Special Chapter 27 - N

Dark Lake Academy - EXTRAS

“Hey,” N said, pointing to the guy across the street, “is that guy……is he looking at us?”

“What guy?” Ravi looked at where N was pointing.

“That guy,” N made sure he was pointing directly at the guy he was talking about, “the one with the white dress shirt and black leather jacket.”

“I don’t see anyone like that,” Hongbin spoke up, “are you sure he hasn’t walked away or something?”

“What are you guys talking about?” N scowled, “he’s still right there.” N looked himself and the guy was gone, “……..or not. Maybe he did walk away.”

“Must have,” Ravi shrugged, “come on, we need to get home.”





“I don’t get it,” N snapped, “How did you not see him?”

“How am I supposed to know?” Hyuk snapped right back and N could have sworn that Hyuk had growled as well, “I didn’t see anything. Maybe you’re just seeing things.”

“I….I don’t know,” N sighed, sitting down on the nearest bench, “I…..I just don’t know anymore.”

“Hyung,” Hyuk sighed, irritation fading, “maybe……maybe you should talk to someone. You’ve been seeing this guy in the leather jacket for…….like half a year or something, right?”

“About that long,” N nodded.

“The hyungs and I are talking to the school councilor in a few days,” Hyuk suggested, “maybe you should go with us? Talk about what you’re seeing? Maybe it’s some kind of……some kind of repressed memory or some like that?”

“Maybe,” N nodded, thinking it over, “I….I think I will go with you guys. I’ll schedule everything tomorrow.”

“It will help,” Hyuk smiled reassuringly, “I know it will, hyung.”

N smiled and nodded, but he wasn’t so sure.

A/N:and that is how N found his way to Dark Lake~~ I know nyokopuppet asked for this, so here ya are, dear!

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Chapter 29: ^o^ thank you for writing this~~! Happy sehun is really sweet
Chapter 29: So I had missed quite a lot updates here.. XD Glad I read them now, it never hurts to have some extra backstory. (:
Chapter 28: Thank you! I'm satisfied now
Chapter 25: I love your Dark Lake stories a lot - it's really interesting hearing about how their powers manifested and how they all met each other. Here's an idea: can we have a story about Sehun and N meeting? When Sehun realised there's another necromancer and how it was to help train him? After reading all about how Sehun was bullied, it feels like he would have been really happy to hear he wasn't the only necromancer student any more.
Chapter 25: I'm curious about N. I figure he got sent to DL because he was seeing things but I wanna know more about it
Chapter 25: Want me to come up with some ideas?
Chapter 22: OHMIGARDSUN! Hyuna had a crush on Kai?! *having crack ideas already*
Chapter 21: I'm back again now~ So yeah, I'm back from my vacation andI'm welcomed with a LOT of updates to catch up, so no long comments from me.. XD
Chapter 17: Oh my god! That was just too kawaii~~~! Help, I can't take the feels!
HoneyDew669 #10
interesting! :)