
The Lost Be Found

Breakthrough Music  I made this chapter super long because i'm not sure when i'll be able to update again.

Kris POV

I stood at the front with EunHae greeting everyone when they entered the room. My mom had me guarded all around with bodyguards, thinking about it, it must be hard to be someone famous, having guards around you all your life and feeling like you have no sense of freedom, especially if you're a CEO. I looked over at my mom and EunHae who were as happy as ever. Was I the only gloomy one here? 

"Yo, Kris." I felt a touch on my shoulder. 

"Oh, Baekhyun. You're here?"

"Yeah." He sighed and put his hands in his pocket. "But i'm gonna leave soon after you guys get all kissy kissy."


"Well, my two best friends are getting married on the same day so it'll be fair to go to both right?" I let out a laugh.

"Thats right. Why don't you go sit down, the ceromony will start in about half an hour." 

"Cool with me. I'll see ya, congrats Kris and EunHae! Fighting!" EunHae looked over when he said her name and smiled.

"Thank you Baekhyun." She smiled to me but I turned my head around to ignore her. It felt weird though, i've never once given her a silent shoulder like this. 

"Kris." She shook my arm. 

"What?" I whispered. 

"Mother says its time for me to go change into my gown, so she wants you to stay and greet the rest of the guest." 


"Kris ..."


"Don't do anything stupid to get yourself hurt."

"Just go, I thought you needed to go change." She nodded and then left with my mom. I turned around and continued to greet the guest for another half hour before we closed the doors to the ceromony room. The preacher lead me into a hallway that goes to the front of the room where I was suppose to stand. I followed him there and he told me to stay in place. I turned my back to the door and just spaced off into thin air, I really had no chance of getting out of here and I'm going to marry EunHae. Yes, I know this is too rash to say since I loved EunHae so much but for her to do this to me, I don't know if I can go through with this ... there was the idea of divorce but my mom will kill me .....


Miyoung POV

I ran up to the bus stop and scanned up and down the bus schedule. I sighed and fell on my knees when I saw the time, the next bus won't come again till a half an hour later. My fingers ran through my curled hair and I screamed out of frustration. 

"I can't wait anymore, I'm going to have to walk there myself." I turned around and walked forward when the sidewalk allowed me too. The people around me were whispering to each other, wondering what a woman in her wedding dress was doing out here crying. I didn't mind what they were saying, I just had one thing to do right at the moment, I had to go find my daughter.

"I don't even know to find you. Where did you go Hwayoung?" I wiped the tears off my eyes. "I shouldn't have come back here in the first place, then none of this would've happened. If I would have never ran into your dad and we wouldn't have this problem of you running away and you wouldn't be stuck in the middle of this situation. How could I've been so stupid!" 

"Mommy!" I turned around fast with my heart racing. A little girl ran past me and went into the arms of her mother. I turned my back on them and continued, this time running as fast as I could.


EunHae POV

I broke out a loud breath after they tightened the wedding dress on me. I turned around and looked at the mirror, my face looked so depressed .... and it was my wedding day, yet I was this sad. I forced myself a sad smile, its my wedding day, i'll smile even though I feel broken inside. My thoughts suddenly wondered to the words Kris had yelled at me. He didn't love me anymore, he didn't want to marry me, he didn't want anything to do with me, he wanted me gone. 





"EunHae!" I suddenly jumped. 

"Are you feeling well?"

"I just feel a bit dizzy thats all." Mother suddenly narrowed her eyes at me. 

"Don't tell me your pregnant." She whispered. The staff all around gasped.

"No, no, no! I'm not pregnant." I made an X with my arms. "We haven't done it yet!"

"Well why not? You two are grown adults." I lauged and scratched the back of my neck.

"We wanted to wait till we were officially married."

"You two better hurry. I want a grandchild." She clapped and my lips formed a straight line. But you have one already.

"O-Okay, i'll try."

"Well, thats that. Lets get going now, we have to get you to the doors. Wedding starts in exactly 10 minutes, you'll be Mrs. EunHae Wu soon. " I nodded. It's now or nothing. I grabbed my dress and walked out behind everyone else. And at that moment I felt a wind of god chills run through the back of my spine. 


Third POV

Kris just stared blankly into space in silence, all he could think about was Miyoung and Hwayoung, in his mind EunHae was like a fog. The church bell suddenly rang and Kris turned around. He looked into the front row where EunHae's parents where and his mother, they smiled to him before standing up like the rest were and facing the opening doors.

Kris fixed his tie and turned to the door and looked at the girl who he once loved so much, his love for her wasn't the same anymore. He still loved her yes, but not as a lover, he couldn't feel the connection anymore. 

