
The Lost Be Found

We Meet Again Music 

*Warning : This is going to be a long, long chapter like 3,000 words long because I felt like I needed to make up from the last chapter since it was a bit crappy and I have a message down there for you guys :)

Miyoung POV

"Mom! Dad! We'll be back soon." I grabbed the keys from the counter. 

"Don't stay out too late."

"Okay grandpa! We will be back soon!" Hwayoung closed the door and followed me out to the car. 

"Mommy, is this your car?"

"Yep, its mommy's old car. Grandpa and Grandma saved it in the garage." 

"Wow! Its so pretty mommy." 

"You ready to go?" She nodded and climbed into the back to the booster seat Jae bought her. "Lets go." I drove back and entered the streets into the highway. 

"Hwayoung, what do you want to do first? Shopping, eating or do you want to go to the park?"

"Shopping, then we can buy food to eat at the park." 

"Alright." I changed lanes and took the exit to the mall. After I parked the car, I went behind and got Hwayoung out. We walked up to the elevator and pushed the button to the first floor.

"Are you excited?"

"Mommy! What are we going to buy here?"

"Anything you want and mommy will do shopping for herself too."

"Really mommy!"

"Hwayoung, Is there something you want from the mall?"

"I want a Pororo doll. Do they sell them here?"

"Hm, let me think about that." I put a finger on my chin. "If i'm not mistaken, there is a store that is filled with Pororo and only Pororo." When I said that her eyes brigthened up and dropped. "And I don't mean to get you all excited but." I picked her up and whispered in her ear. "I think there is also a store here filled with Disney goodies, like princess crowns." She gasped.

"Mommy, will you take me there?" 

"You will be a good girl to mommy right?"

"Right." She nodded.

"Pinky promise?" I stuck out my pinky.

"I pinky promise." She put her pinky with mine.

"Good girl." The elevator rang and we walked. 



Kris POV

"Kris, you didn't have to come with me. Your still unwell."

"I told you i'm fine, i'm already better. I only have a slight fever."

"Are you sure? I could just ...." I turned around and held her hands. 

"You don't need to worry so much, I want to plan this wedding with you every step of the way." She smiled at me and nodded. 

"Alright. C'mon lets go onto the first floor." I locked the car and we walked to the elevator. When we were around the corner there was a mother and a little child entering and I was about to call for them to wait but then the elevator closed on us

"Hey, Kris. Isn't that the little kid you saw at the airport?" 

"I don't know. I didn't get to see her face, the elevator closed on me."

"She's so cute, her mother is also very beautiful as well. The father must have been goodlooking too." 

"Oh, really. Are you thinking about other men now?" The elevator bell rang for us to get in.

"No, you're the only man I think of day and night." 

"Thats good." I stole a kiss from here. 

"No kiss." She put a finger on my lips. "Why?" I removed her finger.

"Because i'm wearing red lipstick."


"I don't want your pretty lips to be smudged with red all over when we enter the wedding shop." She wiped the red lipstick from my lips.

"That wouldn't be fair now would it." I held onto her waist.

"But you don't want other people to see you right? What if you saw one of your friends or your business partners here?"

"Well, i'll have to be careful about that then." I put my forehead on hers.

"You're right Kristina." I widened my eyes. 

"Who told you about that? Your not suppose to know that." She shook her head. "I'm not telling you." 

"It was Baekhyun wasn't it?" 

"How di-" She covered before making out his whole name.

"Aha! It was him wasn't it? He's going to regret it so much when I'm finished with beating him."

"But you look so pretty though."

"Hey! I'm not pretty. The term is handsome little lady. Okay." I pointed a finger at her right when a group of elders came in, I shyly bowed to them when we came out saying I wasn't going to hit her because they were looking at us weird.

"See that. You got me in trouble." 

"I didn't tell you to start scolding me."

We entered the wedding shop and Eunhae stopped walking, she waved to the corner, it looked like she was telling someone to runaway. The figure ran around the corner and I ran after it.

"BYUN BAEKHYUN! COME BACK HERE!" I tackled him to the ground and headlocked him.

"Hehehe, Hi Kris! How was your trip to New York?" 

"Why did you tell my fiance about that picture. It was suppose to be a secret!"

"What?! What picture?" He asked 'cluelessly'. 

"Kristina." He grinned at me.

"Oh, that picture. We'll you know Kris, she was bound to know sooner or later. I mean, you two are getting married soon aren't you." I heard some steps behind me. 

"That doesn't mean she was suppose to see it you dummy!" Baekhyun yelled for help when we heard heels clicking behind us.

