When things don't go your way

I Always Love You II

"Distance doesn't ruin a relationship .

Doubts do "


Soohyun’s POV



“They came separately together …”


“They seem pretty close … “


Raeha’s words kept ringing in my head. As much as I wanted to wave it away, it still bothers me. I’m not really the type of guy to easily waver and trust people’s words easily but Raeha did managed to make me kind of believed her.


Plus, I don’t see and can’t detect any lies coming from her so what she said must be true ,right?


“Dammit “ I grunted, closing my eyes. I’m supposed to write a summary on the short story that Ms Jung made us watch but I can’t focus!


“ Damnnnnnnnn itttt “ I lightly mutter under my breath and squeeze the pencil in my hand, with my other hand massaging my forehead, eyes on the paper but my mind is obviously flying somewhere.


“Ehem “ someone cough and I look to beside me through the gaps of my fingers. IU was looking at me with concern . Well that’s a first , I thought.


I smile weakly at her and she scrunched her forehead lightly and raise her eyebrows and mouth “ What’s wrong? “ I smile in return and shake my head as I look back at my paper. I sigh .


For now, let’s just focus on this damn summary, I thought.





When the bell rings indicating that school is over for the day, the students quickly pack their bags and got up to leave. I push my chair to my desk and glance at IU and was surprised that she’s actually looking at me. I widen my eyes for a bit to see if she’s about to say something and she just say  “ You’re acting weird today. Is there something wrong , though?”


I scratch my head and look at her , shaking my head “ I’m fine , though “ . I wave my hand at her as goodbye and leave. As I was walking out of the door , I can still feel her eyes on the back of my head.



I wasn’t doubting Suzy at all to be honest.


Or was I ?


Or am I just in denial because I want to be the bigger person? Because I don’t want her to think I’m being jealous is unnecessary? I don’t want to tie her down, not letting her to talk to other guys or tell me if she’s going anywhere. I’m not her husband (yet) . Sometimes I feel like I’m the one who like her more than she likes me.


Is it weird for a guy to be insecure?


“I wonder what other things she’s been doing behind my back all this time? “ I thought out loud and immediately regretted as I quickly shake my head. I made her sound like a bad person.


Maybe I should ask her? To be sure of course, I thought. I took out out my phone from my pocket and unlock it. A thought cross my head. Maybe I should just wait for her to tell me. She would tell me right if she went out somewhere with some guy.


“A guy that is her friend you moron. Don’t be a selfish guy””  , my inner self told me. But I decided to be stubborn , or should I say , ‘positive’ as I wait for a call from Suzy.


Maybe she’ll tell me .





I just came out of the shower and it is currently 8 pm . I rub the towel I have around my neck to my hair to dry it and peek at my phone on my night stand.


I wonder if she called? , I thought innocently although I KNOW there wasn’t a single call.


I let out a frustrated sigh and sit on the edge of my bed , almost glaring at my phone. Why isn’t she calling?


“You did told her never to call you and just wait for you to call her “ my inner self told me and waved him away.


“ But still, she should’ve just call me. … “ I said out loud.

“Doesn’t she feel that I’m bothered by this? “ I whisper and let out another sigh before throwing myself on my bed and go to sleep.


She’ll call tomorrow, I thought and drift to sleep.




Nope, I was wrong.


I went to school today and leave my phone at home because I know I’d be distracted all day if I bring it to school. Probably in hopes that by the time I came home, they’re missed calls or a message left for me.


How frustrated was I when there was none!


“ You should just stop being stubborn and call her “ , again, my inner self decided to add fuel to the fire. I rolled my eyes and enter the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water. My mom was in the kitchen and she asked me to sit.


“ Here you go “ she put down a plate of sandwiches that she made for evening snacks. “ Thanks mom “ I said and take one and bite on it grumpily. My mom laughed and shook her head. Then she took some fruits from the fridge and began cutting them. I didn’t realize she was actually watching me.


“ Is there something wrong, Soohyun? You kept looking at your phone “ she said ,amused. I look at her and deny “ No , no “ then took my phone and keep it in my pocket. Any soon now, I might throw it to the wall because of frustration .


Just why won’t she call me?


Just as my inner self wanted to intrude again, I stood up and went up to my room. I should just study! That’s one of the only things I am good at.



Here's more Soohyun guys . Love you guys lots. Thanks for the sweet comments. They do make my whole day, week , year! There's been a few things happen to me this year. My beloved grandfather passed away. I was so heartbroken. He always said he wanted to see me to get in university. I AM going to get it Uni in a few months but God decided to take him.

And I broke up with my boyfriend so yeah. This story was about him though. Soohyun is him, Suzy is me.

So for now, I'm going to change the plot a bit from here on. Let me tell you guys , having a friend like Key  is very nice at times like this .. I would include Jonghyun too but unfortunately Jonghyun's character is also based on someone close to me in real life. I loved him dearly but unfortunately he changed and I hate him so much now it makes me sad. Key is also based on a friend in my real life so I only have Key now huh?

Nevertheless, I still have you guys so I'm content! Love you!!!!!!

RANDOM: What song are you guys currently listening to? I'm addicted to Check by SNSD. That song is so catchy and y , I luvvvv it . It makes me feel at ease somehow haha




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channelian #1
Chapter 31: Such an awesome chapter that i have been waiting for.
Thank you so much.
Icey09 #2
Chapter 31: Iu blushing? Are they going to develop feelings for each other?
Chapter 29: Suzy-ah DON'T!
Chapter 29: oh my goodness, please don't break up T-T
Chapter 29: Wtf key.. When will suzy notice that being with key is not good and he is up to something.. He has no rightd to tell thay to suzy..
Hays this is frustrating
Chapter 28: The chapter was so good! I'm so sorry for your loss as well :( and ill always be loving this story no matter any plot change xD btw I bet your bf didn't deserve you at all because you're pretty awesome author-nim! To answer your question, I'm an inspirit so Infinite's Bad and a few other songs from their album have been on repeat the whole day xD
Chapter 27: now shipping IU x Soohyun from Producers because who wouldn't kyahhhhhh this story is so good though ~ i've become a fan >.< keep up the wonderfluff workkk
Chapter 27: What a lovely story. I enjoy it very much and looking for the next chapters.