Their eyes met as she came closer and closer to him. Kris grabbed her hand and she stood right in front of him. Her heart felt like it was going to burst. She had a slight smile on her face while Kris had a straight face. The minister looked at the two couple and proceeded. 

"We are here today to ....."



Miyoung panted as she reached the church, you couldn't have missed it if you blinked. There was a huge sign with both their names on it. A crowed had gathered behind her as she caught her breath. An elderly lady walked up to Miyoung and touched her shoulder.

"Child, is there something wrong? Why are you here in a wedding dress." Miyoung pointed in the church. 

"I have to go in there to get something."

"Child, Kris is getting married to EunHae. Maybe you should go back home, I don't think its good for you to barge in the middle of their wedding."

"No." Miyoung looked down. "I have to go in there to get my child, not to get Kris." Miyoung ran off again and this time she ran the fastest she's ever ran She opened the door to the front of the church and then stood in front of another set of closed doors. She nervously reached for the door knob but stopped for a second before twisting the door knob.


Kris POV

"Do you Kris Wu take this woman Park EunHae to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in heath, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto her for as long as you both shall live?" I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I could feel the presence of the crowd around me waiting for an answer. 

The quiet room waited and waited for my answer, I could see EunHae tearing up from the corner of my eye. 

"I-" There was a sudden rattle at the doors and the whole church turned around to the door. Everyone sat silent for a second and then we continued. The minister turned to me and signaled me to hurry up.

"I-" The doors swung open and an ocean of gasps was heard. I looked over to the door and there she was. 

"Miyoung." She slowly walked up to where I was without any hesitation from the others around, I could hear the crowd whispering about Miyoung, as she was also wearing her wedding dress. Everyone's eyes were on Miyoung as she walked up straight up to me. She looked me with sad eyes.

"Where is she?" I stared at her puffy eyes. 


"My daugther! Where is she?" 

"She's not here with me, I didn't-"

"Don't lie to me! She wrote me this to me!" I threw the paper to him. "She said she was coming here to find you and she told me to eat first, it was like she was implying she wasn't going to comeback till she found you." I looked down to the paper Hwayoung wrote. 

Dear Mommy,

I went to go find Daddy at the party, the internet told me where it was. Bye Mommy, I'll be back soon I don't know how long i'll be gone so you can eat first without me.

Love, Hwayoung.

"If she's not here then where could she have possibly have gone to? Kris, she's a small five year old girl, what if she got kidnapped or something? I can't loose her, she's the only thing I have left to hold onto."

I looked up to EunHae. "I'm sorry." I dropped the letter and grabbed Miyoungs hand. 


Third POV

The crowd gasped as Kris grabbed Miyoungs hand and walked out of the room. Fanghwa stood up and ran after Kris, the crowd soon followed behind her.

"Kris! Stop it! Where do you think you are going? Today is your wedding day and you're just going to leave your bride and go out with another woman?"

"Shut up!" 

"Kris! Thats not a way to talk to your mom!"

"Are you sure you're acting like my mom? A mom who loves me would not try to seperate her son and fiance who were soon to be married, you faked Miyoungs death and sent her away from me! a mom who loves me would not send away and threaten the persn I love when she was pregnant with my child who I did not know existed for 5 years! And now I'm not going to let anything stop now, i'm going to make things right and you are not going to control my life anymore. Take away my position of CEO if you want and my money."

"Kris, I think you should sit down for a li-" No, Kris cut off Baekhyun.

"Now if you'll excuse me I need to go find my child!" Kris dragged Miyoung out. 


Fanghwa turned around angrily and went to find EunHae in the room. When she got there the place was empty ... she wasn't there. "EunHae! Where are you?" Silence .... 


EunHae grabbed her dress and walked to her car in the back of the church. She wiped away her tears and started her car and drove off back to her house. The maids all looked at her as she ran upstairs to her room in her wedding dress.


"Why is she back here? Isn't she suppose to be getting married?" One of them whispered.

"Maybe she got stood up or something?" The other one whispered.


EunHae locked her door and sat down by her bed. She broke into tears when she was thinking about what had just happened to her. She was so close to marrying Kris, the man that she loved and he left with another woman. She put her knees up and pulled her head down to cry, now that she was crying she was going to let it all out. 



"Hwayoung! Where are you? Please answer mommy!"

"Hwayoung! Daddy's right here! Please come out!" Kris and Miyoung walked around the streets near the church but they couldn't find Hwayoung. No matter how loud they were shouting or hard they searched they couldn't find Hwayoung at all. They finally arrived at a park after an hour of yelling. Miyoung sat down on the bench and cried with her head down. 

"Where did you go Hwayoung? Please, come back to mommy." Kris sat down next to her and sighed. 

"We'll find her. I promise."

"But how? We've been searching every possible place she could of gone and we haven't found her yet!"

