First Save

First Impression

SunHi wasn't in after shock about Jin telling her he liked her. She was feeling good, as if nothing could spoil her mood. Even when talking to her brothers, she did not yell once. As she went to school, SunHi skated down the street feeling the wind blow against her face. She always loved that feeling. She felt fresh and anew. It surprised everyone how she didn't react to rude comments about her. Or it was just they didn't expect her to be so nice about it. She was giving out comebacks and threats but it was just in a calm, nice and well mannered way that you couldn't even tell she was being mean or not. 

SunHi just felt so proud. She walked down the halls with confidence. She didn't know why she was feeling this way. Of course she felt bad about rejecting Jin's feelings. SunHi worries if they can still keep their friendship stable. But even with that thought it wasn't an obstacle of having her so happy. Nami passed by and noticed her friend's mood.

"Eunni," she started. "I've never seen you so happy. Did something happen?"

"No, nothing in particular. I seriously don't know why I'm in this type of mood." SunHi replied. "But don't worry, I'm still the same person, only difference is you can't tell if I'm joking or not."

"You are talking for real aren't you? Just now?"

"Oh yeah I was."

Nami laughed little. "Well we better get going. Class starts soon."

The two girls headed to their classroom. When SunHi entered and saw both Jin and Suga, her mood not change for a second. She naturally made her way to her seat as if she never seen them in her life. SunHi could feel their eyes burn her but it still didn't phase her. She began to take out notebook so she was ready to take her notes. As she placed it on her desk, a familiar face was right in front of her.

"Well, I've heard you've actually been polite today." It was Insu. "I dont buy it, but let's see if you can continue this."

SunHi avoided the eye contact, keeping a straight face as she sighed. "Look, I'm in a good mood, for once can you let me have peace?"

"I just want to see how long you last."

"Even with the way I'm feeling, I'm not going to resist from wanting to hurt you." SunHi warned. "So let's make it easy for both of us and just leave me alone."

"Yah, I didn't come here to make things easy for both of us. You've made a fool out of me every single time. Now I'm going to take this opportunity."

"It's rare for me to let people slide. If you were smart you wouldn't spoil my day for me."

"Looks like I'm already doing it aren't I?"

Suga watched SunHi carefully. He was trying to read her body language in any attempts of fighting back. He saw her hand turn into a fist resisting to urge throw a punch. He saw Jin sit quietly but worrying what SunHi would do. When Suga turned back, he saw Insu was finally making SunHi irritated. Suga stood up and stepped in between the two. 

"Come on man, she said leave her alone." Suga said giving a glare. "It's best for you to just go."

"Oh look, she needs a bodyguard. Listen dude, I don't care if you're part of BTS, you don't―"

Suga grabbed him by the collar. "You better leave right now. Just think twice before bothering her again."

Insu nodded quickly. SunHi, who had been silent the whole time, just starred at Suga with widen eyes. She watched Insu run out of the classroom with fear. She couldn't believe Suga just came in and saved her. When he looked at her, SunHi thought about looking away, but she kept facing him. The other students who were once watching went back to their usual business. Jin from the other side of the room, was still watching Suga and SunHi. The two were still silent. Suga wanted to say something but their teacher was already entered the room. SunHi turned away from him as if he was never there in the first place. She felt her heart that pounded hard against her chest as Suga slowly went back and took his seat. He wanted to talk to her but he knew there was no point now.


As Suga left school, he had too much on his mind. Although he told Jin, Suga was still questioning if he did like SunHi. Thinking about her a lot must be evidence. Does he feel nervous when around her? Now he does. But were these feelings real? He wondered if he was pushing himself too hard to have feelings for SunHi. Because ever since Jin asked why he liked her, Suga was starting to rethink his answer. He gave it a second then stopped to just get his mind off it for awhile.

Suga continued to stroll till he passed by two guys who mention SunHi's name. The two stood in front of the cafe doors with boxes in hand. It looked like they were waiting for someone. They were definitely talking something about SunHi to pass their time. Suga stopped his tracks thinking if he should over hear or not. Quietly, Suga casually took a look at a bus schedule but paid attention to the boys' conversation.

"You think hyung will ever tell her?" one asked. "He's going to run out of time if he doesn't tell her sooner or later."

"He said he would." the other said. "But you and I both know how much he cares for her. And this is SunHi we're talking about. She won't take it lightly."

"Yeah yeah I know..."

"And to point something out, you're the one who should be closest to her instead."

"Me? Why me?"

"You're only two years older. The is shorter so you should be close."

"Hyung, don't make me have to think about it okay? I feel bad about it enough..."

"Why? Did you do something?"

"It's not a joke... And yeah, I might be the reason why SunHi's a tomboy..."


"I dont like remembering it. I feel guilty enough."

"What does it matter now? Its not like I'm going to tell her. Besides it was probably like a long time ago right?"

"Bro, please I dont want to—"

Suga didn't hear the rest because the bus had came to the stop. He was distracted and saw the two boys pick up the boxes and started packing the car that finally came. Knowing he lost the opportunity, Suga started to head home. All he could think about why that guy, probably SunHi's brother to Suga's guess, was the reason why SunHi's now a tomboy. He couldnt imagine seeing SunHi in any other way. He loved her, just the way she is.

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hey all I know this story is over but I have a special chapter coming up soon!! Please look forward to it! ^^


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yooamie #1
Chapter 30: Eee, this is a good story! I loved it! The ending was so sweet, aw ^^
Chapter 30: Omygagdhkbhj! Authornim i want 1 more special chap xD
Autumnaree #3
Chapter 29: I love long stories and fast updates!
Chapter 30: This special chapter is so awesome !!!!! I really enjoy it ^^
airayuuki #5
Chapter 29: This story was amazing I absolutely loved it. You're amazing author-nim.
Chapter 29: Yoongi is so sweet ~ but it's so obvious that Bangtan distracted Sunhi from meeting Yoongi (or is it just me ?) Hahaha but still ~
Well sorry if I spammed your comments like crazy (but yeah I love your story soooo much so that's an exceptional ok XD)
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 29: A nice, sweet ending - my heart is content and happy. You did a good job~ ^^
Thanks again for posting this story for us to read! <3 I think I'll check out your other stuff now? Heehee~
Chapter 29: Suga suga suga I would love to have him as in this story to be mine lol. It's so effing beautiful sweet story. Good job. I like on how you made this story "short". It didn't even reach 30 chapters which was the main factor why I read this beautiful fluffy story . Ngeee~ I really hate a story with too many chapters. Too many "side dishes" . Lol if you got what I mean. Good job again :) and of course I love this story. Who wouldn't? Lol again