjae POV

I know I'm irritating Jaeyun. He didn't say it to me but I could felt it. I was irritated as well. My face in this morning was hell. I looked worse than usual. Sighing, I pulled down the curtain. Stripping off my clothes, I the shower. Ah, it felt warm.


I stepped out from the bathroom after I'm done wearing my clothes. I opened my wardrobe and grabbed all of my prepared items for today's camp. I looked over Jaeyun's sleeping figure. Feeling apologetic, I decided to pack his clothes.

There. I'm finally done. I glanced at the clock that was near the door. 9.15 a.m. Jaeyun's so deep asleep. He even snored, but it's not that loud. Just lightly. I shook his shoulder, attempting to wake him up. No reaction from him. I shook again. Immediately, he gave me a flying kick. Thankfully, my reflex are pretty good and I could avoid from getting his kick. Right on my face! This brat.

"YAH!" I shouted in his ear and he got up quickly. Closing both his ears with his plams, he frowned at me. I laughed loudly at his misery. Others misery are my happiness. HAHAHA.

"You are bad. Very bad." He shook his head playfully.

"You are right. I'm very bad as precise as you tried to kick my FACE earlier." I dropped the bomb. Not forgetting to be sassy.

"Chill dude. I'm just joking."

"There. Your bag for today's camp. I've packed all of your things." His face brightens like a chandelier. He hugged me tightly.

"I love you man. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much." He pecked my cheek. I grinned.

"I love you too brother." I pecked him back. He pulled away and wiped his cheek.

"I didn't tell you to do it to me." He pouted.

"Go shower, your morning breath stinks." I shooed him away.

He blew his breath right into my face. I shoved his face away and kicked him.


"Hurry, go shower." I laughed and went out of the room. Jaeyun chuckled.

I knocked Mom's room. "Mom, are you there?"

"Yes, I'm here. Just enter, the door is unlocked." I entered her room. Mom was organizing her stuff.

"Mom, we're going to camp until Sunday. Are you okay with it?"

"Today until Sunday? With your friends?" I nodded. "Definitely yes." She pushed me out of her room. "I'm definitely really okay with it. You guys can go. Have fun!." She shut the door.

"What is wrong with Mom? She is acting weirdly." I shrugged and went back into my room.

"Jaeyun, are you done yet?" I knocked the bathroom's door.

"NO! Don't you dare to enter!" He shouted.

"In your dreams. I'm not going to." My phone ringing. I picked it up from the nightstand.


"Hello, Yunjae. Are you done preparing?" I looked over my bag and also Jaeyun's.

"Yeah, why?"

"Nothing. Just want to ask you in case if you forgot about it."

"Oh, I thought you're going to ask about something else. Anyways, the place we're going to camp is where? Can you text me the address?"

"Nah. Hanbin hyung and I are going to pick both of you along with the others. It's no problem since I've been to your house before. Maybe around 1 p.m., we're going to pick you guys."


"Welcome. I will end the call. Bye."

"Bye." The call ended.


I walked down the stairs. Oh, what is this smell? So delicious. I sniffed it along the way until I arrived at the kitchen.

"Mom?" She turned.

"Oh, Yunjae." She turned her back and continued cooking.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm cooking some dish for you guys to bring it along."

"But-but you don't have to, Mom." I whined.

"I'm feeling generous today. Besides, I want Junhoe to taste my cooking."

"Why should he taste it?" I pouted. She pinched my cheeks.

"My cute son. Don't worry, you're going to have your food. This-" She pointed to the dish. "-is special."

"Good morning Mom." Jaeyun appeared.

"Oh, good morning Jaeyun." She packed the dish in a beautifully decorated container.

"What are you doing?" Jaeyun asked Mom the same thing I asked her a while ago.

"Packing a few dishes for you guys to bring it along." She hummed a song. "And makes sure Junhoe taste my cooking." She reminded us.

"Okay, Mom." Jaeyun replied.

"Fine, Mom." I unwillingly said.


A/N: There goes another boring chapter. T_T. Chapter 21... I think I've done a bad job on writing a story. But anyways, I will try to improve my writing skill. Thank you for reading. ^-^

P/S: I'm such a bipolar. O_o

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Finally, I updated. I will consider it as my big achievement for this year. -self patting while sobbing ugly- Unfortunately, I might take on a hiatus again.


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Yerinator #1
Please update soon authornim (:
Chapter 19: Is that somebody bad? I got a feeling that whoever that someone will bring trouble in the future..
Syirrea #3
Chapter 17: Does that mean a new character would be added? If yes, I can't wait for it. Oh, you did mention about the love line, right? Maybe this is it. -wink wink- This story is getting interesting. Keep it up, Authornim. ~^O^~
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
Syirrea #5
Chapter 16: WINNER are here?! YEAY! Are they going to appear more? Or they just a cameo? O_o
Syirrea #6
Chapter 17: I will wait for you. Fighting.
Syirrea #7
Chapter 15: lolol Yunjae sassiness strikes again
Chapter 15: uh oh.. who is that somebody?? I smell something suspicious
Thank you for making this kind of story. It's hard to find male OC as lead character. Keep it up. ^O^
Chapter 13: Action..
Wow, that's interesting..