Forever Mine

First Impression


Her first year of college was somewhat stressful. The constant back and forth for the holidays was the reason why it was difficult. The fact that she choose to go to college out of the country and didn't find any other school in Korea to her likings anyway. She settled in America once more united with some of her friends as well but kept the ones she loved the most back home. While she was there, she even took the courage to take part in a skateboard compition and took first. As for basketball, she was bit iffy. A few baskets here and there, but actually playing made her feel uncomfortable, in america at least. Her hair was back to shoulder's length and she remained the tomboy she had always been. It was weird at first being accepted on the spot, but she was happy that her friends didnt forget her.

SunHi had finished finals and was on her way to fly back to Korea. This time she couldn't wait to go. Plans were filling her head of wanting to do so many things that she wanted to do. She may have been happy to see her friends again in America, but counting the days to go home made her miss her family and of course her special someone. When her plane landed, her family had gone to pick her up as usual. Before heading home, they went to go visit YoungHo. The never ending questions about school came out from him. SunHi had expected this but didnt mind. She was seeing her brother after all. Right when she got home, SunHi saw Jin sitting on his front porch which made her smile on the spot. She ran over to greet him.

"Long time no see!" she called as she approached him. "

Jin looked up, smiling back at his childhood friend. "Glad to have you back. Your flight went well?" He then noticed something. "You cut youre hair again? and is that a scab on your arm

She looked down at her elbow, then nodded. "Ne. I fell, but no big deal."

"What do you mean no big deal? You need to be careful when you fall. I know you're skateborading a lot nowadays, but someone's not going to be happy when he see's that."

SunHi rolled her eyes. "He already knows about it and gave me the lecture so please don't start with me. And speaking of which, how are you and the others?"

"Doing fine. Missing you everyday as well. Mostly Suga. He hides it but I can see right through him."

"Have you been working out or something?" SunHi was poking Jin's arm. "For some reason your shoulders look wider."

"I dont practice dance for 24 hours for nothing." he joked. 

"Oh right right, I forgot. Duh."

"How could you forget, youre the one who got us into this."

SunHi had encouraged Suga to tell the rest of BTS what he had been soon in the music room. Plus during the confession session, it turned out RapMon had been writing lyrics too, JiMin had been learning to dance, J-Hope secretly rapped and danced at home, and V never knew he could sing till Nami found out. Jungkook on the other hand had been rapping, singing and dancing ever since he was little. He had only confessed this to Nami for obvious reasons. For Jin it was a surprise that he had the ability, even SunHi couldn't believe. By creating a song together, BTS was noticed by a company called BigHit Entertainment. 

"Excuse me, but all seven of you kept talents hidden from each other that got you guys noticted. Besides I heard you have quit a fanbase." 

"Yeah it was more then I expected it to be" Jin said. "We're now living the idol life I guess."

"You made some fans in America I know. My roommate's sister is a fan of you guys."

"That's nice to hear. I'm just glad we'll be able to stay together like this. But I'm worried for the rest of the guys, with them being in school still. Suga and I are the only ones who've graduated..."

"That's true."

As they continued to talk, Jin got a phone call. After picking it up, he looked at his friend who gave a questioning look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked. 

"No particular reason. Anyway, want to come with me to the company and see the practice room I'm always in."

"I'm allowed?"

"You're with me, so you should be fine."

While SunHi and Jin, there was some girls who asked Jin for a picture or an autograph. SunHi understood so she didn't make it much of a big deal. But Jin knew his friend. When he saw someone push SunHi away, he got a little angry. The fans apologized right away to SunHi and ran off as soon as they got their picture. She saw Jin give a "sorry" look at her but SunHi laughed it off.

At BigHit, SunHi couldn't help but wonder what was behind every door they passed. She wondered if Suga was in one of those rooms. SunHi wanted to ask Jin but he kept changing the subject.