"Baekhyun, you should of ran faster." I got off from him and helped him up and then punched his arm really hard.

"Ouch! Heck of a husband you got there but don't worry, he is very girlish deep inside."

"I know." Eunhae laughed.

"Baekhyun, should I tackle you down again or do you want to shut up."

"No thanks, Kristina. Your room is 102, my mom's waiting for you in there." 

"Smack that smile off your head dumbhyun." He stuck his tongue and walked away.



Miyoung POV

"What do you think about this shirt, Hwa?"

"I don't like it mommy." She made a funny face.


"The color is ugly. I don't like it." 

"Do you want to go get mommy another color?" She nodded. "Just go tell the lady wearing the pin on he shirt and she'll help you okay!." I pointed a finger to her. "Don't talk to anyone else."

"Okay, stay here. Don't move." She left to find another color. I turned back around to the mirror and looked at the color of the shirt. I smiled when I thought came to mind. "You and your dad don't like purple. You guys never did and you never will would you?" I heard a soft knocking on the door. 

"Mommy, i'm back! I have a pink one and a blue one and a red one too." I opened the door and let her back in.

"My little Hwayoung is so smart. You must've learned a lot from your teachers."

"My mommy's my favorite teacher." I took off the purple one and tried out all the other colors.  

"Really? Thats cool. Which color did you like the best?" I said hanging the clothes back on their hangers.

"I liked the red one more."

"Me too! Lets go pay for this how about lets go buy something to drink?"

"Okay mommy."


Hwayoung held my finger as we walked through the crowd to find us a vacant table to sit at. There was a table in the corner that was vacant and we had a little race to see who would get there first and Hwayoung speed off before I could so she won.

"Hwayoung, is your little stomach hungry yet." I tickled her stomach.

"Haha, mommy. That tickles."

"So, you want to eat?"

"I just want a drink for now, i'm not hungry."

"Its been all morning for you. Are you sure you just want a drink?" She nodded. "Okay, stay here and watch our stuff okay, if you need anything or if anyone's bothering you just yell for me okay." She nodded. I left her at the table and went up to find an empty line but all of the lines were full so I just went to a random line and waited.


Kris POV

"That'll be $12.43 sir." I handed out the card to him and gave the drinks to Eunhae. After I paid we went to find a seat to sit in to drink our drinks. We walked a bit further but there were no seats available, I then saw a little hand waving in front of me.

"Hey, I know you!" She smiled. "Your the guy that talked to me at the airport." 

"And your the little girl I saw at the airport." I ruffled her hair.

"Where is your mommy?" Eunhae asked.

"She's buying us a drink. I was told to wait here by my mommy." I could see that Eunhae was smiling really wide at the little girl. 

"Ah." I snapped my fingers. "Since we've already met before it'll only be proper if I introduced us. This is my fiance Eunhae and my name is Yifan but you can call me Kris."

"Hello! My name is Wu Hwayoung. Its nice to meet you." She did a 90 degree bow to us.

"Aren't you just the cutest thing." Eunhae patted her head.

"Hey, we have have the same last name. We could be related, don't you think?" 

"I don't know, we have to ask my mommy." She moved to the side a bit and said."Oh! Look my mommy" Hwayoung pointed to behind us but my phone popped up a text and you could guess who it was, from....


"Hwayoung, we would love to stay with you but we have to go now." I turned to Eunhaeand told her my mom needed us right away. "Bye, Hwayoung. It was nice meeting you again." We waved back to Hwayoung and walked forward. 


Miyoung POV

I quickly walked back to Hwayoung but along the way back I saw her waving bye to this one couple. I walked faster and set the drink on the table, sitting next to Hwayoung.

"Who were those two? I thought you knew not to talk to strangers."

"But I met them before and he's really nice, so was her girlfriend."

"Where did you meet them?" 


"Airport?" She nodded. I sighed at her and handed her drink to her. 

"Here, I got you a strawberry bubble tea." I left Hwayoung alone to drink her drink and play with her new toys for a bit. That man looked familiar though, like I've seen him before, maybe an old friend?




"Hwayoung, be careful! Don't run too fast." Hwayoung ran straight out of the car when I unbuckled her seat belt. 

"Mommy look at me!" She looked back as she was running. Oof! She tripped over a rock.

"Hwayoung! Are you okay?" I ran to her to check for any scratches or cuts but she didn't seem to have any.

"I'm okay mommy!" She looked up to me and smiled. I laughed at her.

"Why are you laughing." I bent down to her level. 

