
The Lost Be Found

Soon To Be Gone Music ~Like the music? *wiggles eyebrows*

Third POV

Miyoung waved bye to the cheery Hwayoung as she dropped her off to school. She turned around and walked to the sidewalk not watching where she was going she walked straight into the busy street. She felt something pull her back. 

"Are you crazy? Why did you walk right into the street?" She looked up at the familiar face.

"EunHae?" Miyoung stood up and straightened her jacket. 

"I need to talk to you." Eunhae softly whispered while playing with her bracelet. 



Miyoung and EunHae sat on the bench at the park. Miyoung glanced at EunHae's face and she could tell that EunHae cried last night from her puffy eyes.

"I just wanted you to know that I-I-I'm not planning on giving up on Kris, I love him and we are getting married." 

"I don't have any plans on going back to him. I'm getting married too ..."

"Your what?"

"I'm getting married to Suho." Miyoung let out a small smile. "I don't want to have anything to do with Kris anymore, he's all yours." 

"R-Really? Your just going to give up on him like that? What about your daughter?" Miyoung turned her head to EunHae. 

"How did you know that?" EunHae's eyes widened. 

"K-Kris told me about her last night." She said fumbling with her bracelet again. 

"You don't have to be scared. I'm not going to take him back, he's all yours. I figure that ... I should move on and forget about him." 

"I-I still won't give up on him. He loves me and I love him." Miyoung stood up and bowed to EunHae. 

"I'd love to talk with you more but I have to get going now. It was nice to meet you." 


Miyoung POV

I turned around the corner to the house and saw many people coming in and out, each with something white to carry. I walked faster on the sidewalk and entered the gates. I took a long pause with what I saw ... everything was white. 

"Miyoung!" I turned to my right. My mom ran up to me with a huge smile.

"What are you doing here? Go inside we have to choose your dress." She started to pull me with her. 

"Mom, what is all this?"

"Its your wedding silly, hurry up we have to get everything done for tomorrow. Suho's also here." I sighed and walked along with her into the house.

My eyes widened when I saw the inside, my mom continued to drag me to the family living room. I saw Suho in there with his back facing me. There were stylist handing him suit jackets to try on. My mom pushed me to my side while Suho was on the other. He glanced at me and smiled. I was going to say hi to him but the stylist turned me around and pulled in a rack with 5 wedding gowns.

I never got a chance to talk with Suho because the stylist where taking me in and out of the bathroom to change and they kept on pinning pins on the gowns. After trying on the 3rd gown the stylist where on a 30 minute break. I sighed and walked out to the backyard to sit at the swingbed. I just stared to the ground dazed until I felt a shift in the swingbed, I looked up and Suho smiled to me.

"Are you suprised?" He asked me.

"A little bit, you?"

"A little bit." He looked up to the clouds. "I know this feels rushed since we haven't even met for a whole 2 months just so you know my feelings for you are real."

"Suho ...." 

"Look, I know your nervous but I am too. Our relationship hasn't reached that part yet but i'm willing to go through with it if you want but if you don't want to its fine with me."

"Well, its too late now ... we can't do anything about it. I'm fine with marrying you." His face lit up. 

"Really?" He pulled me into a hug. "I promise to be a good husband and a good father to Hwayoung, I won't ever let a tear drop from your eyes and i'll make sure to always make you both smile." I just smiled back to Suho. Was I doing the right thing for me and my child?



EunHae POV

I looked up at the stairs and stood there a few minutes before noticing that someone was talking to me. A maid was waving her hands in front of me.

"Miss EunHae, did you need something?" 

"Ah, I left my purse in Kris room and i'm just here to get it."

"Is that so? Then go ahead up Miss EunHae. Would you like anything while you're here?"

"Is Kris home?" 

"Master is either sleeping or taking a shower right now." 

"I see, thank you."



I sighed and opened the doors to Kris room. He was sitting there on the bed reading some papers. I put my frown away and smiled. 

