Nightmares Causes Sickness

Moonlight Love
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Baekhyun's P.O.V

Baekhyun woke up once again, he can't really remember when he fell asleep, but he do remember that he was in Chanyeol's arms last he checked. Baekhyun sat up and looked confused around, he was in his room, in his bed. He got carefully up from the bed, scared that he would lose balance or fall throw the floor.


Baekhyun took light steps as he walked out from his room and heard sounds from the kitchen, his heart almost stopped. Who is here? Baekhyun wonder if it was Chanyeol or maybe a burglar. Baekhyun carefully took some more steps towards the kitchen and looked careful in, a smile spreed on his lips when he saw who it was.



“C-Chanyeol? Are you still here?”
“Ah, you came in just a perfect timing! I have made some dinner for you, after all you really need to eat.”



Chanyeol grabbed two plates with food and walked out to the dinning table and placed them on the table. Baekhyun stared a little shocked at the food, he's actually hungry for once. They both sat down at the table and Chanyeol smiled at Baekhyun who tasted the food, it was delicious.



“Omo, it taste almost as good as Kyungsoo's cooking.”
“Haha, I hope it's good.”
“It's very good.”



Baekhyun took another bite off the food and smiled a little happily at Chanyeol who smiled back, Baekhyun do admit that Chanyeol cook very well. They both were quiet for a while before Chanyeol cleared his throat almost a little awkward before he smiled at Baekhyun.



“So, I just happened to wonder, have you seen your friends lately?”



Baekhyun is a little ashamed at the moment, because his friends went by for some days ago, but Baekhyun were having a hard time and just hide under his blanket and cried. After that they haven't come by, maybe Baekhyun made them feel bad because he was to scared to open the door?



“Haven't they come by yet?”
“Well, the truth is that they came by for some days ago... But I kind of got scared when it knocked on the door, even if I heard it was them, I just couldn't open it.”
“You were probably in shock and didn't mean to ignore them with purpose.”
“They haven't come by since then.”
“Do you want to see them? I can take you to them tomorrow, it's Saturday and at least one of them should be home.”
“Can you do that?”



Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol with hopeful eyes, Chanyeol smiled big and nodded. Baekhyun smiled back bright and wanted to go over and hug the giant, but he sat still on his chair and just smiled.



“Thank you Chanyeol, that would be nice of you if you could.”
“I'm free tomorrow anyway, and I think it's important that you see them again.”
“Me too.”



The boys' continued to eat and talk a little about the weather, and then about school and then nothing. When they had finished, Chanyeol got up and put away the dishes, while Baekhyun just sat there a little awkwardly and stared after Chanyeol.



“So, are you going home now?”
“Well, it's 9 pm already, you maybe should go back to bed and try to sleep some more?”
“Mm. Maybe.”
“Or I can stay and talk with you for a little while?”
“That sounds good.”



Baekhyun got up and walked to the couch and Chanyeol followed him with a kind smile. They sat down and Baekhyun decided that he was the one who was going to start the conversation this time.



“So, be honest now, do you have a girlfriend?”
“Me, a girlfriend? Haha, no.”
“A boyfriend?”
“No, nothing like that. Though, I had a boyfriend once, but we wasn't meant to be. Do you understand what I mean?”
“Yeah, I understand exactly what you mean.”
“And what about you? Any boyfriend or girlfriend?”
“I have had a boyfriend before, but he was a jerk if you ask me.”
“Let me guess, he liked chicks too.”
“Yeah. Can I ask you something about... Uhm, the other half of you?”



Chanyeol laughed while nodding, Baekhyun had no idea what to call it, but he guess he will come up with something better later.



“Can you really turn into a wolf?”
“A fully werewolf yes, but not a wolf. It's a little different a wolf and a werewolf, we are kind of faster and stronger.”
“But what about the moon? Do you really turn into a werewolf during full moon?”
“Yes, but I'm often in the woods during these time. And it's only one night each months, so yeah it's pretty okay.”
“Can I ask you about something else too?”
“Ask me whatever you want.”
“Does Santa really exist?”
“Well, Santa is actually only a magic force that exist and every year during the Christmas time, it's more active and brings happiness to everyone. But you humans have named it and made up a person for this magic force, Santa Claus.”
“But what about Easter Bunny?”
“Oh he's real though, like the Tooth Fairy and the devil. Yes, the devil does exist, but he's just a really evil demon.”
“Does demons exist too?! Then does Zombies also exist? A-And Mummies?!”
“Calm down, calm down. Of course they exist like me and Brad, almost everything you read about exist, but they aren't like you think they are.”
“Wait, so angels exist?”



