Oh, hey there

Thanks To Him

First two periods done, only the rest of the year to go. I got to my locker and I shoved my things in it. I looked at L.Joe's locker. Full of love letters? Psh. 

Suddenly I felt someone put their hand in the pocket of my skirt. My eyes widened. "You dropped this earlier." the guy whispered right beside my ear sending me shivers. 

I turned around and saw L.Joe smirking. "YAH!" I slapped his arm. 

He rubbed his arm. "Yah! What was that for?"

Oh my gosh I swear this guy. "What do you mean 'what was that for'? You..." I couldn't find the word at first. "ert!" I shouted. 

It became quiet. L.Joe just laughed. I just bit my lip to stop myself from saying anything unpleasant to him. I noticed L.Joe take a peek to the side so I did the same. A whole bunch of girls were staring at us with their mouths wide open. Oh, this is awkward. 

I looked back at L.Joe then remembered he put something in my pocket. Oh, I dropped my phone earlier? 

"You're welcome," he smirked at me before he left. He made his way through the crowd. The crowd of girls move to the side to make a pathway for him. Uhm, what? Really?

I saw U-Kwon coming too from the same way where L.Joe was going. I noticed both, U-Kwon and L.Joe, have eye contact. It felt like time slowed down at that moment. Did they know eachother? 

They both broke eye contact at the same time and U-Kwon looked my way. 

"Hey," he smiled but looked slightly worried, "You okay?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

He looked back for a second then back at me. "Just making sure." Hearing that made me smile. "So I guess you met L.Joe." he pointed out. 

I sighed, "Yeap, sadly." I replied. 

"Well just be careful around him." he said and leaned against a locker. 

I simple nodded. By the way U-Kwon said that, I assume that L.Joe is the 'badass' of this school. Probably like every other one that I've seenat every other school I've attended. 

"You hungry?" he asked me. 

"Not really," I replied. 

"Well, come," he smiled, "I'll introduce you to my friends."

I got caught off guard, but this wasn't the first time this happened. "Am I going to be like the only girl?" I asked him. I didn't want to be the only girl even though I was already used to it. 

"Nope, there's one." he mentioned. 

"Oh really?" I dug through my bag to get the allowance that mom gave me this morning.

"Yeah, let's go?" he asked and stood straight up. 

I nodded, "Let me just get my wallet first." I continued to look in my bag but I still couldn't find it. I bit my lip. Where is it?

"Can't find it?" I heard U-Kwon ask. I looked at him and shook my head. "Don't worry about that, I'll take care of it." he smiled and grabbed my wrist lightly. 

We started walking to the exit. So many people were staring but I decided to ignore it. 

"So there's one girl right?" I just wanted to make sure. 

"Yup," he answered me and continued to look ahead. "I think you two will get along well."

I laughed, "Really? What makes you think that?" 

"I don't know, I mean, I like her."

That caught me off guard for some reason. "Oh, really?"

I guess he noticed my reaction and he just laughed. "Well as a friend," he confirmed, "I think one of my friends is starting to like her though."

"Ohh, I see," I simply replied.

"U-Kwon!" I heard someone shout. 

I looked at the person that was waving. Is that them?

We went up to them. 

"Guys this is Hyemi," he introduced me.

I smiled as I waved at all of them but I didn't spot the girl. There was six guys. By the way they looked and the way they were all positioned, it looked like they were doing a photo-shoot. I know this is weird but is everyone in this school good-looking or cute? I have no complaints, I'm just saying. 

U-Kwon started pointed at each one of them along with their names as they all continued to talk. 

I noticed the nicknames only now. First, L.Joe and now Zico and P.O. Oh well, I guess it'll be easier for me to remember. 

I sat beside U-Kwon at the picnic table. They were all talking comfortably. I felt like the only one that was awkward. 

I felt a poke on my arm. I looked to my left and saw P.O. 

"Hi." I kindly waved. 

"Hi!" he happily replied back. His voice really caught me off guard. I didn't know it'd be that deep, he's so adorable though. "So how do you like this school so far?" he asked me. 

"It's good so far, I guess."

"It must be her!" I overheard one of them say. 

I turned to look at all of them but they all just looked at me. I bit my lip and looked down. This feels awkward, having all of them just staring at me. 

"It is her!" one of them tried to whisper but I still ended up hearing exactly what he said. 

I looked back up and gave them all a confused look. 

U-Kwon looked confused too. "What are you guys talking about?" he asked the rest. 

"Hyemi-ah." one of them called me. Zico if I'm right. 


"Were you the girl with L.Joe this morning?" he asked me. Everyone else listened carefully with their elbows on the table and their chins on their hands. 

I did happen to be with L.Joe this morning but why was he asking me? "Mhm..." I awkwardly answered, "Why do you ask?"

Everyone's eyes widened. 

"Doesn't he usually go for girls that are more.. You know.. Yeah." P.O blurted out but started hesitating. There's his maknae character, so adorable!

"Who goes for girls usually more what?" I heard a voice I recognized. Oh snap. 

Everyone turned including me, she is so going to kill me. 

