Special Chapter 21 - Leo

Dark Lake Academy - EXTRAS

ATTENTION! So, I’ve got a lot of stuff on my plate right now. I know none of you want to hear this and I don’t want to say it, but I’m going to be taking a week off starting Monday and lasting until the following Monday on ALL of my stories. Sorry guys, but the crap load stuff going on in my life off-line needs attention first and foremost. I swear I’m only going to be off for a week, no more and no less.

Leo glared at the carpeted floor. He didn’t need to see a councillor, he didn’t have any problems that merited that. Just because he’d been falling asleep in class so often didn’t mean he had problems that he needed to talk about.




No matter what anyone else said, he was fine. He didn’t have abandonment issues because his parents dumped him at an orphanage when he was a baby. He wasn’t withdrawn because the other kids at school bullied him. but no matter who he said that to, if they weren’t N or his dongsaeng no one believed him.

“Hello, Taekwoon,” the councillor smiled, waving him into her office, “is it alright if I call you that. Or you do want me to call you Leo?”

“Fine either way,” he shrugged.

“So tell me,” she said, “do you have any idea why you might be falling asleep in class? Too much homework keeping you up late? Other children at the home making noise?”

“Just tired,” he shrugged.

Actually, that was a bit of a lie. Leo didn’t feel tired at all most of the time, but suddenly he’d be asleep and no one could wake him up for at least a few minutes. Maybe that was normal, or maybe Leo didn’t want to admit to himself that it was a little weird to suddenly fall asleep when you didn’t even feel a little tired.

Then there were the visions of a black horse with a mane of fire and flaming hooves.

“When you sleep,” the woman asked, “do you remember anything in particular?”

“Not really,” Leo replied, but the woman didn’t look like she believed him.

“Are you sure?” she questioned, “sometimes the things we dream about can tell us a lot about ourselves and the problems that we’re having. If you’re dreaming about something, maybe you should talk about it. it might explain why you’re so tired.”

“A horse,” Leo admitted, “a flaming horse.”

The woman nodded before telling him that he could go. A few weeks later, Leo received a letter informing him that he would be attending a school for troubled kids the following school year; Dark Lake Academy. He was enraged, but it was comforting to know that he wouldn’t be alone, N and the others would be going with him.

It wasn’t until arriving at Dark Lake and finding out what he was that Leo decided that he wasn’t upset about being sent to Dark Lake.

A/N: and that’s how Leo got his “you’re going to Dark Lake” papers.

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Chapter 29: ^o^ thank you for writing this~~! Happy sehun is really sweet
Chapter 29: So I had missed quite a lot updates here.. XD Glad I read them now, it never hurts to have some extra backstory. (:
Chapter 28: Thank you! I'm satisfied now
Chapter 25: I love your Dark Lake stories a lot - it's really interesting hearing about how their powers manifested and how they all met each other. Here's an idea: can we have a story about Sehun and N meeting? When Sehun realised there's another necromancer and how it was to help train him? After reading all about how Sehun was bullied, it feels like he would have been really happy to hear he wasn't the only necromancer student any more.
Chapter 25: I'm curious about N. I figure he got sent to DL because he was seeing things but I wanna know more about it
Chapter 25: Want me to come up with some ideas?
Chapter 22: OHMIGARDSUN! Hyuna had a crush on Kai?! *having crack ideas already*
Chapter 21: I'm back again now~ So yeah, I'm back from my vacation andI'm welcomed with a LOT of updates to catch up, so no long comments from me.. XD
Chapter 17: Oh my god! That was just too kawaii~~~! Help, I can't take the feels!
HoneyDew669 #10
interesting! :)