When A Heart Unfolds

First Impression

For Suga, he felt like he was in an awkward position. He had just watched SunHi yell at her own brother, but then remembered the promise he made to SunHi: to be there when she falls. When SunHi looked like she was going to continue to yell at her brother, he stopped her from doing so, telling her its okay to run off.  

"I'll take it from here. Just go." Suga told her. "You'll stress yourself out more then you already are. I'll come to you as fast as I can."

His words gave her the courage to smile only a little, but nodded as a response. And with that, SunHi ran off. 

After seeing her go off in the distance, Suga looked at SunHi's brother who just had a blank stare. He was still kind of scared of him but he didn't want to let SunHi down. He cleared his throat and looked at YoungHo.

"She's just shocked that's all." Suga started, nervously. "I'm sure once she calms down SunHi will forgive you. However if you face her right now, I think she'll avoid you more. So I'll be going."

Suga bowed to him but after only taking a few steps YoungHo stopped him.

"Who are you? I remember seeing you somewhere, I think you were with Seokjin. Is that how you know my sister."

"Ne, I'm a friend of his. That's how SunHi and I were introduced. My name is Min Yoongi, but people call me Suga."

"Suga? Sounds familiar... I think..."

As YoungHo began to  look at him closely, Suga felt panicked. He wanted to get to SunHi as soon as possible. He wondered how far she ran off too. She could of been miles away by now. He was scared that she though he forgot the promise he made. When Suga looked at SunHi's brother again, he saw him sigh. Suga hesitated to ask why he waited so long to tell SunHi he was going to the army.

"Well, for one thing I was scared. And I really didnt know how she was going to take it." YoungHo started. "She's my only sister, the only granddaughter and niece. When she was born, I was scared how her childhood would be like. I thought she would of felt lonely considering that our family has been male dominant. Among all of the men, I was the most concerned for her. I wanted her to trust me that no matter what I would always be there. Trust was the main in our relationship."

He paused. Suga waited for him to finish.

"When I got my notice that I would be leaving for the army soon, I felt like I was abandoning her. Sure I wanted to tell her but I didnt want her to think that I had wasted all those years of trust."

"I'm sorry to say this, but in my opinion you had just did."


"You said you didnt want to tell her because you didnt want her to think you were abandoning her. In end result you wait this long to tell her. In my eyes, you did waste all those years of trust because of that. If you told her on the spot, I think she would of understood with an explanation." Suga said. "You had gained her trust from the very beginning and you wasted it... as for me, it took me awhile for her to trust me and it was a process just to gain it back. i've made many mistakes along the way and I have learned you shouldnt take advantage of someone's trust. It not only hurt SunHi, but me personally."

"Does she trust you a lot?"

Suga only nodded slowly.

"Forgive me for asking the qustion, but do you by any chance have feelings for her?"

This made Suga's stomach flip but he still responded. "N-Ne.. I do."

"Of course you do. While you were talking, I can tell SunHi is on your mind."

Suga had no shame, but he had just admitted that to SunHi's oldest brother. He didnt want to lie.

"Tell me then. Why do you like her?"

And without hesitation, Suga spoke his answer with confidence. "SunHi may be a tomboy but she's more then that. She doesn't care on what people think of her. Always so confident on just being herself. But people don't realize how different of a person she can be once you get to know her. SunHi... She's helped me somehow. To not hide my true self. And to not judge on first impression. I admire her in that way. I love her for being herself and I'd be nothing without her." Suga took another bow. "I'm sorry but SunHi needs me right now."

Before her brother could respond, Suga ran to find SunHi. He found her under a tree crouched down, hugging her knees to her chest. She looked up. Her eyes were puffy and red as she continued to cry. He bent down beside her wrapping his arm around her and saying sorry that he took so long. SunHi didnt care, Suga had came back. That's all that mattered. She then began crying into Suga's chest. He found this a little sudden but continued to comfort her. Suga tried to calm her down whispering her into ear "It's alright I'm here now. Relax." soothingly. SunHi slowly began to recollect herself. She sat up looking at Suga who have a comforting smile as he wiped the last bit if her tears away with his thumbs. Her heart suddenly pounding hard against her chest and started to blush. Luckily for her Suga didn't noticed. But could he hear her heartbeat?

Suga had thought back to what he said to SunHi's brother. He loves her and has held it in for long as he could remember. Back to when they were little, when he met SunHi for the first time, the feelings he had for her never left. He was glad he was able to see her after all these years. Suga remembers on her first day of school, right when she entered the classroom, his feelings were already activated. Still he just didn't know if it was her or not. He didn't want to mention it to Jin. It was back when Suga cared so much for his image. He still couldn't believe SunHi was in an accident. Her amnesia. He wished he knew about it before hand but he'll never understand why Jin didn't want to tell him.

