Concealed Promise

Woohyun and Sunggyu slowly walked down the streets of Seoul, hand in hand. They were finally going on their first date, and they couldn't be any happier. They felt like nothing could mess this night up for them. Woohyun was able to get his brother to distract their friends for the night. They didn't need Sungyeol popping up randomly and ruining everything.

The city lights were lighting up the whole night, making it fairly easy for them to see. Cars rushed by and people walked by, talking and laughing together. The city seemed livelier than usual that night. As they walked, they passed by the KBS building. Outside were crowds and crowds of fangirls.

A group of boys walked out of the building, causing the girls to scream loudly. Sunggyu and Woohyun stopped, watching the scene unfold. Woohyun leaned his head on Sunggyu's shoulder, seemingly in deep thought. The group of boys kept walking until they made it to a black van. The fangirls tried chasing after them, but a group of security guards stopped them.

One of the boys stopped, staring at Sunggyu and Woohyun. He dispatched from his group and walked right over to them. The girls kept screaming and tried reaching out towards him, but he walked right past them. He stopped right in front of the couple, looking them up and down. Woohyun quickly brought his head off of Sunggyu's shoulder.

I know you,” the boy said, smiling up at Sunggyu. “I was actually attending Daekyung University at the very beginning of this year while I was a trainee. Yet when I debuted, my schedule became hectic so I had to quit. You're Kim Sunggyu and Nam Woohyun, the scholarship students, aren't you?”

We are,” Sunggyu replied, nodding his head and smiling at the boy.

Ah, I remember you at orientation,” the boy said, laughing. “Standing up in front of everyone and yelling at us because we were disrespectful towards the teacher. That really got everyone inspired. That's why you became the most famous in the school, do you know that?”

Yeah, I kinda figured that,” Sunggyu said, scratching the back of his neck and giving an awkward laugh.

I hear you and your friends are trying out for that competition going on at the school,” the boy said, grinning at them. “As expected from the best two singers from the whole school. I bet you'll win. After that, you can win nationals and become an idol just like me. You'll really love this life, I swear! It's really fun. I know the both of you are fit for it.”

I really hope so,” Sunggyu said, nodding his head. “Thank you.”

Of course. My name is Oh Sehun by the way. I'm from the rookie group, EXO,” the boy said, bowing to them. “I'll make sure EXO supports you all the way. I'll be supporting you.”

Thank you, Sehun-sshi,” Sunggyu replied, as he and Woohyun bowed to him in unison.

Of course,” Sehun replied, grinning at them. “I wish you the best of luck. I better get going now. We have a long night ahead of us.”

Alright, see you around Sehun-sshi,” Woohyun replied, waving at him.

Bye!” Sehun cried, running over to his van and joining s inside.

Some day, Gyu, we're going to be just as famous as them,” Woohyun stated as the two of them watched the van drive away.

Some day,” Sunggyu agreed, nodding his head.

The girls stared at the two of them as they walked past. They continued on their way to the small restaurant down the street. They decided that they should go out to eat before going to catch a movie. It felt comforting for them to do that. Having a nice dinner together, just the two of them, sounded like the best thing in the world.

You already have fangirls and boys at school,” Woohyun joked, elbowing Sunggyu softly in the side. “Just imagine that times about 20 thousand more.”

That sounds like a disaster,” Sunggyu said, laughing.

A disaster that you would love,” Woohyun added, smirking.

But they won't just be MY fans,” Sunggyu replied as they entered the restaurant. “They'll be ALL of our fans.”

Which makes it ten times better,” Woohyun said, grinning widely.

Ten times better, yes,” Sunggyu said, nodding his head. “But they'll never be able to take you away from me.”

And they'll never be able to take you from me,” Woohyun agreed, grinning at him.

How many?” a waitress asked, causing the two to turn on her.

Just two of us,” Sunggyu replied, gesturing between himself and Woohyun.

