When everything goes back to the way it was

I Always Love You II



[Suzy's outfit for today] 


“ I’m going now “ she said loudly as she quickly wears her sneakers. Her mother came running towards her. “ Are you sure you’ll be fine? It’s dangerous going alone “ her mother asked worrily. 

“ It’s fine “ she assures and quickly opens the door to leave. “ Wait, Suzy “ her mother called but she seems to rush a lot. 

Once she opens the door, she bumps into someone. More exact a guy who’s a little bit taller than her. She look up and was very surprise to expect Key here in his casual outfit. He looks awkward for a moment as he greets “ Hi “ while smiling sheepishly. 

“ What are you doing here ? “ she asked and unintentionally came out sounded unpleasant. She’s not trying to be rude but she’s rushing to meet her friends and she definitely has no time for him right now. She knows it sounded too selfish right?

“ Uhh, am I bothering you ? “ he asked , looking a little bit guilty to intrude that sunny morning at her house. Suzy huffed as she looks elsewhere. What is she gonna say to him? Chase him away? Ask him to go back home when he just got here ?

The door behind them  open as her mother appeared. She just noticed Key standing there and her face immediately lit up. “ Oh, are you a friend of Suzy ? “ she asked as she bows and Key did the same. 

Suzy was tapping her feet without them noticing. She really should take the bus now or she’ll arrive late. “ It looks Suzy got something else to do so please excuse me- “ “ No!” 

Her mother suddenly exclaimed making the two teenagers turn towards her. “ Are you free today … “ she asked and look at him for his name “ Kibum “ he replied and she nods. “ Kibum sshi , Suzy is seeing her friends today but I can’t send her there. Could you please ? It’s quite dangerous for her to go there alone “ 

Key glances at Suzy , she looks displeased that her mother requested him that. It took him a moment to agree. He didn’t know if Suzy is pleased for him to take her there, but he really wants to spend some time with her. He develops deep  interest in her if he must say. 

“ ..Sure. No problem “ he said after hesitating for quite a moment as he registers Suzy’s expression. She snapped her head at him and Key doesn’t want to look at her just for a few moment. He knew he would be hurt if he finds out Suzy is hating this idea of being with him today. 

Her mother smiled widely and sighed in relief as she slowly pushed her gently , asking her to follow Key. 

They walk together to his motorbike , and Suzy thought ‘ Oh, does he has to ride this ? ‘ 

Well, he rode a bike a lot of times with Jonghyun before and also with Taecyeon when they’ve been friends. But as she said, Key is still quite a stranger to her. She’s not saying he’s some bad guy or what. But she’s not ready to begin any deep friendship with anyone here yet. 

" Is it really okay ? " Suzy asked and Key turned to look at her " Hm ? " 

Suzy looked away " To take me there? It's quite far with  a bike " 

Key nodded , without looking at her " It'll be fine. I really got nothing to do anyway " he said as he hopped on. There's nothing t0 reason anymore. He really seems determine to take her there. 

She sighed while looking at him as she took the helmet he gave her. 

When she finally hopped on behind him, he started the engine and zoomed off. 





It's been kind of 30 minutes and Suzy's bottom was feeling numb. They stopped on  a red light so she took the chance to talk to him. " Key " she called and he responded with a hum. " Can we stop by somewhere. I'm feeling numb " she said and Key look around for anywhere to stop by. 
He saw a rest area somewhere near so he nodded. 

Suzy hold on a little bit more until the green light flashed and he drove straight to the rest area. 




She put off the helmet and smooth out her quite messy hair. Key glanced at her. " You're not used riding a bike ? " he questioned. " Not long distance. " she simply replied. Key nodded while glancing at her a bit. He didn't know why today , he's not really confident to begin any conversation with her. 

Suzy look around and saw a stall selling fish cakes. Her face lit up " Do you want to eat ? " she asked with her eyes glued at the stall with a few customers. 

" Huh ? " Key responded ,surprised with her out of the blue questions. 

"Come on " she called as she pulled him with her. Key followed her. 

