Not The Same Person

Moonlight Love
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Baekhyun's P.O.V

“Kya! So scary! Have you seen this?!”



Baekhyun shouted while he held up and article in front off his friends faces. They all shock their heads and begin to read the text. Baekhyun had just happened to pick up the news paper and red the article, he got pretty scared to be honest. Joonmyun cleared his throat before he read the headline.



“Another victim found at the South Motel near Seoul. Another young girl was found yesterday by the Motel owner. The owner claim that she wasn't there last night, but the police suspect that he's lying. The victim is a young girl from SM high, she's only 18 years old and went missing by midnight last night. Some witnesses says that they saw her on a house party around 10 pm, but then she just disappeared. The police warning all young girls to stay home until the murderer is found.”



Baekhyun looked at Jongin who sighed and laid his arm around Baekhyun's shoulders and shook his head.



“Why so worried Baekie, you're not a girl...”
“Are you totally stupid Jongin? Don't you remember that you thought Baekhyun was a girl until you saw him undress in front off you, in the changing room?”



Kyungsoo stared at Jongin with a serious expression, it's true that they all believed that Baekhyun were a girl. It's because Baekhyun is almost too cute and adorable to be a boy, and sometimes Baekhyun does sound a little girlish.



“Don't worry Baekie, I think that this weird murderer isn't after you. Just don't go to any house parties, that isn't hard for you, right?”
“I don't go to any house parties anyway, so I guess I will be fine.”



Joonmyun smiled bright at his friend while the others begun to walk to their classes, they are all right, why should Baekhyun worry about that? Well he can't help to feel a little sad for the girls who was victims for this weird murderer, he just wish that no one else will get hurt by that man, or maybe it's a woman?



Chanyeol's P.O.V

Chanyeol stared at the pictures in front off him, even if he's used to see corps he can't help to feel disgusted. He stared at them while Kris was talking about the girls death time and where they all were found, Chanyeol tried to listen as careful he could.



“Wait, stop.”



Chanyeol shut Kris up who stared at Chanyeol who think he lost himself in his thoughts, he wasn't sure if he got everything right. He stood up and walked to the white board behind him and grabbed a pen.



“It's five victims this far, they all were found in a motel outside Seoul or on the country side. The death time for them all was between 2 am – 4 am, and they all have same death cause... Blood loss, or am I wrong?”



The others shook their heads while staring at what Chanyeol wrote down on the board. Chanyeol turned to Kris and cleared his throat a little fast.



“What's the age off the five girls?”
“Between 18 – 24.”
“And works? What did they work with?”
“Two were strippers, the other two were working in the shopping mall, and the last one was a normal school girl.”
“Strippers, shop assistants and a school girl... The murderer seem to know the town very well.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because this town is very small and hard to notice if you're an outside, right? Strippers isn't hard to find maybe, but he knew the school girl.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because if you closely at her wrist, she wasn't tied up like the other victims.”



The other detectives watched the pictures and nodded, they seemed to notice it now. Chanyeol sighed and stared at the board, it feels like he's missing something.



“Question, the victims, were they just killed or did they also get ?”
“Yeah, the murderer wasn't just killing them... How did you know that-?”
“Because no one murder just women and a young school girl without using them, that would be to obvious. The murderer doesn't show any signs that he has some other excuse to kill them all.”



Chanyeol sat down on his chair and lend back, still something is missing. He looked at Kris who sighed and continued to read up the documents, Chanyeol think he will fall asleep soon if he doesn't come up with some plan to stay awake during this boring meeting.






Chanyeol were laying in his bed, it was only 9 pm but he was tired as hell. The whole day he has been in that meeting room and tried to think clear, but his ing head was playing dumb with him today. Chanyeol slowly dozed off and then he were fully asleep.


Chanyeol woke up some hours later and stared up at the roof, not expecting Kris to stand there and stare down at him with serious eyes. Chanyeol sighed and sat up before he got out from the bed, already knowing that another victim has been found.



“I'm coming, I'm coming. Just let me put some clothes on and we will be going.”



Kris nodded and Chanyeol hurried to get his clothes on before rushing out with Kris to the police car. Chanyeol glanced down on his watch while Kris were driving to the crime scene, 2:34 am. Chanyeol sighed, another victim, the murderer is speeding up and it won't take long until he will attack again.


Kris parked the car and he and Chanyeol rushed to crime scene, another motel of course. They stepped into the room and to their shock, the whole place were covered in blood. Kris stared at Chanyeol who nodded.



“I will handle this, you can go out and get the things until you can control yourself.”
“Thanks bro, I can need that.”



Chanyeol nodded, he can understand that Kris can't step in to the room just like that, not until he has better control off himself.


Chanyeol walked over to the corp and put on some plastic gloves and begun to search the crime scene. He first took a good look on the girl, and yes she was actually half , but she's dead. Chanyeol found a bite mark on the left side on the neck, and like claw marks on the girls wrist and stomach.



“That's weird, she didn't die by the bite mark, no without the claw marks...”
“Hey Chanyeol, have you found anything yet?”
“That the girl got killed in another way than the other girls. Look, claw marks, but they look more like nails or really fat sharp nails to be honest.”
“Human claws? It seems that your theory about who or what is killing those girls is getting more and more right.”
“The scene is fresh, I can still smell someone's scent, and it isn't the girl's.”



Chanyeol looked at Kris who nodded, he could only smell the bloods scent. Chanyeol heard footsteps outside and looked up at the door before the rest off Kris' team came in. They all looked tired but ready to search the crime scene.



“Uh, is this murder different?”
“Not just different, more clear.”
“Do you guys need to take a short break before we begin?”
“No, Kris text us, we're prepared.”



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Chapter 23: This was beautiful
Chapter 22: Tears of happiness
Chapter 19: Hollyy sh*t
Chapter 13: Sooo cuteee
Chapter 8: Aww baekiee
Chapter 5: Wth noooo
Chapter 3: I wanna punch that Brad
Chapter 23: omg that was such a lovely nd a cute story .thank u for writing such a beautiful piece.
Chapter 23: I really love this story.. Youre so amazing authornim.
Chapter 16: Lol, they getting hit with almost every creature there is aren't they? What's next... fairy's and mermaids? Lol I love this story!