Friendship & Family

Junhoe’s POV

"Not like that, kids." Three of us froze, unable to move upon hearing the voice.

Putting on a brave face, I turned my back only to find eight men with bulkier body. How on earth are we supposed to fight with them? Just look at those arms. They can kill. I gulped. Jaeyun and Yunjae also turned their backs.

"W-Who are you?" I cursed myself. Why did I stuttered?

"Relax, kid. Our business aren't with you so, you can run while we are being nice." One of them said with a devilish smile. Oh, how I hate when someone smile like that.

"I-I'm not going to run. What are y-you guys going to do?" I asked them, with a scared look on my face. There's no way I'm going to ditch my friend just to save myself.

"How sweet of your little new friend, Park's sibling." Jaeyun glared at him.

"What do you want from us?" Yunjae asked, surprisingly with a calm tone.

"Oh, nothing. I was ordered by someone and I need to bring both of you to him. But now, I think I need to drag three of you. Guys, get them." He ordered the rest. I never knew I could get into fight just like this. Are we filming a drama scene right now?

Three of us took a step back, feeling threaten. "Junhoe, do you know how to fight?" Jaeyun asked me.

"Of course I knew. I'm Goo Junhoe." I flipped my imaginary long hair, despite the dangerous situation we are in.

"No time to joke, Junhoe." Jaeyun hissed while continuously took a step back. Did he just hissed?

"Okay, sorry. I knew how to fight, but I'm not that great." I glanced at Yunjae. His jaw clenched tight, making he seems angrier than ever.

Yunjae stopped on his track. He looks at the men. "Back off. I don't want to follow you nor fight you. I'm asking nicely now." Both his fists clenched. "And don't involves my friend. He doesn't know anything." What is he talking about?

"Unfortunately, I need to drag three of you since you guys ran away." The man who give the order smirked at him.

"Fine. You want to do that, we'll fight." Jaeyun said, he also stopped on his track. I looked at him in horror.

"Are you sure, kid?" That man mocked him.

"Are you crazy?!" I pulled Jaeyun and Yunjae, brought them to my side. "Can't you see? All of them have large build. There's no way we're going to win against them."

"You don't want your Mom alone at home, right?" That man said again. Both Yunjae and Jaeyun looked at him, teeth gritted.

"Don't you dare do anything or I'm going to kill you." Jaeyun charged towards them, punching and kicking making all of them fall down. Wow, he's strong.

He grabbed the man's collar. "Who are you exactly, bastard? Are you the one who peeked at our house the other day?" Jaeyun hissed at him.

Suprisingly, the man chuckled darkly. "What if it's me?" Deathly tone could be heard from his voice. The others slowly stood up, cornering Yunjae and me. , , ...

Our backs facing each other, ready to fight the men. "Do you know how to fight using the clock method?" Yunjae whispered.

"Clock method? What is that?" The men kept getting closer and closer.

"Just follow me. Lift me up and swing at 3."

"I think I know it now." We nodded at each other. I lifted Yunjae up and swing him at 3. He is so light. He kicked one of them on the face. Ouch, that must be hurt.

"Junhoe! 9!" He shouted. I swing him at 9, knocking three of them. Fours down, 3 to go.

"Put me down." I obeyed his order. "You take that one and I will take the other two." I punched the man on his stomach. Kicking continuously until he crouched down, coughing blood. He fainted just in three seconds. Did I just do that? I'm proud of myself. Smirking down at the man, I gave him one last kick.

I looked at Yunjae. He brought the two man's head, knocking them together. They fall down. He is really good at fighting. He smirked at me as he brushed the dirt from his shoulder.

Jaeyun kept punching the man on the face. Both Yunjae and I quickly went to him, pulled him away from the man. I glanced down at him. He looked like he's about to die.

That man chuckled, coughing out blood. That was sick, man! "You can never run from him." He managed to say it, before he fainted. What does that mean?

"W-What are you guys doing?" A voice said. Three of us snapped, and looked at the man. We looked at each other before looked again at him. Each gulping as if we've been caught by a police officer.

Kris hyung.


Kris’s POV

I was on my way to the store when I heard people's voice. Who's that? Because of my curious nature, I walked closer to the voice's direction. From here, I could see a few people. I hid behind the wall. I peeked slowly and squinted my eyes, trying to focus on their face. Hey, aren't that Junhoe? Who are the other two? Closing my eyes, the event that happened at school earlier played like a film in my mind. HA! Park Yunjae and Park Jaeyun. Thanks to my photographic memory, I could recognize things easily. But what are they doing here with those big men?

