Chapter 21

Crime Of My Heart


  It's been a while since the angel & the anchovy went together, Leeteuk took him to the building near the garden of the university, it's the same building that Eunhyuk & Meme went earlier.

"Where are they? We need to cut the cake" Wookie who's apparently hungry said.

"Let's wait a bit here for them" Hae said.

  Meme took it as a chance to talk with Hae about his strange behavior with her, they weren't like that before, it's seems there's a big distance between them; Meme wants to know what's wrong.

She sat beside him & asked:"Donghae I need to talk to you about something"

"Sure, what is it Meme?" he said.

She looked deep into his eyes & said:"Hae……why are avoiding me? Every time I want to talk to you, you keep on avoiding my conversations with you, I feel there's a huge gap between us, what's wrong Donghae?"

  Suddenly his face expression changed, he didn’t know what to say, he was sitting with his hyungs & dongseangs, they looked at each other then Siwon said:"Teukie hyung did not tell you?"

"Tell me about what?" she asked.

"Of course he will not her!" Sungmin said.

"One of the nights Teukie hyung came into Hae's room & threatened him that he should not be close or talk with you" Yesung said.

"It was the night when I found you in our dorm at Teukie's room" Wookie said.

"That night….." Meme said & remembered.

Flash back:

"Did you apologize to Hae?" she asked.

"Y-yeah, now where's my kiss? Eeteuk said.

Flash back ends.

She shacked her head & said:"No-No that's not right I asked him to apologize to Hae & he said he did"

"And you believed him?" Yesung asked.

"Apologized? He came to me & threatened me!" Hae said.

  Meme was totally shocked, she couldn't believe her angel would do something like that, and then she asked Hae:"what did he threat you about?"

He told her:"here's what happened that night"

Flash back:

"Donghae-ah listen carefully to what I will say cuz I won't repeat it twice" Leeteuk said with an angry tone.

"What is it? What do you want?" Hae said.

"I want you to stay away from my girl! I don't want you to talk to her, or be close with her even if you see her crying don't get near her, or else……"

Hae cut his words & said angrily:"or else what? Huh?"

"I will kill you!" Eeteuk said.

Hae scoffed & said:"kill me? Am your friend, your dongsean, you….."

Eeteuk cut off his words & said coldly:"so what? I warned you Hae!" and went out of Donghae's room.

Flash back Ends.

"I was really shocked about what he told me, you didn't see his eyes, the way he looked at me, I never seen hyung like that & I didn't want any trouble with him anymore & that's what happened " Hae told Meme.

  She was speechless; she couldn't believe her angel could say something like that to his close friend, his own dongseang……

  Then Emma came to Meme asking her to come with her to the ladies room, Meme looked at Hae & he nodded his head as a gesture that she can leave with Emma, Meme's eyes were saying too many things when she looked at Hae's eyes.

"She looked shocked" Wookie said.

"She didn't expect him to act this way, she's disappointment in him" Hae said after he drank his juice.

  In the ladies room where it was at the same building when Meme & Eunhyuk went earlier, Emma & Nicky were fixing their makeup, while Meme was standing in front of the mirror absent-minded.

"Hello~! Meme? From earth to Meme~" Nicky said.

"Oh! Yeah good talk girls" Meme said & smiled to them.

Nicky & Emma looked at each other & Emma said:"were you listing? What's the good talk? We were asking you where is your boy went with Eunhyuk, I called my boy but he doesn't answer me"

"Who took your mind?" Nicky said while giggling.

Meme felt a bit embarrassed & apologized "I'm sorry, I-I will call my oppa now & see what take them so long"

"Yeah you do that and we will leave you two to flirt with each other, you must be missing your oppa that's why your mind is not with you" Emma said & they left the ladies room while laughing.

  Meme put her hand on her face & sighed while closing her eyes, then she called her oppa but he wasn't answering her too "strange……….I must talk to him about what he said to Hae" she said & fixed her hair, then she went out of the ladies room, while she's walking in the corridor she called her oppa but this time there was no signal "huh? There's no signal? How come?" she said while looking to her phone, when she looked in front of her, there was a man standing at the end of the corridor, when she looked at him carefully she widen her eyes while she took a step to the back & said in a low voice:"you….." and started to run, & he ran after her, he looked like the same guy that tried to kill her that day.

  Meme was running like a wind, many thoughts hit her mind like what is he want from her? Why is he after her? But the only one she needs now is her angel, her oppa, her Leeteuk to protect her "oppa where are you?" she thought, she needs him. Meme took the stairs, she's in the second floor she ran a bit, there are many class rooms beside her, she turned to see if he still running after her while she's running, but she didn't see him & when she looked what's in front of her, he put his leg out from one of the class rooms and Meme fell down, her phone fell too, all of her body is hurting her, she was running really fast & all of sudden she felled, her knees, hand , wrist all hurting her, Meme crawled a bit when she heard his steps getting close to her, then she turned to see him, he stood in front of her, he was very near to her, Meme's breath became so heavy when she saw him holding a knife.

  His face was covered with a black mask except his eyes just like that day, Meme really needed someone to help her, she wanted her angel to come and save her, her body is weak & in pain, then all of sudden that guy slowly took off his mask, Meme winded her eyes and felt her heart will stop in any second. She gasped when she saw his face, her eyes got teary "you…….but why?" she said & a tear fell from her eyes.







Who's that guy? Who could it be? And where is Eunhyuk & Leeteuk? Can Eeteuk save Meme's life? 

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Chapter 27: Omg!! I knew it had something weird!! But poor Teuki!!
Thanks for this so good fic!! Fighting with the next!!! ^_^
OMG!!!!! im going to cry!! Teukie's dead...Emma is so creepy!...and IM SO SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love this story
but i really cry when meme stabbed leeteuk
i'm not joking
i really cry
also emma was really creppy!!
i love the story and keep up the good work! ^_^
chenle #4
Why did u kill him i literately crying right now
Gelasiazoldic #5
OH MY GOSH!! OH MY GOSH!! Too much shocking!!! Oh my ~~~ >,<
Gelasiazoldic #6
What r u trying 2 do teukie??!
i feel like i wanna beat him when im reading this, why he has 2 be so hardheaded :(
Next chapter plz!!
Eunhae58 #7
Oh this is sooo good c:
update soon please :D