Wrong Move

First Impression

"Get out of my way so I can get some pay back done!"

"Just go Suga!" SunHi yelled at him. "I'll be fine. Leave before you get hurt."

Suga just stood there. But gradually you can see the anger on his face appear. He looked at SunHi directly. "How can I trust you to say that you'll be fine? Should I believe you this time? Because it would make me a fool to believe your lies once again." 

"Listen man, are you going to move or what? I don't have all―" 

As soon as Insu was about to put his hand in his shoulder, Suga grabbed it quickly, then pulling it back having Insu have pain. Right after Suga punched him in the gut and face having him fall to the ground. Suga then knelt down grabbing him by the collar.

"The next time I see you near SunHi, if you even touch or look at her, you will regret every next move you make the time I catch you try to hurt her ever again. I will bring back up myself so do think twice when making your choice. Now beat it or I'll continue to beat you."

Insu got up scared out of his life now and ran without looking back. When Suga turned around, the two boys who held SunHi let her go and began to ran off as well. She lay in the floor rubbing her wrists that ache in pain and showed red marks of the boys' grip. Suga slowly kneeled beside her which made SunHi nervous. She avoided his eyes but could already tell how mad he was. That's when she knew it was pure anger not annoyance.

"Listen Suga before you say―"

She wasnt able to finish when Suga decided to take her by the hand. He didn't say a word to her all the way. SunHi wondered where he was taking her. What she really wanted now was to go home. 

"Yah, Suga! Where are you taking me? Answer me!"

Suga still refused to answer. He opened the door, bringing her into the music room. SunHi was amazed what was inside since it was her first time but remembered that she was forced in here.

"Yah! Open the door. Get me out of here!"

Suga forcefully turned around. It was the most angry she's ever seen him in.

"You're always careless." Suga said angrily. "Why can't you be more careful?" Man the wrong tone again...

"Why do you keep coming the rescue?" SunHi shot back.

"Dont start with me."

"You know honestly you don't always have to baby me. I never asked you to be my personal body guard."

"Well if you started to be more careful I wouldn't have to."

"I could of handled it on my own. I was going to trick him. I had a plan and everything. Do you really think I'm that stupid to fall for an idiotic move?"

No... I think you're smart. The smartest girl there is. 

That's what he wanted to say but it didn't come out. Inside he was relieved that SunHi knew it was a trick all this time but Suga looked to the side avoiding her gaze and trying to maintain his image. But it didn't seem to pass her. SunHi looked at him closely. This made him more nervous and swallow hard.

"Wait a minute.." SunHi began. "You like me don't you?"

He froze.

"It's no wonder you care so much. You like me." She let out a laugh. "BTS's Suga has a soft spot for me. Aw. Now that's cute."

"I-I never said that." Suga said quickly.

"But it's true. I can see right through you. Ha! I knew you weren't all that. Even the toughest guys have a weak point. And what do ya know, I'm you're weak point. It's no wonder you suddenly started to save me all the time."

Suga looked down in defeat. There was no point in talking her out of it. She knows. Wait. She knows. Although he was still embarrassed of her figuring it out, Suga went back to playing it cool. He suddenly didn't feel the need to keep it to himself anymore. SunHi noticed this and was now seeing the Suga she met the first time only different. He moved in closer to her as he took off his jacket which he threw to the side without care.

"Yah!" SunHi raised a brow. "What are you doing?"

"Well, since you apparently already know how I feel I shouldn't have to explain any further right?"

"Wait wow there boy! I never said―"

"But you know and that takes care of all that explanation I had to do. Makes you wish you weren't that smart now huh?"

"Don't I get a say in this?"

Suga his lips. "Nope. Just enjoy the rush."

Before SunHi had the chance to protest, Suga pressed his lips over hers. She tried to pull away but he kept her closet to him. He traced her body down to her waist pushing her against the wall. SunHi was all against this and pushed Suga away. Both were catching their breath before anyone could speak.

"YAH!! Are you crazy?"

"Oh come on you liked it." Suga smirked again.

"Are you ing kidding me? You're... You're―"

"I'm what?"

She couldn't come up with anything to say so she just slapped Suga across the face before storming off. Even she was surprised on what she just did. SunHi knew the wasn't the response she wanted to go with. After slamming the door behind her, she wiped her lips with her sleeve. There was just too much to think about. Her mind was going in circles.


SunHi did the avoiding stage again. She didn't want to talk to any BTS members at all. Heck she didn't even want to see them. Durning lunch for the past week, SunHi have been going to the roof. But all she could think about how Suga had kissed her. It was her first real kiss and Suga had stolen it. She couldn't decide if she was okay with this or not. In fact her plan actually worked. She had only faced Jin once during the weak just so she could tell him that he can stop with the act. After that Jin never really talked or even saw his childhood friend. The only thing SunHi had to learn was what her own feelings were now. And only she can find this out on her own.

For Suga, he was more then ashamed. Instead of making things better, they were back to where they started. He blamed his ego. That part was not him. Suga knew he could do better. As he reflected on this, he had finally understood the meaning of SunHi's words. Suga was just a disguise. Yoongi was the real him, the one that SunHi preferred more. It was no wonder she called everyone by their real names except for his. Oddly, it was something Suga desired more then anything. He wanted SunHi to call him Yoongi. She was the only girl he told about his real name. No other girl was special enough. He then remembered how they met when they were little. Suga admits he was cold to her from the very beginning. They didn't even know each other well back then but SunHi seemed to understand him more then anyone else did. 

"Han SunHi." he thought. "Oh how I wish you remembered me."

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hey all I know this story is over but I have a special chapter coming up soon!! Please look forward to it! ^^


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yooamie #1
Chapter 30: Eee, this is a good story! I loved it! The ending was so sweet, aw ^^
Chapter 30: Omygagdhkbhj! Authornim i want 1 more special chap xD
Autumnaree #3
Chapter 29: I love long stories and fast updates!
Chapter 30: This special chapter is so awesome !!!!! I really enjoy it ^^
airayuuki #5
Chapter 29: This story was amazing I absolutely loved it. You're amazing author-nim.
Chapter 29: Yoongi is so sweet ~ but it's so obvious that Bangtan distracted Sunhi from meeting Yoongi (or is it just me ?) Hahaha but still ~
Well sorry if I spammed your comments like crazy (but yeah I love your story soooo much so that's an exceptional ok XD)
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 29: A nice, sweet ending - my heart is content and happy. You did a good job~ ^^
Thanks again for posting this story for us to read! <3 I think I'll check out your other stuff now? Heehee~
Chapter 29: Suga suga suga I would love to have him as in this story to be mine lol. It's so effing beautiful sweet story. Good job. I like on how you made this story "short". It didn't even reach 30 chapters which was the main factor why I read this beautiful fluffy story . Ngeee~ I really hate a story with too many chapters. Too many "side dishes" . Lol if you got what I mean. Good job again :) and of course I love this story. Who wouldn't? Lol again