I fixed my gazes on them. I could see Yunjae stopped on his track whilst Jaeyun and Junhoe took a step back. I could see his mouth move but I can't hear anything. His fists also clenched tightly. I wonder what are they talking about that makes him looked so angry.

I switched my gazes on the other two boys. Seems like one of the men said something that makes Jaeyun also stopped on his track. His mouth moving slowly, words coming out though I couldn't make out what is he saying. Junhoe looks shocked, then he pulled the twin to his side. I can't hear what they are saying so, I decided to watch what they are going to do.

Jaeyun punched and kicked all of the men in front of him, which resulted them to fall down. Damn, he knows how to fight. This kid is interesting and here I thought he was just another cold, spoiled, rich and brat kid after that incident earlier. Definitely not the best impression but hey, it doesn't matter. I could recruit him being one of EXO members and that if he wants. He grabbed the man's collar while the knocked down men earlier, all slowly stood up and began cornering Yunjae and Junhoe. Should I go help them?

Just as I was about to help them, Junhoe lifted Yunjae up and swinging him around. I stood there, unmoving. And I think I heard Yunjae shout 9. What are they playing? Numbers game? He kicked three of the men and it knocked them down. Ah, they are using the clock method... No wonder he shouted 9. Junhoe put him down and they both beat the rest of the men. I flinched everytime Junhoe kicked the man. I never knew Junhoe could be this agressive. I should make a mental note to not get on his bad side. If you think Junhoe is agressive, then Yunjae are more agressive than him. The lesson is never get on their bad's side or you'll end up in the hospital for a few weeks. Those men now, all lying down, each one coughing blood on the road. Such an unpleasant sight to see.

Jaeyun kept punching the man, rage overtaking his mind and body. Letting him pour out the frustrating feeling as he keeps punching again and again. Junhoe and Yunjae rushed to him and pulled him away from the man before the man was left dead. I'm suprised that man managed to say something.

"You can never run from him." He fainted. Thank god, he only fainted. What if he died? That's the worst scenario ever. But who is 'him'?

"W-What are you guys doing?" I asked them, my voice comes out stuttering. Why the hell I'm stuttering? I will just act as if I'm shocked. They looked at me, wide eyed and mouths open. They looked at each other before looked at me again.

"Kris hyung. Look, we can explain." Junhoe walked towards me. What is he going to do? As much as I'm enjoying acting like I'm shocked, I can't help but felt scared especially after seeing them beating down those bulky men. Not even a scratch was left on their perfect face.

I took a step back purposely, wanting to see their reaction. Junhoe freaked out and he quickly grabbed me. "What are you-" He put his hand on my mouth.

"Hyung, I'm sorry. But I had to do this." I out as he knocked my head. What are they going to do to me?


Jaeyun’s POV

The guy who named Kris fainted, I managed to catch him before he kiss the road.

"Why did you knocked him down?" I looked at Junhoe. He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Look, why don't you two show me your house as well as bringing this hyung together. Then, we'll explain everything to him. You don't want everybody know about this, right?" He asked.

Yunjae sighed. "He's right, Jaeyun. I don't want people at school know about this matter." He looked at the guy I'm holding. "You stay here while Junhoe and I are going to pick our groceries. After that, we'll go home."

"But what about Mom?"

"If she ask, I will say this guy here." He pointed to this Kris guy. "Fainted so, we helped him. Easy."



"I thought your house are big but surprisingly, it looks decent but beautiful. Good choice." Junhoe looked at our house. Ugh, this Kris guy are so damn heavy. Why am I giving him a piggyback when this two only brought those groceries? It's not even heavy as this human on me.

"Not everyone who is rich has big house, besides our Mom prefer this. Like you said, it looks decent but beautiful. She is definitely the best when choosing."

"Yeah, sure. Mom is the best but could one of you switch with me? Please..." I pleaded them. They ignored me. They just freaking ignored me.

"Ugh, I will get my revenge later." I muttered under my breath as I struggled to piggyback this buy. How come he didn't wake up at all? He doesn't even move at all.

I watched Yunjae put password to access the door. "How many security device did you put around here?" Junhoe asked us.

"Uh, you noticed it. Guess I should change its places." Yunjae chuckled. The door opened, revealing Mom.

