Special Chapter 9 - Suho

Dark Lake Academy - EXTRAS

“Joonmyun!” the young dragon in question turned around to find ISBIP agent Kim Jihu walking over to him.

Jihu had recently come to him asking for Joonmyun to join the ISBIP. Naturally, Joonmyun had turned the werewolf down flat. But Jihu was determined to have Joonmyun as the newest agent and hadn’t stopped hounding him for the past two weeks.

“I keep telling you no,” Joonmyun growled.

“I know,” Jihu nodded, “so this is going to be my last time trying to convince you. come on, we need to talk and I’d rather do it in privet.”

“Fine.” Anything to get this over with.

The pair headed to Minji’s office which was thankfully empty. If Joonmyun had to guess where the school’s owner was, he’d have to say that she was with Sehun. The young necromancer was always having trouble with ghosts lately. Minji was almost always running to the boy’s side to help him with the ghosts who’d decided to harass him for the past four months.

“You know that I want you to join the ISBIP,” Jihu told him after taking a seat, “but you don’t know why.”

“You’re right,” Joonmyun nodded, “I don’t know why. But I don’t care.”

“You know that Kris recently joined,” Jihu frowned, looking out the window, “but I didn’t want him to. My superiors came to him, told him to join, and used some information only they have to make sure that he would.”

“Why would they want Kris?” Joonmyun frowned slightly.

“Why wouldn’t the ISBIP want a dragon as powerful as Wu Yifan?” Jihu countered.

“So then why do you want me?” Joonmyun frowned again, “I’m not as powerful as Kris. There isn’t anything to gain by having me join.”

“You’re wrong,” the werewolf replied with a small smile, “having you join does have value. You see, all new agents have to work with a partner for a few years before they get to work solo missions. I have the pleasure of assigning Kris a partner.”

“You want me to become Kris’ partner,” Joonmyun said, putting everything together, “but why me?”

“I need Kris’ partner to be, how do you say, not willing to let him die?” Jihu laughed, but his laugher held no warmth, “Kris needs a partner who will care about him. someone who will not see fit to leave him in the middle of a mission, condemning Kris to death.”

“And you think that’s me?”

“No, Kim Joonmyun. I know that it’s you.”

“But we aren’t even friends,” Joonmyun argued, “sure we hang out with the same people, but we don’t even talk to each other. I think the most Kris has ever said to me is ‘hi, my name is Kris. You’re Xiumin and Chen’s roommate?’ and that was when we first met.”

“Then this will be the perfect chance for you two to bond.”


“Keep running,” Kris yelled at Joonmyun who was starting to fall behind, turning ever so slightly so he could throw a ball of fire at the people chasing them..

Joonmyun didn’t know how things had gotten so bad so fast. A few days ago, he and Kris had been assigned their first mission as ISBIP agents. Jihu had looked all the paper work over and said that the job should be easy before he sent them off. The first day had been fine and so had the second day. but on the third day things had gone very wrong.

One second he and Kris were handcuffing the briefcase of classified documents to Kris’ wrist, the next they were being shot at. The pair and rushed to their car before taking off like a bat out of hell, but who ever had shot at them had followed in their own car. Kris and Joonmyun had both been tempted to use their powers to at least slow the other car down, but to do that was to risk exposure because there were some humans wondering around the otherwise empty streets. So instead of fighting back, they drove as fast as they could out of the city and away from people.

The car chase that followed lasted for at least a couple of hours before the car behind the dragons rammed them with enough force to make Kris lose control of the wheel. Joonmyun wasn’t sure how many times the car flipped before hitting a tree and stopping, just that once they stopped Kris had made sure they were both alive before pushing Joonmyun out of the vehicle. It took Joonmyun a couple of seconds to get his head clear enough to successfully pull Kris out too, but he managed to get the other out before the next round of gun fire came. Kris made sure he still had the briefcase before the pair took off running.

“I see a clearing,” Joonmyun called as he noticed a small glade coming up on their left, “go left. I’ll change and we can get out of here.” Kris nodded before doing as Joonmyun had asked.

By the time Kris got to the clearing, Joonmyun had to already be in dragon form. If Kris had to wait for him to change, it could cost them their lives. Joonmyun wasn’t going to allow that to happen so he pushed himself to go faster. It was hard because his right leg was starting to hurt. He’d probably banged it during the crash. A bullet logged itself in a nearby tree, startling Joonmyun for a moment before he recovered his wits. Hurt leg or not, if he let something like that hold him back he’d be in a lot worse condition.

Kris broke through the trees and brush into the clearing. He made a jump, landing on the back of dragon that took of a few seconds later after making sure Kris was holding on tight.

“,” Kris cursed, pulling himself farther up the dragon’s back, “I did not expect something like that to happen. You alright, Suho?”

The dragon – Joonmyun – nodded. However he was slightly confused as to why Kris had called him Suho. His name was Joonmyun, Kris knew that. So where did ‘Suho’ come from.

“It means guardian, right?” Kris said, apparently picking up on Joonmyun’s confusion, “and that’s kind of what you are, right? My guardian while I work for the ISBIP? And you did save my back there by changing. It fits you.”

Joonmyun just stared ahead. Kris made a good point. But calling him a guardian? A protector? Joonmyun wasn’t sure if it really fit him that well. And Kris had done most of the protecting. Kris had been the one to drive the car, to push Joonmyun out after the crash, to get him running. All Joonmyun did was change into a dragon so they could escape.

“Don’t over think it, Suho,” Kris sighed, “you had a lot of chances to ditch me, but you didn’t. You stayed. You helped pull me out of that car. You pointed out the clearing. You flew us out of there. you just aren’t giving yourself enough credit.”

Joonmyun nodded. Well, if Kris thought of him as someone fitting of the name Suho, then so be it. Kris was his partner, right? He had to trust his judgement on stuff like this.

A/N: I personally like how this one turned out. I didn’t expect for things to go this way, but I was talking to my buddy Luke, going over all the things I could do for Suho’s special chapter and the idea came to me. What do you guys think? Don’t forget to suggest cast members you want to see special chapters for!

for future reference, Suho's dragon form looks like this:

and Kris' looks like this:

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Chapter 29: ^o^ thank you for writing this~~! Happy sehun is really sweet
Chapter 29: So I had missed quite a lot updates here.. XD Glad I read them now, it never hurts to have some extra backstory. (:
Chapter 28: Thank you! I'm satisfied now
Chapter 25: I love your Dark Lake stories a lot - it's really interesting hearing about how their powers manifested and how they all met each other. Here's an idea: can we have a story about Sehun and N meeting? When Sehun realised there's another necromancer and how it was to help train him? After reading all about how Sehun was bullied, it feels like he would have been really happy to hear he wasn't the only necromancer student any more.
Chapter 25: I'm curious about N. I figure he got sent to DL because he was seeing things but I wanna know more about it
Chapter 25: Want me to come up with some ideas?
Chapter 22: OHMIGARDSUN! Hyuna had a crush on Kai?! *having crack ideas already*
Chapter 21: I'm back again now~ So yeah, I'm back from my vacation andI'm welcomed with a LOT of updates to catch up, so no long comments from me.. XD
Chapter 17: Oh my god! That was just too kawaii~~~! Help, I can't take the feels!
HoneyDew669 #10
interesting! :)