
The Lost Be Found

Not Okay Music 

Kris POV

"Hello, sir." My chauffeur ran out with an umbrella waiting for me. I just put my hand up and stopped him. 

"No, need."

"Sir." I just stepped out in the rain.

"Tell my mom, i'll be home late and don't follow me." 

"Its raining sir, you could get sick."

"That doesn't matter to me, don't follow me or i'll fire you." He bowed and stepped away from me. I took closed my eyes for a second before continuing my walk to where ever my feet could take me, i'd eventually find my way back ... I guess. I could get sick and I didn't care, for some reason the rain felt so good. I needed a walk.

I just walked out after hearing her name but I don't know exactly why I just walked out like that, maybe it was the shock from hearing that name again but there could be a million names like that, first and last. It couldn't be the same person i'm thinking of, could it? its been 5 years already. 

I just kept walking on and on, I was pretty sure it had been raining for at least an hour now. I kept walking and turning circles to who knows where but I stopped walking when the dirt road turned into green grass and there was something blocking my way. I looked up to a tombstone. 

"How are you doing?" I touched the engravings of her name.

"You must be cold, its been a long time since we last met. You know, I want to hold you in my arms again, I want to feel your warmth and I want to see your smile again just for one more time." 

"I wonder why we had to end this way Miyoung? I thought things were going well for us but I guess they weren't." I took a pause, no tears coming out, you get use to it being in this situation for about 5 years already. All I could feel was a numbness in my heart, nothing else.

"I still remember things like they were just yesterday.I remember our teasing, our little fights here and there, I miss most of all your voice. I thought we could be forever ...."

As the world got quiet the rain around me started to pour louder and louder but I sat next to her and continued my talk. I closed my eyes and hoped to forget about everything that was happening around me, I wanted to block everyone out and if he could take her away I wanted him to do the same thing to me. 




"Kris, what are you doing out here?" I heard shouting as something ran nearer and nearer to me. "Kris! Wake up its cold out here, you could get sick." I opened my eyes and she stood right there in front of me. I rubbed my eyes and looked back up at her and then I looked at my surroundings. I'm at a beach?

"Miyoung! MIYOUNG!" I shouted happily as I engulfed her in a tight hug.

"What are you doing out here?" 

"You're here, you didn't go anywhere. Your still here."

"What are you talking about? I've always been here." She said as she was cuddling inside a blanket. 

"Lets go inside Kris. We have to get ready for bed, its near midnight already."

"Alright." I got up and laced my fingers with her. I suddenly pulled her into a kiss. She smacked my arm.

"Why'd you kiss me?" 

"Because I missed you, its been 5 years since I last saw your face."

"5 years? What are you talking about? Lets get inside, what if they find us? I'm scared." 


"Your mother Kris. It was your bright idea to runaway and i'm scared now. We shouldn't have done that, i've never ran away from my parents before." 

"C'mon, lets just go inside. Its cold out here." She dragged me inside and took me upstairs to the main bedroom.

"Here." She tossed a towel at me. "Go shower, i'm going to sleep first."  

"Don't go anywhere, I better see you asleep in the bed when I get out."

"Yes, sir." She saluted to me with a wide smile. I went inside the bathroom and switched on the water on and I thought for a bit.  I washed my hair first and rinsed off the shampoo and then I just stopped, this isn't right, something isn't right. She would always read a book outloud right before she goes to sleep, it was a habit of hers and she would do it every single night but how come it was dead silent out there? I shut off the water and grabbed my towel.

"Miyoung?" I looked over the bed and she didn't even get in it. "Miyoung!" I quickly put some clothing on and ran downstairs but as I was running downstairs I saw her book on the first step of the stairs with blood all over it.

"MIYOUNG!" I ran up into the living room and through the window I saw her being dragged away, she must have saw me because she yelled out my name but then a guy turn around to me and smirked, he got inside the car along with the others and drove off. I grabbed my keys and ran into my car, following them as closely as I could.


I got out of my car and parked back behind the curve. I closely watched them as they came out of the car, the other two in the front came to help the two in the back. The bigger on of the four grabbed Miyoung out of the car. They've tied her wrists and she was blindfolded. He, along with the others, took her to the pier. I quietly followed behind them until one of them turned back. The guy holding onto Miyoung pulled a gun out and aimed it at her head. 

"You better stay back if you don't want her to get shot." I stared at her face and there were bruise marks all over her body and she had cuts on her arms and legs. 

"Just let her go, what has she done to you? We don't even know who you are."

