Open Eyes

First Impression

There was nothing. No was around till she had heard a voice. It echoed through the air. Where was it? She continued to look for the voice. She ran nonstop, wanting to know. It didnt even cross her mind of where she could be. It was cold and dark and she felt alone which made her frustrated and angry. All she wanted was to find the source where the voice was coming from. Why did it sound so familiar? It made her feel bad and wanted to forgive whoever was saying those words. There was a sudden light in her path. The voice was coming from there and was calling her name. But before she could step forward, the path between her and the light crumbled. The light began to fade. The voice was a near a whisper.

"No Please, come back. Don't leave!" she called out. "Who are you? I need to know! Come back Please!"

The light then transformed into a human figure. The figure gave a soft smile. She took a closer look, then her eyes widen. Hot tears ran down her eyes and she wanted to run to it. Before she had the chance to call out that person's name, the figure disappeared and entered her heart. She had then returned to the real world.


The last thing SunHi remembered was being wrapped in Suga's arms. Was it a dream? It felt so real. After that everything just went black. SunHi woke up in a hospital room. As she sat up, her head throbbed and her arms were in full of pain. It hurt to move just a muscle. She looked around and saw BTS all sleeping in chairs. Even Nami had came.The only one who she couldn't find was Suga. SunHi hoped he was just outside or just getting some air but she knew she was getting her hopes high so she didn't expect much. Since V was closest, SunHi shook to wake him up.

"Taehyung." she said, shaking him a bit. "Wake up."

He slowly looked up lazily but when he saw SunHi his eyes widen. "SunHi-noona! You're okay! Guys SunHi's up! She's alive."

One by one everyone started to wake and smiles grew on their faces. 

"I'm fine. I'm fine." she assured everyone. She tried to keep a smile as she hesitated the question, "Where's... Where's Suga?"

They all looked around and SunHi saw how they didn't even know here he was.

"He must be home by now." J-Hope said. "I would of thought he stayed."

"Mwoh?" SunHi's starred to him.

"Suga was the one who brought you here." RapMon explained. "The rest of us only got here after you were placed in your room."

"He said he had to fight his way to get you in here." JiMin continued. "They told him he had to wait but he wanted you to be taken care of right away. The only question I have is how he even convinced the doctors..."

SunHi remained silent as the rest talked it over. Jin sat by her side and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. She couldn't even smile for a little bit.

"It's not your fault. It's no ones, except Insu." Jin said. "Suga told me he knew about Insu's plan. He blames himself for not telling you in the first place. I didn't want him to feel bad but he just kept saying its all his fault. And he wanted me to tell you that he was sorry. Sorry for everything he's done."

SunHi felt a tear come down her eye. "I'm such an idiot."

"SunHi don't―"

"I am an idiot, Seokjin... I was too desperate. I wanted to talk to him so badly and I let my feelings get in the way. I'm horrible. And I should of known better..."

It was silent in the room for awhile and SunHi could only think how stupid she was to fall for one of the oldest tricks in history. She knew she didn't deserve to be called the smart kid anymore. She felt like a burden. And if possible the worst kind there was. Plus she did want to get some payback from Insu but that wasn't going to be that easy. She now wanted to make up with Suga becasue she knows hes taking all the blame but she didnt want him to. It didnt feel right in the first place, however, she didnt know how she was going to approach Suga now...


SunHi was finally out of the hospital and she couldn't get over what happened the other day. Every time she closed her eyes a flash of Suga's face appeared. Because of that SunHi couldn't sleep. She couldn't stay awake in class but forced herself to. It was the first time she was slaking and what a day it was for her. She avoided the other members of BTS only to see that Suga wasnt there. SunHi hadnt seen him all day unless it was during class. She somehow felt scared to approach or even look at him. She was lucky that he didn't sit in front of her during class but SunHi could feel his eyes burning her. She didn't want to turn around.

However when they accidentally bumped into each other, all they did was stare at one another. There were no words coming out their mouths, but right when SunHi was about to say something, she sensed the cold of Suga when he headed back to class. That's when she knew Yoongi had went back to hiding and the Suga that SunHi knew from the very beginning had come back. As she was skateboarding home, SunHi was giving a blank stare. All she thought was about was how Suga kept on switching his personality as she let the cold air brush against her face and her hair flowed with the wind.

"Earth to SunHi-noona! Hello!"

She was a little shaken and stopped her tracks. There stood Jungkook. SunHi for sure didn't expect him to come to her. Still she didn't really want to see anyone from BTS today. However did she felt bad avoiding them, but she didnt want to take any chances.

"Oh sorry... I was just.... Sorry..." she said softly. 