"Oh, Mom. Are you still sick?" Yunjae put his hand Mom's forehead. "Your fever have gone down, but you should be resting right now." He pulled Mom inside. Junhoe looked at me awkwardly.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry, go inside. I can't afford standing here anymore, not when someone on my back." He goes inside quickly. Finally..

I entered the house, kicking the door with my left foot. I lied the Kris guy on the couch.

"Um, Jaeyun, Yunjae. Is this two guy your new friends?" Mom asked. "And what happened to your friend?" She pointed to Kris.

"Sorry for not introducing myself, Mrs. Park. My name is Goo Jun Hoe and I'm the same age with your sons." He bowed to her. "And you're beautiful as I've heard from others."

"How polite of you. You're making me embarrassed. Put that groceries down and come here." She smiled and pat the empty side on the couch.

"Thank you, Mrs. Park." He obeyed and sat there.

"Oh, please don't call me Mrs. Park. Just call me Mom since I believe you're my sons’ first friend."

"Mom. Why?" I whined to her.

"Don't be childish, Jaeyun. I don't think there is any problem with Junhoe calling Mom 'Mom'. It's a good idea." Yunjae pointed out.

"Fine." I pouted. Call me childish or whatever, I don't like the idea of someone else other than Yunjae calling my Mom 'Mom'. But I will let it pass since it's Junhoe we're talking about.

"What is wrong with this young man?" She asked us, as she examined Kris.

"He fainted on our way home. So, Jaeyun piggybacked him even though he's heavy." Junhoe answered on our behalf. Telling a white lie wouldn't hurt, right?

"Yunjae, bring me a glass of water." She asked him.

"Here." He handed out the glass to her.

She poured a little bit of water on her palm and showered his face with it. His eyes snapped open. "Where am I? Who are you?" Mom looked shocked, but still answered his question nonetheless.

"You're at my house and I'm Yunjae and Jaeyun's mom. My name is Park Joo Hyun." She smiled at him. Kris abruptly stood up, making Mom flustered. And he bowed 90 degrees. It's not easy for tall people to bow like that, including us.

"I'm sorry for the question. How did I ended up here?" He asked. Junhoe's face went pale.

"Uh, you fainted on our way home earlier. And, I gave you a piggyback." I managed to say it without stuttering. Mom gave me a look but she shrugged it.

Mom stood up. "I will leave you guys here to talk about it. I will be in my room until then." She heads to her room. I'm thankful that she didn't force us to tell her everything.

Three of us sighed in relief while Kris stood there, still staring at us. "Don't you guys have any explanation? Especially you, Junhoe."

"Look. Hyung, I'm sorry." He apologized. "But I need to do it before you shouted."

"Who said I'm going to shout?" Yunjae and I watched in bewilderment.

"Aren't you going to shout earlier?" Junhoe asked him, a confused look painted on his face.

"Nope. Hold on, you knocked me down because you thought I'm going to shout?! You know I don't like shouting. Shouting is not my style." Yeah, whatever.

"Erm, Kris, right? I believed we didn't had a proper encounter except the event that happened at school earlier." I said to him, offering my hand to shake with his. He gladly received it.

"Wu Yi Fan. Just call me Kris hyung. I knew both of your name. Park Jaeyun and your brother is Park Yunjae. Am I right?"

"Guess everybody knew it already."

"Now tell me what happened exactly earlier at the alley."


A/N: Sorry for the late update. Thank you for reading. ^-^

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Finally, I updated. I will consider it as my big achievement for this year. -self patting while sobbing ugly- Unfortunately, I might take on a hiatus again.


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Yerinator #1
Please update soon authornim (:
Chapter 19: Is that somebody bad? I got a feeling that whoever that someone will bring trouble in the future..
Syirrea #3
Chapter 17: Does that mean a new character would be added? If yes, I can't wait for it. Oh, you did mention about the love line, right? Maybe this is it. -wink wink- This story is getting interesting. Keep it up, Authornim. ~^O^~
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
Syirrea #5
Chapter 16: WINNER are here?! YEAY! Are they going to appear more? Or they just a cameo? O_o
Syirrea #6
Chapter 17: I will wait for you. Fighting.
Syirrea #7
Chapter 15: lolol Yunjae sassiness strikes again
Chapter 15: uh oh.. who is that somebody?? I smell something suspicious
Thank you for making this kind of story. It's hard to find male OC as lead character. Keep it up. ^O^
Chapter 13: Action..
Wow, that's interesting..