"You have mud on your face, Hwa."

"Where?" She started to pat all over her face. "Is it off?" 

"Nope, not yet." I pinched her cheeks and the stood up. 

"Mommy! You lied to me, you said lying was bad. I'm going to chase you now." We both narrowed our eyes at each other. "Game on." We both said. I sprinted away from her in the fasted pace I could since she was a really fast runner for a 5 yr old.

"Hwayoung, you can't catch mommy." I continued to run as fast as I could.

"Yes, I can. Watch me-MOMMY LOOK OUT." She pointed. 

"What?" I turned around to the front of me and I bumped into someone. We both fell down together, with me landing right on top of him. 

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention I didn't mean t-" I pushed myself off of him and sat on the ground and started to pat away the mud from his shirt.



"Oh, I didn't know you like coming to the park too." He got up and then held his hand out for me. He looked at me and chuckled. 


"You have something in your hair." He came closer and pulled a twig out of my hair. 

"Thanks. Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Of course, i'm okay but look at you, you have mud all over your white jeans."

"Its okay, I can just change it later. Your shirt is dirty too." 

"Mommy! Are you okay!" Hwayoung came running next to me.

"I'm okay."

"Oh, hi Suho!" 

"Hello, Hwayoung." 

"Um, Mommy, your shoelaces are untied." I looked down and the right side of my shoe's shoelace came undone. I bent down to tie it but someone already beat me to it.



Suho POV

"Mommy, your shoelaces are untied." I looked down at Miyoungs shoe and Hwayoung was right, Miyoungs shoelaces were undone. Before Miyoung could bend down to tie it I bent down first to tie it.

"Suho, its okay I can do it."

"Its okay, i'll tie it for you." I finished tying it and stood up to face her again, the thing is though our faces were really close. 

"T-thank you." She quickly blinked and turned pink. I scratched my head and backed up a little bit.

"I'm so sorry about that."

"Uh ... Its okay." 

"So, uh, what are you guys doing here?" Miyoung opened but was interupted by a little voice.

"Me and mommy came to play at the park, we played tag but she's not good at it." 

"Really, you guys came to play tag? Can I play too?" I bent down to her.

"Sure thing!" Hwayoung nodded and patted my cheeks. "Handsome Suho can play too."

"Uh, you don't have to Suho, we don't want to be a bother to you." 

"No Its okay, its not a bother at all. I'd love to play, I only came here to run and ..." I looked at my watch. "I've been here for an hour now so I could just play around for a bit."

"Are you sure about that?" 

"I'm sure .... but whose it?" 

"Me!" Hwayoung raised her hand. "I'm gonna count to 3 and then catch you and mommy both." 

"1, 2 ....."

"Run!" I grabbed Miyoungs hand and ran the other direction with Hwayoung fastly following behind us. I must have took her by suprise because Miyoung stumbled a bit before she could run correctly.

"Hwayoung runs so fast. She must have gotten it from you."

"I think she did, I was on the track team." I stopped running and looked at her.

"You were on the track team? Wow! You must have been very atlethic" I felt something poke my leg.

"Your it Suho. Run mommy!" Miyoung and Hwayoung ran away before I could process anything.

"Wait, what? I'm it? Oh my gosh! I'm it." I started chasing after them. I went after Hwayoung first since she was the slower out of the two and then she said she wanted to take a break since she was tired of running around and told me to go catch her mommy. 

"Where do you think your mommy went?" She pointed to the tree near the lake.

"Be quiet though, you can sneak up on her like a tiger and scare her." 

"Good idea." I ran fastly first then quietly tip toed my way to the tree where Miyoung was hiding. "Boo!"

"Ahh!" She screamed and tripped forward to the lake but I caught her waist before she could fall, she jumped a bit before she held onto my shoulder and dug her face onto my chest. I must have given her a big scare.

"I got you." I smiled to her, then there was a laugther behind us and we both turned around at the same time making the tip of our noses touch. Our eyes widened before we pulled apart. I could tell her face was bright pink and mine was probably the same as well. 

"I saw that." Hwayoung smiled.




"Thanks for hanging with us today, you really didn't have too." She said playing with her fingers.

"It was nothing really, I didn't have to attend work today." 

"It was having you here with us. Hwayoung had a really fun day and you even bought all of us ice cream."

"Just take it as a small gift for us....." She looked over to me and Hwayoung.

"Is she sleeping?" I looked down.

"I believe so." 

"I can hold her now, your arms must be tired."

"Its okay, its nothing" 

"But she's been sleeping for an hour now."