"We just have to keep on searching, we're going to find her. Trust me." 

"What if she's in danger? I'm not going to be there to help her." Miyoung looked up to Kris with watery eyes. 

"She's a smart girl. I'm sure she knows whats wrong and whats not." He wiped her tears away. "We'll find her."

"Um, excuse me?" Both of their heads turned around to the middle aged man wearing an ice cream apron. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. Earlier there was a little girl who passed by and she bought a strawberry ice cream cone. She told me that her name was Hwayoung." Miyoung straightened up. "After she bought an ice cream she got on a bus."

"A bus? To where?" Kris and Miyoung stood up. 

"The bus she went on today was scheduled to go to Inchon."

"Inchon?" Both of them yelled out.

"But that is about a two hour drive from Seoul." 

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you two anymore." 

"No, no! Thank you so much." The two gave a bow to the man before running off to catch a cab. Kris told the cab driver to drive all the way to Inchon to the nearest bus stop but the cab driver first refused to. He told them that driving there would cost about $200+ but Kris told him that he would be willing to pay any amount, he needed to find his child. 


Suho stood by the door of Miyoungs house apologizing to the last guest to leave the house. He felt a finger tap on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry bro." Jae sighed. "Listen ..."

"I know everything."

"You do? Oh, thank god. Saved me from telling a long story. Oh, sorry." He scratched the back of his head.

"Its okay, I knew something like this would happen soon. My parents told me that you guys suddenly called and asked for an arranged marriage, I didn't think it was going to last and I guess my prediction came true."

"Dude, I was okay with getting you as a brother in law. You're pretty dope."

"Thanks but I think its better if Kris was instead." Suho turned to Jae. "I know Miyoung still loves Kris and he does too. I think as his best friend its best for me not to intervene with them and their life but then he's still getting married too."

"No, he's not." Jae smiled.

"He's not? Why?"

"Didn't you hear? It was all over the news. Miyoung went there before he could say I do and Kris dragged Miyoung out to find Hwayoung."

"To find Hwayoung? I thought Hwayoung went to Kris."

"Thats what I thought too but apparently she wasn't there and is now missing."

"Then shouldn't we go find her?"



"Because I think its best for them to use this to spend time together to find their child but .." Jae turned to Suho. "Even though all of this happened I hope you won't have any hard feelings for Kris or Miyoung. I still think of you as a cool guy."

"Really?" Suho chuckled.

"Yeah, I can hook you up with some other girl. I'm good with the ladies, you know." He wiggled his eyebrows.




The cab parked at the bus stop and turned around to Kris and Miyoung. 

"That'll be $219." Kris took out his wallet and handed the man $300. "I'll give you ch-"

"Keep it."

"But sir, thats almost a hundred dollars."

"You deserve it for driving us all the way here. Have a safe trip back." He thanked Kris while the both of them came out. 

"Do you want to split up to find her?" He picked up her hand and held it in his. 

"Lets look for her together. I can't afford to loose the both of you again." 

"Mommy! Daddy! " Miyoung turned to the direction of the voice. Hwayoung standing at the corner on the other side with her black romper on waving back to them.

"Hwayoung! Its daddy!" Kris yelled out. You couldn't see anything else but her face near the lightpost.

"Hi! Mommy, Daddy, stay there I'll come to you." Hwayoung looked both sides before proceeding forward. She smiled as she saw no cars comming. "I'm comming, stay there okay. Don't move." Hwayoung took a step out and walked towards them with a smile. A scrum truck was coming at Hwayoung at a very fast speed and before Hwayoung could process what her mother was yelling about from across the street there was a loud scream.

I'm sorry if this chapter was so long it was like almost 3,000 words but I don't know how soon I can update again so this is a big chappie in case I don't get to update again soon. I hope you enjoyed this and comment below any questions:)

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I will try to post up ch 21 before this sunday :)


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 23: Awww this story is so cute ^_^
Siopanda #2
Chapter 23: happy ending, good job authornim ^^~
sylvia15 #3
Chapter 23: It was breath taking story for me..i just finished it in one breath literally..Its 3.30am ..i wonder when i will sleep & will get up!!but anyways THANKS for such a wonderful story...
pbcccc #4
Chapter 23: It was a cute story!!! ^^,
Yoyo1014 #6
Chapter 23: Oh and can you do a sequel? (Not trying to bother you and all, but I would love it if you could)
Yoyo1014 #7
Chapter 23: This is the cutest story I've read so far!!

I'm so glad I read this!^.^
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 23: That's the most sweetest story I've ever read!!!

Great job authornim!!! I wish you can gives a sequel :D :D
Chapter 23: Wow! Just wow! Love it!! They are toooo cute!!