Friendship & Family

Jaeyun's POV

"Kring~Kring~" my alarm clock start singing, marking today as our officially first day in high school.

"Jaeyun~ Hurry and get up. We don't want to get late for our first day right?" There it is, my twin brother. He's older than me by like 2 minutes.

"Okay, okay. I'm up already. Just shut up, hyung. Your voice are annoying me. It's like hearing a retarded girlfriend who is clingy, you know."

If you guys are wondering, our name are kinda the same since we are twin. According to our mom, our late father are the one who keep insisting that we should have the same name but out grandmother said that it will inconvenience and confusing. So, she just flip the name and here we are, Yunjae and Jaeyun. It's easy and simple.

"Say the one. Excuse me, if I'm like a retarded girlfriend who is clingy, then you are a one crazy bastard who is short tempered. Hmph." There you go, 'The Almighty Sassy Yunjae but Shy with Strangers' like what the . He is sassy than any girl in this world and the universe. Oh, did I mention that he looks like a girl and he is really feminine. I wonder sometimes if he is gay or what but thanks to his previous girlfriend, it is proven that he is not gay. Thank god or I will have to kick him out every time I'm changing clothes.

"Alright. Shut it, you two. Quit fighting and go shower quickly. You both only have one hour before the school start." That is my beautiful Mom. Thanks to her and our late father superior genes, which is good look and height makes both of us brings attention everywhere we go. Not gonna lie but our lovely Mom looks alone are enough to grab people's attention, so what will happen when three of us walk together? People surely will stare at us like we are some celebrities. Hey, don't get me wrong I like the attention but sometimes it is too much.

Our Mom are actually rich enough thanks to her parents wealth but she wants to be an independent lady so she decline her parents offer to help her when our late father suddenly passed away due to unknown reason. She worked hard which resulted to a very big success. She now owns a big company under the name of 'Park's Corporation'. People will shiver whenever they hear the 'Park's Corporation'. Yeah, that's how much influential she is. Both of us also always help Mom with her company since we have been taught on how to manage the company. Guess it helped us and also Mom cause it's hard to manage the company alone. We never questioned about our late father even if we are curious what the cause of his death is since it will only bring pain to Mom. Both of us don't want Mom to get hurt. She is our weak point and also our everything. All we know is our late father died when both of us are 5 years old. Imagine how much she gritted her teeth and worked her to gain the title she has now.

"Mom, did you see my pant?" This Yunjae is always like this. He always forget where he put his things.

"Oh, I think I saw it on the couch. Faster, you need to eat the breakfast." She frowned. Seriously, Mom is going to get many wrinkles and ended up ruining her beautiful and baby face if she keeps frowning.

"Man, can you hurry up? I think you are the one who said 'We don't want to get late for our first day, right?’ bleh." I said grabbing the toasted bread.

"Relax, Jaeyun. Take a deep breath. You still have 40 minutes before the school starts." Mom began her morning nagging. I like our live, it's perfect. Even though we don't have a father, Mom play her role perfectly making both of us forget about lack of father's love.

"Yeah, that's right. No need to rush." No need to rush my . I thought.

"Whatever." I glance at his hairstyle. "Hey, hyung. Why don't you style it more manly? No wonder they mistake you as a girl. If you keep this up, I bet a guy would hit on you." I shivered at the thought.

"It's my style okay. And I don't plan to style it what you call more manly? Yeah, manlier because it's too mainstream plus I want to be different than everyone else."

"Are you sure that you'll be different than everyone else? From what I see only different than any guy but same with girl. HAHAHA." He pouted at my remark.

"Mom, Jaeyun is bullying me." He whine to Mom.

"Jaeyun, Yunjae. Can't both of you quit fighting. And you, Jaeyun don't bully your twin. He is still your hyung." Yunjae stuck his tongue. How childish.

"What the hell?! Mom, it's not called bullying but laughing at him. Plus it's a fact okay."

"Anyway, I want to eat so shut up. Um.. the breakfast smells delicious. I love you Mom." He said happily while grabbing the strawberry jam. Look, it's a strawberry jam everyone. I repeat the freaking strawberry jam.

"Well, I love you more Yunjae and also you, Jaeyun."

"Sometimes I wonder why we are twin when our personality is really different. You are obsessed with pink and I'm obsessed with black." I suddenly shiver at the thought of his room that is full of pinks.

"Honey, twin doesn't always have same personality."

"Yeah, I agree with you Mom."

"Enough said. I'm finished already. Mom, I'm going. Bye, Mom." I kissed her forehead. "And you, Yunjae. I expect you to finish in 3 minutes. If not, I'll go first."

"YA! How can you make me do this-umphumph" He suddenly stuffed all of his toasted bread into his mouth and I can't understand what in the world is he saying.

