
The Lost Be Found

2 in 1 Music

Third POV 

Kris slowly turned his head around and met with the persons eyes. He dropped his phone to the ground and stood up. Miyoung stood on the other side with her eyes widened as his eyes met with hers. 

"Miyoung ..." He whispered and every time he took a step forward, Miyoung took one back. He took a few more steps towards her and she started to back up even more, this time she turned around and started running. It took Kris a second to process what just happened as he sprinted after her. 

"Miyoung, please ...." Tear drops started to fall from her eyes as she heard his pleading. She stopped running when she tripped over her dress, she pushed her self up and felt a sting on her elbow. 

"Are you okay?" Kris ran up to her and tried to help her up but she just pushed him away. 

"Don't touch me." She got up again began to run again when he grabbed on her wrist and turned her around. He put his hands on the side of her face.

"Its really you. I'm not hallucinating."

"I'm not your Miyoung."

"Yes, you are. Your my Miyoung, the girl I love." Her eyes traveled to his white suit. He's the groom ...

"No, i'm not. You're marrying the girl you love soon, i'm just someone you loved from the past." He looked into her eyes and answered her straightforward. 

"But I still love you." He brought her into a hug. Miyoung put her hands on his chest.

"Let go of me, Kris." She pushed him away but he took his arms and wrapped it even more tightly around her shoulder.

"Where did you go?" She felt tears drop onto her shoulder. "Do you know how much I missed you?"  Her eyes started to water as she heard the waver in his voice. "Where have you been for the past 5 years?"

"I-I ran away from you." 

"Why? I thought you loved me, w-why would you run away? We were going to get married and start a fam-"

"I didn't love you anymore, I never loved you in the first place."

"That's not true."

"I don't have any feelings for you Kris. I never did, everything was a lie." Kris heart shattered into a million pieces, he knew it wasn't true, she loved him. She was lying about it. 

"Kris! Where are you?" Kris took a quick glance around, as he did so Miyoung tried to get out of his grasp but he still wouldn't bulge.

"Kris. Let go of me, people are going to see." 

"I'm not letting you go, now that i've found you I-"

"Kris, I'm serious. Please, I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore. We have nothing anymore." 

"But I do. I still love you!"

"But I hate you!" Miyoung answered yelled with a hoarse voice. Kris suddenly let go of her waist and his sad eyes looked right into hers. "I hate you, I want nothing to do with you. Do you hear that! Thats why I ran away and faked my death! I went to ask you're mother for help and she gladly accepted it without a second tought." 

"You would never do that."

"I did Kris, I left you for a better life. I wanted more and you couldn't give me what I wanted. I-I didn't love you." Miyoung choked on the last sentence. She opened to speak again when she saw a shadow behind her. She stepped off to the side and looked at her. Eunhae stepped towards them slowly. You could hear her loud breathing from all the running, she stood there and watched her nightmare play a scene. 

"EunHae." She took a big gulp and she saw Miyoung in Kris' embrace, her place in his arms was being replaced. She was losing and it had just begun. Miyoung saw EunHae's face loose color as she stood there watching them, Kris loosened his grip and Miyoung pulled off his hands. 

"I'll leave you two alone now." Miyoung bowed to EunHae before taking a step behind her.

"Wait!" Kris glanced back and forth between them two and finally let her wrist go. "Its not what it looks like. S-She-"

"She's Miyoung ...." EunHae whispered. "I'm sorry to bother you two." She stepped back only to be met with someone else. She turned her head around to the figure behind her. 


"EunHae-Oh, What's going on here?" Suho looked at the three who were crying. "Did something happen?" He looked down at Kris' hand around Miyoungs wrist. Kris let go and Miyoung ran behind Suho. 

"Miyoung, whats going on here?" He turned to Miyoung. "Why are you crying? Why are you guys crying too?" He wiped away her tears, she looked down to ther floor. "Suho. Can, we go home now? I'm not feeling well." Eunhae looked at Kris who had his right hand in a fist. 

"Okay, I guess we can if you're not feeling well but are you okay? Why were you crying?"

"I just scraped my elbow a little, nothing much." He grabbed her arm to examin it. 

"A little? Look at it, it might leave a bruise on your elbow." Suho turned to Kris and EunHae. "It seems like you guys know each other already but we have to get going now. I have to go treat her wound before it gets infected. Congradulations to the both of you, I'm excited for the wedding. Fighting!" He grabbed Miyoungs hand and guided her away from them.

"Kris ..." He didn't answer EunHae, his eyes followed them. EunHae tugged on Kris' sleeve. That was suppose to be him, 

"Kris, Iets go a-" He ignored her and walked forward, wanting to catch up to them. EunHae felt a tight squeeze in her chest and out.





"Wait here okay, i'll go grab your stuff." Suho sat Miyoung down on the chair in he lobby. 