Alright, follow me,” she said, leading them to the back of the dining hall.

Sunggyu and Woohyun obediently followed behind her. They sat down at their tables and politely took the menus out of her hands. They ordered a couple of cokes, and then was left alone to enjoy the silence. Woohyun tapped lightly on the table, taking in the whole place. Sunggyu just watched him with curious eyes.

This is a nice place,” Woohyun stated, looking back at Sunggyu.

It really is,” Sunggyu agreed, nodding his head.

A lovely place for a first date,” Woohyun stated, grinning his cheesy grin at Sunggyu.

Then you should bring your girlfriends here if you think that,” the waitress replied as she came back with their cokes.

Uh,” Sunggyu said, frowning. “WE don't have girlfriends. We're gay.”

Yeah, and he's my special man,” Woohyun stated, pointing at Sunggyu. “And THIS is our first date.”

Oh, I'm sorry,” the girl said, giving them an uncomfortable bow. “Uh, can I take your order then?”

I'll get a Dak Galbi,” Woohyun replied, taking his coke and staring at Sunggyu.

Ah, and I'll have some bulgolgi.” Sunggyu replied, refusing to look at the waitress.

I-I'll get that right away for you,” she said, before practically running away from the table.

Well that was awkward,” Sunggyu said with a sigh.

Well people will be haters,” Woohyun said, smirking at him. “But it doesn't matter, as long as we're happy.”

Sunggyu nodded his head in agreement, and their conversation continued from there. They soon started talking about different foods they liked, laughing at the different foreign names for some dishes. Sunggyu went off on a long rant about how he absolutely adored Mexican food, which Woohyun had never had in his life. Sunggyu decided that one day he'll make Mexican food for him. That's a must for sure.

Once their food arrived, the two ate in peace. Every once in a while, Woohyun would reach over and steal Sunggyu's food. Sunggyu just rolled his eyes, but continued eating. At one point, Woohyun picked up a piece of kimchi and offered it to Sunggyu. Sunggyu grinned and ate the kimchi off his chopsticks. Then he did the same thing for his boyfriend.

Once they were finished, Woohyun paid for the meal and then they made their way to the movie theater. Sunggyu held tightly on to Woohyun's hand as they made it through the crowds of people catching the late night movie. Woohyun dragged Sunggyu right over to the concessions counter, ordering a large popcorn and two medium sodas. He then proceeded to smother the popcorn in butter. Sunggyu rolled his eyes at him and started walking towards the theater their movie would be showing in.

Once they were inside the theater, they found two seats directly in the theater. In Woohyun's mind, those were the best seats. Grinning, he dragged Sunggyu over to those seats and forced him to sit down. Sunggyu rolled his eyes, but complied anyway. He immediately started munching on the popcorn, staring at the screen.

Hyung, this is the best date I've ever had,” Woohyun stated, placing his head on Sunggyu's shoulder.

This is the ONLY date you've ever had,” Sunggyu replied, looking at him. “Isn't it?”

Of course, hyung,” Woohyun replied, closing his eyes. “Hyung, I love you.”

Love you too, Hyunnie,” Sunggyu replied, just as the movie started playing. “This is the best night ever.”

It is,” Woohyun agreed, nodding his head and opening his eyes once again.

No shh, it's movie time,” Sunggyu said, stuffing more popcorn in his mouth.

The movie ended up being really boring and horribly cheesy (Worse than Woohyun cheesy), so the two found a different way to spend their time. They had a contest to see who could throw a piece of popcorn in the other's mouth with out it falling to the ground. They already had a huge pile on the floor, but they didn't care. Woohyun picked up a piece of popcorn and tossed it at Sunggyu, who finally caught it. Woohyun grinned and clapped his hands, causing Sunggyu to roll his eyes at him.

The game continued until they had no more popcorn anymore. Woohyun stared sadly at the ground, where all their popcorn was lost. Sunggyu laughed and kicked some of the popcorn at him. This caused Woohyun to fight back, kicking the popcorn back at him. Soon their war got so bad, that security was called on them. They were then kicked out of the theater.

