
The Lost Be Found

Getting Serious Music 

Miyoung POV 

"Well, there is a place near the house and the school, its a pretty big place and the pay isn't much. I'll just have to find a job that pays a decent amount of money."

"Are you sure though? You guys are still welcomed to stay here for us."

"I'm sure, I'm a grown woman and I have a child, I think its about time I start doing motherly things you know. Like start finding a house of my own and working too."

"Alright, then, You're a grown woman and your mom and I will stand by and support you all the way."

"I will dad, don't worry."

"Alright then, I'll see you." We bother hung up I put my phone back into my pocket and grabbed my coffee and went out the door when the worker came out and stopped me.

"Miss, here is your pie." He handed me a small bag with a little box inside.

"I didn't order a pie. Did someone order this for me?" My phone suddenly rang, the worker and I bowed to each other before he went back inside. I picked up my phone. Unknown Caller.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Behind you." The door opened and I turned around. "Hello, Miyoung. Its been a few days since i've seen you. I hope you liked the pie I picked out." I looked at the top of the box. Strawberry and Banana Pie. How did he know my favorite. 

"Thanks for the pie, How did you get my number?" 

"I didn't know Hwayoung knew how to operate a smartphone." I gasped, I set the coffee and the bag on the table outside. I took my phone out and flipped through the messages, my display photo was set to the picture of him kissing my head. 

"Did she bother you too much? I'm so sorry, I didn't notice this. She must have done this while I was cleaning around the house."

"She wasn't a bother, she was actually quite fun to talk too. The photo though ... I must say we looked pretty cute together." I scratched my head. 

"Oh, that picture ..." 

"Would you like to take a walk?" 

"A walk ... sure." I grabbed my coffee and the bag and we started our walk. 

"How have you been doing?" 

"I've been doing well, and how about you and work?"

"Well, work is always stressful but I try to enjoy my time to the fullest." He took a pause before stealing a glance from me. "Miyoung ... don't you think this is a bit weird?" I looked back at him and then to the ground.

"What do you mean?" 

"We keep on meeting each other again and again. Maybe this is a sign or something for us, don't you think?" 

"I don't really know, I hope it is because i'm a bit lost in this world." He stopped walked and turned to me.

"Miyoung ..." 

"HEY! SUHO!" A guy came running to us. "Suho! Dude, how are you? I haven't seen you since yesterday." He must have noticed me because he eyed me up and down. "Bro, who is this pretty lady?"

"Hello, I'm Son Miyoung." I bowed to him.

"Sup, I'm Baekhyun." He bowed back and did a peace sign to me and just smiled. "It was nice to meet you but i'm running late for something. Bye Suho! It was nice to meet you Mihan." Baekhyun ran off.

"It's MIYOUNG!" Suho yelled. "Sorry about that, anyways I was thinking ..." He shyly looked down and scratched his head. " .... I was thinking if you'd like to go on a date with me."

"A date. I'd love to." 

"You do?!" I nodded." Thats great. How does this Saturday sound? I could pick you up around 8, if thats alright with you."

"I can't wait." I smiled widely at him. As we continued walking our hands slowly started to brush, at one point he laced his fingers with mine but I looked at him and it must have scared him because he let go. I just kept smiling at him, I grabbed his hand and laced it back together with mine. 

I'm moving on ..... I didn't want to live in the past anymore ....



Kris POV

"I'M HERE! I'M HERE!" Baekhyun came running into my office. He laid the magazines on the table in front of Eunhae and grabbed his phone out of his pocket, he took cheesy picture click send and then put a hand on his chest so he could catch his breathe.

"OH MY GOD! I'm never running that much again in my life." 

"I told you to take your time coming here, i'll be here with Kris all day discussing wedding plans."

"I know Hae! I made a bet with my little sister, she said I couldn't reach your office within 45 minutes by foot but I won the bet so HA! in her face." He suddenly bolted up on his feet. "I'll be in the cafeteria for a bit for food and i'll be back up in few.Bye Bye~" He slammed the door shut and went out.

"What a weirdo, he could of just lied." I sat down next to Eunhae as she started to flip through the wedding magazines. I flipped through one along with her and we discussed some of the ones we liked so far and the ones we could throw out of the window but so far we haven't really found one that we really liked.

"Kris. What time did you say your mom was coming here?

"I think she said at 4pm or something, she still has a few meetings to attend." She put the book down on her lap and played with the ring on her finger. 

"Can you believe it? We are getting married in three weeks."

"I can't believe it either." I pinched her cheek. She leaned in and gave me a kiss on my cheeks.

"Cheeks only? Why not lips?" I took the book off her lap and set it on the table.

"Hey, I was going to continue looking at that." 

"You don't just kiss Kris on the cheek and get away with it." 

"Don't think about it. We are at your workplace Kris."

"No, ones going to see us." I started to peck her with little kisses on her face and made my way to her lips. I put my hands around her waist and it seemed like she was enjoying it so far for someone who didn't want to kiss me at work.

"I thought you said you didn't want to kiss me here." I smirked at her.

"Well ....." The door suddenly opened. Baekhyun stood there with his mouth hung open and he had a giant cup of energy drink. "Oops." He slowly began to shut the door when Eunhae yelled for him to get his back in the room. 

"Why did you call him back in here."

"Like I wanted you here." I said.

"You think I wanted to be back in here after what I just saw? Remind me never to sit on that sofa again. Its got yo love germs all over it."

"Your just jealous you don't have anyone yet." I kissed Eunhae again.