"SunHi..." Suga started. "Sorry for being sudden but... Jin told me you had...amnesia. Is that true?"

She slowly nodded her head. "I did. Why?"

"Because... When I first saw you I knew I met you from somewhere, but when you met me, it was if you didn't know me at all. I thought it was that you forgot but... You really did loose the memory."

"You know what was funny was that as I was in my amnesia state, i was actually trying to figure the memory out. I kept getting visions of a boy's head who would be next to Jin all the time. As I was writing letters to Jin to help regain my memory, I had asked him if he had any friends and if he had pictures I'd like him to show me... But he would always ignore the question, as if I never asked it..."

"So you had a bit of memory of me."

"Only a little. It was when we were younger and I only saw the back of your head. Which reminds me, Jin never told you why I really did come back to Korea did he?"

He looked at her. "Yeah, he didn't... I still have that promise you and I made. I've been wanting to know."

Her eyes widen a bit. He still kept that promise. She smiled. "Well let me ease you. The reason I came back was because of my dad's job. He got transferred again. So don't worry. I didn't come back to give you attitude."

"Oh. I was worried for nothing? Man Jin didn't even want to tell me that. That jerk! He obviously knew I cared! That I―" Suga looked at SunHi. "Ah... never mind..."

SunHi laughed a little. She knew where he was going. Which lead her to fall silent. As she bit her lip, SunHi casually looked to the side. Her stomach was now filled with butterflies. She knew it was time to give a proper answer.

"S-Suga..." she started. "About that day... When you... You..."

He looked at her softly. 

"K-Kissed me..."

"Yeah..." it was his turn to look away. "My bad... I did go over board didn't I?"

"Ani... Forget that... But..." she swallowed hard. "Were you serious though? Do you like me?"

Suga paused. "Ani. I dont just like you. I love you and I mean it. Every word."

She looked at him slowly trying her best not to be embarrassed or scared. "Then I'll give you a proper answer. I take back on how I slapped you... I take it back because I... I like you too..."

His eyes widen. "Really?"

She nodded slowly as her checks turned bright red.

He laughed to himself. The smile just couldn't go away. "So, do I have permission to ask you out?"

"Yah! What do you think? I just confessed! I didn't go all that trouble just so you can ask my permission!" she was about to hit him but put her hand down. "I mean... yes I'll go out with you... did you even need to ask?"

Suga continued to smile. "Ah, but this still won't do."

SunHi gave a confused look. "Mwoh?"

"In order for me to be satisfied, I need you to do something for me."

"Like what?"

He moved his face closer to her. "Say my name. My real name."

"Wae? Why do you want me to do that? I thought you didn't like being called by your real name?"

"You call the others by their real name. So why can't you call me by mine?"

SunHi opened but knew he was right. She turned away. "Is that what it takes? I just have to say your real name?"

He nodded. "Say it."

"Y-Yoon..." she mumbled. "Yoongi..."





"I'm sorry say it one more time. Just a little louder."

Annoyed by his teasing, she stood up and shouted, "MIN YOONGI! MIN YOONGI! MIN YOONGI! MIN YOONGI! MIN―"

Shocked by her sudden outburst, Suga covered . "That's enough."

After he removed his hand, they both went silent.

"So... now what?" she asked.

Suga took her hand. "I want to show you something. It's something I've never showed anyone before."

"Why haven't you?"

"Because no one was special enough to see."

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hey all I know this story is over but I have a special chapter coming up soon!! Please look forward to it! ^^


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yooamie #1
Chapter 30: Eee, this is a good story! I loved it! The ending was so sweet, aw ^^
Chapter 30: Omygagdhkbhj! Authornim i want 1 more special chap xD
Autumnaree #3
Chapter 29: I love long stories and fast updates!
Chapter 30: This special chapter is so awesome !!!!! I really enjoy it ^^
airayuuki #5
Chapter 29: This story was amazing I absolutely loved it. You're amazing author-nim.
Chapter 29: Yoongi is so sweet ~ but it's so obvious that Bangtan distracted Sunhi from meeting Yoongi (or is it just me ?) Hahaha but still ~
Well sorry if I spammed your comments like crazy (but yeah I love your story soooo much so that's an exceptional ok XD)
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 29: A nice, sweet ending - my heart is content and happy. You did a good job~ ^^
Thanks again for posting this story for us to read! <3 I think I'll check out your other stuff now? Heehee~
Chapter 29: Suga suga suga I would love to have him as in this story to be mine lol. It's so effing beautiful sweet story. Good job. I like on how you made this story "short". It didn't even reach 30 chapters which was the main factor why I read this beautiful fluffy story . Ngeee~ I really hate a story with too many chapters. Too many "side dishes" . Lol if you got what I mean. Good job again :) and of course I love this story. Who wouldn't? Lol again