CHAPTER 4: Land.

Tropical Haven

yeah. i felt like a double update ^^ plus, im 2 chapters ahead so why not? :D


He fell. He really fell. I screamed as he went under. I dove under the crashing waves and grasped his arm. It wasn’t raining, but the winds were strong. I could feel his body go limp and in the distance, the bright lights of the boat gradually disappearing. Maybe, I don’t know there was a faint yelling but I couldn’t tell. The waves continued to slam at my face. I was able to bring Yoseob’s head out of the water. Thank god I had learnt lifesaving, but the bag on my back plus Yoseob’s weight made it hard to swim. The cold water crushing against my body was torture. I continued to struggle to keep both my head and Yoseob’s head out from the abyss below.

I soon felt a bump against my head. I strained my head to turn around. The lifesaving tube! I had thought that red and white tube has flown away. With all my might, I grabbed on the tube and with Yoseob’s limp body, I pushed him so his arms were secured to the side. The waves were intense. I took off my bag and once again, with all the power I could master, threw it into the middle. I went under and gulped a lungful of salt water before coming back up. I coughed up the water from my lungs. I was having a coughing fit and couldn’t breathe.  My legs ached, as if I had sprinted a 5 kilometre run. I yelled for them to move. They wouldn’t and the pain in my lower back from when Yoseob pushed me against the wall, was like a gun shot. I never noticed it before but, I could feel much pain in that area. Maybe, it was the salt water but I had other things to worry about.

Yoseob’s body was still lying lifeless on the tube. I pushed the thought of the possibly of him being dead out of my mind. After my coughing fit, I was able to grab on the tube with my right arm. I paddled with my left arm and since my legs weren’t functioning, it grew tired quickly. I know the island is close by. After all, that island was the reason I jumped. My breath grew short with each paddle. After what seemed like hours of moving and straining my neck to make sure I was going the right way according to the stars, I could feel the winds slow down against the water. The wind felt more pleasant now.  I could feel my legs once again and, thank god, I could touch the sand on my feet. SAND! Sand, meant land!


You thought she was committing suicide, didn’t you? but, no she jumped because the island was near! and there is a reason why she jumped to go on this island.

If there are any unclear parts of the story feel free to ask! But, some questions will be answered soon. (:

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b2utylove57 #1
One of the first fanfics I've read :) Still at the top of my favorites! Loved the ending~
Like.. 3-4 months ago? when you were still updating I was reading this ^__^ <br />
SHIEEET, this is an awesome fic! THE BEST. <br />
and this is how I got into reading fics, by reading this <3333
AWWWW whatta cute ending! ^^ haha im looking foward to the sequel! :D
Cutie_Pie #4
Sweet Ending! ^^
HelloNuna #5
I want a sequel!!!please its to sweet to end like this!
What a nice ending :] can you please write a sequel!!
AeriPark #7
Yayay!!!!! But I think something like this deserves a sequel. Hahaha:) yoseobbbbbbb~~~
Phew!!!!! He didn't die~~Yeyeyeye!!!!! Kekeke...Sequel please!! What will the media say if they found out the Hana and Yoseob are stranded in an island? How will Beast react????? Kekeke...Good Job~!!!!<br />
<br />
Cutie_Pie #9
Wah, lucky thing he didn't die! XD
AeriPark #10
PAHHHHHH. Oh lord, that scared me. That was a freakin intense chapter. I liked how you wrote it and made it so suspenseful! Mannnn, I swear I was holding my breath the whole time I was reading that... Phew!