First Impression

A/N: Hi all! I know I had said before you wouldnt have to deal with me anymore but had decided to create a Special Chapter for all you. Mostly because I had reached 100 subscrubers for this story and I never thought this would ever happen to me. So to celebrate I wrote this chapter sequal. Sorry if its a bit long and a bit confusing, got carried away lol but I hope you enjoy it. Thanks again to everyone who subscribed ^-^/

At her last skateboard competition that she won of course, she announced it was her last one. Han SunHi was set to do big and better things. She finished all of her schooling, earning  her masters. She could finally stay at her homeland the rest of her life, unless it was for vacation or something. With her major and her ability to speak both Korean and English fluently, her résumé was already looking good. How hard was it going to find a job?

But right now, she didn't want to think about having a job just yet. SunHi hadn't told anyone she was coming back. The only thing she said to them was she was done. She wanted to surprise them instead of them surprising her. Just seeing her family was all she needed. As she looked out her window of the plane, SunHi had no regrets leaving America. The life she had there was most of her childhood and teen years. Would she even miss a little a bit? She was leaving friends she grew up with. 

All but a few who were waiting for her back home. The excitement started to build, but was a bit nervous. She played with the ring on her finger. Many thought she was engaged already. SunHi smiled brightly everytime she saw it. And speaking of which, the boys of BTS had been winning more awards, gaining more fans and having busier schedules then usual. SunHi had a feeling this would happen. 

That's why she understood if they were busy when she landed. SunHi remembered how Suga would respond to her messages later and later. She didn't  complain about it nor get angry. She was busy herself but never had more then a 15 minute ongoing conversation with him. But the love she had for him didn't go away. She continued to watch the live broadcasts that they appeared on, interviews that she was able to see on free time, waited for their new comebacks like a normal fangirl would do, and just watching every possible video they were in. It was her only way to seeing them although they couldn't see her.

When she arrived to her house, she stood in front of the door, hesitanting to knock. When someone went to go answer it, she shot a smile right away.

"SunHi?" He said almost speechless. "What are you doing home so soon?"

"Surprise!" She giggled. "And I didn't actually say when I was coming home."

"Yah, mom and dad are going to flip when they see you." KwangHo said. "You know how they are..."

"Yeah well surprising someone who comes home with phrase and food isn't much of a surprise. Besides, I wanted to surprise everyone anyway. And when am I going to get a welcome home SunHi?"

Her brother chuckled am ruffled her hair. "Welcome back, kiddo. Come on, everyone's in the kitchen."

He took her luggage as SunHi stepped inside. She couldn't believe she almost didn't reconize her own home.

"Uhmma, Appa. Guess who's here!" KwangHo called. 

SunHi heard the scurry of feet leave the kitchen. Her mother was the first to step out followed by her father and two older brothers. They all were shocked just as KwangHo was. The family was finally reunited once again. That night when she layed in her bed, SunHi thought, "It's so great to be home."


The first thing SunHi did after eating breakfast was just explore around town. It had been awhile since she had to familiarize herself with some places. She met her uncle at the cafe to drop by and say hi. 

After seeing everything, she decided to go to the park. It was where she and Suga hung out for the first time. Sure it may have been by force but she sure doesn't forget it. She sat down on the bench watching all the kids play, letting all the memories sink in. But then she saw something far into the distance. A whole crowd of fans was what it looked like. She tried reading the signs then her eyes lit up. SunHi approached the crowd not feeling scared or even nervous for some reason but had her hood up so she wouldn't be noticed. Fans were moving forward slowly. She stood back waiting for all them to go in. After the last one entered, she saw one of the managers.

"Oh SunHi. What a surprise!" He smiled. "I didn't know you were coming back."

"That's because I didn't tell anyone. I wasn't sure how busy the guys were anyway." She replied. "I didn't know there was going to be a fan meeting here."

"Ne. Its about to start soon. Suga would want to meet you." He placed a staff bage around her neck. "Come with me. Its a surprise right? They will be able to see you after it's over. Suga will definitly be happy."