"Don't worry about it, i'll just help you carry her to the car."

"Thank you." She whispered.

"No problem." We about reached the car when I suddenly remembered. "Ah! Didn't you say you were on the track team?"

"I was but it was only during highschool. What about you?" 

"Well, I ran track for my first year but then I had to quit."


"My older brother passed away from a car accident so I was the next heir up to run my fathers company."

"I'm sorry to hear about that and from the way you were chasing us you were really good."

"I could say the same to you as well, for a mother you sure still got it." Miyoung opened the car and I help put Hwayoung in her booster seat. 

"Well, I would've continued in college but I had this little monster." She reached her arm over and ruffled Hwayoungs hair before closing the car door.

"I'm not trying to be nosy but what about your husband? Did he ... um, die in an accident as well?" She smiled and looked down. 

"Well, he didn't actually die we just got seperated." She put her back to the car and I did as well. 

"Oh, was it a divorce?"

"No, we were about to get married but its just things got complicated with the in-laws."

"You must have had a hard time raising her all alone then. " 

"I did for a while but Hwayoung is a good girl, she wasn't too much trouble, she's really smart."

"I could tell she gets it from you, she must have gotten her looks from you."

"Maybe the brains and the fast legs but I think she got her looks from her father."

"Must be a handsome guy then. Is he more handsome then me?" I turned to her. She put her head down laughed at me.

"I think you both are considered handsome." 

"That comment make my heart warm, haha." I put a hand on my heart and she just fiddled with her keys. 



"You guys should go home now, its getting pretty late."

"Alright then. You have a safe trip home as well. Bye." She turned around and opened the door. 


"Huh?" She turned around and I gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight, I'll see you again in my dreams." I gave her a wide grin and ran to my car. After I closed the door I put a hand on my heart, it was beating a lot faster than usual. "I think i'm in love with her." 


Miyoung POV

I carried Hwayoung up to her room and put her in bed. Today was a long day, she must have been really tired from running around so much. I went into my room and took a long hot shower and I held onto my cheeks remembering what just happened an hour ago. It was the first time someone has done that to me in such a long time.

After I was done, I came out of the bathroom and my purse was on the bed ... weird, I swore I left it on the closet though. I shook it off and went downstairs to the kitchen. I guess everyone was asleep because all of the lights were off. I was thirsty so I walked to the kitchen to get a bottled water. As I was walking back to the stairs the lights suddenly flicked on. I jumped and put a hand on my chest.

"You guys scared me. I thought you were all sleeping." I saw Hwayoung coming out behind my dad. She handed my phone to Jae and he happily flipped through it. 

"Miyoung, I thought you said you weren't going to date for a while or have a boyfriend?"

"I know I did say that." 

"But who is this Suho guy?" My dad said next. "A boyfriend? A lover? A secret admirer?"

"No, just a friend I just met. Why?" 

"It seems like you guys are more than friends." My mom said. 

"What are you talking about?" Jae showed a picture to me, I gasped. The picture showed Suho kissing my forehead, the one where our nose touched and .... "Where did you get this?" 

"I don't know Miyoung, ask your daugther." 

"I took pictures of mommys boyfriend." She looked at me and smiled. 

So, Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this long, long, 3,000+ word chapter and why did I write it so long? I had hoped this made up for the y chapter before and another reason which could make you guys hate me ... I don't know how often I can update with school but I will do as much as I can, I won't let you guys down! I will do the best I can and with the story if you have any questions feel free to ask :)

And i'm sorry if the story is developing slow, I really want to get everything in there the best I can and this could be a very long and lengthy story so I hope you guys can stand by and support me throughout the story .Thanks!

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I will try to post up ch 21 before this sunday :)


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 23: Awww this story is so cute ^_^
Siopanda #2
Chapter 23: happy ending, good job authornim ^^~
sylvia15 #3
Chapter 23: It was breath taking story for me..i just finished it in one breath literally..Its 3.30am ..i wonder when i will sleep & will get up!!but anyways THANKS for such a wonderful story...
pbcccc #4
Chapter 23: It was a cute story!!! ^^,
Yoyo1014 #6
Chapter 23: Oh and can you do a sequel? (Not trying to bother you and all, but I would love it if you could)
Yoyo1014 #7
Chapter 23: This is the cutest story I've read so far!!

I'm so glad I read this!^.^
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 23: That's the most sweetest story I've ever read!!!

Great job authornim!!! I wish you can gives a sequel :D :D
Chapter 23: Wow! Just wow! Love it!! They are toooo cute!!