A Hidden Truth

First Impression

"It's not a date!"

Those words repeated as SunHi came downstairs with a white v-neck and shorts when her brothers began to ask her where she was going. She didn't want to mention Suga's name but was forced to say she was going to with a boy the whole day. Her two younger older brothers, Daeho and KwangHo, began to mock her but as for her eldest brother, YoungHo, he was morally concerned.

"SunHi, who is this boy who's going to be with you?" YoungHo asked.

"He's from my school. And we're in the same class. He's also friends with Seokjin so it's okay." SunHi assured hoping it get him off her back.

"Then why isn't Seokjin tagging along?"

"He wanted the two of us to... to get to know each other better. As friends of course. Its nothing serious really."

Soon there was a knock on the door, SunHi quickly ran to answer it. When she saw Suga's face, she quickly said her goodbye to her brothers, leaving them hanging as she closed the door.

"Geez hyung," KwangHo said, as soon as the door closed. "You're taking this as if you're the dad."

"He might as well be since he baby's SunHi all the time." DaeHo added.

"I don't baby her. I'm just trying to protect her." YoungHo said. "As her brothers, we should be looking after her since she's our sister. Besides, once I'm gone, I have no choice but to leave you two in charge of her because dad's got enough on his plate already. So instead of goofing around try to act more serious."

The two boys looked down ashamed of their actions and already knowing what their brother had meant.

"But hyung... you are going to tell her right? You havent told her yet?"

It was now the eldest's turn to look down ashamed. "Not yet, but I will. When the time is right, then I'll tell her."


SunHi pushed Suga away from her front door till they reached the corner. She couldn't take how her brother was being so over protective nowadays. 

"What kind of host are you to not even let me in once?" Suga asked.

"Did you really want to be in the same room as my three brothers?" she saw him open his mouth but she didn't let him speak. "Yeah I didn't think so. Anyhow, what do you have planned? It better be worth it since I half lied to my brothers."

"Aw you lied to your siblings for me? That's so sweet of you." Suga teased as he patted the top of SinHi's head.

She smacked his hand away. "Knock it off will ya? And just tell me. Remember our deal. Don't even start with me boy."

"Now now. Let's head to the park and take it from there. Shall we?"

With a huff, SunHi walked with Suga to the park. There was a bit of silence which SunHi hated but didn't want to make this any awkward. A much as she hated him, she had to make a conversation, but what would she want to talk about that wouldn't end up being an argument. Then again he did promise to not to get her irritated for the day. Plus she was only doing this for Jin's sake.


SunHi realized that she didn't tell him what she told her brothers but she didn't want to tell Jin she was hanging out with Suga for the day. And since her eldest brother is over protective, he was for sure going to ask Jin a few questions. She quickly took out her phone and began to warn Jin so he could get the heads up.

"Who ya talking to?" Suga suddenly asked. "Jin?"

"uh, sort of..." SunHi answered, as she put her phone away. "It's nothing to your concern anyway."

"Mind if I ask how you two became friends? You two seem so opposite."

"Well I'm sure he's told you we were childhood friends. Our mothers were classmates since middle school. Our families have been in contact ever since. I didn't want to be close to him at first but when I was feeling sad and my brothers weren't there to help me through, Seokjin was right there to take over. He was the first male, outside my family, to accept my tomboyish ways. That's why I have all my trust in him."

"You trust him that much?"

"Do you see girls like me hanging around guys?"

"Well no but―"

"See? I'm the only tomboy you've ever met huh? Typical. It's not my fault I grew up mostly in America. Plus I'm the only daughter and granddaughter of my family. What was I suppose to do?"

"Mianhe... I didn't mean for you to being that up..."

"It's not like it's your fault so why are you saying sorry."

"I just wanted to understand your friendship with Jin. I didn't realize their was an actual meaning behind it. I thought it was because you two met by chance."

Suga thought SunHi was now annoyed by his stupidity. So he thought she didn't want to talk I him anymore, but when she asked, "How did you and Seokjin become friends?" it surprised him that SunHi wanted to continue the conversation. He left out the part where Jin had followed around him at school like they were all friends from the start  so he replied. "Well it started when he was kind of being bullied one day, and I saved him. That's basically how our friendship began."

SunHi paused. Her mind just went blank for a bit and she didn't know why. Suga noticed this and kept asking if she was okay. When she didn't respond, Suga was in full panic. He noticed her eyelids were dropping, but he continued to try and keep her awake. After a few seconds, she came back to her senses. SunHi looked up and saw Suga's face looking all worried. She was caught just staring at him then suddenly had a small headache.

"A-Are you okay? What happened to you?" he asked. 

"I... I don't know... But it's alright. Just a little lightheaded." SunHi answered. She noticed his hands had yet to be removed from her arms. His grip was fairly tight.  "I think I need to sit down..."

"We're almost there. I'll set you down on the bench and I'll run to the nearest store to buy water." 

Naturally Suga wrapped his arm around her, giving her support to walk. SunHi's cheeks turned bright red by the sudden touch but she knew he was only trying to help. In fact, she knew for sure he had cared for her all along. But her thoughts traced back to what actually happened. 

What the hell was that suppose to mean? She thought.

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hey all I know this story is over but I have a special chapter coming up soon!! Please look forward to it! ^^


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yooamie #1
Chapter 30: Eee, this is a good story! I loved it! The ending was so sweet, aw ^^
Chapter 30: Omygagdhkbhj! Authornim i want 1 more special chap xD
Autumnaree #3
Chapter 29: I love long stories and fast updates!
Chapter 30: This special chapter is so awesome !!!!! I really enjoy it ^^
airayuuki #5
Chapter 29: This story was amazing I absolutely loved it. You're amazing author-nim.
Chapter 29: Yoongi is so sweet ~ but it's so obvious that Bangtan distracted Sunhi from meeting Yoongi (or is it just me ?) Hahaha but still ~
Well sorry if I spammed your comments like crazy (but yeah I love your story soooo much so that's an exceptional ok XD)
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 29: A nice, sweet ending - my heart is content and happy. You did a good job~ ^^
Thanks again for posting this story for us to read! <3 I think I'll check out your other stuff now? Heehee~
Chapter 29: Suga suga suga I would love to have him as in this story to be mine lol. It's so effing beautiful sweet story. Good job. I like on how you made this story "short". It didn't even reach 30 chapters which was the main factor why I read this beautiful fluffy story . Ngeee~ I really hate a story with too many chapters. Too many "side dishes" . Lol if you got what I mean. Good job again :) and of course I love this story. Who wouldn't? Lol again