Special Chapter 15 - D.O

Dark Lake Academy - EXTRAS

“He-Hello,” Kyungsoo bowed when he entered his dorm room and found two other boys siting on the couch waiting for him.

“Hey!” one of the boys grinned, rushing over to hug him, “another vampire!”

“You’re scaring him, Taozi,” the other boy laughed, “he clearly hasn’t grown up with supernaturals.”

“Oh!” Tao grinned brightly, “even better! He’s like me!”

“Tao,” the other warned, “he looks scared. Try to hold back, alright? Remember how you were when you came here?”

“Right,” Tao nodded, backing up and giving Kyungsoo space.

“I’m Kim Jongin,” the unnamed boy said, “but call me Kai. This is Huang Zitao, but we all call him Tao for short.”

“I’m a vampire like you,” Tao smiled, “and Kai is a werewolf.”

“I’m D.O Kyungsoo,” Kyungsoo said, smiling shyly at the pair, “I guess I’m a vampire.”

“You’re turned?” Kai asked, looking at the scar peeking out from Kyungsoo’s shirt.

“I guess,” Kyungsoo nodded.

“Tao kind of knows what you’re going through,” Kai told him, offering a comforting smile, “I was born a werewolf and I’ve always known what I was. Tao had the vampire gene hos whole life, but it was activated last year. He didn’t know what had happened to him until his cousin told him.”

“My ex turned me,” Kyungsoo told them sadly, “and then she ditched me. My parents thought she got me into drugs and I was sent here.”

“At least they didn’t find you drinking blood, right?” Tao said, “We have another kid here who had their parents find out that way. She’s a ward of the school because her parents couldn’t handle it.”

“Oh,” Kyungsoo looked down, a little scared. He had to go home at some point, what if his parents found out then?”

“Don’t worry,” Kai comforted him, glaring at Tao for not being able to keep his mouth shut, “Xiumin hyung will be able to help you learn how to hide your vampire gifts. He’s been a vampire since he was twelve.”

“Xiumin hyung is really great,” Tao added, “he’s friendly and kind.”

“Come on,” Kai took Kyungsoo’s bag and put in by the couch, “well take you to meet him now.”

“You don’t have to take me there now,” Kyungsoo assured them, “I’m sure you both have things you want to do.”

“Xiumin is roommates with Kai’s brother Chen,” Tao explained, catching Kyungsoo’s arm and leading him out of the room, “we were going to over anyway.”

“I think you’ll like Suho hyung,” Kai said, “he’s a dragon and he’s really cool.”

“Lay hyung is a shifter and he’s really nice, too,” Tao added, “they room with Xiumin and Chen, too.”

As it turned out, Kyungsoo really did get along with the four older boys.


“D.O!” Kai called for the fourth time and Kyungsoo finally remembered that was his new nickname.

“Yes?” he asked.

“What are you looking at?” Kai asked, following Kyungsoo’s gaze and trying to figure out exactly what had attracted his attention.

“That kid sitting all alone,” Kyungsoo explained, “I’ve seen him in a few of my classes. He’s always alone and sometimes he talks to himself.”

“Oh Sehun,” Sori said, “He’s your age.”

“Isn’t he the necromancer?” Kai asked, “or was that someone else.”

“He’s the necro,” she nodded before turning to face Kyungsoo, “he isn’t talking to himself, he’s talking to ghosts.”

“Ghosts?” Kyungsoo asked.

“That’s what necros do,” Suho explained, “They see the dead and help them with their unfinished business.”

“Oh,” Kyungsoo looked back to Sehun, “but why is he alone?”

“Seeing ghosts freaks people out,” Suho said, “even when those people aren’t exactly normal themselves. Case in point Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Lina here.” He pointed to their wings.

The two fifteen year old boys pretended to be offended. Lina looked down sadly and Kyungsoo noticed that Chanyeol’s comforting looked a lot more like a boyfriend comforting his girlfriend then a little brother comforting his big sister. It was probably nothing. No one else said anything or seemed to notice so this was probably normal sibling behaviour for them. Kyungsoo was new to the group so he shouldn’t be passing judgment so quickly.

“He’s lost a bunch of roommates because of his gift,” Yuri said, “they get creeped out and leave. He was alone all last year and thus far this year is the same. He’s lonely.”

“He should move in with us!” Tao said, overjoyed at the idea of making a new friend, “then he wouldn’t be lonely anymore.”

“I’m cool with it,” Kai shrugged, “ghosts are cool.”

“I’m alright with it, too,” Kyungsoo nodded. Tao grinned and rushed over to Sehun, practically dragging the boy over to their table. The necro followed with wide eyes, clearly not understanding what was going on.

A/N: and before Sehun knew what was going on, he was roommates with Kai, Tao, and Kyungsoo.

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Chapter 29: ^o^ thank you for writing this~~! Happy sehun is really sweet
Chapter 29: So I had missed quite a lot updates here.. XD Glad I read them now, it never hurts to have some extra backstory. (:
Chapter 28: Thank you! I'm satisfied now
Chapter 25: I love your Dark Lake stories a lot - it's really interesting hearing about how their powers manifested and how they all met each other. Here's an idea: can we have a story about Sehun and N meeting? When Sehun realised there's another necromancer and how it was to help train him? After reading all about how Sehun was bullied, it feels like he would have been really happy to hear he wasn't the only necromancer student any more.
Chapter 25: I'm curious about N. I figure he got sent to DL because he was seeing things but I wanna know more about it
Chapter 25: Want me to come up with some ideas?
Chapter 22: OHMIGARDSUN! Hyuna had a crush on Kai?! *having crack ideas already*
Chapter 21: I'm back again now~ So yeah, I'm back from my vacation andI'm welcomed with a LOT of updates to catch up, so no long comments from me.. XD
Chapter 17: Oh my god! That was just too kawaii~~~! Help, I can't take the feels!
HoneyDew669 #10
interesting! :)