"Here we are, welcome to BTS's practice room." Jin opened the door and allowed SunHi to go in first. "We usually just hang out but it's pretty much work in here."

She slowly walked in, seeing herself in the mirrors. "I've seen your practice videos... it's a lot bigger then I expected."

"I didn't actually think you watched those." Jin laughed.

"Of course I watch them. I keep up to date. I'm on the other side of the ocean. Even though you do tell me before every thing is offically announce, I'd like to see how it all looks like. I give up sleep to watch you guys live and I advertise you for free so think before you judge."

Before he had the chance to respond, a man, what seemed to be his manager, came in to tell Jin he was needed in another room.

"If you want to stay in here you can, other wise you can explore the building. I need to take care of something real quick."

"That's fine. Go on."

Jin left with his manager and SunHi stood in the middle of the practice room, not knowing what to do. She remembered watching the practice videos over and over just because she missed her friends but mostly Suga. She moved over where he would stand in the start of the chereo, then would follow where he would go as the song played. She really did miss him. Being in his arms and just hearing his voice. SunHi had looked at her phone. He had yet to contact her. Desperate to just be with him, SunHi decided to go find Suga. As soon as she turned around, JiMin and V had came through the door. Smiles appeared on their faces when they saw her in the room. They immedeitly ran up to her.

"Noona!" V called. "You're finally here."

"We haven't seen you in forever!" JiMin added. "

"It's great to see you guys too." SunHi smiled back.

"Jin brought you here huh?" V asked.

"Yeah, he had to go do something though so I've been in here ever since. Where are the others?"

"Jungkook's coming but he's with Nami like usual. Theyre on their way. RapMon and J-Hope are recording right now I think. We just finished ours. That's probably what Jin needed to do."

"What about Suga? Where's he?" SunHi asked not wanting to sound desperate.

"Well he finished his recordings already. And that was yesterday." JiMin answered. "I haven't seen him this whole week..."

"Yeah I haven't seen him either." V added. "He should know your here. He does know that right?"

"He should..." SunHi mumbled, sounding mad.

Both JiMin and V noticed this and looked at each other paniced.

"It's alright, noona." V started placing his hand on her shoulder. "Suga-hyung's probably on a sepereate schedule for today and is running late."

"He has been busy recently. He had been working on our album every single day to get it done and over with. We told him not to stress himself out but he's a non-stop working machine." JiMin said. 

SunHi tried to laugh but it was forced. Soon Jungkook, RapMon and J-Hope came inside the practice room. They greeted SunHi, happy to see her once again. Nami had even came along. The two girls hugged trying to catch up quickly. That's when everyone started to notice her short hair and asked about her skateboarding competions. It was great seeing them all again but SunHi was still wanting to know where Suga was. Jin had came back a few minutes later but Suga didn't come along.

"None of us hasnt really had seen him in awhile." RapMon explained. "I would of thought you'd see him as soon as you landed here."

"Well great, the one time I'm here and he decides it's okay to ignore me." SunHi pouted.

"Suga's probably exhausted from working on the album all day." J-Hope said. "RapMon and I have tried to tell him the three of us should work together at a pace, but he's so rushed. We had the time too."

SunHi didn't want to hear anymore. She knew Suga was working on something but she didn't know he was over working himself. The countless times he told her not to worry for him made her suspicious from the start. Just wanting to see him now, made her even more worried. She wondered if he was really okay. SunHi continued to think this as the boys got ready to practice even though Suga wasn't there. As she sat to side with Nami, SunHi recived a text giving her directions to a specific room. Not wanting them to know, she asked where the restroom was. She left the practice room and followed the directions she was given. When she got there she slowly opened the door. Unsure what to expect, she went inside, still confused on why she was brought to the room. However it did seem familiar. It looked like the same room that BTS did their vlogs. And yes she watched those too.

"It's about time you got here."

SunHi swung her head around. There in front of her was the person she's been wanting to see. He was wearing a black blazer with a tie and nice pants. Not caring to question on his outfit, she ran into his embarace not wanting to let go.

