When best friend VS your rival

I Always Love You II

Chapter 31


“You make me happy in a way no one else can”




IU entered the bathroom in between classes break. She had a bad stomach ache and internally cursing her brother for it. Last night, Jinki forced her to eat  chicken curry that he made using God knows what ingredients. He said he wanted her to taste it because his new girlfriend asked him to cook for her. IU kept cursing him and his girlfriend for giving him that horrible idea.


“Ah “ she grunted as she sat on the toilet seat, clutching her stomach. “I think I need to take an emergency leave “ she thought. She doesn’t think she could bear the pain.


Once she finished her business, she walked out of the cubicle with a scowl on her face. The pain didn’t go away. She walked to the sink to brush out a few strands of hair away from her face that are caught up with her sweat.


Just when she was washing her hands , someone greeted her “Omo ,IU! I haven’t talk to you for a long time now” she said ,high pitched. Raeha does has a bad habit of talking in that tone.


“Damn “ IU thought. Her stomach is suffering enough, now her ears are gonna suffer too?


“Hello , Raeha” IU said .


She smiled sweetly at her, it looked forceful. “ Awh, I miss you on the debate team. You shouldn’t have left “ she said, then looking in the mirror to fix her curls down her shoulders.


“Yeah, I missed you too “ IU chuckled under her breath, clearly sarcasm.


“ On second  thought, I was kinda glad you left . If you didn’t , I’d never would get the chance to speak to Soohyun. Gosh, I always knew he was handsome. But he looked dashing up close!” she said happily . IU wondered if that was actually count as fangirling.


IU scoffed. It’s truly weird to have a girl talks about someone’s best friend’s girlfriend. “You do know that he has a girlfriend “ IU said, in a defense mode over Suzy.


Raeha looked into the mirror again. Quite a habit she guessed. She tilted her head as she looked at her reflection . “Yeah. She’s cute” she said blankly then made a ‘meh’ face. “But it doesn’t matter” she continued and IU scoffed even harder.


Raeha noticed it and laughed “ She’s not here after all. Why should I be bothered by it?”

“You- “ IU wanted to confront her but got cut off. “ It’s just like how she isn’t bothered to be close with another guy because Soohyun isn’t around” she said and smirked.


She smiled evilly and said “ Well, obviously, you all see her as a saint. “


IU scoffed unbelievably. “What the hell do you even know about Suzy? “


“I know that she’s amazing “ Raeha said. “ At two timing “ she continued. IU shook her head. She can’t believe she’s actually giving in to Raeha’s bull.


Despite that, Raeha just couldn’t shut up. She continued “ She went to Kibum’s family party. I was there since I’m his cousin. She’s not even a family. That got to mean something “ she tried to provoke IU.


“ I’m sure his friends were there too “ IU laughed, washing her hands harshly, trying to vent her anger there. 


“But they came together ! “ Raeha insist.


“Park Raeha! Look . Suzy is not cheating on Soohyun. She would never !” she yelled at her face . She had enough of her s.


“She’s still adjusting there and Kibum is the only friend that she could rely on. So stop spouting rumors just because Soohyun isn’t taking any interest on you! “ she yelled and glared at her before walking off.


Raeha stood there, stunned and clearly offended.




While walking back to her class, she managed to send a short text to Suzy.


To: Suzy


Soohyun is acting weird. I think you should talk to him. Call him until he picks up.




Then she walked inside the class. The teacher was already there. She kinda interrupted the lesson. Even Soohyun looked up from his book and look at her.


“Lee Jieun. It’s rare to see you late. Did you have any problems? “ the teacher asked , full of concern.


“Apart from facing that nasty in the bathroom, no I have no problems” she thought but of course she wouldn’t say that. That will just break her reputation among the teachers.


“ I think I need to leave. I have a very bad stomach ache since the first lesson” she said.  “Omo, that’s bad. Sure , you may leave” the teacher said. IU said thanks and went to her desk to pack her stuff. Soohyun who was beside her looked at her with a judging look.


“What? I am sick” she whispered. He smiled amusedly at her then shook his head, turning back to his book.


Suprisingly, IU blushed. “What the hell was that smile for? “ she thought as her face is getting hot. She shook her head and quickly pack her stuffs to leave.






Suzy waited for the other line to pick up but he still didn’t . She sighed for the millionth time. She put down her phone and stare at it.


“You’re still calling him ?” Key said, he took a seat in front of her. Their other friends went for a camp except them. Suzy didn’t went because she felt like she would be left out again if she’s with them. Key didn’t went , well, because he wanted to accompany her, which Suzy was so grateful for.


“Yeah. I’m gonna call him until he picks up” she said confidently.


Key looked at her. She’s pouting at her phone screen. He unknowingly smiled . “Ah , I’m jealous “ he suddenly blurted.


“Huh? “ Suzy was surprised to hear.


Key blushed and immediately change the topic. “Eh no no! I said this soup is delicious!”


Suzy laughed and hit his head. “Stuuuupid. You think you can lie to me?” she said.


She put her face on her chin and stare at Key. Why is she doing that to him? It’s making his heart beat. But he cannot blame her. It’s her nature.


“You shouldn’t be jealous of Soohyun. He’s supposed to be jealous with you because you’re here with me “she said and giggled.


Key smiled “Yeah ,you’re right” he said.


Suzy smiled back at him and laughed.


“But you still think of him all the time even if he’s not here so he’s still the luckiest” he thought to himself.




IU just woke up because she was super hungry. She slept for the whole day after she took an emergency leave from school because of stomach ache. “Urgh “ she grunted because her body felt so sticky from all the sweat. She checked her phone and realized it’s already late in the evening. She didn’t even eat lunch and it’s dinner soon.


She noticed a message from her mom.


