
The Lost Be Found

The Start Music 

Miyoung POV 

I dragged along the last of the suitcases I brought into the spare room my parents have cleaned out for me. I laid them on the floor and walked out to the balcony to get some fresh air. Its really nice to be back in Korea, i've missed this place so much. It's been 5 years already, time has really flown. I closed my eyes for a little until I heard a knock from behind. 

"Care for some company?" 

"I'd love some company." My mom walked up next to me.

"How has my little girl been?" She fixed my hair. 

"I've been fine mom. You should be worried about yourself." 

"Look at you, you've grown into such a beautiful woman. Your not my little girl anymore."

"Don't say that. I'll always be your little girl." I hugged her. "I'll always be your little girl." She smiled at me. 

"How do you like your room? I wasn't sure which one you'd like."

"The rooms beautiful mom but I think it might be a bit too big for just me."

"You think this room is big you just haven't seen our master room." 

"But I could've shared the room with Hwayoung. It could fit the both of us." 

"Though she wouldn't mind sleeping with you, I think she likes her bedroom a little bit more." I turned to my mom.

"What are you talking about?"

"Follow me." I followed her out my room and to the next room. My eyes widened. The room was full blown pink and white. Hwayoung had a corner full of toys and coloring supplies, her bed was hovered by a big backboard of a castle. Hwayoung saw me and ran to give me a hug. 

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Look at my new bedroom! Its all pink!" They must have given her a lot of candy, she was really hyper.

"Hwayoung. Do you not want to sleep with mommy?" 

"No thank you." I looked at my mom and she shrugged at me. 

"I want mommy to have a bedroom of her own so she can relax." She gave me her eyesmile before returning back to her toys. 

"Looks like she loves her room too much." That voice. 

"Daddy!" I turned around and gave him a big bear hug. 

"I miss you so much."

"I missed you too, i'm sorry I was still sleeping."

"Its okay. I understand, you must be tired." Hwayoung gasped really loudly. "GRANDPA!!!!!!" She got off the floor and was about to run towards her grandpa until I looked her in the eye.

"Hwayoung ..." She dropped the color pencil and continued her run. 

"Grandpa! I missed you!"

"I missed you to Hwa." 

"Did you get a hair cut grandpa?" 

"Why does it look bad."

"No, not at all. My grandpa is the most handsomest guy in the world." He chuckled.

"How about me?" Jae spoke up. 

"Uncle Jae is number 2." She held up two fingers. 

"Miyoung." My mom tapped my shoulder.


"Do you want to go shopping with me at the market?" 

"Sure. Let me grab my purse first."



"Do you want to eat some or eel? or shrimp?" 

"Whatever you like is fine with me." We walked up to a seafood stall. 

"Is this your daugther.." The older lady asked.

"Yes, she just arrived early back from America early this morning." 

"Nice to meet you i'm Son Miyoung." I bowed to the lady.

"Nice to meet you." She was about to bow back to me but I stopped her.

"Its okay you don't need to bow back to me, your an elder." 

"Your daugther is so respectful, she must have gotten her beautiful personality and beauty from you."

"Thank you." 

"What are you guys looking for?"

"Do you perhaps have any eel or shrimp?"

"Of course I have some here." She packed two bags and handed it to us. I stopped my mom from taking out her money.

"I'll pay for this." I handed the cash to the lady. 

"Miyoung, this is too much money. I can't accept it." I smiled at her.

"Keep the change auntie." She thanked me and then we left her stall. After that we did some more shopping for vegetables and other food items and then made our way towards the car. We put the stuff inside the car and I went into the passenger seat to wait for my mom. She came in the other side and started the car. 


"Whats wrong?" 

"I forgot to buy ginger. Stay here i'll be back in a few minutes."

"Okay." She locked the car on her way out. I buckled my seatbelt and waited for her to return. I looked in front of me and the car that was parked in front of us had a sticker at the back. Lilo and Stitch. 





"Did I scare you?" I smacked his arm.

"Of course I was scared.I thought you were a ert." He sat next to me on the bench. "What took you so long? I thought you just went to buy snacks and a drink." 

"I did buy those items but I also got distracted by a girl selling necklaces."

"Okay." I nodded at him. 

"Are you jealous?" He nudged me. 

"Huh? Who said I was jealous?" 

"Its okay to be jealous. I know you are." I looked at him, me being totally lost. 

"C'mon, don't be mad at me. She didn't compare to your beauty." He kissed my cheeks then laid his head on my lap. I just laughed at him. "I'm not jealous. I trust you."

"Hey. Just admit it." I sighed and calmly looked at him. 

"Do I look like I'm jealous to you?" He studied my face and then I cracked a smile. "Stop watching so many drama's. I'm not like those girls who get jealous like that." 

"Your the fun out of everything. I need to sit you down and force you to watch those cheesy drama's. Your so proper sometimes. "

"But thats why you love me." 

"I know." He got up and kissed me, he then reached into his pocket.

"Ta-da!" He took 2 necklaces out and showed them to me.

"Will you be the lilo to my stitch?" I just laughed at him.

"What? What was funny about that?" 

"Your too cute." I pinched both of his cheeks. "I'd love to be the lilo to your stitch."



