
The Lost Be Found

Prologue | Music 

Past, 2009

MiYoung POV


"Hm?" I hummed at the figure sleeping behind me. 

"Babe." He tightened his grip on my waist and cuddled me closer. 

"Wake up, i'm lonely I have no one to talk to." 

"Go talk to the cat." 

"The cats not fun to talk to, c'mon wake up and talk to me." He turned me around to face him.

"But I'm really tired." I rubbed my eyes.

"I know you are." Kris smirked at me. "Did you have fun last night, babe?" I nodded as I drifted back into sleep again. "Sure." 

"Sure? What does that mean?" 

"It means that i'm too tired to talk with you." 

"If your not going to wake up i'm going continue from last night." Kris started to rub my back and kiss my face but then I shot up in a flash, scaring him a little. "I'm good for now." Kris just chuckled. I got up from my comfortable sleeping position and grabbed his shirt and I put it on and then I tripped over the clothing on the floor.

"I'm fine." I laughed embarassingly.

"That was the problem we had yesterday. We would have started faster on this if you hadn't tripped and hurt yourself."

"Hey! Just for your information I didn't know what you intended to do to me yesterday okay and you know i'm clumsly."

"I know." I made a face at him. "I just find it cute when your clumsy." 

"Well, now that you've waken me up I'm going to make breakfeast, come down when your ready." I lazingly yawned. 

"But I still wanted to lay in bed with you." he pouted.

"We can do that when we are married. We are both still young and still have long to live." 

"So your thinking about it?" 

"Maybe, I am. Now go shower first, i'll shower after i'm done eating." 

"I have no strength to get up babe." Kris put a hand on his forehead. 

"Miyoung! I'm so dizzy." He complained and closed his eyes. "I think I need a kiss to regain my strength." He opened one eyes and peaked out to see if I was there but I wasn't, he sat up and I was gone. 

"MIYOUNG!" He shouted. "WHERE IS MY KISS?"




"FINE." I heard him get off the bed and into the shower. 

"So lazy. How am I going to cope with you if we ever have kids?" 




I was cooking pancakes when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. Kris sniffed my hair and left me a kiss on my jaw. "Do I get my morning kiss now?" He puckered his lips.

"Nope." I moved away from him and put the pancakes in the plates. "Not yet. I'm hungry."

"I already took a shower though. You made a promise."

"Oh, did I?" Kris raised his eyebrows. 

"Yeah, you did." 

"Hurry, eat this and then return home. Your mother is going to kill you when she knows you ditched that blind date for me." 

"I had a legit reason though."

"Just because you didn't like the girl doesn't mean you could at least have a decent conversation with her."

"Are you actually encouring me to go on a date with those girls."

"Kris, girls have feelings and they don't like to be stood up, you could've at least made friends with them."

"Well, what if I happen to fall for another girl? Aren't you afraid?"

"No, i'm not worried at all." He stared at me with widened eyes. "I'm not worried because I know you love only me." He let out small laugh.

"That's right. Because my girl is right here and she fits my taste just perfectly." He pinched my cheeks. 

"Why are you getting so cheesy all of a sudden?"

"I'm flirting with you babe." 

"Your way of flirting needs  to be worked on. Its so bad."

"Its bad? Your the one that fell for my charms, what are you even tal-" I shut him up with a light peck on his lips. 

"And that too! What kind of morning kiss was that?" He stood up grabbed my face giving me a full on Kris styled kiss. "Now this is what I call a kiss." I gave him a wide smile.

"Happy now Wufan." I laughed at him.

"Yes, very much actually." 

"Hurry up on your eating." 

"Your so mean, you want to drive your own boyfriend out of your house."

"1. I don't want your mom finding out about what we did, she doesn't even like me and 2. You need to go apologize to your mom for ditching that girl."

"Good thing I have a smart and intelligent girlfriend that can think. Unlike a certain someone."

"Don't talk about your mother that way, she gave birth to you." 

