
The Lost Be Found

Around The Corner  Music 

pstt~ from now on if its in a flashback i will put * when it starts. thanks:)

Kris POV

I bowed to the staff and the share holders as I enetered the cafeteria. I was about to call my mom for something but I found she was in the cafeteria after I grabbed my apple, but with who was she with ....

"Mom!" I ran over to her. "What are you doing ......." I looked at the person in front of her. "Hwayoung, its you." I patted her head while she was eating ice cream.

"Hi, Kris!" She waved.

"You guys know each other?" My mom asked. 

"Yeah, if i'm not mistaken this is our 3rd time meeting." I sat next to my mom. "How did you and Hwayoung meet?" 

"She helped pick up my papers and help me carry my dress here. I thought I'd give her a little something."

"I see, you helped my mom. Aren't you just the nicest little girl." I pinched her cheeks and she just laughed at me.

"That tickles." She put a hand on her cheek. 

"Where's EunHae?" My mom asked.

"Ah, see said she'll look at the wedding dresses with you tomorrow. She had an emergency meeting."

"An emergency more important that her wedding dress?"

"I guess thats what it is right now."

"Well." She got up. "I still have work to go here. It was nice seeing you Hwayoung, and thank you for your help." Hwayoung got off her chair and bowed to my mom who just walked by her without saying a word. She turned back around to her ice cream bowl and ate. She patted the seat beside of her.

"Sit, Sit." I went to the chair and sat down next to her. "This is a very big place." 

"Do you like it? My family owns it."

"This whole thingy is yours?" She gasped. "Do you guys have a big play room here?" I shook my head at her. 

"I don't think we have any room for toys here." She pouted. "Uh ... Hwayoung. Aren't you suppose to be at school?" 

"School just ended 15 minutes ago." She put up 1 finger and the 5 more fingers.

"Then what about home?"

"I told my mommy I was going to go buy candy then I go home but I help your mommy." I turned to her. 

"Your mommy lets you walk home alone." She nodded. 

"We just live around the corner, mommy waits for me at the street."

"You should go home now. Your mom could be very worried."

"Do you want to take a picture with me?" 

"You want a picture with me? What for?"

"So, I can show mommy my new friend." I just chuckled at her. 

"Alright." She took a little polaroid camera out and stood up on the chair.

"I'm short so I will stand." I scooted closer to her. 

"Kris, do this." She puffed out her cheeks and let out an eyesmile along with a peace sign.

"Like this?" I did what she did.

"No, No. Like this." She demonstrated again.

"Like this?" I did it again. 

"Yes! Like that. Look in camera." Her little fingers pressed the camera one and then asked to make a silly face for the second one, she took 2 shots of each. She gave me one of each and stepped down from the chair, she put her camera down on the table and went to go through the trash away, she slipped her backpack on.

"I have to go now. My mommy is going to worry." She suddenly walked away. I waved bye to her and when I turned around I noticed her camera was still on the table. I grabbed it and ran after her, I pushed the doors opened to the sidewalk but I didn't see her. I only saw a crowd waiting for the light to turn green, I suddenly saw a pair of pink shoes. That was the shoe she was wearing earlier.

"Excuse me." I yelled. The light turned green and I started to move with the crowd before reaching her.

After a while the crowd slowly started to seperate and I could see where I was going. I glanced around me to see if she was still near by here and luck was on my side because her pink shoes just turned around the corner.

"Hwayoung!" I shouted. She was too far away to hear me,so I ran after her. 


Miyoung POV

I waited on the bench for her, I looked at my watched and sighed. She said she was only going to buy candy and come straight here but where was she? The store isn't that far away from here, it shouldn't take her an hour. She should've been here within 15 minutes. I closed my eyes and prayed that she didn't get in some kind of trouble. I tried to sit patiently on the bench for her but she never appeared. 

"I can't do this anymore. I give up." I grabbed my purse and got up. I started walking a few feet when Hwayoung appeared in front of me. I ran to her. "Are you okay? Your not hurt are you? Where have you been?" She put her hand out in front of me to tell me to stop talking.

