Chapter 3

♥Say Hello To The Jung Family ♥
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Jung DaeHyun , 7 years old.

It was DaeHyun’s first year at primary school and unlike any other kids, he was not enjoying it. Nope. Not one bit. He thought it will be fun , just like his Omma used to say. It turned out that primary school was more to a nightmare for him. A nightmare that he had when he was wide awake. And it followed him to his sleep too.

As usual, during break time, DaeHyun was just eating his sandwhich at the canteen when two boys approached him. DaeHyun could feel them coming as he saw them through the corner of his eyes. His chew on his sandwhich got slower and it was tasteless when it came down to his throat. His face was white and his hands were shaking. Oh no the bullies are here again !

“Yah, Jung DaeHyun ! Where is your mother ?” Asked the first boy. He was fat as if all his life he was only eating sweets and candies. He was just a year older than DaeHyun but maybe DaeHyun was scared of him because he was fat while DaeHyun himself was just a timid boy. Bullying DaeHyun was the fat boy’s hobby since the first time he saw DaeHyun in the school. God knows what the problem with that kid was ..

“Omma is at home. Looking after JinYoung and HaNa.” DaeHyun answered while looking at his shoes. It was better for him to answer. He didn’t answer them once when they asked him something and he ended up getting beaten up.

“Hah ! Liar ! Your Omma ran away with another man right ?! She left you , your dongsaengs and your Appa !” Said the second one with a scoff. They were just little kids but where did they get these informations from ?! Tsk tsk tsk ...

“No ! Omma is at home ! Looking after my dongsaengs!” DaeHyun defended himself. Suddenly he felt courage in his veins whenever his mother was mentioned in the subject. He got all furious and angry that surpassed his fear towards the two bullies.

“But she is not your real mother right ~” Both of the boys teased while laughing since they liked to see DaeHyun losing his temper. It was kind of their goal everytime they were bothering DaeHyun. To see his reaction and made fun of him.

“She is my mother ! What’s it to you anyway ! Go away !!” DaeHyun yelled right at the two bullies faces. DaeHyun’s face turned from pale white to fuming red. He really hated it if someone made fun of his mother. Real or not.

The two boys were a bit taken aback when DaeHyun started to shout and they thought DaeHyun was no longer afraid of them. Of course, the two boys didn’t like this. They wanted DaeHyun to be afraid of them.

“Hey ! How dare you to tell us to go away!” The fat boy pulled DaeHyun’s collar plus easily lifting him of the ground since DaeHyun didn’t weigh that much. SooYeon Omma lied ! School is not fun !

The fat boys was just about to give DaeHyun a punch when they heard a shout, “Oi ! Both of you ! Let him go !” A voice shouted angrily behind DaeHyun. The poor boy was already closing his eyes while bracing himself for the painful punch he was about to get. However, to his relief for now, he felt grateful that someone came to his rescue.

“Bullying, eh ? So you guys think you’re so tough ?!” another voice followed and they got closer and closer to where DaeHyun and the boys were.

Both of the bullies let go of DaeHyun and ran like their lives were depending on it. DaeHyun , on the other hand, hugged his knees and cried. He hated school. He was always bullied. He didn't know why the students always picked on him at school as he was sure he didn't do anything that offended them.

He kept on crying until he felt a hand was laid gently on his shoulder. DaeHyun jumped in shock before he saw two figures crouching in front of him, looking at him worriedly. “Hey kiddo, are you alright ? Are you hurt anywhere ? My name is YongGuk.” The first boy introduced himself as DaeHyun looked at him with unblinked eyes.

The other boy helped him to stand up while saying, “They are always bullying other kids. But still they are scared of us. Useless brats. Anyway, what’s your name ? Mine’s HimChan.”

DaeHyun looked at the ground and replied shyly, “Jung DaeHyun.” He had stopped crying but tears still came out running down his cheeks like river escaping dam. He tried to put on a brave face but the tears that fell down made him looked funny as the two elders chuckled.

“Dude, stop crying. You’re a man, aren’t you ? You gotta be strong and tough, man.” YongGuk said while rubbing his head with a smile. DaeHyun looked up at him and nodded eagerly. “Yeah, man. Don’t give in to those bullies. I heard you yelled that you have a younger brother and sister. So you gotta be tough to protect them, ya understand ?” HimChan said next.

DaeHyun looked at the two older boys in front of him and couldn’t help but to feel thankful because they saved him from receiving a punch from the fat boy. It ought to be hurt. It felt so nice to be defended after all those times he was bullied and threatened by the other kids.

Seeing him not saying another word, YongGuk crossed his arms and said with a raised eyebrow,“You’re shy, aren’t you ? You don’t talk much.” Yeah right .. wait till they see him at home. Being the noisiest out of the four.

“You don’t seem to have any friends and we noticed that since day one. Why don’t you join us instead ? We promise you that you won’t get bored hanging around with us. We’re cool.” Said HimChan and YongGuk nodded in agreement.

Hearing the offer, DaeHyun was overjoyed inside. It was a lie to say that he didn’t want to join the two of them as since the first day he entered the school he had been watching them only from afar. In his eyes they were indeed cool but he was too shy to talk to them. He thought that the two of them will just ignore a small kid like him.

However, as much as he wanted to say yes, he asked instead, “But .. am I going to be a bully too ?”

Hearing that, YongGuk and HimChan burst into laughter and shook their heads as they said, “Of course not, buddy. We’re no bullies. Really. Those kids are just afraid of us and we ourselves have no idea why. It’s weird though. But we can promise you that we are no bullies.” YongGuk said while hugging DaeHyun’s shoulder.

DaeHyun sighed in relief upon hearing that. At least he knew that he won’t be in some sort of trouble by joining the wrong group of friends. He nodded his head as the answer and HimChan ruffled his hair. “Come on, man. I’ll treat you to something to eat. You are now officially under our guardian here. So no one is going to bully you anymore.”

And with that, for the first time, DaeHyun was happy being at school.


Jung IlHoon, 6 Years Old.

Just like other 6 year old kids, IlHoon went to kindergarten too. He was more excited than DaeHyun when he first entered the kindergarten. He was always excited, that boy

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someone plagiarized my story so I have to enhance the privacies of this story. Sigh ..m


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Chapter 103: Reading it for the fifth time :3
Chapter 103: I read this for the whole night from chap1 till finish. It's such a beautiful story :))
Chapter 103: Can you believe this ? I read your story all over again !

MadelonG #5
Chapter 67: Waaaaaa!!!!!!~ the story is so great!!! It is such a sweet ending!~ i love the storyline!!!
xoxosenshine #6
Chapter 68: Awwww happy jung family ending . Nice story . Keep ot up :)
nice story ^^
Chapter 68: Waa~ I can't believe I read this in two days. This is the first ever story that I read that has not any love in it. Actually there is but I mean as in a different love and it is very good. The love between different people is not the main but the love between siblings.

They have so much hardships(?) together and they are so happy at the end of the story. I just love this kind of endings^^ Thumbs up for you author-nim! You are very good xP Love the story very much!
Chapter 63: HaNa's friends are so lucky to have her brothers ! Envy them much !
_jeonchi #10
Chapter 14: I'll make one too, Just like yours... But It will be Park Family...

I'm going to add Ulzzang members because I LOVE ULZZANGS!

Try to read it sometime.