"Why? For a mother she sure is rude." 


"Okay, i'm sorry. If you want me to apologize to her can I have another kiss?"

"Too many kisses for you Kris, no more." I stood up and took our plates to the sink. I looked to the side and I could see him smirking. 

"Revenge is sweet." My eyes widened, no!

"Don't you dare." I turned around to him.

"Watch me." He ran over to me and lifted me over his shoulder.

"Kris, let me go! I need to wash the dishes."

"Nope, you've been a very bad girl. I'm going to punish you right now." 

"No! I don't want to do it again Kris. I'm still-" He pushed the door opened and closed it. 

"Lets, continue shall we?" He threw me on the bed. "Your not going anywhere Miyoung. Your all mine." 


A few weeks later .....


"Are you feeling better now?" I put his medicine on the counter.

"I am now that you're here with me." Kris scooted over the hospital bed and I went to cuddle next to him.

"I think you've passed on your clumsiness on me. Thats not good thing for the heir of a big company."  

"Thank goodness then, its not with me anymore."  

"Gah, aren't you just miss sassy pants today. I don't like you anymore." He put on a straight face and turned away.

"Fine with me. Bye!" I got up and walked towards the door. 

"Hey! I was just kidding. Come back here, i'm very very cold." I ran back and sat next to him while he held me in his arms. I just stayed quiet with him and just cuddled. 

"Hey, Kris." 

"Hm?" I could feel his fingers playing with my hair.

"What would you do if I suddenly died? or dissapeared?"

"I'd be devestated and sad of course. Why are you asking me this?"

"No reason. I'm just curious thats all but if something happens to me, just know that I wish the best for you."

"Okay?"  He kissed the tip of my nose. "Well while we're here. What else are you curious about Son Miyoung?" He laced our fingers together. 

"You love me right?" He looked at me with a weird face.

"Your questioning me now? I thought I made it clear that night and with this." I blushed at the thought of that night, he lifted my hand.

"Then what about kids? Do you ever think about being a father." I looked up at him.

"I'd love to have kids with you one day. I'd want a girl first so she can look like her beautiful mother." 

"What about a boy? I'd love to have him to look as handsome as Mr. Wu Yi Fan." 

"Well we'll know soon enough, right fiance?" I nodded. He came closer to my ear and whispered something. 

"I'm going to make magic happen during our honeymoon, you won't be able to walk when i'm done with you." He smirked.

"Such a ert." 

"What its not like we haven't done it before." 

"That was only twice." 

"Who knows though. You haven't seen everything i'm capable of yet." I just laughed at him. 

"Your such a dummy."

"But i'm your dummy, right wifey?"

"Right."  I looked out the window and whispered. "We're getting married." My smiled faded away.

"Are you cold?" He turned to me. "No, not really, you?" 

"Gosh, Why wouldn't I be? This hospital feels like an absolute replica of the artic."

"Its not even that cold, why are you complaing so much?" 

"Don't be nagging at me now, i'm hurt." 

"I know, I can see that." I pointed to his legs and he scoffed at me. 

"Whatever, its just an injury just sleep with me, babe." 

"I have to go home to my parents Kris. They are going to be worried about me being out so late." 

"Just don't go yet then, i'm sure they'll understand. I mean they like me so they trust me right" 


"Just promise me you'll stay here with me till I fall asleep, then you can go home. Okay?"


"You promise not to leave me yet?"

"I promise. I won't leave you." He pulled my waist closer and pulled the blankets over us. 

"Goodnight babe." He kissed me. "Goodnight Kris." I closed my eyes. He continued to play with my hair. "Be careful on your way home."

"I know. I will" He sighed as I put my head on his chest.

"I'm glad i'm marrying you."

"Me too." I said as a tear fell.

"I can imagine so many things we can do together. Those late nights where we just cuddle and watch movies and our little fights here and there,  all the kids we'll be having and seeing them grow up, and growing old with you by my side. Our hardships we'll endure together through our mariage." He sighed. "I'm glad to have met you and you know i'm glad we'll be going to the same university as well, so I can keep an eye on flirty guys and show them your mine." He chuckled as he looked down.