"Ive missed you." she said.

"So have I, Jagiya." he kissed the top of her head, then looked at her. "Even with short hair youre still beautiful in my eyes. However..." He grabbed her arm pointing at the scab. "Yah, why didnt you tell me it was this bad?"

"I didnt want you to worry. Either way you were going to lecture me on it."

Suga sighed. "Well I'm just glad your okay. So long its not your head, I wont worry as much.'

"I wear my helment, I'll loose my sponsers if I don't."

"Good. You keep wearing it otherwise I will ductape it to your head."

She let a laugh. "So.. how come you wanted to see me in here? I thought you forgot I came back..."

"I didn't forget. I would never. I've been waiting for this day to come. Besides I needed more time to prepare."

"Prepare for what?"

Suga took out a rose from his jacket then a small black box from his pocket. Inside was a shining silver couple ring with his name engraved, while the matching one he wore had her name. He handed her the rose and placed the ring on her finger. SunHi was speechless by his small yet thoughtful gifts. Still she was a bit confused on why she was reciving these from him. Suga noticed her expression and gave a small laugh.

"Don't tell me my own girlfriend doesn't know what day it is."

SunHi put some thought into it. After thinking a bit her eyes widen. She couldn't believe she had forgotten. Judging by the look on her face, Suga knew SunHi finally figured it out.

"Let me explain." he started. "I had made Jin take you here. Once you were in the practice room, I knew you'd be looking for me or wonder where I have been. I thought I was ready but I still needed to put some finishing touches, so I made everyone else go in the practice room to distract you while I finished up. I'm sorry if felt like I was ignoring you."

"So is this all?" she asked. "Not that I dont appricate this, but really I do... uh..."

He ruffled her hair with a chuckle. "It's only the beginning." Then he kissed her forehead. "I made another mixed tape that only you get to hear. And we're going to have dinner tonight. Just you and me. Until then, we can do whatever you want. I have the day off, and I'd rather spend it with you."

SunHi couldn't stop smiling. Then as she blushed she mumbled, "Komawo, Yoongi-oppa."

He wrapped his arms around her. "Happy Anniversory, my love."

Then, SunHi heard the words that continued to echo in her head. It was said in the same exact way she remembered. "I love you." was whispered into her ears. SunHi had longed to here that from him for along time. It was so much better hearing it in person then hearing echoes. She couldn't wait to spend the day with him. But first...

She looked up at him "Let's listen to that mixed tape of yours.

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hey all I know this story is over but I have a special chapter coming up soon!! Please look forward to it! ^^


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yooamie #1
Chapter 30: Eee, this is a good story! I loved it! The ending was so sweet, aw ^^
Chapter 30: Omygagdhkbhj! Authornim i want 1 more special chap xD
Autumnaree #3
Chapter 29: I love long stories and fast updates!
Chapter 30: This special chapter is so awesome !!!!! I really enjoy it ^^
airayuuki #5
Chapter 29: This story was amazing I absolutely loved it. You're amazing author-nim.
Chapter 29: Yoongi is so sweet ~ but it's so obvious that Bangtan distracted Sunhi from meeting Yoongi (or is it just me ?) Hahaha but still ~
Well sorry if I spammed your comments like crazy (but yeah I love your story soooo much so that's an exceptional ok XD)
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 29: A nice, sweet ending - my heart is content and happy. You did a good job~ ^^
Thanks again for posting this story for us to read! <3 I think I'll check out your other stuff now? Heehee~
Chapter 29: Suga suga suga I would love to have him as in this story to be mine lol. It's so effing beautiful sweet story. Good job. I like on how you made this story "short". It didn't even reach 30 chapters which was the main factor why I read this beautiful fluffy story . Ngeee~ I really hate a story with too many chapters. Too many "side dishes" . Lol if you got what I mean. Good job again :) and of course I love this story. Who wouldn't? Lol again