When you have to spill in front of your new friends

I Always Love You II

" To love is not to have , to love is to appreciate " 


The next day , Suzy was smiling endlessly to herself, or somehow when she was trailed in her thought while the teacher is teaching, she'll smile to herself, remembering her moments with Soohyun. She did enjoyed her time with him, a lot. And she was so glad he actually came to visit her. 

If only they could meet everyday , if only distance is not in their way, things will be easier. 

She wouldn't have to miss him like crazy, she wouldn't have to crave seeing him like she's feeling now. 

She let out a small sigh as she taps the tip of her pen on her table. If the teacher asks the students to write an essay about missing someone, she might got plenty of ideas instead of wandering her sight to elsewhere than her sheet paper. It's not like she doesn't have any idea, it's that she couldn't think of any now because her mind is clogged with the memories of her friends , and mostly Soohyun. 

If only, she could teleport herself back to her old school , maybe she could teleport herself to sit just behind IU and surprised her until she fell off her chair ? Or maybe she'll appear in front of Jonghyun during lunch and let him choke himself. Or maybe she could suddenly appear beside Jiyeon while she is daydreaming during History class. Or maybe she could just teleport to sit at the back of the class where Soohyun is studying so that she could just stare at how calm he studies. 

She let out another sigh. " Damn, I'm thinking too much " she muttered quietly as she continues the countless tap on her table. 

Of course Min her other friends noticed her behaviour , that morning when she came in class, her mind was like totally occupied that they don't want to interrupt her . Not to mind that , Key was not talking to her too. He will steal glances at her , one or two times. But that was it. She was all by herself until now. 

" Ms Bae , I hope you'll write a wonderful essay based on what points I've given earlier " Mrs Han called her and her head snapped to look at the teacher standing in front of the class. Many heads turn towards her direction and she just stared at the teacher, because apparently she wasn't paying attention at all and Mrs Han obviously was ridiculing her when she gave Suzy that sarcastic smile that made Suzy gulp and nodded quickly ' yes ' . 

Mrs Han took one last look at Suzy and packed her books into a pile " That's it for today , class. Pass in your homeworks to Jaeri tomorrow " she said and walked out of the class. Suzy swear the teacher managed to give her one last meaningful glare that Suzy had to promise herself not to daydream in her class again. 

She let out her breath in relief as her back slowly sink in her seat. Boy, today was kinda boring to begin with . 

" Suzy you're being quiet today " Min spoke as she leans in to her. Suzy tilts her head to wonder , as she quickly denied " No, I'm not " 

Min eyes were big as she look at her seriously, like her eyes gave her a meaning ' I don't take that excuse ' . " Come on, spill " Min assured her and wriggled her eyebrows mischievously that left Suzy in total confusion. " I don't get it " she blurted blankly . Min scowled at her response but then Minho from behind her seat voiced " Yeah, spill Suzy. About yesterday " he said , Suzy turned to look at him and he threw at her a cheeky smile. 

Jia from the back also was imploring her to tell , but Suzy was still confuse . What are they talking about actually ? They're not being straight forward. 

Jia let out a desperate sigh " Tell us about the hot guy came to pick you up yesterday ! " she finally said and the guys and girls chortled. Suzy was quiet as she refreshed her memories of yesterday. When she finally realizes they were talking about Soohyun, a pink pretty blush crept up her face, making her friends laugh at her louder. 

All of her friends attention was on her , except for Key but Suzy doesn't notice it because she was covering her embarrassment and her cheeks doesn't help either. " Was it your boyfriend ? " Fei digged in as she leans closer in excitement. You know how girls can be when they're talking about boys. Guys around need to beware of their loud shrieking noises when they're bursting with happiness. 

Suzy pursed her lips before answering with a nod and as expected the girls shriek in unison while the guys were holding their stomach , laughing at the girls' reactions. " Oh my God ! Why didn't you tell us earlier !? " Min said and she swear Min was so loud the whole class can hear. Suzy put her hands to clamped Min's mouth , telling her to quiet down and she grinned sheepishly for her wild action. 

" I didn't think it was necessary. It wasn't anything big " she said and shruggs. Min slapped her lap hard and Suzy hissed in pain " Oops, sorry. But you should've told us ! " she retorted , not even minding the visible pain on Suzy's lap. " What was that for ? " Suzy frowns and Fei Taemin laughs " You shouldn't sit so close to her when you're talking about guys and relationships. She'll get super crazy " Suzy look at Min again with disbelief and huffed. " Remind me next time " she told Taemin playfully and he nodded back in glee " Sure. " 

" Tell us about him " Jia asked and Suzy look around , and they all , even the guys ; excluding Key , were interested to hear her. She doesn't know if she could tell because she never talk about Soohyun to anyone before , even with IU she never spill anything specific because she knew IU wasn't into those kind of things. But she feels happy and contented that her friends are actually willing to hear about her love life . Although it seems shy for her to spill but she feels excited to tell them all about him. That's what friends for , right ? 

Suzy clears to begin " Well - " 

" I'm going to the restroom " Key suddenly stood up , making their eyes all on him. His face was dark , he didn't look at  any of them. With his hands in his pockets , he walked towards the door , leaving his group of friends . Suzy watched him as he went out just like that " Is he okay  ? " she asked, something made her feel that Key gone out because she made him feel uneasy but she doesn't know what is it. 

Jia shrugged " Psh, don't mind him . He's having his mood swings again " she said . 

" Yeah, he's been quiet since yesterday when we went to the karaoke " Onew voiced and Suzy's eyes lit up in concern . Was something bothering her friend that he's been acting like that ? 

Maybe his friends were too ignorant to know why he acted like that, even Suzy herself who's oblivious of his sudden feelings. 

" Come on, tell us , Suzy. All about him, don't miss any detail " Min asked and Suzy's attention was back on them. She completely forgot about Key again when the thought of Soohyun crossed her mind. 

Call her lovesick ,or whatsoever. She doesn't care because she doesn't deny she isn't. 



I'll be updating as often as I can now to finish this fic fast. But next week I'll be away for a week because of exam :)) 

Thanks for reading and do leave a comment :D 




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channelian #1
Chapter 31: Such an awesome chapter that i have been waiting for.
Thank you so much.
Icey09 #2
Chapter 31: Iu blushing? Are they going to develop feelings for each other?
Chapter 29: Suzy-ah DON'T!
Chapter 29: oh my goodness, please don't break up T-T
Chapter 29: Wtf key.. When will suzy notice that being with key is not good and he is up to something.. He has no rightd to tell thay to suzy..
Hays this is frustrating
Chapter 28: The chapter was so good! I'm so sorry for your loss as well :( and ill always be loving this story no matter any plot change xD btw I bet your bf didn't deserve you at all because you're pretty awesome author-nim! To answer your question, I'm an inspirit so Infinite's Bad and a few other songs from their album have been on repeat the whole day xD
Chapter 27: now shipping IU x Soohyun from Producers because who wouldn't kyahhhhhh this story is so good though ~ i've become a fan >.< keep up the wonderfluff workkk
Chapter 27: What a lovely story. I enjoy it very much and looking for the next chapters.