
First Impression

Jin returned home and began his homework. But he lost focus when picking up a picture of him and SunHi. It was the last picture he had taken with her before she left for America. It had been almost 13 years, and now she's returned for good. How long he's waited for her return. He remembered the times she would come on her summer vacations, they would always hang out. But it was when he first started hanging out with Suga. After that summer, she no longer returned. They wrote letters to each other, but it still wasn't the same. He longed for her voice. Jin repetitively​ asked of they she was coming back to Korea but it had seemed she would ignore it. He worried she would never come back and forget him. 

There was one period of time where she had not written a letter in weeks. Was she mad? Did she not want to be friends anymore? It was then he learned that SunHi was being hospitalized. He didn't know the reason but he did know she had lost bits of her memory. Jin continued to worry if SunHi had forgotten him. But oddly the only thing she remembered was her best friend Jin. It was up to him to help regain her memory back. It took at least a year to get her memories back. He wasn't able to video chat with her due to the fact that she couldn't even use one by doctor's order's. When she started to remember things, SunHi was really grateful. Till one day she wrote: I might be coming back to live there again. For the rest of my life.

He was overjoyed. The only flaw would be it was their graduating year. Jin didn't care. Better late then never. However he didn't have much time. How would he confess and not make it sound so sudden. Although she was more sporty then most girls and he obviously wasn't any better, Jin liked how SunHi enjoyed being the tomboy she was with or without being judged. It set her apart from all the girls he had ever encountered. 

His thoughts back to when SunHi had lost her memories. He had a reason why he had to re-introduce her to Suga who seemed to remember meeting her from along time ago. At first, he could tell Suga was not interested in saying sorry.

"Come on don't you remember?" Jin started to explain. "She came that one summer and was the one who threw the frisbee over the fence"

"That was her?" Suga looked at his friend with widen eyes. 

"Yeah and you were talking about on how she shot from half court on her first try, everyday. Seriously, the girl had played basketball ever since she started walking."

Then he saw it Suga's face that he was convinced. 

Suga doesn't know about SunHi's amnesia. Jin debuted if he should of told him.  

Suga: hey just out of curiosity, do you know if SunHi has good memory of things in the past?

When he saw that message Jin also wondered why Suga cared about it. Considering he was a bit rude, Jin made his friend apologize. He was stern about this. Since he knows both could be at each other's throats for the longest time due to their personalities.

Jin never thought he would like SunHi. Maybe it was because he saw sides of her that nobody else saw. That she can actually be a 'girl' at times. He was glad he was the only one who could see that. It made Jin feel special.


The next day, Jin saw her skateboarding to school. When he caught up, SunHi stopped and walked along with him. The two talked still catching up on things. There were some things SunHi still couldn't remember. But Jin kept that to himself only mentioning it if she did. He didn't want to pour so much on her. Throughout the years after her accident, Jin took baby steps. Little by little. Even after all that, she still remains to remember certain things.

"Will you be eating with us again?" Jin asked her as they went inside the school building.

"Ani. I made a friend remember?" SunHi answered. "I would bring her over with me, but she's a transfer like me, so it might take her awhile to warm up to people."

"Ah I see." 

Jin still worries for her. Even though the amnesia was long ago, he doesn't want it to happen again. He finds it uncanny that she is able to remember things that happened in the past so quickly as compared to ious times. Jin knows they were recent events, but it's been years since her full recovery. She should be able to remember everything by now...

After they took their seats in the classroom, SunHi saw Suga come through the door. They made eye contact but only for a second. SunHi then put her head down. She remembered the talk they had. She couldn't believe she actually talked to him. The entire time she did not turn her head.

Suga on the other hand, wanted to get her attention. He still didn't know if they were in bad terms or not. By judging the eye contact from earlier, he assumed she wasn't angry at him. Maybe a little shocked from the conversation they had. Suga planned on asking Jin some more questions anyway. He was still on about if SunHi came back to Korea because he left Jin alone which he hoped wasn't the case. When it was lunchtime, Suga was about to say something to her but saw SunHi leave the classroom not waiting for him nor Jin.

"Is SunHi not eating with us?" he asked his friend. "Shes not still mad at me is she?

"Nope. She made a friend yesterday that she wants to meet up." Jin answered. "And don't worry, I think she's passed all that."

"Oh that's good..." she made a friend? I hope it isn't a another guy...

"Kaja, the others are waiting."

The two headed for the cafeteria and bought their lunch. They sat down with the rest of their group, who all asked where SunHi went. As Jin started to explain, Suga looked around the area to see if SunHi would even show. 


Suga jumped a little. "Mwoh?"

"Geez I had to call your name twenty times." JiMin said. "I almost said your real name."

"Well what do you want?"

"I was just asking who you were looking for."

"Oh... No one. It was nothing."

"You're looking for SunHi aren't you?" J-Hope started to tease.

"Yah, I just said I wasn't looking for anyone. And keep as that got it!"

Suga really did want to see SunHi. So he thought, Where the hell is that girl?

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hey all I know this story is over but I have a special chapter coming up soon!! Please look forward to it! ^^


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yooamie #1
Chapter 30: Eee, this is a good story! I loved it! The ending was so sweet, aw ^^
Chapter 30: Omygagdhkbhj! Authornim i want 1 more special chap xD
Autumnaree #3
Chapter 29: I love long stories and fast updates!
Chapter 30: This special chapter is so awesome !!!!! I really enjoy it ^^
airayuuki #5
Chapter 29: This story was amazing I absolutely loved it. You're amazing author-nim.
Chapter 29: Yoongi is so sweet ~ but it's so obvious that Bangtan distracted Sunhi from meeting Yoongi (or is it just me ?) Hahaha but still ~
Well sorry if I spammed your comments like crazy (but yeah I love your story soooo much so that's an exceptional ok XD)
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 29: A nice, sweet ending - my heart is content and happy. You did a good job~ ^^
Thanks again for posting this story for us to read! <3 I think I'll check out your other stuff now? Heehee~
Chapter 29: Suga suga suga I would love to have him as in this story to be mine lol. It's so effing beautiful sweet story. Good job. I like on how you made this story "short". It didn't even reach 30 chapters which was the main factor why I read this beautiful fluffy story . Ngeee~ I really hate a story with too many chapters. Too many "side dishes" . Lol if you got what I mean. Good job again :) and of course I love this story. Who wouldn't? Lol again