"I'm okay mommy. I bought my candy and I was walking but I helped this pretty lady with her papers. They fell out." She played with her fingers. "I'm sorry mommy. I didn't mean to scare you." I closed my eyes. 

"Just be careful okay." I stood back up. "Go ahead and go home, grandma and grandpa are making seafood soup. Mommy will be back in a little bit okay." 

"GRANDMA!!!! GRANPA!!!! I WANT TO EAT TOO!" She ran off the other direction to our house. I turned around and walked to the book store. I was opening the door when I saw something out of the corner of my eyes. He stopped walking and just stood there, when he could fully process what was happening he called my name and ran to me. I opened the door in a hurry and ran inside the bookstore. I went and hid behind the counter. 


Kris POV

After running around corners for a while I stopped and put my hands on my knees. How could she walk that fast? Did she have super powers or something? I shook my head and looked up ... I froze as the figure also froze.

"Miyoung!" She ran inside and shut the door on me. I ran as fast as I could and opened up the door into the bookstore. I searched all around the places, I  checked around all of the bookshelves and places a human being could be. I put a hand on my forehead, tears threatning to fall out.

"Miyoung." I whispered. "Why do I keep on seeing you when your gone? I must be crazy or something. I'm just seeing things now." I sighed before turning to the old lady at the register counter.

"Um, excuse me .. you didn't perhaps see a girl run in here did you?" 

"I'm sorry, I didn't see anyone else other than you come in." I thanked the old lady and bowed to her apologizing for barging in and almost knocking her books over. 



Miyoung POV 

"Um, excuse me .. you didn't perhaps see a girl run in here did you?"  He asked with a shaky voice. I covered my mouth, I didn't want him to hear the muffles of my crying. I shook my head to the old lady, she glanced down quickly and replied back to him. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't see anyone else other than you come in." 

"Ah, Thank You." His footsteps walked to the door and it stopped for a brief second before I heard the bell to the door ring. I removed my hands and I just let myself cry in front of her. She bent down and sat next to me, she pulled me into a hug and my hair.

"Sh! Its okay, just cry your heart out. Its okay." I did what I was told, she got up for a bit to closed the bookstore and when she came back I just cried and cried for a whole entire hour next to her. 



I sat very still at the coffee booth. My eyes were red and swollen from all the crying. 

"Here, drink this." She set a cup of coffee in front of me. 

"Thank you." She sighed and looked at me. 

"Why were you crying? A pretty lady like you shouldn't be crying like this. Is there anything you would like to talk about?" I shook my side to side.

"I don't want to be a bother. You closed the bookstore and made coffee just for me, I don't want ..." 

"Your not a bother to me at all, you remind me so much of my little girl, you both have similiar smiles."

"Is you daughter here?" 

"No, she died when she was young."

"I'm so sorry to hear about that."  She looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"Its okay ..."

"Son Miyoung and you are ..."

"You can just call me grandma, thats what everyone calls me." I nodded back to her. She placed her hands on top of mine. "Now tell me child. Why were you shaken with that man earlier, are you guys having relationship problems?" I bit my lips.

"I don't know if you want to hear about it .. its a bit long." 

"I've got all day, its okay." I took a deep breathe before I began.


Kris POV

*Miyoung and I arrived to the wedding shop early to look at wedding dresses. I did my best and forced my mother to come along with us but she said she was going to be late today. I walked in holding her hand, we were escorted to a private room by ourselves. 

Miyoung flipped through the dress catalogue very quietly, she was never this quiet. "Miyoung are you okay? You've been often quiet the past few days." She stopped flipping through the pages and laid the catalogue on her lap, she turned to me.

"Kris, your mom doesn't have to come if she doesn't want to. I don't want to-" I stopped her. 

"She's my mother, she should be here with us." 

"But, I can just call my mom instead. She's not doing anything right now." Her voice all shakey. "Kris ..."

"Sh!" I pulled her into a hug and her hair. "I want you mother to be suprised when she see's her beautiful daughter on her special day. My mother has nothing to do at all in her 'schedule' and she has just been avoiding this but i'm going to make sure she-" The door suddenly opened loudly and she just walked in wearing her glasses. 