"Already sleeping? I thought was the one that was supposed to go to sleep fir-why are you crying? Must be touched by my words huh?" He laughed, he wiped away the tears and tigthened his grip. "Night babe. I'll see you tomorrow." 





I awoke when a know was at the door. I didn't even get a chance to get out of Kris' embrace before the door opened itself. 5 body guards followed Mrs. Wu into the hospital room, as she stepped in she sat at the couch. I grabbed Kris' hands and quietly got off on the hospital bed. I walked quickly and sat on the opposite couch as her. 

"You know what to do now don't you? Your times up. He doesn't want you no more, he built you up on lies." I looked down to my fingers and started to play with them.

"I know, you don't need to repeat everything." She smiled at me as I lifted my head up.

"Thats good then, what we talked about before don't forget it."

"I won't forget. Just ... don't do anything to my family."

"A deal is a deal Miss Son I don't break my deals." 

"I understand." 

"When are you suppose to leave?"

"In a few hours." 

"I suppose you should be leaving then." I looked back at Kris. 

"Can I have a few minutes alone with Kris?"

"As you wish, lets go wait outside boys." All of 6 of them took their exits out the room. I got up from my position and walked towards Kris. I sat next to him and held onto his hands. 

"I'm so sorry to break our promise Kris." I broke down into tears as I spoke to him, I lifted his left hand and placed it on my stomach. 

"I'm sorry for seperating you two." I wiped my tears away and hugged him. How I was going to miss his warm hugs and his sweet smell, the smell that I got so use to, the man of my dreams ... I let him slip away just like that. "I'm sorry I couldn't be strong for all three of us, i'm sorry for not being able to go through all this for us."I gave him our last kiss and pulled the blanket to cover him more. 

"Goodbye Kris. I love you." I moved his hair out of his face. "Maybe we'll have more luck in our next life ..." I walked out of the room and they were there waiting for me with my suitcase. One of the body guards came towards me with my suitcase and bowed to me as I did so back. I took the ring off of my finger and placed it into her hands. 

"Take care of him."

"Don't worry. I'll give him the ring back when the news breaks out." I walked out a few steps before turning around. 

"You know he'll never forgive you for doing this to him."

"And he'll never forgive his fiance for leaving him when they were only engaged for a week." 

"I guess two can play this game huh?" I bowed to her one last time before I entered the elevator. When the elevator closed I broke down and just cried quietly to myself. "I'm so sorry Kris, I didn't want to do this but its the best for you."



Kris POV

"Mom, when did Miyoung leave?" 

"How would I know, she wasn't here when I arrived." 

"Can you at least have some respect for her? She's going to be my wife you know and a mother to my children someday." 

"I know that well enough son." I sighed at her and then the TV for basketball. I was trying to find the right channel but my mom snatched the remote out of my hands before I could find it.

"Mom! I was going to watch basketball."

"I need to watch the news, I need to know if its raining the day I go play golf with my friends."

"Oh god mom, thats what the internet is for. You have yourself a new phone. Why can't you search on it?"

"My battery is dead and I forgot my charger at home." She switch the channel to the news. No basketball for me I guess. 

"Why don't you have the bodyguards run and buy you one? Or maybe you can pay someone to run down to the store for you."

"Wufan!" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Ugh. I need to sit up."

"Guards go help him." I put my hand up. 

"No need guys i'll just limp my way up." I sarcastically said as I got up myself. 

"Hello, everyone. This is Kim Hyomin with Lee Taehyun, we are here with breaking news of a car accident that happened early morning today June 5th, 2009 near Daejun Hospital. At 4:30am there was a bus carrying 27 passengers to Seoul International Airport and along the process of driving there the bus driver had lost control of his vehicle and hit a cab." I curiously looked at the screen. 

