When you miss someone

I Always Love You II


We stop right in front of my door ; me and Key. We walk home together after our ride on the bus. He insisted to , since he said it was dangerous for a girl to walk alone eventhough it is still broad daylight. But it was very nice of him to take care of me.

" So you live near here ? " I asked as I turned to face him. He shruggs " Yeah, just around the corner and you'll see my house " he said. I nodded and silence followed.

He swayed his body from side to side while I look somewhere. We talk a lot on our bus ride and also on our way home so we sort of run out of things to say now.  " So " he suddenly voices. " Can I have your phone number ? " he asked carefully as he studies my face for my reaction. I didn't reply, it's not like  I don't want to reply it's just that I was out of it for a moment.

I guess he might think that I was uncomfortable by his request since after that he begins comforting. " I know it's weird to ask for it since we just met today. B-but, y-you know. In case emergency or I need to call you or something " he stuttered a few times and I can't help but to giggle. He looks at me with utter confusion. " It's okay , Key. I was  just went off for a moment " I explained and he sighed in relief.

" I thought you were angry " he smiled sheepishly and we both laughed. " Here " I hold out my phone from my blazer pocket ; for him to put his number and vice versa. After we got each other's numbers he thanked me as he jogs backward , further from my house. " See you tomorrow , Suzy " he waves and I nodded. I watched him as he's gone off.

I stepped inside my house after that. I didn't lie, it was a very tiring day. The most tiring day of my life though I barely do anything. " I'm home " I said. I poked her head inside the living room to find it empty.  I was actually expecting omma or appa , but maybe they are busy as always.

I heard clinking noises coming from the kitchen so I walked there curiously. Maybe omma is home? As I walk in the kitchen , there was only my 15 years old sister opening the cabinets and drawers.

" Unnie ! " she chirped as she finally notices me. " Hey, Sunhwa. What are you doing ? " I asked as I approach the kitchen counter and pour myself a glass of water. " Nothing actually. I was bored. Omma immediately left right after she dropped me home " she pouted as she told me. I nodded as I drink down the water. " You should stop being clingy to omma now since you're big enough. Find yourself a friend. " I told her and she pouted again in response. " Arasso " she said.

" Where's Sulli ? " I ask as I put down my glass in the sink. Sunhwa shruggs " She locked herself in her room of course. She wouldn't even play with me anymore since she was still down. I hope she'll get over it soon. It's not like Soojung unnie didn't call. She called everyday " she blabbers non-stop. I blinks at my sister who's growing into a talkative girl. I smiled and ruffled her hair " She'll get it over soon. Don't worry. You talk a lot " I beamed at her like she's still my little baby sister.

She snorted " You still treat me like a baby " she said. I laugh " Yeah. You're not. You're a big beautiful girl now aren't you. " I said as I ruffled her hair once more making her smacks my hand away. She fixed her hair , seeming quite angry that I messed up her hair " Now you sound like omma " she mumbled. I laughs again , I'm grateful that Sunhwa is being talkative now. I can talk to her more now since Sulli is being the ice cold princess in this family. " Did you got any friends today ? " I ask as I took a seat at the kitchen counter.

She sighed and put her arms on the counter . " Just regular talks but no friends " she said , with a down looking face. " Really ? But you're pretty. How could not one friend ? " I said as I lean in closer to her , eager to listen. She sighed desperately " The guys are nice to me. But the girls aren't. I saw them often glare at me. I can't befriend with all guys " she said as she pouted lightly. " Ayee, they were jealous of you because the guys were nice to you. Don't mind them, Sunhwa. It's okay for you to befriend anybody regardless the gendre as long as they are  nice. What the use if befriending a girl but she's not nice, right? I have many male friends " I said with a sisterly manner.

She suddenly smirk taking me off guard. " You mean like Jonghyun oppa who always come to comfort you when you're sad and be for you everytime? " she said out of the blue making me look at her in surprise. "What do you mean ? " I asked. She blew a raspberry " Jonghyun oppa always come at our old house remember ? And you look so happy together. I actually thought you guys would end up with each other. " she said and I stayed silent as I stare at her. " But instead unnie, you are with someone else which I don't even know. Even Sulli unnie thinks so " she ranted , didn't realize that I was not liking this topic we're having.

I didn't know what to say , what to protest. They're not talking bad about Soohyun , yes. But I somehow feels offended by it. It made me remember Jonghyun and how I had hurted him though he has been a great friend to me. But one thing for sure, my sisters don't know anything about Soohyun and me because I never mentioned to them before and he only came to my house once before we're dating.

I immediately stood up, making Sunhwa looks at me ; surprised. " Unnie, what's wrong ? " she asked innocently. " I need to bathe " I simply replied as I walk out of the kitchen ; leaving my sister there. I'm not being sensitive or moody but this topic just made me uncomfortable. It made me feel somehow guilty all over again.

I unknowingly slammed the door hard and lock it afterwards. I sigh and throws my bag to the floor beside my bed. I throw myself onto my bed and look up the ceiling. It's just the first day of school and I'm feeling so torn and sad. I missed my old house, my old neighbourhood , my old school and my best friends which I had left behind.

My phone buzzed in vibration and I took it out of my pocket. I swiped to unlock the incoming text message and read it.


From : Soohyun

How's the first day of school? I hope you didn't sleep. But actually, I did. keke

Call me when you're free.


And I smiled. With just one silly message from him already brighten up my whole day.




I thought I wrote long enough. But yeah, I just realize it was so short :/







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channelian #1
Chapter 31: Such an awesome chapter that i have been waiting for.
Thank you so much.
Icey09 #2
Chapter 31: Iu blushing? Are they going to develop feelings for each other?
Chapter 29: Suzy-ah DON'T!
Chapter 29: oh my goodness, please don't break up T-T
Chapter 29: Wtf key.. When will suzy notice that being with key is not good and he is up to something.. He has no rightd to tell thay to suzy..
Hays this is frustrating
Chapter 28: The chapter was so good! I'm so sorry for your loss as well :( and ill always be loving this story no matter any plot change xD btw I bet your bf didn't deserve you at all because you're pretty awesome author-nim! To answer your question, I'm an inspirit so Infinite's Bad and a few other songs from their album have been on repeat the whole day xD
Chapter 27: now shipping IU x Soohyun from Producers because who wouldn't kyahhhhhh this story is so good though ~ i've become a fan >.< keep up the wonderfluff workkk
Chapter 27: What a lovely story. I enjoy it very much and looking for the next chapters.