"Of course you do, or lets say your mother does." The realization hit me. Did she send them out here to harm her just because I said I wouldn't marry that one girl? Just because I refused to be in a arranged marriage she had the heart to do this to us?

"What did my mother pay you? I'll pay you double the amount I'll give you anything, just don't hurt her." I took another step and the other guy pulled out his gun. 

"What to do though .... you won't be able to pay the amount your mother has given us. We are just suppose to do our job." He came up to be and punched my stomach, a first time and then a second time.

"Kris! Stop it, your going to get yourself hurt." It wouldn't be fun if I didn't join so I defended myself the best I could to only be beaten down again by the 3 of them. "Kris, stop it. Just go back i'll be fine, just leave me here."

"I won't leave you, we said we were going to go through though times together no matter how dangerous it is. I promised you!"

"Kris, they're not going to give in at all. Lets just stop thisp right now,  I don't want to put you in anymore danger."

"But i'm okay with that, as long as I'm with you. I don't care about it." The guy holding Miyoung threw her on the ground next to me and I trembled as I untied her blindfold and her wrists.

"Are you okay?" She nodded, tears were streaming down her face. She put her finger along the edge of my mouth wiping away my blood and then hugged me. 

"You should just go Kris, maybe this isn't our destiny. Maybe we aren't fated together like your mother said." As I stared into her eyes, I could see the pain, that was all I could see. Her body was shaking so much and she was so cold. 

"I don't care what my mother says, we can just run away and we don't have to come back here anymore." 

"We did run away Kris, thats what is happening right now. No matter how many times we run away your mother will always find us."


"Listen to your pretty girlfriend, she's saying the truth." 

"Miyoung ..."

"Kris." She paused and broke the hug. I put my hands on her cheeks and she put hers on top of mine only to remove them.

"I'm so sorry." She got up and walked to the guys. 

"Miyoung, what are you doing?" She gave them a look and the bigger one nodded at her, she slowly took off her shoes and socks then she climbed onto the railings.  

"Goodbye Kris." 

"Miyoung, you can't swim! What are you doing?" I ran up to her but before I reached her hands, she jumped off. 




Eunhae POV

I looked out of the window staring into the dark night as it rained harder then ever. "Whats with the weather today? It hasn't rained this much in such a long time." I heard a lot of shuffling inside of Kris's room so I decided to go back and check his temperature. I opened the door to him and see that he was still laying there.

"Are you stupid or something? Why did you go stay in the rain so long? Your pretty lucky your mothers out of town at the moment, she would have scolded you for sleeping in the rain again." I picked up the towel from the bowl and wiped his forehead. I then checked his temperature. "Your still a bit hot, I'll go get you some more medicine."

"Wait." He hoarsely said. "Don't go."

"Hey, your not going to get better by just laying here. You have work to attend. Stay here i'll be back in a few minutes." I got off the bed and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. 

"Miss, did you need something?"

"I'm just here to get his water and medicine." 

"You could of just called us."

"Its okay, you guys can go rest for now no ones home except us." The maids bowed to me and left. I grabbed his medicine from the cabinet and then grabbed a glass of water. I set the glass of water down and thought about the name he was yelling out earlier. 

"Son Miyoung." I bit my lip. "Son Miyoung, who exactly are you? and why does Kris keep on screaming your name in his sleep?" I shook my head. "Must be an old childhood friend or something." 

Short chapter. Sorry for the long wait and if its a bit boring i just bs it I soooo sorryyy , my heads been fogged up with the start of my new semester in school and I couldn't think of what to write, like i rewrote this chapter 3 times and /sigh/ I Hope you enjoyed it! The next chapter will definietly be better:)

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I will try to post up ch 21 before this sunday :)


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 23: Awww this story is so cute ^_^
Siopanda #2
Chapter 23: happy ending, good job authornim ^^~
sylvia15 #3
Chapter 23: It was breath taking story for me..i just finished it in one breath literally..Its 3.30am ..i wonder when i will sleep & will get up!!but anyways THANKS for such a wonderful story...
pbcccc #4
Chapter 23: It was a cute story!!! ^^,
Yoyo1014 #6
Chapter 23: Oh and can you do a sequel? (Not trying to bother you and all, but I would love it if you could)
Yoyo1014 #7
Chapter 23: This is the cutest story I've read so far!!

I'm so glad I read this!^.^
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 23: That's the most sweetest story I've ever read!!!

Great job authornim!!! I wish you can gives a sequel :D :D
Chapter 23: Wow! Just wow! Love it!! They are toooo cute!!