Special Chapter 4 - Leo

Dark Lake Academy - EXTRAS

A/N: got this idea from HanChanChan and just had to write it.

Leo watched Sori walking into the forest. He was tempted to follow her just to make sure she was alright, but he knew that it wasn’t his place. No, his place was sitting on the side lines and watching as N and Ravi fell in love with the shifter. He wasn’t happy about it, but that was his role in things.

Leo was never the one to win the heart of the girl. He was just the best friend who helped the hero of the story out on the journey to win the heart of the girl. The best he could hope for is falling in love with the girl’s best friend. But that wasn’t going to happen because he felt nothing for any of Sori’s female friends. Sure they were pretty and sweet and prefect in their own way, but they weren’t Sori.

God, how had this even happened?

Leo had no idea how or when he had fallen in love with Sori. It was like he woke up one morning and BAM he had feelings for her. Feelings that just kept growing with every day that passed. At first, he’d tried to find something about her that he didn’t find attractive, but that just lead him to finding hundreds of things he loved about her.

How her eyes narrowed slightly when she was having trouble with a question. How she always had a small smile ready for their younger friend like Kai and Hyuk. He loved how honest she was, even if the words sounded a little harsh. He loved how she was almost always ready to give advice to her friends when they needed it.

To Leo, Sori was downright perfect.

“So why are you just sitting there?” Luhan asked, popping up so suddenly that Leo jumped in surprise.

“What?” Leo asked, unsure of what the fae was getting at. Was he asking about why Leo was sitting alone in their dorm on the weekend, or was he asking about something else. Something Sori related. Fae could feel the emotions of others, right? If anyone knew about Leo’s crush, it was going to be Luhan.

“Why are you sitting here when the girl you’re in love with is out there?” Luhan asked again, laughing slightly when Leo blushed.

“I can tell her,” Leo sighed, “it’s not my place.”

“Then whose place is it?” the fae questioned, “because the place beside Sori belongs to whoever takes it first. So what if someone else likes her, if you confess and she accepts you then she didn’t feel anything for the other guy in the first place.”

“You have a point,” Leo nodded. Just because N and Ravi liked Sori didn’t mean that she had to like them back. He probably had just as much chance as anyone else at this school.

So why didn’t he take a chance?

He knew that Sori wouldn’t say anything if he confessed. Well, she wouldn’t say anything if she rejected his confession. So no one but them – and Luhan and Yuri – would know, thus sparing him the embarrassment of everyone knowing he’d been rejected. Plus he’d be spared the betrayed looks that N and Ravi would give him if they knew about his feelings.


Leo walked through the forest, trying to find Sori without calling her name. it was just his luck that nightmares couldn’t track people because it would make finding her so much easier if he could smell her out. Instead he had to wonder through the dark woods, hoping that he would find the female shifter and not someone – or something – else.

“Leo?” the turned to find Sori looking at him with a curious expression, “what are you doing out here? It’s late, past midnight.”

“I was looking for you,” he admitted, wondering if this was such a good idea now that he was face to face with her.

“Oh?” she blinked and he could have sworn she was trying not to smile, “why were you looking for me?”

“I have something I wanted to say,” he explained, clearing his throat out of nervousness.

“Really?” she asked, “I was hoping to talk to you, too. Do you want to go first or should I?”

“You can go first,” he offered. He had no idea what she wanted to tell him, but it was best to hear whatever it was first in case it had to do with what he wanted to say.

“Alright,” she nodded and Leo couldn’t believe how nervous she looked, “I wanted to say that I like you, Taekwoon. A lot. I hope that you feel the same, but it’s perfectly alright if you don’t. We can just pretend this never happened and never talk about it again.”

“I like you, too,” Leo smiled ever so slightly after hearing her confession, “that’s what I wanted to tell you.”

“Really?” she smiled ever so slightly herself before walking closer to him. Without a moment of hesitation, she pulled Leo’s head down and kissed him hard. Leo had never actually kissed someone one before, so he just wrapped his arms around her waist and let her take control of the kiss.

He realized that now he’d have to deal with explaining things to N and Ravi. The pair would be hurt and probably wouldn’t talk to him for a while. But at that moment he couldn’t seem to care. Sori’s lips were to perfect and distracting for him to care much about anything other than kissing her.

A/N: I think I kind of ship this now. It’s a total crackship, but it’s a good crackship. I think we all know that this *points to story above* isn’t gonna happen in the actual story, but it was so much fun to write that I might try writing more SoriXLeo in the future. Thank you HanChanChan for the idea!! If you guys want to request a crackship for another special chapter or just a character to take center stage for a special chapter, ask away!

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Chapter 29: ^o^ thank you for writing this~~! Happy sehun is really sweet
Chapter 29: So I had missed quite a lot updates here.. XD Glad I read them now, it never hurts to have some extra backstory. (:
Chapter 28: Thank you! I'm satisfied now
Chapter 25: I love your Dark Lake stories a lot - it's really interesting hearing about how their powers manifested and how they all met each other. Here's an idea: can we have a story about Sehun and N meeting? When Sehun realised there's another necromancer and how it was to help train him? After reading all about how Sehun was bullied, it feels like he would have been really happy to hear he wasn't the only necromancer student any more.
Chapter 25: I'm curious about N. I figure he got sent to DL because he was seeing things but I wanna know more about it
Chapter 25: Want me to come up with some ideas?
Chapter 22: OHMIGARDSUN! Hyuna had a crush on Kai?! *having crack ideas already*
Chapter 21: I'm back again now~ So yeah, I'm back from my vacation andI'm welcomed with a LOT of updates to catch up, so no long comments from me.. XD
Chapter 17: Oh my god! That was just too kawaii~~~! Help, I can't take the feels!
HoneyDew669 #10
interesting! :)