Now she was getting nervous. She sat in the tent where she assumed BTS had prepared to get ready. As she waited, she could hear the boys' voices. Hearing all of them talk live made her feel good inside. It had been awhile. She continued to play with her ring as the fansign went on. When she knew it was over her heart raced. She had her back towrad the other way, then felt someone touch her shoulder. SunHi looked up.



On days he was free from schedules, he would visit SunHi's family just to see how they were doing. Her parents would welcome him warmingly and her brothers would treat him as if they had the same blood. Just a month before SunHi announced she was done with school, Suga came to the Han's residents more nervous then ever. His mind has been made but he was scared to bring it up. He kept having second thoughts. Would it seem like he was rushing it? They were still young and could still think about it. But by the time SunHi comes back he was afraid he would never have time to do it all. After discussions with his manager and the CEO, he knew facing her parents would be the next step. Suga had wished Jin came along but Jin assured that he would be fine on his own. 

"Oh Yoongi," SunHi's mother brightly smiled. "What brings you here? No schedule for the day I assume."

"Annyounghaseyo." He bowed. "It's great to see you too. And yes I have no schedules today. I actually came to talk to you and your husband about something. Mind if I come in?"

When both of her parents sat in front of him, he took a deep breath before saying what he had to say. And judging by their reactions, Suga knew there was one last thing to do.

But till she returns, all he could do was wait.


Suga longed to hear from her everyday but it was either his timing was off or he was just too busy. He imagined her being mad at him for not responding but was surprised how she took as if they had been talking for hours. Oh how he missed those days. Hearing her voice, her laugh, just being able to see her once.  Suga would look at his promise ring engraved with his love's name, kissing it before going on stage. Lately he had been only imagining her in the crowd. He knew she would be watching no matter what time it was so he performed as if she was there in person. 

Has she ever in real life? Not once. She was either too busy or could not make it. But it was fine with him. They both knew they would get busier later on in the years to come. They were able to work it out. However actually seeing each other face to face had never been so hard before. He worried every day, every hour, every second. No matter how many times she would answer that she's fine, Suga couldn't help but think what she could be doing. He knew he wasn't fine. 

Suga looked upon the crowd. Although he knew she wouldn't be there, he looked anyway. The disappointed look on his face made some fans notice that something was up when they came to get their album signed. There was nothing to hide. Just last year he and SunHi were forced to announce their relationship. So ARMYs knew Suga missed her. It sure was a shock at first but luckily fans were open to the idea. They understood that SunHi was the real reason BTS came to be and that Suga really did care and love her. Plus she was cool. ARMYs would ask Suga how SunHi was doing while they got their album signed by him, which made him happy, yet sad.

When performing he still couldn't focus well. That's when he was glad that the fansign was over. After all the fans had left, the members of BTS looked at Suga who was spaced out.

"Do you think having the fansign here was a good idea?" JiMin asked the others. "It was his idea in the first place..." 

"Well he hasn't seen SunHi for awhile... So I can understand what he's feeling." Jin said.

"Me too." Jungkook started. "Nami and I aren't even that far from each other and we rarely get to meet."

"Who would of thought he'd be like this..." J-Hope said. "I mean I've never seen him so... unfocused before."

"Yeah he had to record more then 10 times for this album." RapMon said. "He's never done that."

"Wouldn't it be something if SunHi-noona came right now?" V started.

Suga could hear the conversation. He didn't react like he would. If SunHi were to just appear? Oh how he would want that. But she was in the states, on the other side of the ocean. It's not like she had teleportation. Suga was about to say something to s but his manager stopped him.

"Mind heading to the tent first?" He asked Suga. "I'll be there in a minute so I can talk to you, just wait there alright?"

Suga nodded and headed to the tent. He knew what the manager had to say. Why aren't you focusing? I know SunHi isn't here and you haven't seen her in awhile, but that's no excuse for you to loose focus. He had been given the same talk over and over. 

Suga naturally went to tent looking at his phone to see if SunHi had messages him. But when he looked up, he thought he'd be alone. His eyes widen. Was it a dream? He didn't want to get his hopes up like he had always been. He approached slowly and tapped the person's shoulder.


