Vampire AU

A Wontaek Collection

Taekwoon plays with his red hair. It falls over his head every time he tries to do something with it.
"Need help?" A deep voice asks, watching him.
"Shut up, Wonshik. I can do this," he mutters, as he pulls stands up. Wonshik clicks his tongue, and grabs Taekwoon's hair.
"You never can," Wonshik chuckles, grabbing a can of hair spray. "Close your eyes." Taekwoon obeys, nearly falling asleep by Wonshik's hands. "Open."
Taekwoon opens his eyes, and locks them with his own. He blinks them, disconnecting the golden hues. He looks up to his hair, and looks over it swept over his forehead.
"It's nice," Taekwoon speaks, as Wonshik slips behind him.
"Nice? I made you look hotter babe," Wonshik growls into his ears. He pecks at Taekwoon's neck, and scrapes his elongated teeth against it.
Taekwoon moans, and looks at him. "We need to feed," he whispers, as Wonshik pulls back.
"I know, but after that. You're mine," he speaks, pushing his own orange hair back.
"When am I not?" Taekwoon counters, moving past him to run outside into the night. Wonshik laughs, and chases after him.


Taekwoon swirls his alcoholic drink. A Bloody Mary. He's disappointed it's not truly bloody. A woman sits beside him, not truly dressed for the club they're in.
"My friend's dragged me along," she confesses at him.
"So did mine," Taekwoon lies, turning to her. She smiles, and sips her drink.
"You're kinda hot," she speaks, staring at him. Taekwoon glances down, acting coy.
"Thank you," he whispers, smiling at her. She downs her drink.
"Would you want to come with me?" She asks, resting a hand on his thigh. He downs his own drink, and follows after her. They reach a small, dark hall, and she pulls him close. Her lips cover his, as they slowly build up their make out session.
"You're so cold," she whispers, resting a hand against his cheek.
"I know. It's because I'm a vampire," Taekwoon explains, grabbing her hand. His eyes shift gold, and he shoves her against the wall. He covers , and yanks her head to the side. His fangs prick against her skin, and he sinks them down through her flesh.
Her blood spills into his mouth, and he gulps it down greedily. He moans, feeling the warmth fuse into his existence. He pulls her closer, and bites deeper. She falls limp, and he pulls back to stare at her. A drop of rolls down her neck, and he it up.
"You get them so easily."
Taekwoon turns to find Wonshik standing behind him. He wipes the blood from his lips.
"It's amazing what happens when you listen," he explains, walking over to him. The woman crumples, and Wonshik pulls him closer.
"I don't want to listen to them," Wonshik starts, kissing his bloody lips. "I want to listen to you. Especially when you moan my name under me."
Taekwoon smiles, and stares down. "That can be arranged."
Wonshik smirks, and moves closer to him. "Yes it can, babe," he purrs, pulling Taekwoon close.
Their lips clash, and Wonshik pushes him against the wall. Taekwoon moans, and grabs onto Wonshik's styled hair. Taekwoon's head rolls back, and Wonshik moves to bite down at his neck.
"You didn't feed, did you?" Taekwoon pants, and Wonshik at the slow moving blood.
"No. I like feeding from you," Wonshik comments. Taekwoon's minds hazes, and his senses heighten. He lets his eyes droop and he dips his head down.
"We can't in front of the dead human," Taekwoon comments, allowing Wonshik to hold him up.
"I know. That's what our bed back home is for," Wonshik speaks, pulling him up. Taekwoon is swept over his shoulder, as Wonshik takes off running. He smiles, and bites at Wonshik's neck.
"I know, Wonshik. I know."










A/N: 641. I think I'll do my original idea in a full au. So, expect that eventually. (-<) <3 ^_^

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Chapter 3: This was so cuuttee!!
Chapter 11: angel Leo n incubus Ravi!!! ?
Chapter 52: Oh yes he did!!! And I'm so happy! He's so pretty!!♡\♡
Chapter 51: Omg. That lyric is so perfect.
Chapter 51: OMG!!!!! I love this!!!!
This is so cute!! WonTaek is life!! They're so cute and fluffy!!
Chapter 51: BEST CHAPTER!!! Please make a part two for this :3
Haroromaurer #7
Chapter 51: OH MAI GAD!! I loved it!! *screaming* LR a.k.a wontaek soooooo sweeettt and a little bit fool ><
Dober_Man #9
Amazing fanfiction, could not put it down. I want to ask permission to transfer. If that write in PM