With nothing better to do, the two laughed loudly and slumped down the side of the building. After Sunggyu caught his breath, he looked at Woohyun. However, that just made him laugh even more. The two laughed for a good two minutes, before finally calming down. They both felt so great right then.

Wow, I've never been kicked out of a theater because of a popcorn war,” Woohyun stated.

Neither have I,” Sunggyu replied, shaking his head. “But you have to admit, that was the worst movie ever!”

It really was,” Woohyun agreed. “But I don't think it was a waste of money.”

Definitely not,” Sunggyu replied, standing up and stretching. “C'mon, let's go back.”

Good idea,” Woohyun said, standing up as well. “Hyung, I had a great night tonight.”

I did too,” Sunggyu said, grinning at him. “That was truly amazing.”

We need to go out more like this,” Woohyun stated as they started walking back towards the college.

Yeah we do,” Sunggyu agreed.

The two of them walked in silence, hand in hand once again. This time, they walked slowly. They wanted to savor the moment. Their first date was coming to an end, even though they wished it could last forever. It would be amazing if they could have more and more moments like they had tonight.

They passed a park, where a small family was sitting. Even though it was midnight, the family didn't seem to care. The kids looked to be about six or seven. It was a brother and sister, who were chasing each other around the swings. Sunggyu and Woohyun smiled at them, before continuing on their way.

The city was quieter now, letting them walk in a happy silence. The year's first snow fall started falling, causing Woohyun to stop and look up at the sky. All the lights but one suddenly went out, surprising Woohyun slightly. The snow started to fall harder, the white swirling under the light they were standing underneath. The family at the park stopped playing and looked over at them.

The whole moment felt very magical to Sunggyu. He looked at Woohyun, who was now making eye contact with him. Without further ado, Woohyun pulled Sunggyu in to his arms and cupped Sunggyu's cheeks. Sunggyu wrapped his arms around Woohyun's neck, staring deep in to his eyes. The two didn't want to break eye contact this time.

Without warning, Woohyun pulled Sunggyu closer and placed his lips against Sunggyu's. Sunggyu immediately kissed back, savoring Woohyun's lips. It was their first kiss since they became a couple, and it couldn't have come at a more perfect time. Nothing could beat this moment. Nothing could beat the special night that marked their first official date as a couple.

A/N There you go, WooGyu's first date! And their first official kiss!! No ing!! Yay!!!! <3

Awwww, thank you soooo much for reading and subscribing and commenting! I love you all so much! Even if I don't update in a week, I end up getting more and more subscribers every day. You know I love you all, right?? Thank you!! <3

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Chapter 32: I cant open the sequel authornim..
I'm still kinda buzy right now, looking forward to read this later authornim
KimchiCupcakes #3
Chapter 14: I kept laughing till my heart is beating now
Shadowsfyre #4
Chapter 22: I was excited for this chapter I am just going to say it. I LOVED it!!! It was like I was about to attend an Infinite concert. When they won I was literally squealing and jumping around in my seat and then around my room. My heart was beating so fast. For a relatively new fan of Infinite and someone who has not been able to see them in concert, thank you for bringing one to life for me. I haven't written a review until now, but I felt like I had to. Thank you so much for this chapter. :D
Chapter 30: Kiyaaa this is a perfect ending
Infinite will always be one
happy birthday woohyunnie!!!
straybangfinite877 #6
Chapter 29: Unnie miss miss you so much
why did you dissappear
Omo poor baby woo
sunggyu is a.big meanie lol!
nanagirl #8
Chapter 15: I love this chapter so much >w< soooooo cuteeeeee TTwTT both of them god they're just so cute
Chapter 28: yeayy they won !
Chapter 28: Yeahhhhh they won!!!!
2 more chappie only...
how sad T.T