I smirked at him. That's for earlier. As expected, my brother. Always doesn't want to walk alone.

He quickly gulped down his orange juice.


Yunjae's POV

How can he do this to me? I'm still older than him even though by 2 minutes.

"This brat." I muttered to myself.

"Jaeyun! Wait for me."

"Hurry up if you don't want me to leave you." I hated his gut, always makes me want to smack his head.

"Okay, okay. Mom, we're going to be late so, don't bother waiting for us, okay?"

"Alright Yunjae. Don't worry about me. Go now. Your brother is waiting."

"Bye, mom." I kissed her forehead. Every girl would be dying for my kiss but my Mom always received it. Sometimes, her baby face benefit all of us because no one will hit on us. It helped me when Jaeyun and I wanted to get away from the girls, we just ask for her help. Did I tell you guys that our Mom is a good actress? She played the girlfriend role really well. Even I jaw dropped wherever I saw her acting as my girlfriend.

Little did I know that our first day in high school aren't going to be normal at all.


"YA! Jaeyun, dont leave me!" I shouted at him as he already walked away.

"I slowing down right now." He grunted at me.

I slung my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Jaeyun. What do you think about our new school? Are you excited?"

"No." Here it is the face and emotionless Jaeyun appear.

"Why are you not excited? Oh, come on. Are you really not feeling excited, not even a slightest bit?"

"No. Why? Because I'm not excited, not even a slightest bit." That's it. The cold hearted Jaeyun making an appearance. Sometimes I wonder why he always changes his behaviour whenever we are outside.

"Okay, okay. I won't ask you. I heard our new school are jjang."

"How did you know?" He started showing interest.

"Well, I heard people talking about it. They said it is an elite school."

"Of course it is an elite school. Do you think Mom will make us enter crappy school?" He's always like this. I don't even finish talking but he always cut.

"That's not what I mean, idiot. I mean it is a really brilliant school. I searched about our school and guess what I found?"


"It is said that our new school is the top school in the nation. Isn't it cool?"

"How is that cool? Did you realize if our new school is the top school in the nation that means we are in deep trouble?"

"What do you mean by that?" I blinked at his remark.

"It means that the students are all competing to grab the top rank in that school."

"Duh, it's easy right? We both know that we're smart. Don't we always top in our school? That's easy, dude."

"But we don't know about the students in our new school. Who knows this time we might rank the bottom in school."

"That's not gonna happen, okay. We have our Mom's brain so I doubt we'll rank the bottom." I flipped my hair.

"Let's just hope that's not gonna happen. I don't want to see Mom's disappointed face. It hurts like hell." I stopped for a while, thinking about Mom.

"Me too. Well, even if the competition between the students are that close, we'll just make sure to not rank the bottom." I fist-bumped him.

"Well, as our conversation ended, we already here." Both of us stopped at our track.


"Wow, I never knew the top school in the nation are this cool."

"Oh! That two oppa is so good looking. YA! Guys, look at them." Apparently all of them looked at the twin.

Suddenly I felt someone looking in our direction. I looked at my right side. To my horror, girls started to run towards us.

"OH MY GOD! Jaeyun, I think we better run inside right NOW!!" I grabbed him quickly as possible making him stumble a little.

"What?! YA! Where are you bringing me?!"

"Just shut up. We need to run away from those zombies or we are gonna die because of the squeezing."

"Let's just keep on running." He glance at his stopwatch. "Hyung! We only have 20 minutes before class starts."

"Come on. Follow me."


A/N: Jaeyun only calls Yunjae 'hyung' whenever he likes it. Thank you for reading. ^-^

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Finally, I updated. I will consider it as my big achievement for this year. -self patting while sobbing ugly- Unfortunately, I might take on a hiatus again.


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Yerinator #1
Please update soon authornim (:
Chapter 19: Is that somebody bad? I got a feeling that whoever that someone will bring trouble in the future..
Syirrea #3
Chapter 17: Does that mean a new character would be added? If yes, I can't wait for it. Oh, you did mention about the love line, right? Maybe this is it. -wink wink- This story is getting interesting. Keep it up, Authornim. ~^O^~
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
Syirrea #5
Chapter 16: WINNER are here?! YEAY! Are they going to appear more? Or they just a cameo? O_o
Syirrea #6
Chapter 17: I will wait for you. Fighting.
Syirrea #7
Chapter 15: lolol Yunjae sassiness strikes again
Chapter 15: uh oh.. who is that somebody?? I smell something suspicious
Thank you for making this kind of story. It's hard to find male OC as lead character. Keep it up. ^O^
Chapter 13: Action..
Wow, that's interesting..