Kris POV

"Are you ready?" I opened the door to Eunhae's room.

"I'm about ready." She said trying to get her shoes on. I bent down and helped put her shoes on. 

"Prince charming to the rescue huh." 

"Your welcome princess." She laughed at me. 

"Lets hurry up Kris, we might be late."

"I'm tired though, I just got home from New York a few hours ago." I laid on her bed too tired to move a muscle. "Can we not just lay here?" I pulled her down with me. 

"Kris, its an important business party. You can't miss it. They're going to talk bad about you if you don't show up."

"But I don't want to go." I whined and pulled her down into my embrace. "Lets just stay like this for a while Hae." She looked me in the eye and gave me a look. I sighed and got up.

"Fine. Lets go." 

"Thats a good boy." She grabbed her purse then my hand and dragged me out to the front of the apartment building. I lazingly walked behind her and sighed every few seconds.

"Don't be whining. Your the heir to the company so this is your job."

"Can I quit my job and become a farmer?" She laughed.


"I don't think you'll last Kris." 

"You never know." We arrived at the car and she went to the other side waiting for me to get my car keys out. I patted my pockets and she stared at me weirdly.

"What happened? Why are you like that?" 

"Oh, hehe. I think I dropped my car keys somewhere." I gave out a cheeky smile.

"Kris! Are you just making excuses not to go to the party?"

"No, I'm dead serious I don't know where my keys are." She closed her eyes, took a deep breath before speaking to me sometimes. 

"C'mon, lets go find it. We are not ditching the party." I nodded and left with her to find  the car keys. We both searched through the lobby, no keys .. the elevator, no keys. the hallways we came through, no keys ... her apartment, no keys.

"Do you not remember the last place you put your keys at?" I thought for a while. 

"Ah!" I opened up my suit jacket and looked in the inside pocket. "Hey, it was here all along." She glared at me. 

"Really Kris, Really?" I shrugged.

"I must have forgotten it." 

"Sometimes you just ..." She rubbed her forehead. 

"I just what?" 

"Nothing. Lets go." She went out first and I had a huge smile on my face. "Just you wait."



"C'mon Kris! We have 2 minutes before it starts!"

"I'm tired." She looked at me and pouted. 

"Please, please! I don't want to get in trouble Kris!" 

"Fine, lets go." I finally 'gave in'. I let her walk in front of me and the two guards opened up the door. The party was filled with people and it was filled with a bunch of food and decorations. She walked and bowed to the others.

"The lights are very pretty." She pointed to the table.

"And so are the flowers .... Kris?" She turned around and the lights out.

"Kris, where are you? This isn't funny." She felt a tap on her right shoulder and turned around. I got down on one knee and the lights turned back on. Her eyes widened as she saw the ring. 

"Kris ..." She covered .

"Eunhae, will you marry me?" She nodded. 

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I hugged her as the crowd around us went wild. 

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" They shouted, I raised an eyebrow at her and I pleased the crowd with their request.



Miyoung POV

I let out a quiet 'ouch!' as I put the knife down. 

"Miyoung whats wrong?" My mother turned around from the oven.

"Nothing, nothing. I just cut myself a little bit." I put a napkin on my finger and went to wash it at the sink. My mom ran over to help me. She looked at the sink and then back to my pale face.

"Is this a small cut to you?" She pointed at the blood in the sink. 

"Mom, i'm okay." She turned off the water and took the first-aid kit out. "Mom ...." 

"Stay still, I don't want to hurt you." 




Kris POV

"Why did you decide to do this here?" I looked up at the night sky and kissed her cheeks. 

"I was thinking about this for a while and I bought the ring while I was in New York." 

"Really? Did you plan this party as a setup too?"

"Yeah, pretty much. This is why I was stalling you at your apartment. It was so they could finish preparing everything." 

"And I thought you were purposly being dumb back there." 

"You should appreciate me for my acting skills, I thought I was pretty good." I gave her a backhug. "Don't you think I have mad acting skills?" She laughed and then pushed me away. 

"Yes, I think you have mad acting skills because you at acting thats why." She started to back away. 

"Your lying to me right? My acting skills are beast."

"Nah, it just really bad." She stuck her tongue out at me and ran back inside to the event.

"Hey! Come back here and tell me my acting skills are the best! Come back Eunhae!" 

3rd Chapter done! How are you liking the story so far? 

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I will try to post up ch 21 before this sunday :)


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 23: Awww this story is so cute ^_^
Siopanda #2
Chapter 23: happy ending, good job authornim ^^~
sylvia15 #3
Chapter 23: It was breath taking story for me..i just finished it in one breath literally..Its 3.30am ..i wonder when i will sleep & will get up!!but anyways THANKS for such a wonderful story...
pbcccc #4
Chapter 23: It was a cute story!!! ^^,
Yoyo1014 #6
Chapter 23: Oh and can you do a sequel? (Not trying to bother you and all, but I would love it if you could)
Yoyo1014 #7
Chapter 23: This is the cutest story I've read so far!!

I'm so glad I read this!^.^
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 23: That's the most sweetest story I've ever read!!!

Great job authornim!!! I wish you can gives a sequel :D :D
Chapter 23: Wow! Just wow! Love it!! They are toooo cute!!