
The Lost Be Found

So close, yet so far Music +A few guest appearances and this is a wordy ch but its the so i couldn't help it.

Miyoung POV

"Mom! Has Jae and Hwayoung left already?" I said as I made my way downstairs holding my dress up so I don't accidentally trip. 

"They left about 30 minutes ago!" My mom yelled out from behind the stairs.

"Really? I forgot to-" I reached the bottom of the stairs and looked up. My mom was standing there with her hand covering .

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" 

"No." She shook her head. "You look so ... Honey! Come look." My mom called for my dad to come. "Look at your daugther." She hugged my dad and looked up. "She looks like the same 16 year old Miyoung going to her prom party." My dad smiled at her. 

"You look really beautiful Miyoung. Suho's going to be blown away tonight." I looked down and smiled. 

"Don't lie, the bride is suppose to be the most beautiful tonight, not me."

"Well then, I think to a certain someone you might be the most gorgeous woman at the party tonight."

"N-" I spoke out but got cut off.

"I have to agree on that." I turned around behind the stairs.

"Suho, you already here?"

"I decided to come pick you up early just in case, so we don't get stuck in traffic. " He walked towards me and held my hands with his. I opened my mouth to talk and he also did the same thing too. We laughed at each other. 

"You can go first." We both said again. I looked down and bit my lip.

"Lets give them some alone time." My parents went up stairs.

"I was going to say you look beautiful in your dress." 

"I was going to say the same thing too-" I widened my eyes. "No, no, thats not what I meant. I meant you look really handsome in your suit tonight not pretty because your not wearing a dress."I just kept blabbering on and I don't know why I was but he put his lips on mine and kissed me to shut me up.

"You're talking a bit too much tonight, are you nervous?" I just blinked at him.

"A bit, today feels really .. um, it feels really special." 

"Alright, i'll make it a special night for you. C'mon beautiful, lets get going." I nodded. 


Kris POV

I loosened my tie a bit and I walked towards EunHae's chaning room. I knocked on the door once since and then another time but she didn't respond to me. I turned the knob of the door but it was also locked. 

"EunHae? Are you in there?" She didn't answer me so I took out the key and unlocked the door and went in. I saw a figure on the couch and slowly closed the door. "You were asleep all this time?" I sat down next to her and moved the loose hair away from her face. "Eunhae."

"Hm?" She mumbled. "What time is it?"

"Its time to get up, the party has already started and people want to see the soon to be Mrs. Wu." She slowly opened her eyes and hugged me. 

"I must have fell asleep." She paused for a second before speaking again. "Kris ..."

"What is it?"

"You won't leave me and ..... right?" 

"Why do you keep on asking this? I've told you many many times haven't I, I don't have a reason to leave you at all."

"So, you won't?"

"No." She smiled and pulled me down to give me a hug. "Okay, lets go out." I got up and she followed behind me only to trip over her dress but I caught her in time. 

"Are you okay?" She looked up at me with tired eyes. "Hey, why are your eyes so puffy. Have you been crying?"

"No, I didn't get enough sleep and I guess it just caught up with me." 

"Will you be okay?"

"Yeah." She nodded at me and proceeded first. 




"Mommy! Daddy!" She walked fastly over to her mom. 

"EunHae, be careful." I ran behind her.

"Son in law, why are you like this? If you keep on babying her, she might become a spoiled wife."

"Oh, its just your daughter looks really tired today. I just want to make sure she'll be alright tonight. I don't want her to faint, I don't think she's been getting enough sleep lately." 

"Thats right. The wedding must be tiring out my precious baby girl." Her dad pinched her cheeks. 

"Dad, stop it. People are watching, i'm suppose to be a big girl." 

"You're right, you are a big girl now and soon you'll be married." He sighed and turned us around. "Go be with your friends, we old folks are just talking about our past." I nodded and bowed to them before me and EunHae walked away.



"Kris!!!! EUNHAE!!!" I closed my eyes. Baekhyun. "Hey guys!" He waved at us and there was a figure behind him.  

"Who is this?" EunHae asked him.

"Its my girlfriend." He wiggled his eyebrows. 

"Girlfriend?" Me and EunHae looked at each other. 

"I told you I would eventually get a girlfriend."

"Wow! Well played Baekhyun. I never though you'd get a girl in your lifetime."

"What is your name?"

"M-My name is, Kim Yewon." She shyly looked down. 

"Hey! You're making her uncomfortable." Baekhyun pushed Yewon behind him. 

"I just asked for her name." EunHae went around him and whispered something into Yewon's ear which made her laugh. 

"What did you tell her?"

"Nothing." She shrugged her shoulders. 

"Yewon, what did she tell you?" She shook her head. 

"Its a secret." She smiled. 

"Really now. Are you guys plotting something against me?" Baekhyun did a fake punch to EunHae and I slapped his head.

