
The Lost Be Found

Addition Music 

p.s i apologize for the picture links. I just really like pictures :)  hehe ... and I change my mind & i'll just italicize the flashbacks/dreams and color them gray. and just to clarify something EunHae calls her mom 'mom' and she calls Kris's mom 'mother'

EunHae POV

I blankly stared at the brigthly lighted mirror as the staff were fixing up my makeup. I thought back this morning when Jaemin called me. Sentences ran through my mind like crazy and I feel like I was fallling apart. 

"Well, you know how wore Kris's jacket with you on the day you came here? There were pictures in the pocket that fell out and there were photo's of a Kris and a little girl. I didn't know Kris had a daugther, why didn't you tell me?"

"Oh did I? I'm sorry i'll come get it and what are you talking about Kris doesn't have a daughter?"

"But that little girl, looks really similar to Kris though."

"Well ...uh, you know that picture you sent me of Suho and Miyoung right?" 

"Yeah, why?"

"I took a look at that too with the photo's from her file and the one you sent me and I think you are right. They are the same Miyoung. Maybe you weren't hallucinating after all."

"Did you find anything else about her?" I said not even thinking about what he just said.

"For now, i'm still a bit blank about it, . I've searched and there was nothing but the newspaper thing you took a picture with its fake so this looks weird, its like someone set this up. If there was an accident there would be loads of evidence about the car crash but there's none so its a bit fishy. I'll find out as much as I can for you."

"So, you saying she faked her death?" I asked nervously. 

"I don't think she faked her death but I do think someone forced her to leave and she never did any crimes or anything wrong so I don't see why she suddenly left. I'll go on an investigation on this and i'll help you f- "

"No, No! Its okay I-I don't care about it anymore. I-I-I was just curious thats all I don't need to-"

"EunHae, are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, Yeah. I'm just nervous but Jaemin cancel the investigation I don't want nothing to do with it anymore. I just wanted to know if I was hallucinating or not but you've already confirmed it so i'm good now." I was about to hang up on him but he spoke up fastly

"Wait! EunHae, I have one last thing for you but .."


"I don't know if you would want to hear this but you said you don't to hear anything else so I'll just  ..."

"What is it? Just say it." There was a long pause. "Jaemin?" I heard a sigh. 

"I think Hwayoung is the daughter of Kris and Miyoung."

"Are you crazy? What are you talking about? She's been away for 5 years, she could of had a child with anyone." 

"I went to the hospital to ask about Miyoungs death and they told me that there was only a record of Son Miyoung and pregnancy check-up a few weeks before she left for the U.S. and there was nothing of her death."

"But that doesn't say that he's the father of her. You can't just pin that on a hospital visit."

"But I traced it to America. And under the birth certificate Miyoung put Kris as the father of the child .... and she'll be 5 this year. On the certificate Kris didn't sign the papers only Miyoung, I don't think he knows about this. Don't you think you should tell Kris about this?"

"No, I can't I-I just can't. All of it is fake, Kris loves me now and we are going to get married soon. I won't let them meet, if they do he-"

"EunHae, he has a right to know that he has a child. Yes, you two are still going to get married but I think that his daughter should learn who her father is."

"No, I can't tell him. I don't want to loose him." I hung up. 

Tears started to roll down my make-uped face as mothers words also came back into my head. "If you love Kris, you will keep this a secret between the both of us."

"Mrs. EunHae, are you okay?" The staff members gathered around to calm me down.  "Can you leave me alone for a moment?" I asked with a shaky voice. They bowed to me confused of what to do before they left, as soon as they did my mom came inside the room .

"Why is my beautiful daughter crying? Did you and Kris have a fight?" I shook my head. 

"Mom, i'm scared."

"Why, are you scared? There's nothing to be scared about." I hugged her.

"I'm scared i'm going to loose Kris. I'm scared he won't love me anymore." She held me tighter. 

"He will aways love you. Don't think too much, look at me." I looked at her. "You guys have come this far, just continue to hold on tight to him and love him, everything will be alright. Now stop crying alright." I nodded to her and gave her a smile but my thoughts where haunting me. He won't love me anymore mom, I've been keeping a secret from him and if he ever finds out I knew about it. He'll hate me. 



Kris POV

I stood by the window and gazed out into the busy city. I closed my eyes and thought back to the dream I had last night. I met with Miyoung again.  This time we were our wedding altar, with .... 

I stood there smiling with friends and family awaiting for my beautiful bride to enter the doors and have her red carpet walk to show her beauty. I smiled and waved to the people who sat in the crowd, I was having a conversation with the minister about our plans to go to Bora Bora for the honey moon. Then the bell rang. I turned around smiling to everyone but for some reason everyone instead of standing to welcome the bride everyone sat there and gazed the the 4 presence at the doors. There were two doors and they both opened at the same time. Miyoung on the right and EunHae on the left. They both walked up to me at the same pace and both with big smiles. 

