CHAPTER 25: Birthday day.

Tropical Haven


I woke up even before the sun rose. I needed to gather some wood to set up a fire as we ran out of wood last night when cooking the fish. We also needed some sort of water to quench our thirst. Yoseob was still sleeping so I went in search for the coconut tree. I let out a small chuckled. I remembered. That coconut tree was when I was racing with Yoseob to reach the top. I remembered when I tricked him that I was falling to spot him from teasing me about being slow. I remembered when, I actually did fall and he caught. I grabbed my arms and hugged myself. For some reason I could still feel his warmth, though he was not here next to me. I continued to walk to that coconut tree. This time I was very careful so I wouldn’t fall down again. He wouldn’t be here to save me. I got the coconuts and went in search for wood.

The sun was beginning to rise now and the view was absolutely magnificent. I guess I never noticed it before. Yoseob shone brighter than the sun. I sat on the sandy shore, still admiring the great view in front of me. I placed the coconuts and wood next to me. I turned to my right. Yoseob was still sleeping peacefully. The blanket had fallen from his body and I could see the position he was sleeping in. His hands were tucked in between his legs. His lips in a small pout and small strands of his hair lay upon his small forehead. He was still far away from me to notice his features. I let out another small chuckle. Yes, he was far away. Far away in a place I can never reach. I don’t deserve to be here with him on this place.

I stood up and began making a fire. It took me about 10 minutes before the fire was actually going. I coughed as the smoke entered my lungs. I used my towel to change the way the smoke flew up. Maybe planes flying past would notice the irregular smoke patterns. It was time to cut the coconut. And once again, it brought back memories of a few days ago. Cutting myself and my finger in Yoseob’s mouth…such an intimate moment. I was trying to carefully cut the brown skin of the coconut but, again, I cut myself. I the finger in my mouth and could feel the blood sinking. It tasted so horrible, like something made from iron. I pulled it out and began shaking my hand around. I pain began to fade away. I continued to the cut the rest of the coconut until I was able to reach the sweet liquid on the inside.


I woke up and I couldn’t breathe. Something entered my lungs and it made me cringe. I coughed and my eye began to water. I sat up from my sleeping position. I could see Hana on the left of me. She was drinking what looked like a coconut? I could see her walking over to the fire, the source of my short of breath and watered eyes. With her towel she began to waver it above the flames, creating unnatural smoking patterns.  My eyes widen as I knew what she was doing. She was signalling people. Why now? Why not when we first arrived? Was I a burden on her and she wanted me gone? After all, she planned for herself to stay here. Should I stop her? But wouldn’t that be more of a burden? Questions kept swirling in my mind. What do it do?

I stood up and it seemed Hana knew that I did. She turned around as I was standing. I froze. Her expression, there was nothing. Her face was just blank. I missed her smile. I wanted her to smile. I wanted her to be happy. So I guess… I should …. Just accept the fact she wanted me gone. Would that make her happy? I guess it would since she was building the fire now. But wait, in recollection of yesterday, today would be her birthday? OMO! Her birthday is today and I am being a burden to her. Still, I want to give her that rock. I remember looking at her when she told me the story of the niji rock. That smile was beautiful and it capitated me. Her gorgeous smile … I sighed. I wanted to see it again. So, this time, for sure, I will obtain the rock.

She brought her arm out, holding the coconut but her body was facing the flames. I walked towards her and took it from her grasp. Hana didn’t even bother to look at me. She just continued waving the towel over the flames. I just stood there behind her. I wanted to stop her, but I just couldn’t. She stopped after a while.

‘I’m going to have a shower,’ she said, and left. I watched her as she entered the jungle. This was good; it meant that I would have the time to find that rock for her. As soon as I could see her disappear the in distance, I took off my clothes, leaving me only in boxers and ran towards the ocean.

The sun had already risen, but was not up high yet. It had to be around 11am. I was already in the water, only waist deep, going left and right, looking for the rock. Nothing. It had only been around 5 mins, but I was already getting frustrated. I decided to go a little deeper, around neck high, going left and right. Again, nothing. I went deeper. Where did the rock go? I was beginning to get angry. I moved deeper so that my feet couldn’t touch the ground. I grew tired as time passed by and still nothing. Hana was sure taking her time. It had to be at least 20 minutes since I was in the water. I then notice a rainbow on the reflection of the water. It was there! I frantically swam over to the area of colour. I could see it. IT WAS THERE!  It was amongst a lone sprout of green seaweed.

It dived under and this time, I was able to grasp onto the rock. It was smooth under my touch. It was a little gross trying to get it with the slimy green seaweed. I began swimming up, almost reaching the surface when I felt something grab my ankle.  I struggled because I needed to breathe, but I couldn’t go up for air. The ‘thing’ grabbing my ankle kept pulling me down as I went up. I let out a small breathe of air, but I still needed oxygen. I looked down, my eyes squinting as salt water entered my eyes. The seaweed had a hold of my ankle. I bent down in hopes of pulling them off me but because of my lack of breath, I couldn’t do anything. Soon, I could feel my body shut down. I used all my willpower to keep my grasp on the rock. It going to make Hana happy… but his time, no one could save me. Everything seemed to flash in my mind. B2ST, B2uties, singing … Hana. I was going to die and really die this time. No one is here to save me. A part of me wanted Hana to save me, but again I would be a burden, maybe it would be best if I … die. My eyes began slowly closing, for the 3rd time in a week, another near death experience, well, not really.

I’m going to die now. I could see a white light, if felt warm unlike the waters I was in now. I wanted to go towards it. It drew me in, voices of angelic whispers, arms coming out grabbing on my wrists. I looked back and saw my body floating, ankle stuck in the web of seaweed. It seemed so dark that place, though I was still bright. The light seemed more … tranquil. I entered the light. Then, nothing. I died. Yang Yoseob died. 


*cries*  im going to finish the story soon. maybe like 2-3 more chapters?

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b2utylove57 #1
One of the first fanfics I've read :) Still at the top of my favorites! Loved the ending~
Like.. 3-4 months ago? when you were still updating I was reading this ^__^ <br />
SHIEEET, this is an awesome fic! THE BEST. <br />
and this is how I got into reading fics, by reading this <3333
AWWWW whatta cute ending! ^^ haha im looking foward to the sequel! :D
Cutie_Pie #4
Sweet Ending! ^^
HelloNuna #5
I want a sequel!!!please its to sweet to end like this!
What a nice ending :] can you please write a sequel!!
AeriPark #7
Yayay!!!!! But I think something like this deserves a sequel. Hahaha:) yoseobbbbbbb~~~
Phew!!!!! He didn't die~~Yeyeyeye!!!!! Kekeke...Sequel please!! What will the media say if they found out the Hana and Yoseob are stranded in an island? How will Beast react????? Kekeke...Good Job~!!!!<br />
<br />
Cutie_Pie #9
Wah, lucky thing he didn't die! XD
AeriPark #10
PAHHHHHH. Oh lord, that scared me. That was a freakin intense chapter. I liked how you wrote it and made it so suspenseful! Mannnn, I swear I was holding my breath the whole time I was reading that... Phew!