"Hurt my bride and i'll make sure you will never see light again." 

"Overprotective husband I see, he's threatening me, watch out EunHae. You just don't know, be careful now too. He's a dangerous man."

"Baekhyun! Do you want me to put you in a headlock again?"

"Hehe, no thank you. Now lets get away from the tower before he hurts us." Baekhyun grabbed Yewons hand and took away from us in a hurry.

"You scared her away."

"No, I didn't." The music suddenly changed and I took her to the dance floor.

"What are you doing?"

"Lets dance." I put my hand around her waist.

"Kris, you know I can't dance."

"I know and its pretty embarassing too." She lightly smacked my arm. 

"Thats not funny."

"I know but you need to learn for our first dance as a married couple on the wedding day." 

"But, can we not skip that part?" 

"No, its traditional to do that." She stumbled a bit and almost tripped over her dress again. "Look at my feet." I took my hands off her waist and showed her how to move her feet. 

"Like this?"

"You've almost got it but move forward like this and then back again." 

"This?" I shook my head and laughed at her. Pretty soon the whole dance floor stopped dancing and just looked at us but EunHae never noticed. I showed her a few more times and she nodded.

"Okay ... I think I've got this." 

"Alright, lets try." I held onto her waist again.

"Okay." We started dancing. "I've got this ... I haven't messed up yet." We kept dancing for a few more seconds and the music stopped. "I got it Kris! I got it! I can dance now." I chuckled at her. "What." She looked around and noticed we were the only ones dancing. "I'm sorry for disturbing you guys, you can go back to dancing now." The  guest clapped for us before returning back to their seats. 

"See, even the crowd agrees that you dance amazing."

"I just hope I don't mess up on our wedding day ..." Her voice got very quiet. 

"You won't. I promise you'll be like a queen that day." 


"I know you will."




Suho POV

I quickly parked my car to the side and threw the keys to the bell boy. I opened Miyoungs door and helped her get out of the car.

"I'm so sorry for getting us here an hour late, I didn't know the car was going to break down like that." 

"Its okay really. It could've happened to anyone, i'm okay." 

"Really?" She nodded trying to her hair to stay down from the wind. 

"Lets go inside okay. The weather man said it'll be windy for a while before it dies down." 

"Okay." I grabbed her hand and took her into the lobby of the hotel. She handed her jacket and purse to the staff to store away so she didn't have to hold onto it the whole entire time but she took out her phone and stuffed it in her dress. I looked at her confused.

"Ah, my mom said there was a secret pocket in the dress."

"Ah, wow! thats pretty cool, I don't usually see fancy gowns have that." 

"My mom says that these dresses have become really popular."

"But I wouldn't know would I? I'm not much into womens fashion unless i'm really a girl in a mans body." She stopped walking right at the door. 

"Your not really a girl ... are you?" I shook my head.

"No, i'm not. I'm just kidding."

"Oh, okay." I opened the door for her and entered the room. I gazed around the room to see if my friends were here yet and then spotted them at the corner.

"Come here. Let me introduce you to my friends." 

"Okay." She grabbed her dress with her left hand and her right hand held onto mine. 

"Kai!" I waved to the clutter of boys at the food table as I got nearer.. Kai turned around chewing a sausage in his mouth. 

"Did someone call my name?" He looked straight at us then turned right and turned back again to us. His eyes widened and his mouth formed into an O shape. He smacked the other persons head next to him. "Dude, look at Suho's girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? So wha-" Sehun turned around and we were right in front of them. Sehun's mouth also formed an O shape and he smacked Luhan who was also next to him, who also did the same thing.

"This is her? This is the Son Miyoung you were talking about?" Sehun said too loud. Miyoung jumped a bit from his loud voice.

"You're scaring her you punk." 

"Dude, you never told me she looked like a goddess." Kai stepped in front of her and held her hand before kissing it. "Nice to meet you, my name is Kim Jongin but you can call me Kai. This derpface is Oh Sehun-"


"Shutup, and this pretty boy is Lu Han." Miyoung quickly bowed to them.

"Its nice to meet you, i'm Son Miyoung."

"OMG, My heart's about to burst, you have such a beautiful goddess like voice." Luhan said with his most kindest voice as he walked next to MIyoung.

"Where are your girlfriends? Why didn't they come with you?"

"I broke up with mine." Sehun said. "Mines out of the country." Said Kai. "Well, you know that I'm forever alone." Luhan spoke.

"I'm regretting showing you guys Miyoung, now you all are going to annoy her." Miyoung looked up to me. 

"Its okay, I like them." 

"You do? Are you sure? You might not want to go there. Maybe I can just introduce you to my other-" 

"See! She likes us Suho, stop being so clingy." Sehun linked his arms with Miyoung and pushed me away.

"Miyoung, would you like to see us dance? and we can sing too! " She looked up to me. I sighed. 

