CHAPTER 18: A Plan for Her Happiness.

Tropical Haven

Note: still dark/night-time


I wondered, even in her sleep, could she feel my heart beat? For first time, it raced and raced very rapidly. For the first time … I’m in love and it was with her. How did I know? She was different, different from others. She could see me, for me. Not Yang Yoseob of Beast, but Yang Yoseob. Me. I could have fun with her, racing up the tree of the jungle, running around the beach chasing each other in laughter. I was happy to be with her and the thought of her, in my arm right now made my heart flutter. I want to make her happy and stop the pain she was feeling. This is what love is.

Protecting her from anything that would make her unhappy. Holding her in your arms and having your heart beat faster than running a race. Being beside her and can’t help but smile. Hugging her and not wanting to let go. With all the beautiful people in the world, I see her as the most beautiful. I wanted to know her more. I wanted to know what she liked and disliked, her favourite colour, her favourite animal, her favourite foods, her favourite everything. I just, wanted her. I want to make her happy. That Niji Rock made her happy, the one she had received on her birthday. Her birthday. My eyes widened as a switched flicked in my mind.

B2ST had gone on the boat on the 4th on June as a vacation for Dongwoon’s birthday. Since it had been 2 days, today would be Dongwoon birthday. AISH! If I ever get back, I will get an earful from him. So that means today is the 6th and … her birthday will be in two days! I will prepare something for her! A party! YES! I will make those flower necklaces and prepare a wonderful feast. It will make her happy. I smiled as I still held her in my arms in the darkness. I will make her happy, and truly happy. I smirked. Now, a birthday present …



GUISE! im so sorry for not upating *sadface* i was at a party so, i didn't get home till 12am. and i went straight to bed .zzzzzz I will double update! the next chpater will be coming in around 15 minutes? cause, i need to always be 1 chapter ahead. yeah. SORRY! ):

and now comment replies. :D

@AeriPark kekeke :D im my dreams.... or... not? ;D

@Ys5_Jh19_Gk30 jelly = jealous ( i dont know if that is a term where australian's use (im from australia))

@Cutie_Pie DON"T YOU JUST LOVE YOSEOB! hehehe!

@Pockytized hahaha. i had a feeling that would happen XP hehehehe

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b2utylove57 #1
One of the first fanfics I've read :) Still at the top of my favorites! Loved the ending~
Like.. 3-4 months ago? when you were still updating I was reading this ^__^ <br />
SHIEEET, this is an awesome fic! THE BEST. <br />
and this is how I got into reading fics, by reading this <3333
AWWWW whatta cute ending! ^^ haha im looking foward to the sequel! :D
Cutie_Pie #4
Sweet Ending! ^^
HelloNuna #5
I want a sequel!!!please its to sweet to end like this!
What a nice ending :] can you please write a sequel!!
AeriPark #7
Yayay!!!!! But I think something like this deserves a sequel. Hahaha:) yoseobbbbbbb~~~
Phew!!!!! He didn't die~~Yeyeyeye!!!!! Kekeke...Sequel please!! What will the media say if they found out the Hana and Yoseob are stranded in an island? How will Beast react????? Kekeke...Good Job~!!!!<br />
<br />
Cutie_Pie #9
Wah, lucky thing he didn't die! XD
AeriPark #10
PAHHHHHH. Oh lord, that scared me. That was a freakin intense chapter. I liked how you wrote it and made it so suspenseful! Mannnn, I swear I was holding my breath the whole time I was reading that... Phew!