Soon, they were finishing a few sticks of fish cakes. Suzy smiled as she sighed in content every time she took a bite. Key laughed watching her eat. She was so concentrated that she didn't utter a word to him the whole time. 

They both open up their wallets to pay. Suzy glanced at his hand and quickly cover his wallet. " It's okay. I'll pay " she said. Key chortled " Psh. Who made a girl pay ? " he said as he hand it over the money for both of their food and Suzy pursed her lips and glared at him. 

Key gave a small smile as he walk off before her. Suzy stared at his back head a few moments as she jogged along to catch up with him. 

" You should have let me pay " she spoke and tilted her head to look at his face while walking. 
" Should I ? I don't know about that " Key said innocently without looking at her. She follows her till they reached his bike. He hopped on his bike and started the engine. 

" Yah. At least let me pay you back " she said as she poked his sides to get his attention. Key chuckled " It's fine. You'll pay me back someday " he replied as he hand over the helmet to her. 
Suzy didn't took it and just stare at him " You want me to put it on you ? " he asked with raised brows. " Psh. Arasso " she said as she took the helmet from him sulkily. 

Key laughed and sat still as she got on his bike carefully. His heart unknowingly warms to have her close to him. 





As they arrived in the school park , where Key parked his bike, Suzu jumped off the bike happily as she pulled out her helmet. She hands it over to him as she fixed her hair. She leans to the side mirror and Key leans to the left for her. " Do I look okay ? " she asked as she stood still in front of him. 

He laughs at her eagerness " You look fine " he replied. He soon also got off the bike and looks around the school. 

" So, where are your friends ? " he asked. 

Suzy smiled widely, too brightly this time . He never see that smile coming from her before. Well, of course because they just been friends for a while. " Just follow me " she said as she gave him an excited smile as she skipped faster than him. 

He chuckled at her actions, which he thought was cute and followed her after with his hands in his pocket. 





" Lee Jieun ! " she called. The girl turned around in shock as she jumped as well " Suzy ! " 

Key watched them both squeezed each other tightly in amusement. " I'm so happy to see you ! Oh, damn. You look prettier ! " she exclaimed as she studies her friend up and down. 
Suzy slapped IU's arm " Stop bluffing you little girl! " 

"Oh! " Suzy remembered Key who followed her here and turn to look at him. She called him to come close and he nodded as he walks towards the two pretty girls. Suzy turn to IU again " This is Key. He's my new friend " she introduced . Key flashes IU a charming smile and IU did the same. 

" So where are the others ? " she asked and look around for any signs of Jonghyun, Jiyeon or her boyfriend.

 " Jonghyun and Jiyeon are working on a booth together. I kinda left them together. I just hope the booth doesn't fall apart " IU said as she rolled her eyes. Suzy laughs . She remembers how Jiyeon and Jonghyun don't get along well because they always find ways to annoy each other in any way. 

" Let's go to them " IU said and Suzy nodded as she still is looking around. " You can come too " IU said and smile sweetly at Key. Key nodded as he trailed behind. 

IU noticed Suzy was still searching for someone and she grinned. " It's okay. You can see him later right. He is doing some work too " she said and Suzy snapped back looking at her with a face flushed pink. She nodded and follows IU to where Jiyeon and Jonghyun are. 






" Won't you do anything ?! " Jonghyun kicked the legs of the plastic chair Jiyeon is sitting on. Jiyeon look up and glared at him " I've done enough. Plus, I'm tired. Let me rest " she replied as she crossed her arms and legs. Jonghyun scoffed as he glared back at her.

" Done enough? You did nothing! " he exclaims and Jiyeon rolls her eyes at how he begins to raise his voice at her. " I helped arrange the cups " she replied confidently. " The cups ? I can do that in a minute . How come I have to count the money , to pour the drinks while you sit doing nothing ? " he yelled non stop. 

She frowned and look away. " I'm not sitting doing nothing. Can't you see I'm guarding the stall. What if someone came to snatch a cup without you noticing " she made up excuses and boy was that silly. Jonghyun doesn't freaking care if they snatch 10 cups without them knowing. They had many of them. Too many. 