The minister tapped my shoulder, I turned around to him and he whispered in my ear. "Make a good  choice son, moments like this only come once in a lifetime." I turned back around and both of them were still there smiling at me. I didn't know what to do. What was happening? Why are there two brides here. 

My mom walked up to me. "Remember Kris, if you loved the first you wouldn't have had a second." I opened my mouth but nothing came out, only silence. Everyone was still watching us, waiting for my answer. I walked forward to the both of them and reached out to both of them and they both reached their hands to me but one of the hands slowly started to dissapear and then she vanished into thin air, I stepped back but stumbled and feel back and when I did I woke up next to EunHae in my bed. I looked up to the wall and massaged my head. Why was I having all of these dreams? 

"Hey buddy!" Baekhyun came in a sat in the chair. 

"What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? Don't you mean what are you doing here?" I came around the chair and sat next to him. 

"I'm just doing some thinking here thats all."

"What do you have to think about? You're about to be a married man and your wedding rehershal is in a few hours. You should be happy not sad." He turned around to me and put his finger tips on the ends of my lips and pushed them up. "Be glad, not sad." I slapped his hand away and sighed.

"I don't know why but something doesn't feel right. I feel like something is going to happen later and I don't know if it should be a good thing or if it should be a bad thing." 

"You just need to relax man, hey! how about this, after the party me and my friends are going to to clubbing. Do you want to hang with us?"

"Dumbhyun, I think you forget that I'm a CEO of a huge corporation. I can't be seen out in clubs like that."

"Tch. Your loss then. We will have fun without you. Well, I think i'll go ahead and get out of here, I've got somethings to takecare of first." He got up and opened the door. "I'll see you laterooo-woah~" He slurred his words when he saw someone that looks like they were about to open the door.

"Hey! Suho buddy, Bye! Suho buddy!" Suho came in and Baekhyun closed the door. 

"What's with him?" Suho pointed behind him, I shrugged my shoulders.

"Beats me."

"Shouldn't you be at the wedding rehersals with EunHae?"

"I'm going to go in a bit. I just needed sometime to think to myself."

"About what?"

"I don't know. I've got my mind on a lot of things."

"So have I." 

"Like what?"

"Love, what else could I say? I think i'm falling deeper and deeper in love." He walked up next to me. I gave him a pat on his shoulder. 

"Congrats buddy. Pretty soon I guess I'll be attending your wedding too." 

"I don't know about that." 


"She's a really sweet  person and I don't want to rush things too much with her. Though its been only about a month in a half I feel like we connect alot but she's also reserved. I wouldn't blame her though, she's had a difficult pass. I'd like to take things slower with her."

"Why what happened?"

"She told me she was forced to runaway from her husbands family because his mom didn't like her." I smiled and looked down.

"Sounds similar to the story my ex-wife."

"Ex-wife?" He turned and looked at me with a confused face. "How come you've never mentioned anything about her to me?"

"I kind of kept her in the shadows but you know just for certain reasons and you know .. she didn't run away like yours. Before I met EunHae I was going to get married with her but my mom got in the way and being in a relationship with me must have put her in a difficult position. She died in an accident a few weeks before we were suppose to get married."

"I'm sorry to hear about that, she's in a better place now but i'm glad you've found your happiness with EunHae."

"Thanks buddy, i'm glad you've also found your happiness with your girl." I turned to face him. "I'm going to meet her tonight right?" He nodded.

"Of course. I'm going to come show her off. Be careful though, she will be competing against EunHae for the most beautiful woman at the party."

"Don't kid around. The brides always the most beautiful at her own wedding rehersal."

"I know, I know." 

Hehe, Hi there! Here are somethings that i'll just give you a quick reminder of : 

I know i'm not good at showing EunHae's 'pain' but you know she's having a hard time when she figured out Miyoung was still alive and that Hwayoung was her daugther, she was told not to tell anyone about what was happening and she's scared to lose Kris because they could meet and it could all end for her. Kris still thinks Miyoung is dead and that he was just hallucinatting about her, he thinks Suho's Miyoung is a different Miyoung.

>I know i've gone quick with the relationships and things but I'm gonna slow things down :)

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I will try to post up ch 21 before this sunday :)


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 23: Awww this story is so cute ^_^
Siopanda #2
Chapter 23: happy ending, good job authornim ^^~
sylvia15 #3
Chapter 23: It was breath taking story for me..i just finished it in one breath literally..Its 3.30am ..i wonder when i will sleep & will get up!!but anyways THANKS for such a wonderful story...
pbcccc #4
Chapter 23: It was a cute story!!! ^^,
Yoyo1014 #6
Chapter 23: Oh and can you do a sequel? (Not trying to bother you and all, but I would love it if you could)
Yoyo1014 #7
Chapter 23: This is the cutest story I've read so far!!

I'm so glad I read this!^.^
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 23: That's the most sweetest story I've ever read!!!

Great job authornim!!! I wish you can gives a sequel :D :D
Chapter 23: Wow! Just wow! Love it!! They are toooo cute!!