CHAPTER 6: Sleep.

Tropical Haven

Note: it is still all dark.

My breathing pace slowed down. I gulped. My right hand found his chin and I clutched it, my left found his forehead. I tilted his head back and gulped. I leant in. My lips were only millimetres away. The wind blew against my long hair, wet hair. I couldn’t hesitate or I wouldn’t be able to finish my compression sets. I opened his mouth and I felt his lips brush against mine as they opened. So warm… wait, why were they warm?

I moved back from his face suddenly, and fell on my bum. He coughed and I could hear the water spewing out to his mouth. He was alive! He was having a coughing fit. I crawled to him and helped him up. He was warm once again. I let a breath of air. My hand went to my heart. I could feel the slowing down of my heartbeat.

‘You’re alive’ he slurred, chuckling. ‘Thank B2ST’. I heard him thud on the shore. My mouth fell opened.

‘Ramen. I want ramen. Ra... me….n..’ He mumbled and let out a snort. I had to cover my mouth to prevent a burst of laughter. I let a one soft chuckle before smiling into the darkness. I too, was tired. I walked over to my bag and digging through what was inside, I finally found a blanket. Thank god it wasn’t touched by the water. Yoseob was still wet, but after what had happened today, I couldn’t risk him getting sick. It would hurt me, no, kill me. I laid the blanket over his wet body. I touch the outline of him and tucked in all the sides. I hope he was warm. I lay next to him and before I knew it, I was already in a deep sleep.


sorry, it was such a boring chapter. but it will soon get good. i have some... stuff in mind ;D

also, i MIGHT not be updating for a few days because

1. i'm only 1 chapter ahead

2. computer broke down, and WILL NOT TURN ON!  - *cries* all my B2ST photos

3. ^because of that, i'm on my sister's computer


*SADFACE*  but, anyways, please comment and subscribe! <3

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b2utylove57 #1
One of the first fanfics I've read :) Still at the top of my favorites! Loved the ending~
Like.. 3-4 months ago? when you were still updating I was reading this ^__^ <br />
SHIEEET, this is an awesome fic! THE BEST. <br />
and this is how I got into reading fics, by reading this <3333
AWWWW whatta cute ending! ^^ haha im looking foward to the sequel! :D
Cutie_Pie #4
Sweet Ending! ^^
HelloNuna #5
I want a sequel!!!please its to sweet to end like this!
What a nice ending :] can you please write a sequel!!
AeriPark #7
Yayay!!!!! But I think something like this deserves a sequel. Hahaha:) yoseobbbbbbb~~~
Phew!!!!! He didn't die~~Yeyeyeye!!!!! Kekeke...Sequel please!! What will the media say if they found out the Hana and Yoseob are stranded in an island? How will Beast react????? Kekeke...Good Job~!!!!<br />
<br />
Cutie_Pie #9
Wah, lucky thing he didn't die! XD
AeriPark #10
PAHHHHHH. Oh lord, that scared me. That was a freakin intense chapter. I liked how you wrote it and made it so suspenseful! Mannnn, I swear I was holding my breath the whole time I was reading that... Phew!