"You can go if you want to. I'm going to go search for the bride and groom okay. I'll find you in a bit. Stay safe okay." She nodded. 

"We're not going to do anything to her. Chillax." Sehun, Kai and Luhan took her away from me.



I finally spotted EunHae sitting at a table with her family and Kris's family. I bowed to each and everyone of them before sitting down Mrs. Wu and EunHae were watching the singers perform and Eunhae's family were talking with an international business leader. 

"I'm sorry I was late EunHae, the car broke down and I was stuck for a bit." She whispered an 'its okay' to me.

"Its alright, you look very handsome today Suho."

"Thank you Mrs. Wu you look really beautiful tonight.." 

"You missed the speeches by a few minutes Suho, we've already made the speeches."

"I'm sorry, I wanted to get here to hear the speeches but I guess I was a bit too late." 

"You know, Kris said something about you during his speech." 

"Really? What did he say?"

"He told everyone that you were like his blood brother and how you always had his back. He wishes you guys will remain friends for a long time."

"Thats really good to hear. Where is he?" 

"He had important business call to answer so he went out to the garden." EunHae answered.

"Ah ..."

"But Suho." 

"Yes?" I turned to Mrs. Wu.

"Did you bring anyone with you?"

"Oh, I actually did. My girlfriend." EunHae's face dropped down.

"Girlfriend?" I nodded.

"I never knew you had a girlfriend." 

"We've been dating for about a month in a half now." 

"Thats really nice pretty soon you'll be married soon."

"I don't know about that I want to take the relationship slow."

"When can I meet her? Where is sh-" EunHae's suddenly spoke up loudly. "No!"

"EunHae are you okay?"

"I-I ... " She started to tremble and took a deep breath. "Excuse me, I need to go to the restroom for a bit." She got up and left in a rather fast past.

"Well, I need to find my girlfriend now. I left her alone with my friends and now i'm scared for her safety. I'll talk to you later." I bowed to Mrs. Wu and got out my phone to text Miyoung.

Where are you? My phone vibrated. Outside for some fresh air. I opened back the text and texted her back. Wait for me out there, i'll come find you."  I put my phone away and proceeded outside.


Miyoung POV

I opened the doors to the garden and walked around the path admiring the various flowers and trees. I felt a vibration in my dress. Wait for me out there, i'll come find you." I nodded to myself and just walked around. I just followed the rectangular stones but they suddenly stopped.

"What is this? Why did it just stopped like this?" I walked around the grass area and past the bushes to see if the stones continued but they didn't. I walked farther until I saw a paved walkway behind the trees.  "Is this a secret hide-away or something?" I breathed in the cold air and followed the paved path. "Maybe this will take me somewhere ..."

Third POV

EunHae stopped walking when she was near the entrace doors. She suddenly stopped and turned back around, I can't let them meet. She walked fastly out to the garden to search for him .... Kris where are you?

Suho sighed as the went out to the garden in search for Miyoung. Luhan had told him that she went out for some fresh air since she didn't really like parties and that if they saw him to tell him that she was out in the garden. He gazed around the dark atmostphere and followed the rectangle stones but they suddenly stopped. 

"What is this? Why did it stop?" He heard something moved near the bushes. He followed the noise and hoped it was Miyoung.

Miyoung POV

I kept on walking for a few seconds until I stumbled upon a swing bed, fireplace and a man. He was sitting on the swing bed and he was talking on the phone but he suddenly stopped talking. He must have heard my heels. He stopped and slowly turned his head around. 

Kris POV

"Yes, the stocks have already been sent out between the collaboration of our designs and they should be broadcasted within a month." I sighed as the mini business call was going on. "The models and the script have also been written and they are-" I heard clicks of high heels behind me. I slowly turned my head around.







AH!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /BREATHES/ The is finally here! Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes ^^








Thanks for reading! Comment, Subscribe and UpVote. and hehe, cliffhanger~

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I will try to post up ch 21 before this sunday :)


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 23: Awww this story is so cute ^_^
Siopanda #2
Chapter 23: happy ending, good job authornim ^^~
sylvia15 #3
Chapter 23: It was breath taking story for me..i just finished it in one breath literally..Its 3.30am ..i wonder when i will sleep & will get up!!but anyways THANKS for such a wonderful story...
pbcccc #4
Chapter 23: It was a cute story!!! ^^,
Yoyo1014 #6
Chapter 23: Oh and can you do a sequel? (Not trying to bother you and all, but I would love it if you could)
Yoyo1014 #7
Chapter 23: This is the cutest story I've read so far!!

I'm so glad I read this!^.^
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 23: That's the most sweetest story I've ever read!!!

Great job authornim!!! I wish you can gives a sequel :D :D
Chapter 23: Wow! Just wow! Love it!! They are toooo cute!!