CHAPTER 23: Present?

Tropical Haven


For the next few minute, we began swimming further away from the shore. As I lay on my back on top of the water, the sun blazed through the skins of my face. I would be tanned after this. I began moving my hands in a flying motion to go a little closer to the shore.

‘Hana?’ I asked

‘Yeah?’ she answered

‘Will you stay on this island forever?’

‘I don’t really know. Whatever happens, happens. If I get saved, then I get saved. If I die here, then I will die. That’s it. Nothing more to it.’

‘Don’t you ever, you know want to go back?’

‘No. I guess not. No one wants me. There’s no point right? It’s sort of like pencil sharpening. I came from a pencil, but still I get thrown away. Who would want pencil sharpening?’

I hesitated. What was I supposed to say in a situation like this? I did what I did best. Ayego. I moved so that my body was vertical in the water. Like in Oh! My School when KiKwang came. I did THAT ayego. She looked at me with an emotionless face. My facial expression fell flat but then I smiled. Hana smiled as well, and then burst out laughing.

‘Come on,’ she said ‘Let’s go underwater exploring.’ We began looking down to the waters below. It was all sand so we both moved further towards the horizon. What was underneath … was still sand. Nothing was beautiful under the litres of water. It was all … sand. Nothing but the same small minerals for miles and miles.

‘Let’s go back. There is nothing to see here.’ Hana said and began swimming back. I began to follow her when out of the corner of my eye, I notice something. Something that shone like a rainbow as the sun’s ray hit against its shell. It sparkled. A birthday present for Hana! I looked like the niji rock that Hana explained to me. I dived under the small movements of the water and began swimming towards the blue rock. It was very deep but I knew I could swim and get it for her. It was the only thing I could do for her birthday. It was hard to sneak around when we were the only people on the island. I was still underwater and it was hard to see with the salt burning my eyes. I was about to grab the rock but for some reason I couldn’t quite grasp it. It felt as if, something was pulling me back. I needed to breath, go up for air. I couldn’t. I was like something was pulling me down.

My lungs were beginning to fill with the salt water and the taste was feral. It like biting a rotten egg. I needed to cough it out but the water wouldn’t let me. I’m going to die. Hana had probably reached the shore and I would drown before she would reach me. I felt my body go weak and my arms stopped moving. I began following the current of the water. My world was starting to become black. In the water, my eyes fluttered and I could see pigments of yellow. I slowly closed my eyes.


I told Yoseob we should head back onto the shore. I began swimming towards the shore but after a few seconds I realised Yoseob hadn’t been following me.  I stared at him at a distance. He was looking under the water, staring very intently. He dived under. I yelled for his name but he didn’t come up. I swam towards him. I took notice at the water. I began to struggle against the current. This was bad, it was strong and grew tired very easily. I had a slight feeling that Yoseob would be in trouble and he was. I could see his body struggling under the current then slowly go limp. I dived straight under showing sign of adrenaline. It made me swim fast. The current began pulling me down and I used it to my advantage. I went deeper and deeper until I could touch the bottom with my feet. I pushed myself off like a torpedo, clutched Yoseob body and went to the surface of the water. We both came up coughing and sputtering water from our mouths. He was OK.


HAI GUISE!~ just to let you know, my chapters are going to be longer now. i think it's going to drag on too much. This also means i will only be updating every second day. not every day. SORRY!


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b2utylove57 #1
One of the first fanfics I've read :) Still at the top of my favorites! Loved the ending~
Like.. 3-4 months ago? when you were still updating I was reading this ^__^ <br />
SHIEEET, this is an awesome fic! THE BEST. <br />
and this is how I got into reading fics, by reading this <3333
AWWWW whatta cute ending! ^^ haha im looking foward to the sequel! :D
Cutie_Pie #4
Sweet Ending! ^^
HelloNuna #5
I want a sequel!!!please its to sweet to end like this!
What a nice ending :] can you please write a sequel!!
AeriPark #7
Yayay!!!!! But I think something like this deserves a sequel. Hahaha:) yoseobbbbbbb~~~
Phew!!!!! He didn't die~~Yeyeyeye!!!!! Kekeke...Sequel please!! What will the media say if they found out the Hana and Yoseob are stranded in an island? How will Beast react????? Kekeke...Good Job~!!!!<br />
<br />
Cutie_Pie #9
Wah, lucky thing he didn't die! XD
AeriPark #10
PAHHHHHH. Oh lord, that scared me. That was a freakin intense chapter. I liked how you wrote it and made it so suspenseful! Mannnn, I swear I was holding my breath the whole time I was reading that... Phew!