
The Lost Be Found

Investigation ..... Music 

Miyoung POV 
I stood there in between the other shoppers and stared at the horrifying prices on the gowns. I turned around and walked to my mom who was busy searching through the expensive gowns.
"The gowns are so expensive." I whispered.
"Don't worry, we have enough money to buy any gown here for you."
"But you guys have built up the company with so much work, I don't want to just waste away money like this." My mom began searching through the racks again. 
"There is nothing to worry about. We have plenty of money, stop worrying so much over this." She took one out and then another one, and  then another one and I stopped her. 
"Mom, I think this is enough." She eyed me up and down and snapped her fingers. Two ladies appeared out of no where and bowed to my mom. 
"I haven't introduce you guys to my daugther yet. This is my daughter Son Miyoung." The two ladies bowed to me.
"Hello." I bowed back. 
"Your daughter definetly has your looks, she is very gorgeous." 
"Yes, I agree. No wonder you named this shop after her." 
"What?" The taller one out of the two spoke up. 
"This store is named M&H in honor of you Miss Miyoung and your daughter Hwayoung."
"You name this store after me?" She smiled to me. 
"It was a present for your birthday 3 years ago, your father had just opened up this shop and he decided to name it after you two." 
"Really? I have to go call dad to thank him." I took my phone out and attempted to walk out but my mom grabbed my arm. 
"Here, you guys take these gowns and reserved the V.I.P room for my daughter. I'm going to go grab accessries and then we'll meet you guys." They bowed and took the dresses to the V.I.P room. My mom walked off and I followed her, she sooed me away and told me to look around the store for anything I liked.
I sighed and started to wander around the store. "What am I suppose to do? I told her I could just buy a cheaper dress, its just a wedding rehersal I don't think I need to dress that fancy." I didn't know what else to do so turned around to go find my mom. Instead I bumped into someone. 
Eunhae POV
"Dinner tomorrow tonight? Where?"
"The place where we had our first date." 
"Really? I thought you had a meeting?"
"I do but I reserved the dinner at 10pm."
"That late?" He laughed in the background. 
"Don't be dissappointed, I thought maybe after we could walk around for a while and cuddle but-"
"Okay, okay. Alright, so I guess I'll meet you there tomorrow?"
"Yeah, I might be a few minutes late so just wait for me if you get there first."
"Okay. Bye then, love you Kris."
"Love you." I put my phone away and opened the door to the M&H shop. I walked to the counter to do a bit of gown shopping for special events. I looked at this one dress for a very long time deciding if I should buy it or not, red wasn't my color but the gown was gorgeous. 
"No, no. This isn't worth it, you looked bad in red." I turned around and started mumbling to myself until I bumped into someone and the other person fell down. 
"I'm so sorry I wasn't looking." 
"No, its my fault I wasn't paying attention." I bent down to help her. 
"Thank You." She lifted up her head and I started walking back before tripping myself.
"Are you okay?" She came up and helped me up.
"Y-yeah. Thanks."
"Miyoung!" Mrs. Son came out yelling at her. 
"I'm coming!" She bowed to me and left to the changing rooms. I froze as I was there trying to process what I just saw ... isn't she? I though-s-she's alive? I felt something cold run though my spine.
"Miss?" Someone waved their hands in front of me.
"Are you okay?" I quickly nodded and walked out of the store and sat in my car. I took my phone out and dailed his number.
I sat in the chair and waited for him to come into the office. I fidgeted with my fingers after what I just saw. I heard a soft knock by the door. He opened the door and walked in, he also ruffled my hair before he went to sit behind the desk.
"Are you doing okay from yesterday?" I glared at him. "What?" He was giving me a grin.
"Thats not funny Jaemin."
"You sounded like you were going crazy yesterday. Are you okay kiddo?" 
"I wasn't, I swear, I saw her there and I even had skin contact with her when I bumped into her."
"Alright, alright. Here." He handed me the folder. I expected it to be filled with files but it was fairly heavy. I looked at him.
"Is this all you could find?"
"Yeah. There wasn't anything much I could find about her in one night just the basic stuff. I can only do so much-"
"I know, I know. As a member of the Police Investigation team of Seoul you are a busy man. Ladah Ladah La~" I opened the folder and began to look through the files. School Files, Achievements, Jobs, Phone History, Pictures- ....... There was nothing about death, there was no death certificate. 
"Wait? This doesn't make since"
"What doesn't make since? W-" There was a loud knock. His secretary came in.
"Sir, here are the papers on the death investigation of Kim Leewon."
"Oh, thank you." He took the folder and placed it in front of him. 
"Alright." He turned back to me. "Say it again. What doesn't make since?"
"I mean, how come the newspaper that Kris had shows that there was a car accident involving Miyoung but in the files here there's nothing about her death? and theres something here about an airplane ticket being purchased?" I took my phone out and gazed through the galleries. I zoomed into the article. The accident of Son Miyoung occured 3:34 am. I looked back at the papers. 1 way ticket from Seoul, South Korea to New York, New York. Take-off 3:34 am. She left at the exact time they found her dead at the car accident.
"Hey! You can't get away with death, right?"
"Well, not unless you get caught. I mean if you faked it you're soon to be found out one way or another." I flipped through to her social security number that belonged to her and compared it to the social security she used on her flight information.
"I think they are the same person. She's not dead, she's still alive ... unless she has a twin."
"Does it say anything about having a twin?" 
"Well no but she couldn't have could she? Because Kris took me there and I saw the grave with my own eyes and it says right here that she only had another sibling who is her brother."