"For now we have not been notified to why the bus driver had lost control and he is being questions right this moment with Seoul City Police Station. Damages look pretty bad from what you can see in these images. The bus had hit the cab right at the side and the cab has been taken off the road, the bus though was not hit as bad as the cab and the police are now controlling the busy street the best they can while they removed the bus. "

"For the people on the bus, no one was seriously hurt. Only a few that we've been notified of have been sent to hospital with slight bruises and cuts." I grabbed my phone and texted Miyoung.

Did you get home safely? I miss you baby, visit me again today if you're not busy. Love you <3

"The cab driver was injured quite a bit as his arm had been broken and as for the girl in the cab, we have just been informed who it was. Son Miyoung a nineteen year old was hit really badly as she died right on the scene of the accident-" I stopped texting on my phone ...... I looked to the screen and there she was, her face was on the tv.

"M-Miyoung ...." Someone please tell me this is a dream, someone tell me this isn't true. "NO! NO! NO! S-she can't be! No!" I threw my blanket to the ground and got off from the bed. I have to go see her, they're just lying to me. She's at her house with her family, in her room sound asleep waiting to see me today. I limped towards the door but I couldn't go any farther, my mothers body guards came to stop me.

"Get off from me! Get away! I need to go see her!" 

"Sir, your hurt."

"I don't care if I'm hurt! I need to go to her." 

"Wu Yi Fan! Don't you dare go anywhere, whats done is already done! She's dead! She won't come back for you. " I stopped fighting them and turned around to face my mother. 

"You hate her so much don't you? You couldn't be happy for your own son. I was going to get married mom, I was going to start a family with the woman I love. The woman who makes me smile, and the woman who brings happiness to me.."  I stopped and let out a scoff.

"You know maybe I should die along with her as well." I swung open the door and ran with my fractured ankle. I closed the elevator before they could reach me. When the elevator doors opened I ran out as fast as I could. I opened the doors of the hospital and ran out to the busy street.

"Miyoung! Where are you! You promised you wouldn't leave me! Son Miyoung! Where are you?" Tears started to pour out of my eyes as I just stood in the middle of the road. Cars beeped at me and people yelled for me to get off the road but I didn't care anymore. I couldn't go on with life anymore. She was gone like that .... and if she was gone I needed to be gone too, I needed to go with her. If she didn't live I shouldn't either.

 "Why? Why did this happen! We were suppose to get married and have children together and grow old together!" I just screamed out my lungs, I ignored the people shouting at me. "Son Miyoung! Come back! You can't just leave like this!"

Is this what god had intended my fate to be like? Wasn't this just a bit too cruel? My happiness ... did it not matter?

"Mi-....." Before I could process her name again, a sharp object went into my arm and I out.

Hello! I hope you enjoyed the start of this chapter, I know its a bit long for an intro but I wanted to keep all of this as one and also I'm trying this new style of writing from a persons pov so if its gets confusing here and there i'm sorry, i'll try my best to work the writing style. I read through this a few times and if there is a grammar mistake, i'm sorry.

Thanks for reading! Comment, Subscribe and UpVote!  

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I will try to post up ch 21 before this sunday :)


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 23: Awww this story is so cute ^_^
Siopanda #2
Chapter 23: happy ending, good job authornim ^^~
sylvia15 #3
Chapter 23: It was breath taking story for me..i just finished it in one breath literally..Its 3.30am ..i wonder when i will sleep & will get up!!but anyways THANKS for such a wonderful story...
pbcccc #4
Chapter 23: It was a cute story!!! ^^,
Yoyo1014 #6
Chapter 23: Oh and can you do a sequel? (Not trying to bother you and all, but I would love it if you could)
Yoyo1014 #7
Chapter 23: This is the cutest story I've read so far!!

I'm so glad I read this!^.^
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 23: That's the most sweetest story I've ever read!!!

Great job authornim!!! I wish you can gives a sequel :D :D
Chapter 23: Wow! Just wow! Love it!! They are toooo cute!!