[Seokjin, Hoseok] Confidence Managed

In Media Res

This was my poor attempt at writing a trans femal character. I should have written from Hoseok's POV




Seokjin dusted foundation on his cheeks.

Foundation. Concealer. Blush. Primer. Eye Shadow. Eyeliner. Lipstick.

Seokjin had performed this routine many times before, every other Saturday for the past two years, and yet today his hand shook as he outlined his eyes. Every other time was for a drag show, with layers of makeup caked on his face to exaggerate his “womanly features”. To make his nose appear smaller and his eyes bigger. And he was never alone, he was always backstage with other beautiful people dressed up as showstopping divas. They would dust glitter on their eyelids and wear six inch heels and feathered boas. And they always looked fabulous.

This was nothing like that.

This was Seokjin trying to look like something he wasn’t.

A girl. Like one from those high school animes who pushed stray hair behind their ear and blushed every time a boy talked to her.

Demure would be used to describe them. Maybe petite, or polite, graceful even.

Who was Seokjin trying to fool?

“This was a terrible idea,” Seokjin said in a quiet voice.

“No it’s not,” Hoseok said from where he was laying down on Seokjin’s bed, “can I look yet?”

“I’m almost done.” Seokjin grabbed his mascara, stared at the bottle before putting it back. For a performer he tended to put on too much. He shouldn’t risk it.

He settled for a pale pink shade of lipstick and applied it. He pouted at his reflection, checked his teeth for stains, and briefly looked over the rest of his face.

He always had soft features, as many of the queens he performed with told him, he just never appreciated them before. Not until now, when he had the same shy smile as of one of those girls from an afternoon drama.

“You can look now,” he said.

Hoseok sat up on the bed, his bored face broke out into a smile, “You look pretty.”

Seokjin gave a content smile, he tore away from Hoseok’s gaze, “Thanks.”

“A pretty face deserves a pretty dress,” Hoseok said.

This gave Seokjin pause. He looked back at his reflection, saw the band t shirt and the skinny jeans, and how out of place his face was with the outfit.

But if he held up his hand, and blocked out the t shirt and the ripped jeans so that only his face was showing, he looked perfect.

“I don’t know,” he said, “Maybe another day.”

Hoseok shrugged, “It’s your choice. But remember who texted who at eight on a Saturday morning.”

Seokjin chewed the inside of his cheek. He took the bag from Hoseok’s outstretched hand and mumbled I’ll be back as he walked into the bathroom.

Seokjin faced the wall as he changed, tried not to look at himself. He couldn’t reach the zipper. Hoseok would have to do it.

He took a deep breath, and turned to face the bathroom mirror.

The magic was broken.

When he just had his made up face and his band t shirt it was easy to pretend that he was dressing sloppy. But in the pink dress with the spaghetti straps, he looked awful. He didn’t look like a girl. He looked like Seokjin in a dress

The top part didn’t fit right, his shoulders were too broad, he still had large hands and veined forearms. And the dress stopped right above his knee, to show muscled thighs and calves built from years of soccer practice. His Adam’s apple was too prominent.

It was a dumb impulse, try to look on the outside how he felt on the inside. It’s not his fault he was born inside the wrong skin. One covered in hair and a face that needs to be shaved twice a day.

Seokjin grimaced. “How do I look?”

Hoseok walked into the bathroom. There was a moment’s hesitation before he said, “Great.”

Really, I don’t think so, Seokjin thought to himself. Hoseok stood behind Seokjin, touch feather light as he closed the back zipper.

Seokjin rubbed at his throat, “This feels wrong, somehow…”

Hoseok’s expression turned into one of concern, Seokjin hated it.

“What’s wrong?” Hoseok asked.

“Everything,” Seokjin cowered into himself.

He felt Hoseok rub his arm, and met his gaze, “We can fix that.”

Hoseok found a scarf, a flowered scarf with white tassels, wrapped it around Seokjin’s neck and tied it in the back.

“Is that better?” Hoseok asked.

The protrusion was gone, it became a long neck half hidden by a scarf. Seokjin pulled his hand away to cover his arms, “Slightly.”

Hoseok rubbed Seokjin’s shoulders, “We can fix those problems too.”

He dug through the thrift store bags again and pulled out one of those thick fat sweaters that was in style last winter. It covered Seokjin’s wide shoulders. And when Seokjin tugged at the end of the dress, Hoseok handed him dark leggings that hid the muscle definition in his legs.

And Seokjin looked at his reflection.

Hoseok must know magic, Seokjin thought.

Seokjin held a hand up to the mirror and waved at their reflection. Then spun in front of it, laughing as the dress twirled with them.

“I told you,” Hoseok met Seokjin’s gaze through the mirror’s gaze, “You look great noona.”

Seokjin smiled they brought a hand up to their hair and smoothed down their bangs.

Hoseok was up in an instant, “Is your hair too short?”

“No, it’s fine.”

“Because I can find long hair for you,” Hoseok said.

Seokjin their nape, “you don’t need to…”

“Don’t worry,” Hoseok smiled as he ran out of the room, “my sister buys a new wig for every convention.”

Within minutes Hoseok returned. He smoothed back Seokjin’s bangs and placed the wig on their head.

“It was the closest one to your hair color,” Hoseok said. He patted it down, then smiled, and stepped away so that Seokjin could look at their reflection in the mirror.

It was Mikuru’s hair, the time traveler from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, heavy and long. And in Seokjin’s opinion, perfect.

“Imagine how the guys would react if they saw me,” Seokjin twisted a lock with their hand.

“I won’t trust Taehyung and Jimin if I were you, noona…” Hoseok said, he pulled out something from one of the bags, a long chain with a flower medallion in the middle, “Taehyung likes pretty things, and Jimin’s going through this phase where he'll all the girls in school.”

Seokjin laughed, they had to duck so that Hoseok could slip the necklace on them. Hoseok tapped the medallion, in the middle of Seokjin’s chest, and smiled up at Seokjin.

“How do you feel?” Hoseok asked.

Seokjin felt warmth seeping into their ribcage and spreading through the rest of their veins. Because for once, their skin didn’t feel foreign. It felt comfortable.

“Like I have the best fairy godmother in the world,” Seokjin smiled. pinched Hoseok’s cheek before facing the mirror.

Seokjin couldn’t stop smiling.

Long hair that curved at the ends. Flowered scarves. A cute short pink dress, and a sweater to go on top of it. Rose colored cheeks, pouting pink lips.

Finally she looked like Seokjin.

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adorekwangmong #1
Chapter 36: Yoonjin is a life yet underrated pairing. I love your writings; mature and pinch my heart in each chapter <3
kathrynk09 #2
Chapter 29: Wow, I love this concept!!!!
Ochochi #3
Chapter 9: This chap abseloutely beautiful and my vhope cuteness meter had just exploded
Totomatoes #4
Chapter 37: Rereading this for the nth time and it never fails to make me feel all warm and squishy. This is still one of the best I've ever read
YellowPlacemat #5
Chapter 36: Ah, #35 made me cry... Really great writing and plot ideas!
Great drabble series! >.<
Update soon~ ! And please make more Namjoon girl au stories ^.^ (I ship anyone with Namjoon)
Chapter 14: I love this omg
More drabbles of this as pls <3
AssassinWitzard #8
Chapter 29: Jin Froze and Yoongi Burn