"Kris, what are you reading?" I walked up to him, but before I did I looked up and glared at me. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

"Tell you what?" 

"That you knew Miyoung was still alive and that I had a child!" He threw the papers at me and I picked it up. "I can't believe you would hide it from me? You knew that I still had feelings for her! You knew and you hid it from me!"

"Why did you go through my purse?!" Kris turned and pace back and forth. 

"Go through your purse? What kind of person do you think I am EunHae. I'm sorry that your purse had tipped over and the contents happened to spill on the floor." She looked to the table and her purse did fall on the ground, even her perfume broke into pieces. 

"I just didn't want to loose you! If I had shown you them in the first place then you would've left me." I said with teary eyes.

"I would have undestood you, we are getting married, I know what I had to do in this situation if it had happened earlier and what I couldn't do but now seeing that you don't trust me enough maybe I should just cancel this wedding altogether." I grabbed his hand and held onto it.

"No, please. Don't Kris, I love you. I thought we promised each other this! Don't do this to me."  He yanked his hand away and walked out the door. 

"If you loved me you would've told me in the first place! I can't believe you didn't trust me enough. I would've done the responsible thing here but No! you had to do this behind my back without my consent!"

" But if I asked you then you would've never agreed to do it." 

"You think I wouldn't? I wanted to know EunHae, I wanted to know so bad." He pointed a finger at me."Miyoung was a big part of my life, my mother sent her away when she was pregnant and she had to suffer all those years raising a child all alone, a child that I didn't know existed in the first place! A child that was created by me and her!" 

"So what Kris! If she had loved you in the first place then she wouldn't have left herself, she would have stayed and stuck with you but she agreed to go away. She never loved you in the first place, you both were never meant to be, that child wasn't meant to be here in the first place- " I cupped my hand over my mouth after realizing what I just said. He looked at me with an angry expression before leaving the room. I followed him downstairs as he grabbed his key and wallet. 

"Kris, please. I didn't mean it like that. Don't call off the wedding, I beg you. Please! " The door suddenly opened in front of us. 

"Mother." I croaked out. 

"Why are you crying? " Kris turned around and glared at me and then to his mother. 

"Both of you, told me lies. I can't live in a house like this anymore, don't bother looking for me. You both are so ungrateful." He slammed the door and closed it with a loud thud.

"EunHae, whats wrong?"

"K-Kris, is going to call off the wedding tomorrow."

"What are you talking about?"

"He found out that I knew about Miyoung and Hwayoung, he's angry at me. Mother, please help me. I love him alot and I don't want him to call off the wedding. Please." Her eyes showed anger and she took out her cellphone. 

"Go find Kris now and bring him to me. If he resist and refuses to come, hurt him if you must but any major injuries and you guys are all dead." 

"No, no! Don't hurt him. I just want to convince him not to call it off." She put her phone away and helped me up. 

"You've got to be strong if you want your man to stay by your side. Fight for him, show him what you are capable of." She came up to my ears and whispered and then went upstairs. 


Kris POV

I don't hate EunHae but at this moment I really dislike her. She should of known to trust me, we were going to get married. She should of know i'd do the right thing. I mean for gods sake we are getting married! And now I just found out she knew Miyoung was alive and that I had a daughter. She kept a secret with me, i've always told her my secrets and she just goes out and tells a flat out lie ..... I was too angry with her right now that I didn't notice how fast I was driving. I pulled up onto the side of the streets and looked up to the house in front of me. Miyoungs house .... I noticed people going back and forth, carrying white cloth and flowers. I slammed my hands onto the driving wheel. 

"Dammit!" I came out of the car and walked into front of the house. I stood out there for a while before grabbing one of the workers arm.

"Where is Miyoung?"

"In the backyard, she should be at the east wings terrace."

"Thank you." I went fastly into the house and went through the hallway to the east wing terrace. My heart was beating too fast, I felt like my heart was about to stop. I opened the door and I saw a Miyoung standing at the edge in a white wedding dress. 