" I can't believe they let me to put up with you " he mumbled as he looked away. Jiyeon scoffed and looked at him accusingly " I have no clue either. " she said as she looks away stubbornly with her arms still crossed. 

" I knew it you would be fighting again " a voice greeted them and they both turned without a please expression. But both soon light up completely as they saw Suzy standing there beside IU. 

" Suzy ! " they both said in unison as they speed towards her and hugged her. Suzy laughs and hugged them back. 

" Eww, you can hug her later you know. Why are you intruding ? " Jiyeon pushed his arms away and Jonghyun did the same. " Stop it you guys " Suzy said and they both just shot a last glare to each other. Jonghyun look behind Suzy and notice a familiar looking guy. His eyes immediately round up in surprise. 

" Kim Kibum! Yah !  " he shouted and Key's eyes rounded big as well. " Jonghyun! " he said as he walks closer to them . " I thought I was mistaken " Key said as he lightly punched his chest. He was just observing Suzy's little reunion with her friends a while ago. He didn't think he should intrude but he did notice the loud voice which he thought of his old friend at his hometown. 

" What are you doing here man ? " he asked and look back and forth from him to Suzy. Suzy quickly added " He's a new friend I met at my new school " Oh , I thought you were cheating on someone else a while ago " Jonghyun said bluntly. Suzy's forehead instantly roughen. Jonghyun slung his arm around her neck and pulled her towards him " Kidding! " he said as he laughs loudly while still holding onto her neck. " Yah! It hurts ! " Suzy shrieked and Jiyeon slapped his arm away " You're going to break her you know " she said as she glared at him. 

" If I would break someone, that would be you " he spoke . Jiyeon scoffed madly " Excuse me !? " 

IU came in between . " Now, now. Stop it you guys " she said and turns to whisper at Suzy " You see what I have to deal with each day without you ? " she said . Suzy chuckled and her heart softens at how IU take care of this friendship. She gives a light friendly peck on IU's cheek making them all look at her. 

" You didn't do that since we're 9 " IU spoke and Suzy nodded with her eyes turning small because she was smiling widely. 

" What is this ! You didn't kiss me for years too , Suzy ! " Jiyeon exclaimed sulkily as she pouted lightly while pushing Suzy's shoulder lightly. Suzy laughs and told her she'll give her next time. 
" Yah! You never kiss me! " Jonghyun spoke out and frown at her. Suzy shot him a look. He sighs in depress " Yeah, alright " 

Key chortled at his old friend who doesn't seem to change since he last met him . He patted his back " Man up , dude " 

" What about me ? " a voice came from behind them as they all turned towards the voice. 
Suzy's face lit up wholely as she beams at him. 

No one notice , but Jiyeon and Jonghyun's face fell when that certain someone appear to join them . Key looked around , completely confused of the change of atmostphere and stare at that tall , handsome guy standing in front of Suzy. 

" Soohyun ah " she muttered as he saw her give that Soohyun guy a very loving smile. 



Physics is kind of hard today T_T 

PS, I can't get over  You Who Came From the Stars that's why T___T  Thanks for reading :D I think I did a long chapter ^_^ Do leave a comment if you like :))





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channelian #1
Chapter 31: Such an awesome chapter that i have been waiting for.
Thank you so much.
Icey09 #2
Chapter 31: Iu blushing? Are they going to develop feelings for each other?
Chapter 29: Suzy-ah DON'T!
Chapter 29: oh my goodness, please don't break up T-T
Chapter 29: Wtf key.. When will suzy notice that being with key is not good and he is up to something.. He has no rightd to tell thay to suzy..
Hays this is frustrating
Chapter 28: The chapter was so good! I'm so sorry for your loss as well :( and ill always be loving this story no matter any plot change xD btw I bet your bf didn't deserve you at all because you're pretty awesome author-nim! To answer your question, I'm an inspirit so Infinite's Bad and a few other songs from their album have been on repeat the whole day xD
Chapter 27: now shipping IU x Soohyun from Producers because who wouldn't kyahhhhhh this story is so good though ~ i've become a fan >.< keep up the wonderfluff workkk
Chapter 27: What a lovely story. I enjoy it very much and looking for the next chapters.