Never Forget

First Impression

SunHi felt the need to hit something. She couldn't believe her first day she had caused a scene twice. But on the bright side she made a new friend. Still it all leads to one person. She stood in front of the front door to her house keeping the thoughts of Suga deep in her head. What was his deal? After shaking her head, she searched for her house keys.

"It's about time you got home." a familiar voice said.

SunHi turned around as she pulled out her keys from her backpack. "Oh, Seokjin."

She couldn't believe her parents had got a house next his.

He walked up to her. "Considering you left before me, I had expected you to be home earlier. Where did you go?"

"The library."

Jin laughed a bit. "You've only been here for a day and you're already focused on your studies?"

"It's not like that. I had to walk a friend there."

"You made a new friend? That's great."

"Yeah well, I figured I can't hang out with you and the other guys for long. Besides she has the same interests as me."

"You're not going to ignore me the rest of the year are you?"

SunHi looked at her friend. "Why would I do that?"

"You'll probably hate me for mentioning this but you and Suga..."

She slowly looked down. "Oh yeah... I saw him when I was coming back from the library."

"You didn't hit him did you?"

"Mwoh? Ani! Of course not!" 

Jin just gave a smile. "You still haven't changed."

"The only thing that's changed is my wardrobe." she pointed to her uniform, but specifically the skirt. "You know how hard it was to skateboard with this thing on. I had to hold it down so the wind wouldn't show my―"

"?" Jin finished for her.

"Don't say that word!" she plugged her ears. "Why did you say it? You know how I hate that word?"

Jin laughed a bit. He had forgotten his friend was more boy then girl. If it were out of 100, he would of guessed it was 85% boy in that girl's body. That 15% was for only for special occasions. Even with that she still hates skirts and dresses. "Mianhe. But you don't look too bad in it. Honest."

"I just really need to change. This thing is just so uncomfortable... How do girls where these everyday?"

He shrugged, "I'm no girl. Why would you ask me that question? Oh and your brothers told me to tell you they went to go visit some people and run some errands."

"Mwoh? They went to go visit my uncle without me? What the hell! I told them I wanted to come."

"Well its not like you're not going anywhere this time. I'm sure you'll see him soon."

"Very true, but I haven't seen my uncle in forever. I seriously can't remember the last time I saw him. Oh well, I guess it was best. I have to do my homework."

"Yeah... I still have to do mine." he laughed. 

"Then we have to get started now. You should go study."

"Still haven't changed." Jin laughed as he waved goodbye and headed home.

SunHi watched him walk to his house. 'And neither have you my friend.' She went straight to her room and began her homework. In a breeze she finished it all. She then took the rest of her time to unpack the last of her things from the move. When she came to the last box, SunHi took her time to go through it. The label read: Childhood Memories. The stuff inside were mostly photo albums. There were a few stuff animals and those common friendship bracelets. Then there was one journal. She studied the cover. Was it really hers? Did she even write anything in it? SunHi opened it reading the first page. She had a hard time believing it was hers considering it was in little kid writing. Had she been already advanced academic wise? She couldn't remember. She was four when she wrote it, she wasnt in school yet. SunHi was about to continue on but she heard someone enter her house. It was her eldest brother. 

"Oppa where's the others?" she asked as she wondered where her other two brothers were.

"They went to help uncle for the day and―" her brother looked at her. "So that's your uniform?"

She looked down at her clothes and gave a gasp, she had forgotten to change. 

"Man, it's the first time seeing you in a skirt." 

"Oppa! Don't make fun of me please!"

"I won't. Just be lucky it was me who came home. The other two would be the ones playing the jokes."

It was true. SunHi's eldest brother was 8 years older then her. The other two were only four to two years older. Although the , SunHi felt more closer to her elder brother anyway.

"Well get out of your uniform then." her brother continued seeing his little sister still embarrassment. "Hurry up because I need you to help me unload some stuff. That is if you're done with your homework."

"Is that even a question?" 

"Oh right." he chuckled. "I forgot. Now hurry."

"I'll be back." she quickly ran upstairs changing out of her uniform. And what a relief she had. She ran backstairs helping her brother forgetting the journal that she pulled out of her box. 

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hey all I know this story is over but I have a special chapter coming up soon!! Please look forward to it! ^^


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yooamie #1
Chapter 30: Eee, this is a good story! I loved it! The ending was so sweet, aw ^^
Chapter 30: Omygagdhkbhj! Authornim i want 1 more special chap xD
Autumnaree #3
Chapter 29: I love long stories and fast updates!
Chapter 30: This special chapter is so awesome !!!!! I really enjoy it ^^
airayuuki #5
Chapter 29: This story was amazing I absolutely loved it. You're amazing author-nim.
Chapter 29: Yoongi is so sweet ~ but it's so obvious that Bangtan distracted Sunhi from meeting Yoongi (or is it just me ?) Hahaha but still ~
Well sorry if I spammed your comments like crazy (but yeah I love your story soooo much so that's an exceptional ok XD)
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 29: A nice, sweet ending - my heart is content and happy. You did a good job~ ^^
Thanks again for posting this story for us to read! <3 I think I'll check out your other stuff now? Heehee~
Chapter 29: Suga suga suga I would love to have him as in this story to be mine lol. It's so effing beautiful sweet story. Good job. I like on how you made this story "short". It didn't even reach 30 chapters which was the main factor why I read this beautiful fluffy story . Ngeee~ I really hate a story with too many chapters. Too many "side dishes" . Lol if you got what I mean. Good job again :) and of course I love this story. Who wouldn't? Lol again