"Miyoung!" I shouted. She turned around with a shocked expression.

"Kris." I ran up to her and held her in my arms.

"Are you really going to do this? Are you going to leave me like this?" 

"Kris, what are you doing here?" She whispered. "Your not suppose to be here, go back to EunHae."

"No, I won't go back to her. She stabbed me in the back and lied to me, I'm not getting married with her anymore."

"What? No." She shook her head. "You have to go back." She tried to push me away but I held onto her. 

"I won't, i'm not going to let you marry Suho. You can't."

"Kris, stop it. Whats done is done, we have nothing anymore."

"Hwayoung, what about her? I'm her father, she needs a father."

"Kris, Suho well be her new father after we get married tomorrow. You can't stop it even if you tried." I let her go and balled my hands in a fist.

"I have to stop it, I can't let this happen." Kris heard something move from above and looked up to the balcony. 

"Where's my daughter? I want to see her."

"No, she's sleeping. Don't go bother her, I'm not going to allow you to see her anymore."

"I'm her father!"

"But i'm her mother! I'm the one who gave birth to her!"

"Kris?" Suho was behind me wearing a suit. "What are you doing here? Are you here to give us a blessing." He walked up next to Miyoung and put a hand around her waist. Her eyes were on my balled fist the whole time. I wanted to punch Suho, I wanted to knock him down and beat him up for taking over my role as a husband and father but I couldn't do that to him. Even though I wanted to stop the marriage I couldn't do this to him, he was my best friend and I know that he deserves someone like Miyoung. Suho didn't know about all of this and I shouldn't let this ruin our friendship, I wanted to punch him so bad but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Yeah." I managed to utter a word. "Congrats."

"Thanks." He patted me on the back. "I'm sorry I won't be able to make it to your wedding." I smiled at him before I suddenly got pulled back by my moms body guards. One of them put a cloth around me and the rest took me out while my world went black.


Suho POV

Guards came in and surrounded Kris, one of them put a cloth around Kris mouth and he out. One of them came in front of us and looked at Miyoung. 

"Ms. Wu request that you and Kris will not be having any more meetings, don't plan on seeing each other and keep Hwayoung out of the way. Its best we go our seperate ways for the wedding. She gives you and Suho your blessings and wishes to not see you and your child ever again." The guard bowed to us and left with Kris. I turned to Miyoung. 

"What are they talking about?" 

"Nothing." She mumbled. 

"Have you and Kris met before? It seems like you to have a history." 

"No, we don't." 

"Okay." I nodded. "Lets get inside, mother in law has to go over details with us." She nodded and went back in first. "Something doesn't feel right here. Why would Ms. Wu say that." I shook my head and followed Miyoung in.

Well, its here! I have something hidden in this chappie that has to deal with the next chappie. Can you figure it out? 

And if you can, please check out my trailer on my next fic here . I'm still working on it, I only have the video for now. Please look forward to my new story that will be published soon after this one is finished which will be a while but i'll be working on it little by little.

Thanks for reading! Comment, Subscribe & UpVote! 

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I will try to post up ch 21 before this sunday :)


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 23: Awww this story is so cute ^_^
Siopanda #2
Chapter 23: happy ending, good job authornim ^^~
sylvia15 #3
Chapter 23: It was breath taking story for me..i just finished it in one breath literally..Its 3.30am ..i wonder when i will sleep & will get up!!but anyways THANKS for such a wonderful story...
pbcccc #4
Chapter 23: It was a cute story!!! ^^,
Yoyo1014 #6
Chapter 23: Oh and can you do a sequel? (Not trying to bother you and all, but I would love it if you could)
Yoyo1014 #7
Chapter 23: This is the cutest story I've read so far!!

I'm so glad I read this!^.^
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 23: That's the most sweetest story I've ever read!!!

Great job authornim!!! I wish you can gives a sequel :D :D
Chapter 23: Wow! Just wow! Love it!! They are toooo cute!!