25. King and Queen

어디에서 왔는지 (Where Did You Come From)

25. King and Queen

{First Person}


Beads of sweat trailed down my face as I examined the situation. Everywhere I looked there was fighting and blood but I knew that we couldn’t lose. Not yet anyways. Formulating a plan, I calmed down after breaking down and started to take it step by step knowing that the boys would be able to handle things.

Mirae spoke with me the whole time, coming up with logical plans while my aunt’s breathing was reduced to a steady beat. After learning that Ryu was able to take a person’s ability, we came up with a plan that was risky.

“It might not work and you’ll end up getting hurt,” she said and I shook my head.

“It’s the only way. If we don’t risk someone then everyone will be at risk.” I replied, “Besides, I’m the only candidate that can inflict damage on him without touching him.”

“You’ve only tried it once. How do you know you’ll be able to do it again?”

I got up and gave her a smile, “You won’t know until you try.”

It was dangerous but hopefully, it would be an effective plan.  I took a deep breath before entering the battlefield.



I climbed onto a large vine that Jin created as Yoongi and the others tried to stop Ryu from moving. When I reached the top, I took a deep breath and focused my energy on the things around me.  I heard shouts and silent gasps as I felt the wind around me stop and when I opened my eyes, broken pieces of the castle revolved around me and Ryu was frozen in the air.

“Now Jin, Kidoh!” Mirae yelled and the two brothers launched themselves into the sky with their daggers. A sinister smile flashed and a bright light blinded everyone. In midst of the commotion, I could feel myself being thrown to the earth.

Like in a horror movie, a grim laugh was heard and as soon as the light dispersed I saw Ryuon top of me with a dagger at my throat. His face was charred from the earlier attack and his clothes were ragged and ripped.

“Did you really believe your pathetic plan would kill me?” his voice was husky and daunting and black smoke revolved around him. The ground shook as the tiles started to crack and fall into a black hole that started everything round it in. Ryu’s face started to shift from a human-like face to something more mythical, more beast-like. Canine teeth, earth green eyes and wings of a demon, he snarled at me while pressing the blade closer and closer to my neck.

I pushed him off with my telekinesis but he retaliated and threw me back. I could feel my energy being depleted as he came up to me once again, slashing my arm with each step. Then, he stopped and I looked down at his frozen feet. Ice encased his legs as he growled and struggled to move but with each slight movement, the ice traveled further up and when it reached to his neck it turned a dark purple, then black.

“Hurry, Haneul!” Yoongi shakenly cried out as sweat trailed down his face. Jin and Kidoh were beside me and the three of us advanced towards the beast.







Cherry blossom petals fell as the sky became a light blue hue and birds flew past a curved rainbow that painted the sky. We all lay on the grass and the each of us sighed in relief, thankful that everything was finally over. It’s been two weeks and the kingdom was being rebuilt. In the two weeks, I met my real parents, my uncle and aunt for the first time. They weren’t who I really pictured them to be but they were friendly and certainly carefree. Mirae and I started hanging out more often but because Mirae was next in line to be the governor we couldn’t go out without body guards following us (which was ironic since we had to save them from danger a few times).

Jin sat up and suddenly spat out his drink. Kidoh had apparently told him something very shocking but as the two continued to converse, the blush on Jin’s face brightened.

“What’s wrong?” asked Namjoon who literally stuck his head in between the brothers.

“It’s… It’s nothing,” replied Jin as he stood up and stared at me before walking away.

Mirae leaned over with a look and whispered in my ear, “He totally likes you.”

I looked at her in bewilderment and stood up, “No he doesn’t!”

She too stood up and brushed her dress with a smile, “Don’t deny it, you like him too.”

The older members of Bangtan Boys and Topp Dogg smiled at me while the younger ones wiggled their eyebrows.

“If it makes you feel any better,” Kidoh smirked, “the king and queen want him to have a wife soon. The kingdom needs another queen.”

I blushed even more, “what about you? You don’t want to be king?”

The male laid back down on the grass, “I don't want the position.”


Next chapter is the last + an Epilogue


Last Updated/Edited: August 3/15

Word Count: 869


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Chapter 6 is now up! Hope you like it! ^^


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naznew #1
Chapter 31: Great story..i love it..
tiffanylu0420 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you very much for this amazing fanfic. The story was very interesting to read.
ichrak #3
Chapter 30: Loooool likke it one of the best but i wanted her to end up with kidoh nd for jin to feel miserable (i dont knew how to write it in eng ) for leving her alone when she needed him the most but still loved it so much
Chapter 17: She's with your brother who's actually doing what you're supposed to do =_=
yasmin_yeol #5
Chapter 27: update omg author him , i love this story very much TvT , and ill read your wattpad btw , keep updating and pls update soon :)
Chapter 26: Omggg please update! <3
Chapter 25: Please update soon!! I can't wait for the JinxHaneul moment~ ;)