From: Omma


I’m going out with your dad. Tehee~ Go heat up the soup I made you and get well. I asked Jinki to take care of you and cook you dinner.




“Cook me dinner? What? No!” she shouted and immediately pressed call to her mom’s contact. Two seconds and she picked up. “Omma!” she whined.


“Aigoo, what’s the matter. You got a lot of energy for a sick person”


“You do know oppa caused me this stomach ache and you want him to cook me dinner?! “ she whined , even stomping her feet.


“ I told you not to say that. Jinki’s cooking can’t be that horrible “ her mom said, although she’s sure she sounds doubtful. Her mom is just thinking of nice thoughts about her son.


“ You haven’t taste it. Ah, what to do Omma! I’m hungry and I don’t want to eat Oppa’s dish! “


“Then go out. You seem to recover already from that sickness since you’re whining a lot like this. Bye, your dad’s calling me” her mom said and hung up.


She threw her phone on her bed as it rolled to the floor. She took her pillow and scream in it.


“I’m going out. Do you want me to buy anything?” IU said coldly to his brother who’s watching the TV.


She heard sobs and approached the couch to notice that it was her Oppa. “Oppa! What is wrong with you! “she yelled to get his attention. Her brother turned to her and cried “Jieun ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! “ and pulled her harshly and hugged her.


“What the hell!? Let me go!” she struggled from her brothers grip but he just won’t let go.


“She left me! She left me! Was my cooking that bad?!” he said , crying hysterically. He pushed her shoulders and looked at her. His eyes are swollen. “Tell me, my sister. Was my cooking so bad? It wasn’t right? RIGHT?!” he demanded an answer.


“Uh oh” is what IU thought.


“Err.. “she said as Jinki hopefully wait for her response. IU guessed her mother didn’t tell him about her stomach ache. “It wasn’t bad. “ she said and his brother smiled , touched.


“ But it wasn’t good either” she added. And he’s back to his emotional state. “Ma-maybe she had a bad stomach like me!” she tried to control the situation.


“Wait . You mean you got sick because of my cooking?!” he said and IU was caught of guard.


He gasped. “It was because of that ,right? Oh my God , no wonder she left me. I’m so bad at it. She said she likes guys who can cook. Oh nooooo . I’m the worst !”


And there he goes again, blaming himself from some woman who IU clearly knew he won’t last long with. Her brother can be SO naïve sometimes.




IU sighed as she walked out of her house. She needs to get something for her brother to cheer him up. “He likes fried chicken “ she muttered . “ I think there’s a fried chicken here somewhere.” She thought as she looked around.


And there it is , the small fried chicken shop. She rarely goes there since she always eat home cooked meals. But she’s doing this for a favor for her brother who’s in a heartbreak mental state. It’s truly nice of her to be doing this despite he was the reason she got sick. But she decided to let it go. It’ll just add misery to him.


She entered the shop and ordered a take out since she wanted to take it home. She ordered 2 chickens for them both and the lady took her order. She looked around the small shop and notice someone familiar.


“Soohyun? “she greeted and he looked up. “IU. I think I rarely see you outside of school” he said. His voice sounds gruff , like he was sick but he’s not. “You always come here? “ she asked.


He chuckled lightly “Yeah”

IU unknowingly blushed again. She looked away and took a deep breath.


Suddenly Soohyun’s phone which is on the table beside his plate vibrates. He ignored it and kept munching on his chicken. IU stared at him but he just raised his eyebrows blankly at her.


She scoffed. “Hello, that clearly states Suzy is calling you” she said.


He did it again. He raised his eyebrows expressionlessly at her and said “So?”


IU scoffed again. “Pick it up!”


“ I’m eating “ he glared at her and kept munching on it again. She gritted her teeth and grabbed his chicken away from him and took a tissue and wipe both of his hands. Then she presses the green button on the telephone and speaks to it.


Soohyun widen her eyes and try to reach his phone “What the hell “ but IU holds his hand away from her .


“Oh Suzy ah. I think Soohyun wants to talk to you but was TOO scared to do so” she said , clearly speaking to his girlfriend.


Soohyun’s face grew red. IU didn’t know if he’s blushing or if he’s getting angry. Either way she knows she needs to get away fast. “Here” she passed his phone to him and he caught it. He glared at her “ I swear to God , you- “


“Wanna thank me? “ she said playfully and gave a sweet smile at him, teasing , and left.


Whatever they’re gonna talk on the phone, she hopes they sort it out.




A/N: I kinda like this chapter but it's not edited heheh. It's kinda long then how I usually write so I'm satisfied. I put myself in IU's shoes during writing this chapter :)

Suzy is gonna be in  a drama soon with Woobin. I'm so looking forward to it!

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channelian #1
Chapter 31: Such an awesome chapter that i have been waiting for.
Thank you so much.
Icey09 #2
Chapter 31: Iu blushing? Are they going to develop feelings for each other?
Chapter 29: Suzy-ah DON'T!
Chapter 29: oh my goodness, please don't break up T-T
Chapter 29: Wtf key.. When will suzy notice that being with key is not good and he is up to something.. He has no rightd to tell thay to suzy..
Hays this is frustrating
Chapter 28: The chapter was so good! I'm so sorry for your loss as well :( and ill always be loving this story no matter any plot change xD btw I bet your bf didn't deserve you at all because you're pretty awesome author-nim! To answer your question, I'm an inspirit so Infinite's Bad and a few other songs from their album have been on repeat the whole day xD
Chapter 27: now shipping IU x Soohyun from Producers because who wouldn't kyahhhhhh this story is so good though ~ i've become a fan >.< keep up the wonderfluff workkk
Chapter 27: What a lovely story. I enjoy it very much and looking for the next chapters.