"Hey!" He pointed a finger at us. "If you don't stop i'm going to take these wedding magazines back."

"But you wouldn't Baek. Your mother will kill you."

"Well, well .... aren't you just a joy killer Hae." He set put his feet on top of the table but I smack his leg so he retracted his feet back to the ground. "Ah! Yo, I remember something."

"Now you are remembering things when I smack you?"

"No, I just remembered cause it just now happened to cross my mind. Hey, have you guys noticed how Suho has been smiling like an idiot lost in space?"

"Yeah, he has been like that a lot lately. I mean he is always happy but he just seems different. Like a more happy kind of guy." Eunhae sat up.

"I think I know why he has been like that." Baekhyun grinned.

"Why is he like that then?" She asked.

"I think our Joonmyun has got himself a girlfriend."

"What!" Me and Eunhae yelled at the same time. 

"Are you serious? Baek!" Eunhae jumped on her feet. "That means we don't have to worry about finding him a lover anymore, that picky man has finally found someone he likes." I, a man, composed my happy feelings inside and I just sat there. 

"Hey, Baek. Whats her name?" I asked him.

"Her name is .... Oh." He put on a confused face. "I forgot."

"What? It hasn't been an hour and you forgot her name?!"

"Wait, wait. I think I remember.Mi ... Mi ... Ah! Miyoung, thats it. Thats her name!" My heart slowly sank. I know she's no longer here with me  and there are others with the same names but hearing it everytime kills me bit, i'm always praying that she somehow wakes up.

"Yo KRIS!" I heard a yelling and snapped out of my thoughts. 


"Listen to me. Okay." He turned to Eunhae since she was more interested than me. "So, though I ran off fast I caught onto a word 'Date' I think our Joonmyun is talking her out to a date and lord don't even get me started with her beauty. She was radiating a strong glow when I looked at her, her skin was perfect and she had that S-Line an-" I smacked him on the side of his head. 

"Stop daydreaming. She's never gonna be yours now that Suho has her." 

"I can still dream, you know nothing about my love life."

"I do know you don't have a love life." Baekhyun glared at me and threw the pillows at me.

"Just watch, I can too get a girlfriend, then we'll see whose the one laughing now. 


Third Persons POV

Fanghwa walked out of the room and slammed the door as loud as she possibly could. She put on her sunglasses on and walked to the front counter to where the receptionist was. "Tell your boss that he just lost the biggest support ever had and tell him to await his corruption."

"Yes, mam." The lady bowed and Fanghwa just left. She walked out with her little briefcase on her hand but bumped into some rude people. She sighed before picking up her papers and just stuffed them into her folder but she didn't hear the little voice that was calling behind her. She looked at the watch on her wrist, 3:10pm. "I still have some time."

"Mrs! Mrs!" She just kept walking since she could not hear the little voice speaking to her. Fanghwa walked into a fancy clothing store a few stores away with the little kid still chasing after her. She walked inside and waited for her clothing order. The little kid, was about to enter the store after Fanghwa but a lady in the front stopped her, you couldn't get in without a membership card and you certainly couldn't get in as a little girl. 

"I'm sorry, little kid. You can't come in this store."

"But I need to see that lady right now, I have something." The lady sighed and told the little girl to wait while she went and got Fanghwa. The lady went to Fanghwa and told her a little girl wanted to see her outside. She hesitated at first but then got up and went outside to the little kid.

"Do I know you?"

"Mrs. um, you dropped these papers and this silver thingy." The little girl gave the paper and flashdrive to Fanghwa. Fanghwa checked and indeed they were missing she was  about to grab the files but the lady inside came out with Fanghwa's gown. Fanghwa was struggling a bit with getting the files in while holding the gown but the little kid took the briefcase off her hands and put it on the bench, the little kid opened the briefcase and put everything back in.

"Here is your bag. I put all the papers in." The little girl smiled widely upon her small face.

"Thank you, very much. No one would've ever do that but just step on the papers."

"Why not help you? Your very pretty." Fanghwa had a small smile on her lips. "Thank You, I have to go now."

She left the little girl with her briefcase in her left arm and the gown in her right. She walked along not knowing that the end of her gown was dragging a bit on the ground. The little girl gasped as she hurried by Fanghwa's side to hold onto her dress, Fanghwa didn't noticed the little girl until the doorman glanced to the side of her. She looked back and the little girl stood there smiling up to her.

Finished! I hope you liked his chapter and I know things are happy and smiley now but just wait that part is coming soon :) and p.s. I know its pretty obvious the little girl is Hwayoung. Hehe, thanks for reading. Bye!

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I will try to post up ch 21 before this sunday :)


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 23: Awww this story is so cute ^_^
Siopanda #2
Chapter 23: happy ending, good job authornim ^^~
sylvia15 #3
Chapter 23: It was breath taking story for me..i just finished it in one breath literally..Its 3.30am ..i wonder when i will sleep & will get up!!but anyways THANKS for such a wonderful story...
pbcccc #4
Chapter 23: It was a cute story!!! ^^,
Yoyo1014 #6
Chapter 23: Oh and can you do a sequel? (Not trying to bother you and all, but I would love it if you could)
Yoyo1014 #7
Chapter 23: This is the cutest story I've read so far!!

I'm so glad I read this!^.^
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 23: That's the most sweetest story I've ever read!!!

Great job authornim!!! I wish you can gives a sequel :D :D
Chapter 23: Wow! Just wow! Love it!! They are toooo cute!!