Her head turned and there he saw the beautiful face he had longed to see. His jaw dropped unable to speak at all. She got up from the chair. Their eyes fixed on each other only. Words had yet to be used. Suga still frozen looking at her as she took only a step forward.

"Yoongi..." SunHi finally managed to say. 

"I missed you, Yoongi-oppa."

As he heard that, Suga pulled her into his embrace, holding her tightly. Hearing her voice was the best thing he listened to in years. He felt her arms go around him which made a tear come down his eye. 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." She started again. "But you surprised me once, so I wanted to return the favor."

He looked at her. As another tear came down, SunHi wiped it away. Suga held the hand that wiped his tear and cupped her cheek with his other hand. Lost in her eyes, he found himself placing his lips gently over hers. The pleasant taste of her lips was what he longed for. It started off sweet till Suga began to press down harder. Usually, he knew SunHi would be angry, because she hates it when he does that but not this time. Suga had an excuse. And for the first time she went along with it, wanting more and more. 

They pulled away slowly, taking the moment to catch their breath. Foreheads touching, they smiled at each other nonstop.

"Welcome back, Jagiya." He said, then gave a peck on her nose.

"You're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad?"

"Because I didn't tell you I was coming."

"Like you said, you wanted to return the favor. Even if its not my birthday, you're the greatest gift I could ever receive."

"Yah, stop being cheesy. That's not you at all." 

They both laughed. Suga had never been this happy before. He gave her another peck on the cheek and sat her down on the chair again. The smile on his face didn't want to leave. 

"Mwoh? You keep starring." She giggled.

"It's becasue my girlfriend who I haven't seen in forever had came back and I didn't know." He smirked. "You're done with everything there right?"


"Good because you're never going overseas ever again unless I'm coming."

She saw this typical but didn't care becasue she missed him too much. SunHi missed the way he would tease although it would get her mad at times. But he would make everything better in the end.

"If thats the case no more surprises for awhile then okay?" She said.

"Then you're about to hate me right now." 


Suga went over to his bag taking out a small box. He looked into her eyes. "I've been waiting for this day to come. I know you and I have been busy over the years, but I'm glad we were able to work it all out. You trusted me. I trusted you. Which is what a relationship needs. If we can do this now, then I know I'll never have any regrets in the future." He got on his knee, lifting the lid of the box showing an engagement ring, making SunHi gasp. "I want to continue our journay together. To be by each other's side.. I want you to be in my life as long as I live because I love you so much. Han SunHi, will you marry me?"

(A/N: And so I'll let your imagnation be the ending of this. haha feel free to share. hope everyone liked it. Thanks for reading! ^-^/)

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hey all I know this story is over but I have a special chapter coming up soon!! Please look forward to it! ^^


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yooamie #1
Chapter 30: Eee, this is a good story! I loved it! The ending was so sweet, aw ^^
Chapter 30: Omygagdhkbhj! Authornim i want 1 more special chap xD
Autumnaree #3
Chapter 29: I love long stories and fast updates!
Chapter 30: This special chapter is so awesome !!!!! I really enjoy it ^^
airayuuki #5
Chapter 29: This story was amazing I absolutely loved it. You're amazing author-nim.
Chapter 29: Yoongi is so sweet ~ but it's so obvious that Bangtan distracted Sunhi from meeting Yoongi (or is it just me ?) Hahaha but still ~
Well sorry if I spammed your comments like crazy (but yeah I love your story soooo much so that's an exceptional ok XD)
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 29: A nice, sweet ending - my heart is content and happy. You did a good job~ ^^
Thanks again for posting this story for us to read! <3 I think I'll check out your other stuff now? Heehee~
Chapter 29: Suga suga suga I would love to have him as in this story to be mine lol. It's so effing beautiful sweet story. Good job. I like on how you made this story "short". It didn't even reach 30 chapters which was the main factor why I read this beautiful fluffy story . Ngeee~ I really hate a story with too many chapters. Too many "side dishes" . Lol if you got what I mean. Good job again :) and of course I love this story. Who wouldn't? Lol again