No one answered her, everyone was just silent from before. She just looked at everyone including me. I guess she didn't notice me. Maybe because of the different hair color, hairstyle and glasses. I forgot, I didn't wear black framed glasses when I used to go here, or even wear glasses at all. 

She blinked her eyes a few times and looked at me. Her eyes widened. Oh snap. 

"You..." she said. She looked a bit frustrated but mostly confused. 

P.O looked at me and Sierra back and forth. "You two know eachother?" 

She came towards me and grabbed my wrist. I saw everyone's expression when she started pulling me away. They all looked shocked. I didn't know she was serious when she said she'd transfer to my school. 

"YAH!" she finally let go of my wrist once we were far enough from them. Did she really recognize me already? Not getting recognized by anybody else is going to be harder than I thought. I waited for her to lecture me or scream at me. She continued to look at me with the same expression she had earlier. "Just making sure... You're _____, right?" 

"Ye--" I was about to answer. 

"YAH!" she pouted and immediately hugged me. "What happened to you? Do you know how worried I was?" she let go of me to look at me. 

I don’t know why but I didn't answer her. "You recognized me fast." I pointed out. 

She just chuckled. "Of course I recognize you, what kind of cousin would I be if I didn't?" I just smiled. "So what hap----...” 

"It's a long story, I'll explain to you later or something." I interrupted her. 

She continued to look at me. "Fine...” she simply said. She tilted her head to the side, I guess she was still a bit confused. "What happened to your hair? And since when did you start wearing glasses?"

Oh true, I had to explain to her that I'm no longer _____ here. "It's part of the long story." She raised an eyebrow. "Don't call me _____ here by the way, instead call me Hyemi, okay?"

She looked even more confused than before. "Why...?"

I sighed and decided to tell her everything now. "Okay, long story short, loan sharks are after my mom and me so we had to move away from here and.." so I explained everything to her from the different schools I've been to the different names and looks I've used in the past year. She understood now why I had to do all of that. 

She nodded, "Oh... Wow, you sure you'll be safe here though?" she made sure. 

I wasn't even sure if I was safe here, I hope so. "Yeah, don't worry about it." I lied to not make her worried. Sorry Sierra. 

She smiled and hugged me again. "Welcome back... Hyemi." she happily said. 

We started walking back to where the rest were. "Wait, but who's the guy that you used to go out with?" she suddenly asked me. I forgot that I never introduced her to Jay. "Does he still go to this school?"

I nodded, "Yeah.."

"Who is it?" she curiously asked me as she clinged on to my arm. 

"Jay...” I absentmindedly replied. 

She stopped walking. "Who's that?" 

Oh right, not everyone knew him as Jay, only people that were close to him called him that. "Park Jaebum." I told her. 

She looked at me as if I was stupid. "Park Jaebum? You used to go out with Park Jaebum?" Uh oh, she doesn't sound like she's happy about that. I continued to nod innocently. "But that guy is such a cold hearted jerk!" she blurted out. 

My eyes widened. "No he's not." I defended. 

She face-palmed. "He is!"

What is she talking about? If Jay was a cold hearted jerk like she said, I would’ve never liked him. “What makes you think that?”

“I don’t think that he’s a cold hearted jerk, I know he is!” she tried explaining herself.

I sighed and put my arm around her shoulder. “Believe me he’s not, I’ll prove it to you.” I said as we continued to walk back.

We saw them and it's as if they didn't move. They still looked lost from earlier. 

"What do we tell them?" I whispered. 

"I'll take care of it." she confidently said and walked up to them. "Guys, wake up." she started waving her hands in front of them. 

"Yah, you didn't answer my question earlier." P.O pouted. 

"Oh, we do know eachother, why?" she replied. 

Jay's POV

"Jay!" I heard Ricky's voice calling. I turned around, "You forgot this." he passed me the wallet. 

"Oh, thanks." I took it back, almost forgot about it. 

"Don't you find that the girl kind of looks like _----" 

"Ricky, Jay!" L.Joe shouted from our table. 

We started walking towards them. I looked at Ricky, "What were you saying?" I asked him. 

Ricky blinked twice then shook his head, "Nevermind, it was nothing."

"Still have the wallet?" L.Joe noticed. 

"Yeah, I have no idea where she is." I replied as I sat at the table with the rest of them. 

"You! I heard you were with a girl this morning." CAP teased L.Joe. 

"Yeah! You were late for English class." Chunji decided to join in teasing L.Joe. "Going for the new girl huh?"

I wasn't surprised. Things like this happened on a daily basis when it comes to L.Joe. "So how long are you planning to stay with this girl?" I asked, "A week?" I sarcastically said. 

He just chuckled. "I think she hates me though, so probably not that long."

"Who's the girl?" Niel and Changjo asked curiously. 

"Park Hyemi." L.Joe sharply answered and smirked. 

I noticed Ricky react to the name L.Joe mentioned. I saw him mouth the name. "She's the new girl?" he asked. 

"Yup. She's weird though." he said as he held his phone infront of him. Probably texting some girl. 