Chanyeol nodded a little and smiled at Baekhyun who smiled big, he didn't know that angels actually did exist. Chanyeol cleared his throat as he lend back in the couch a little, looking like he tried to find the right words.



“Well, I'm curious, all these books you have, are they all about fantasy?”



Baekhyun felt his face redden a little, he totally forgot that he's a fantasy fan and love to read these kind of books. Baekhyun nodded a little slowly as he blushed more when Chanyeol smiled at him.



“And you have read them all?”
“Y-Yes, I kind of like these kind of books... It was because I thought that it never would happened for real, so I liked to escape to the fantasy world.”
“That's cute, very cute.”
“H-Hey Chanyeol, can I ask you something more private?”
“I told you, you can ask me everything you want.”
“D-Do you think I'm childish if I ask you to stay here tonight?”
“Why would I think that?”
“B-Because I'm scared. A-And I-I kind of feel s-safe around y-you.”



Baekhyun cursed himself for stutter so much at the moment, he always stutter when he gets uncomfortable or nervous, or when he blush. He stutter almost every time he's around someone he doesn't know that well.



“I think that it's very brave of you to say that. Sometimes it's more brave to admit you're scared than lie and say you're not.”
“S-So will you stay?”
“I will stay, don't worry.”
“Thank you Chanyeol, for everything.”



Baekhyun hugged the tall boy fast and hide his face against his chest, not seeing the big smile on Chanyeol's lips. Baekhyun liked to stay like this, it's a safe place to be in Chanyeol's arms. Baekhyun even feel that he has got something else for Chanyeol, what is it? Baekhyun felt his heart raise a little when Chanyeol's hands rested on his back and Baekhyun knew that he was in love.



Chanyeol's P.O.V

The cute little boy Baekhyun is a funny and very complicated person. First he's like a normal person, then he begins to stutter and blush like hell, but Chanyeol now understands why. The boy was almost to shy to ask him to stay over the night. Chanyeol admit, his heart raised a little when the boy asked him, he couldn't help but to smile big at him.


But what really made Chanyeol's heart raise was the unexpected hug. Chanyeol just felt how something warm hugged him and looked down at Baekhyun who were hugging him with a huge smile on his lips, it was almost to much for Chanyeol.


Chanyeol let the boy stay like this for a while, he seemed to like it to get hugged. Chanyeol didn't mind if Baekhyun would stay like this for the whole night, he would actually enjoy it. But the boy suddenly got up, looked at Chanyeol with a little thinking expression.



“Where are you going to sleep?”
“Uhm, on the couch?”
“No, it's a very uncomfortable couch.”
“Is it? I think it's pretty soft.”
“Eh, n-no it's very uncomfortable, trust me who have tried it out.”
“Okay, but don't you have an extra bed here?”
“Oh no, Baekbeom borrowed it out to one of his friends.”



Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun who tried to not look at Chanyeol, he's lying for sure. Chanyeol smiled at the boy, he understood what he was trying to do.



“Then I guess that we just have to share bed then.”
“I-Is that okay with you?”
“If it's okay for you it is.”



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Chapter 23: This was beautiful
Chapter 22: Tears of happiness
Chapter 19: Hollyy sh*t
Chapter 13: Sooo cuteee
Chapter 8: Aww baekiee
Chapter 5: Wth noooo
Chapter 3: I wanna punch that Brad
Chapter 23: omg that was such a lovely nd a cute story .thank u for writing such a beautiful piece.
Chapter 23: I really love this story.. Youre so amazing authornim.
Chapter 16: Lol, they getting hit with almost every creature there is aren't they? What's next... fairy's and mermaids? Lol I love this story!