"That's alright. Whats wrong? Everything okay?"

"I guess so."

"Are you sure? You don't look too good. You're a little pale. Plus I was wondering why you've been avoiding us today. I asked Nami and she didn't have an answer."

"I'd rather not talk about that..."

"Something happened between you and Suga huh?"

SunHi was about to face him but she continued to look away.

"I'm guessing that's a yes." Jungkook said. "He's not really like this around girls. I mean he's sometimes always talking about you and then to one day he doesn't even care. Its just so strange. I don't get how you're any different."

"Its because I'm a tomboy." SunHi finally spoke, picking up her skateboard. "He just doesn't want to accpet it."

"Yeah I'll have to agree with you on that. I, myself, sometimes forget you're a tomboy and it still surprises me but I can see why he's acting this way..."

"You do?"

Jungkook nodded. "I'm not telling you though. You'll have to figure that out on your own."

"Well that helps..."

"In truth you're still a girl. You may like doing what boys do but you don't have a boy's mind.."

Those last words that Jungkook said echoed through SunHi's head. Before she could respond to his last words, Jungkook was already heading his way home leaving her to think of what she should change about herself. 


It was the monthly outing for BTS. No girls, just guys. This meeting seemed nerve wrecking since Suga and Jin at one point didnt seem eye-to-eye, but now, Suga was one who didnt want to see anyone. His mind still set on the day he took SunHi to the hospital. He never thought he be one of those people who would have to fight to get his way. The words of anger, frustration and a hint of  hurt were in his voice. Convincing those doctor to care of SunHi sure wasnt easy. Suga had too much to think about as he came home that night. He was restless and didnt know how to get over it.

In the end they all convinced him to come. Suga really didnt want to though, but if it were to get his mind off of things, why not, although he doubted his friends would be any help in the first place. After leaving his house, he made his way to the meeting place. It was a cool evening. Days like these made Suga have the erge to go back to the music room and continue working. It made him feel more calm and relax. Working would be a perfect time too. he looked at his watch and saw how early he was. Suga took the opportunity to go back to school to stay in the music room for a bit. 

But then he saw SunHi across the street. He hid himself just in case so she wouldnt be able to see him. But it seemed she didnt noticed. He sensed something was different about her but couldnt put a finger on it. Suga had forgotten all about the music room and followed SunHi to wherever she was going. He felt bad for following a stalker but couldnt help himself. They reached the cafe and as SunHi took a seat at the bar, Suga sat at a far table but was able to hear what she was saying. He saw the person she was talking to. Suga had seen him before. It was one of the brothers.

"You wanted to talk?" the guy asked. "is something wrong?"

"There's always a problem with my life but thats not what i wanted to talk about."

"Well alright. Shot at me."

SunHi took a deep breath before continuing. "What would you think if I changed my image?"

Suga almost fell out of his chair. Shocked by that sudden question, he almost got up to go to her and say how ridiculous that question was. But what stopped him was that he received a message from RapMon that they were now waiting on him. He took one last look at SunHi who then went into the back with her brother. With a sigh, he left the cafe to meet the others.

"SunHi please, you dont need to change. Please dont change." he thought. "Who in the right mind would give her that idea in the first place..."


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hey all I know this story is over but I have a special chapter coming up soon!! Please look forward to it! ^^


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yooamie #1
Chapter 30: Eee, this is a good story! I loved it! The ending was so sweet, aw ^^
Chapter 30: Omygagdhkbhj! Authornim i want 1 more special chap xD
Autumnaree #3
Chapter 29: I love long stories and fast updates!
Chapter 30: This special chapter is so awesome !!!!! I really enjoy it ^^
airayuuki #5
Chapter 29: This story was amazing I absolutely loved it. You're amazing author-nim.
Chapter 29: Yoongi is so sweet ~ but it's so obvious that Bangtan distracted Sunhi from meeting Yoongi (or is it just me ?) Hahaha but still ~
Well sorry if I spammed your comments like crazy (but yeah I love your story soooo much so that's an exceptional ok XD)
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 29: A nice, sweet ending - my heart is content and happy. You did a good job~ ^^
Thanks again for posting this story for us to read! <3 I think I'll check out your other stuff now? Heehee~
Chapter 29: Suga suga suga I would love to have him as in this story to be mine lol. It's so effing beautiful sweet story. Good job. I like on how you made this story "short". It didn't even reach 30 chapters which was the main factor why I read this beautiful fluffy story . Ngeee~ I really hate a story with too many chapters. Too many "side dishes" . Lol if you got what I mean. Good job again :) and of course I love this story. Who wouldn't? Lol again