"Mom, you're half an hour late. You d-"

"I'm here, aren't you suppose to be happy. Hurry up with the wedding dress shopping I have a headache." She sat on the chair in the corner. I was going to say something but Miyoung held onto my arm. 


"Stay here I'll go give them the dresses I chose and I'll try them on as quickly as possible." I sighed at her, before I could say anything she left out the door to give the dresses to our wedding dress planner. When she came back she told me that the wedding dress planner told us to wait outside the room with the platform. I dragged my mom out as Miyoung was trying on the dresses. 

"Mom, can you stop it."

"Stop what?" She answered in a monotone voice.

"Can you at least try to be helpful to Miyoung? You're making her feel so bad about herself."

"She should do exactly that, she's already bad herself. I still can't believe you chose to marry her instead of my friends daughter."

"Mom, don't bring her in on this. You knew I was in a relationship already."

"Looks like I did a bad job of trying to break it apart."


"Ahem." The lady bowed to us. "She has her first choice." She moved out of the way and Miyoung came out holding the dress so she could walk. She walked up to the platform and looked in the mirror, she smiled and turned around.

"How does it look?"

"It looks be-"

"You look like a stripper, what kind of wife are you trying to be?" Miyoung looked down.

"Ignore her, you look beautiful."

"I do?" 

"He's lying." My mom bluntly said.

"I guess I'll go try on another dress." She came out gain a few minutes later with another dress. I couldn't help but smile at how beautiful she was. "Thats an ugly dress ......" 


Every single time Miyoung came out with a new dress my mom would throw insults to her but Miyoung always stopped me from backlashing at my mom. She told me it wasn't worth it.

"You waist are too wide."

"You look like a bloated whale."

"Where are your hips? Your nothing but bones."

"Woah, you actually tried for a decent dress but no you still look ugly."


"What? I'm stating the truth." Miyoung looked down and went to try on the last dress before they close the shop up. She came out with the dress on and with her hair up in a tiara

"Kris, I think this is the one. I really like this one." She bit her lip before talking again. "M-Mother in law, what do you think about this dress?" My mom took her glasses off and looked Miyoung up and down. 

"Sure, that's the only decent thing you ever wore in your dull life." Was the only thing she said before she walked out of the shop. Miyoung smiled and played with her fingers. I went up to her and lifted her face up, she had tears coming out of her eyes.

"Sh, sh ... why is my beautiful bride crying?" I wiped her tears. 

"Thats the nicest thing your mom has ever said to me. Maybe I'm finally doing something right." I pulled her into a hug. 

"Don't you worry about anything. Once we get married she can't do anything else to harm you, I'll protect you forever and ever. I just can't loose you, you have to be strong by my side okay!" She nodded. "Thats good." I bent down to kiss her. "I love you." 

"I love you too." I wrapped my arms around her. 

"I don't want to ever loose you."

oohhmyygawd, i'm so late. i'm sorry. and p.s. in the next chapter something big (or whats big in my mind) is going to happen BUT miyoung and kris aren't going to meet yet. p.s.s is there a certain character you want me to write a bit more for?

sorry for any grammar mistakes. thanks for reading :)

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I will try to post up ch 21 before this sunday :)


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 23: Awww this story is so cute ^_^
Siopanda #2
Chapter 23: happy ending, good job authornim ^^~
sylvia15 #3
Chapter 23: It was breath taking story for me..i just finished it in one breath literally..Its 3.30am ..i wonder when i will sleep & will get up!!but anyways THANKS for such a wonderful story...
pbcccc #4
Chapter 23: It was a cute story!!! ^^,
Yoyo1014 #6
Chapter 23: Oh and can you do a sequel? (Not trying to bother you and all, but I would love it if you could)
Yoyo1014 #7
Chapter 23: This is the cutest story I've read so far!!

I'm so glad I read this!^.^
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 23: That's the most sweetest story I've ever read!!!

Great job authornim!!! I wish you can gives a sequel :D :D
Chapter 23: Wow! Just wow! Love it!! They are toooo cute!!