"Why is she weird?" Niel asked him. 

"She's not all over me like other girls." he pointed out with no reaction and placed his phone on the table. "Anyway," he changed the subject, His gaze looks towards the wallet. "So who does that belong too?"

I didn't know her name. The only thing I knew about her is that she knows that U-Kwon guy. "I don't even know."

"Check if there's an ID card in there." L.Joe said and placed his hand out. I just handed it to him. He smirked as he slid a card out, "Hey, it's her."

Everyone looked at L.Joe, but I think the person that reacted the most was Ricky even if he didn't make a sound. 

"I want to see!" Chunji snatched the card from L.Joe and looked at it along with the rest of the guys. 

"Really? You're after this girl? Not like you at all." CAP looked surprised. 

"Yeah, since when did you start going for that type of girl?", Chunji said, "Maybe if she stopped wearing glasses."

All of them started asking L.Joe why he was going to even try to go after this girl. Even though he's my best friend, I don't even know why he goes for so much girls. I'm actually starting to get tired of it. Ricky was the only one that didn't say a word, was something wrong with him? 

Your POV

I little while after me and Sierra got back to the table, I got to know much more about them. All of them are really fun to talk to. Although some of them look kind of intimidating, they are actually real dorks and are just fun to be around. Each one of them have their own different personalities. No wonder she stays with these guys. 

I looked at the time and noticed that it was already 12:00pm, class is starting in 15 minutes. I wanted to go to my locker a little bit earlier so I wouldn't have to look for my class during the rush of students. "I'm going to my locker earlier guys." I stood up and said. 

They all nodded and waved. 

"Want me to go with you?" Sierra asked me. 

I didn't want her to leave them so I denied her offer, "No it's okay, I'll be fine." She just nodded and I left. 

I got to my locker, wow there's no one in the hallways. I had troubles opening my locker. I sighed and continued to try. I heard footsteps coming from the other end of the hallway. I looked and saw a guy with jet black hair walking with both hands in his pockets. He looked confused as he stared at the floor. It looked like he was in deep thought. He stopped infront of his locker and opened it on his first try. His locker was only a few away from mine. 

"Pft, I can do that too." I mumbled to myself. I tried opening it again but failed another several times. Oh my god, this is just embarrassing. 

"Uhm, do you need help?" I heard the guy ask me. 

I looked up and saw Ricky. I immediately froze. It's been so long since I've last seen him. Get your act together ______. 

I embarrassedly smiled, "Yes please."

He blinked a few times and looked away. "What's your code?" he asked me and I gave it to him. I knew I could trust Ricky, he knew my old code too. He opened it on his first try like he always would. I remember he'd always be the one to open my locker for me when I wouldn't be able to. If it wasn't for him, I would've been late to many classes. 

He looked at me and flashed a smile. "There you go." 

I smiled back. Oh Ricky, I missed you so much. "Thanks." I simply said. 

"I'm Ricky by the way." he introduced himself. 

"I'm Hyemi." I naturally said. I'm so sorry Ricky for lying to you. 

He kind of looked surprised. "Oh, Park Hyemi?" he asked. 

How does he know? "Yeap," I nodded, "nice to meet you." I put my hand out for a handshake. 

He smiled, "Nice to meet you too," he shook my hand. "Uhm, did you happen to lose your wallet?" he suddenly asked me. 

Oh my god, please tell me he has it. "Yeah," I shyly answered, "do you have it?" I asked. 

"Yeah, my friend has it." he nodded and smiled. "I'll tell him to give it to you or maybe I'll ask him if I can."

"Oh sure," I replied. "Thanks so much." 

"No problem." he waved and went back to his locker. 

I sighed as I faced my locker. I wish I was able to be close to Ricky like I used to. That was him earlier right? The guy that looked confused? Walking while he stared straight at the floor? Was there something wrong? That was the only thing I was never able to figure out about Ricky, I could never tell when he's not okay. Or if that smile of his covered up anything to hide how he really felt. I checked to see if he was still there. He was already half way through the hall with one hand holding his books, and the other placed in his pocket. 

Jay's POV

I walked back to my locker because the first bell rang. I happened to come across U-Kwon. He took a glance at me then just coldly looked away. 

I smirked and looked to the side. Still going act like you didn't do anything, huh? 

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Chapter 26: omg just quickly tell her you know! omg olspls update more soon
ohshytsitzmarina #2
Chapter 26: </3 Jay babyyy. just kiss her! that'll make it all better.. lol teehee
but i loved this chapter.
Chocolatemushrooms #3
Can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon please!
Chapter 24: asdfg this is getting good can't wait for more Myungsoo/L ^^
curlyfriesLOL #5
Chapter 21: I'm on chapter 15 with 9 more to go. So far, I'm loving it. *0*
Chapter 23: #teamjay.
Awh. Ive lost hopes for Yookwon and L.joe.. I want her to be with Jay...
OHHHH now i get it! L was her best friend when she was Chaerin!
So, what would Jay and the rest do now that they know her real identity?
Ahh, Jay or L? x( Update soon. :) <3