"Eunhae, I think the wedding is stressing you out, maybe you just-" I laid my phone on the table, the picture zoomed in along with the subtitle and laid the photocopy of her passport. 
"I'm not going crazy here. Look at it, the picture on the newspaper is the same as the one on the passport. The date and time she died is the exact date and time she left to New York both of them also have the same social security number. This article says that she died but she has no records of death, only a flight out of here. And this Son Miyoung is the same Son Miyoung I bumped into at the mall." 
"But think about it though, if she and Kris were going to get married it must have meant that they loved each other. Why would she accept his marriage if she didn't love him in the first place?"
"How do you expect me to know? I'm so lost right now, I don't know if i'm hallucinating or if this is a dream. Something isn't right here and I can feel it, I'm really shocked. Maybe i'm just seeing dead people." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. He sighed and took a deep breath too before taking the papers off my hand analyze what I was talking about.
"I'll look but I don-wait" He paused "This newspaper, it isn't real ....."
"What do you mean its not real?" 
"Eunhae, are you feeling well?" He put a hand on my forehead. I smiled faintly at him
"Don't worry so much about me, how about you?"
"I feel okay right now, i'm just worried about you."
"Don't worry too much about me. I'm just stressed from the wedding plannings that all." I put my hand on top of his and looked out the window.
"Can you believe it? Our wedding is less than a week away and our wedding rehersal is just in two days. We're getting closer and closer to be husband and wife." I smiled and continue to look out the window while he was driving back to his house. I closed my eyes and I just needed to close them for a while and think about things in silence .......
Something seemed wrong about this marriage, not that I didn't want to marry Kris but deep inside it felt kind of wrong and I felt this sense of betrayal if I did marry him. Right from the start when I picked him up at the airport something seemed off when he looked away after I called his name .... It was like he was waiting for someone else, it was like something was keeping him on edge. I glanced back at his tired face. What is it your hiding from me? You told me about your engagement but something is missing, I can feel it. I'm not stupid Kris, I can feel that somethings not right and I don't think she's dead, at least I think she isn't ....
"Is something wrong?" He asked me. 
"No. I'm fine." 
"Mom, we're home!" I took off my shoes before we entered. 
"In the kitchen!" She shouted on the other side. 
"You can go to my mom first, i'm going to go change into something more comfortable." I nodded and proceeded to the kitchen. I slowly opened the door and sat my purse on the kitchen table. 
"What are you making?" 
"I'm making candy for the orphanage i'm going to visit tomorrow. Would you like to try some?"
"Sure." I walked next to her and she gave a small bag to me. I took a bite and my face lit up. "This is really good. What is it?" 
"Its a secret."
"You said you were going to an orphanage right?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Oh nothing ...." 
"Eunhae, can you put this in the oven while I finish packing this batch?"
"Yeah, sure thing." I put the tray into the oven and turned back around. I bit my lips. Should I ask her about Miyoung? I mean ... "Mother." She turned around.
"What is it?"
"Its about Miyoung ...." Her face went pale and her smile dissappeared. Did I say something wrong?
"What about her?" 
"Kris and Miyoung were engaged before right?"
"Yes." She answered.
"Was she a good person to Kris and you?" She set the last bag of the batch into the decorated bucket. 
"No, she was not. She was a gold digger that wanted Kris because of his money, she had a bad attitiude as well. You know she never treated anyone with sincerity an-"
"Mom!" The door behind us slammed open. Kris's right hand was balled into a fist. 
"Kris ..." He came up to me and ushered me to go take a shower and sleep first. 
"Go, you must be tired from today. Look at the dark eyebags under your eyes, have to take care of them for the wedding." He turned me around and took me out of the kitchen, he then shut the door. I walked to the door and slowly put my ear to the doors. 
"You told her about what happened to Miyoung? And you told her what I did? I though we were going to keep her a secret, you agreed not to bring her up anymore."
"Why not? Eunhae has the right to know, we're getting married next week. I don't see the problem ...." Thats all I could hear before I felt a buzz in my pocket. I swiped my phone and a reminder popped up. Reminder! Last wedding dress fitting tomorrow! I grabbed my purse and texted Kris on the way home. I'll see you tomorrow, don't forget to tell your mom about the wedding dress fitting. Love you ~

Well, this was poop after that one week break of nothing for this story I don't feel great about this chapter but eh, I plan on having one or maybe two filler chapter before BOOM!

And I have a question to ask : Is there a certain area or character(s) I need to work on more?

Hehe, thanks for reading. Comments, Subcribing and Upvoting is appreaciated :)

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I will try to post up ch 21 before this sunday :)


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 23: Awww this story is so cute ^_^
Siopanda #2
Chapter 23: happy ending, good job authornim ^^~
sylvia15 #3
Chapter 23: It was breath taking story for me..i just finished it in one breath literally..Its 3.30am ..i wonder when i will sleep & will get up!!but anyways THANKS for such a wonderful story...
pbcccc #4
Chapter 23: It was a cute story!!! ^^,
Yoyo1014 #6
Chapter 23: Oh and can you do a sequel? (Not trying to bother you and all, but I would love it if you could)
Yoyo1014 #7
Chapter 23: This is the cutest story I've read so far!!

I'm so glad I read this!^.^
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 23: That's the most sweetest story I've ever read!!!

Great job authornim!!! I wish you can gives a sequel :D :D
Chapter 23: Wow! Just wow! Love it!! They are toooo cute!!