"Wait!" She grabbed his wrist. "Can I come with you?"

"Just sit here okay, I don't you to hurt yourself again.." She nodded.

"Just be quick okay." He nodded. 

"I will, stay here okay. Don't go anywhere." 

"I'll wait here for you." She glanced back and forth at the door for a while before standing up. She felt a hand on her back and jumped.

"Woah there! Its just me." She turned around to a goofy Baekhyun. 

"You scared me." 

"Are you going home already? The party isn't even over yet." 

"I'm not feeling well so I'm going to go home first." 

"That's too bad, are you sure you don't want to stay?"

"I-" Someone grabbed her hand and took her out of the lobby. 

"Baekhyun, tell my mom I had an emergency meeting to go to." Kris said quickly as went out the door. Baekhyun stood there and scratched his head. 

"They know each other?"

"Baekhyun!" He turned to the left side of the lobby. 


"How many Baekhyuns are there?"

"Oh, did you need something then?" He looked behind the chair. 

"Have you seen Miyoung?" 

"Oh, she went out with Kris. He said he had an emergency meeting to attend and took Miyoung with him."

"Why did he take her out? I didn't know she worked there."

"Maybe she is, didn't Kris just hire a group of interns?" 

"Oh, thats right. Miyoung did tell me she found a job." Suho felt a buzz in his pocket. I went home first, I took a cab so don't worry

"Oh, she went home first. I feel bad though, she's going home alone. What if something happens to her?"

"Why was he holding her hand then?" Baekhyun whispered. Suho 

"What did you say?" 

"Huh? nothing, nothing."  

"I guess i'll return her stuff to her tomorrow. I'll go home first, i'm a bit worn out. I'll see you Baek."

"Baekhyun! Suho!" Both of them turned there heads to the door. Fanghwa came running out, to them.

"Where is Kris?"

"He said he had an emergency meeting to go to. What's wrong?"

"EunHae fainted in the garden and she isn't answering anyone." Suho and Baekhyun looked at each other before they ran out. 




Miyoung POV

"Kris, where are you taking me? Stop the car." Kris ignored me and drove faster. "Slow down Kris. We're going to crash!" He suddenly stepped on the brakes and I hit my head on the dashboard. He went out of the car and came to my side. I took my seatbelt off and opened the door before he could.

"I'm going home now." 

"No you're not." He picked me up and carried me over his shoulder. 

"Kris, let me down! I have to go back to Suho, he's going to be worried about me." 

"You've already sent a message to him."

"Thats because you're the one who sent it." 

"But he thinks its from you." I sighed. "Where are you taking me?" 

"If you don't shut up I'm going to drop you." 

"You woul-ahhh!" I closed my eyes as he proceeded to drop me. I felt a cold marble ground underneath my feet. He closed the door and the lights.

"You can't even remember this house anymore?"

"What hou-" I looked around the room. We were at his house .... I got up and dusted the dirt off my dress. I heard running behind me. I turned around and there were two maids looking at me with wide eyes.

"S-Son Miyoung?" My eyes widened. They still remember me?

"Go get her pajama's, she's sleeping here tonight." 

"No, i'm not. You don't need to get anything, i'm going home right now." Kris loosened his tie amd lifted me up on his shoulders again and proceeded up the stairs. I could hear the loud whispers of the maids as Kris went up the stairs. I started to move all I could in hopes that he'll let me down but it didn't work out too well.

"Stay here." He set me on the bed. 

"No." I stood up. "I-" My phone rang and I reached into my pocket. Jae. I was going to answer it when Kris grabbed my phone out of his hands. 


Kris POV

"Miyoung, where are you? I thought Suho was suppose to drop you off half an hour ago. Do you know that your daughter is crying for you? Its almost past midnight."


Chapter 16 :) Sorry it took so long, I had so many ways of writing this and I kept on switching back and forth, sorry if this was a bit rushed I had major writers block. This fic isn't done yet but i'm planning to do an arranged marriage fic next, the main lead isn't decided yet :)

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I will try to post up ch 21 before this sunday :)


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 23: Awww this story is so cute ^_^
Siopanda #2
Chapter 23: happy ending, good job authornim ^^~
sylvia15 #3
Chapter 23: It was breath taking story for me..i just finished it in one breath literally..Its 3.30am ..i wonder when i will sleep & will get up!!but anyways THANKS for such a wonderful story...
pbcccc #4
Chapter 23: It was a cute story!!! ^^,
Yoyo1014 #6
Chapter 23: Oh and can you do a sequel? (Not trying to bother you and all, but I would love it if you could)
Yoyo1014 #7
Chapter 23: This is the cutest story I've read so far!!

I'm so glad I read this!^.^
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 23: That's the most sweetest story I've ever read!!!

Great job authornim!!! I wish you can gives a sequel :D :D
Chapter 23: Wow! Just wow! Love it!! They are toooo cute!!